#written and drawn by david michael chandler

“The Aliens Are Always There For Him”Reggie Bannings smiles wistfully as the Aliens unravel his inte

“The Aliens Are Always There For Him”

Reggie Bannings smiles wistfully as the Aliens unravel his intestines to perform countless more experiments on his human body, just like they’ve done regularly since he was a child.

He laughs to himself about how it used to scare him, being taken from his bedroom at night… it’s so cute now.

He’s not sure what they’re actually doing to his body, or what the constant odd surgeries and implants are for… all he knows is this: family will leave you, friends will betray you, but the Aliens who have abducted him several times a year since the age of 7 are always there for him.

And despite the abject terror they caused him growing up, the mysterious lost time and random disappearances which have ruined his marriage(s) and career, the skepticism and ridicule he faces when he tries to explain what happened to him… Reggie loves these Aliens.  They’ve been through a lot together, you know?

They’re the one constant in his life, and he is glad he’s old enough now to appreciate it.

Originally Posted 9/30/2011

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“The Boy Who Isn’t Really All That Special”Danny walks down the hallway, into the living roomEveryon

“The Boy Who Isn’t Really All That Special”

Danny walks down the hallway, into the living room
Everyone is fast asleep, but Danny is filled with doom and gloom
He may not ever realize, but his subconscious already knows
That’s he’s just really not that special, and it obviously shows.

Even though he’s only seven, it’s still abundantly clear
That he ain’t curing any disease, or winning Boy of the Year.
No society changing inventions will come from his average mind,
And his thoughts and/or opinions will never alter the course of humankind.

He doesn’t know that yet, and he’ll always be told a lie
That he’s a unique snowflake, and a special lil’ guy.
He’ll belabour under this myth for a lifetime’s worth of years,
Living an average life filled with average happiness and tears.

But does it really matter if Danny isn’t the special-est guy on Earth?
And the world won’t feel any impact from his death or birth?
Because if EVERYONE is special, then no one really is
Each person has their role to play, and being Un-Special is his.

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