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— Bittersweet; Mother’s Day Specials (3/3)


(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)

Note: That’s the end of the mother’s day specials! Happy mother’s day to all the mothers around the world!

Cormere, Cordelia (8:48pm)

Alfie (to the phone): Yes, mum. We’re about to take off. I’ll call you when we land. Tell Rae not to wait for us.


Alfie: Oh, alright. We’ll see you there then. Bye.

???: Is that mum?

Alfie: Mhm. She’s already in Holan with Rae. Rae’s begging to go home.

???: *sighs* That girl always gets what she wants.

Alfie: Can you blame her? She’s mum’s first grandchild and everyone waited so long for her.

???: I know. But I don’t want to spoil her too much. What if she grows up to be like “you-know-who”?

Alfie: She won’t. Trust me.

???: You must’ve thought I was harsh when I ground her the other day.

Alfie: Not really. She did get in trouble, so she has to learn there’s consequences for her actions.

???: Then why didn’t you ground her? You made me look like the bad guy to her.

Alfie: Sayang (Darling), you know I can’t do that. You’re better at this disciplining thing. I’m weak whenever she give me that pleading look.

???: Urgh, you can’t be like that. You need to be more strict with her, or else she’s going to walk all over you.

Alfie: Like how I let you do that to me? I’m weak for you too.

???:…I hate you.

Alfie: *chuckles* No, you don’t. If you do, this won’t be in you.

???: If you call the baby a “this” again, I’ll bite you.

Alfie: Ooh, please do.

???: Oh lord, I married a weirdo.

Alfie: You love this weirdo. Don’t deny that.

???: I’m going to sleep. You’re giving me a headache.

Alfie: *laughs* Goodnight, babe.

???: You suck, Alfie.


Calista House, Holan (1:00am)

Sofia: Welcome home. How was the flight?

Alfie: It got delayed for a bit because of a storm, but everything was fine.

???: Where’s Rae?

Sofia: She’s asleep upstairs.

Alfie: Thank you for looking after her, mum. I hope it’s not a trouble for you.

Sofia:Nonsense! She’s never a trouble for your dad and I. We’re getting lonely at the palace, it’s good to have a child playing around again. Reminds me of you when you were young.

Alfie:*chuckles* I’m glad she filled in the loneliness for you and dad.

Sofia: Indeed, she does.

Sofia: I have to leave now. I have an audience with the Prime Minister tomorrow. I don’t want to wake up late for that.

???: Wait! Mum, did Rae tell you what really happened at school?

Alfie: Oh, yeah. You said you’d try to get something out of her. Did she spill anything?

Sofia: Yes. She said that the girl made fun of her mama and she got mad because this wasn’t the first time that girl did that to her.

Alfie: That girl made fun of who? Whose kid is this? I should meet with her parents. How the hell did they raise this kid.

???:…she was defending her mama?

Sofia: Mhm.

???: I…I see.

Sofia: Well, I’ll take my leave. The chauffer is waiting for me. Goodnight, both of you. Rest well.

*door opens and closes*

Alfie: Sayang? Is everything okay?

???: I’m going to check on Rae.


*door creaks*

Raeliana: *snores loudly*

Alfie: Shh, don’t wake her.

???: I know!

Alfie: What’s she holding?

???: It’s…a drawing. She drew us.

Alfie: Awww, that’s adorable.


Alfie: I’m here, baby. Go back to sleep.

Raeliana: *yawns* Mmmma…I made cookies for you.

???: You did?

Raeliana: Mmm…

Alfie: She went back to sleep. Come on, let’s leave. We don’t want to wake her.

???: Yeah. You leave first, I’ll come in a minute.

Alfie: Alright.

*door opens and closes*

???:I’m sorry too, Rae. For getting mad at you.

???: Goodnight, sweetie. I love you.

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