#wtnv 210 spoilers


I don’t know if this makes sense or if anyone feels the same way, but Ten Years Later especially (as well as the A Door Ajar arc and some desert otherworld eps) really played up the idea of Carlos and Cecil’s relationship (and Carlos and Kevin’s relationship) as creating a sense of social discomfort.

I think this is why I like these eps so much. Because WTNV tries to make you feel discomfort in many ways. It’s a horror podcast. That is what horror aims to make you do: cringe and squirm and anticipate (in the negative sense). And more cynical people would say Cecilos is just a fluffy distraction from that. And they are, a lot of the time, which I love. But sometimes there’s a certain tone between them that I would say is another permutation of that same horror, or at least discomfort. And that is made all the more uncomfortable by the fact that you HAVE grown to love this couple so much. It feels so intrusive because you already know so much about them. Augh

WTNV 210 reminded me of a quote from a q&a I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. It was basically Dylan (voice of carlos) saying “I don’t think Carlos has ever told a lie in his life”, and Kevin (voice of kevin) interjecting with “Can I say? I think Carlos lies in his actions”.

This quote has been the glue that holds all of my carlos thoughts together for the past couple years. God. Yeah he sure does huh.
