#writing month


Hey, everyone!

Thank you so much for everyone who participated in November (and all the notes on the prompt list).

Of course, I didn’t get as many entries as I originally hoped for, but I think it went well. And as much as I wanted to post along, unfortunately, I was extremely unmotivated to write lately (terrible timing, I know).

But this is something I would have learned sooner or later that I should have posted an interest check first but it was already too late since when I had the idea it was already mid-late September.

I really don’t know if I’ll have one of these next year since there really is a lack of content creators and rarepair shippers but if anyone is interested, I’ll definitely try to come up with something :D

Again, thanks everyone so much for the reblogs, likes, entries and questions sent to my ask box or comment section.

(And for those of you who are interested in a writing/art week/month dedicated to a character/ship, let me know!)
