#wyman manderly



i’m sorry, do the manderly’s actually believe the tale the frey’s are telling them?

ok he doesn’t. the way wyman is talking it sounds like he’s about to kill them.

Ned and his bannermen in the riverlands during Robert’s rebellion (picturing it as before the battle

Ned and his bannermen in the riverlands during Robert’s rebellion (picturing it as before the battle of the trident)

Pictured: Wyman Manderly, Rickard Karstark, Roose Bolton, Eddard Stark, and one of the Umbers

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Asoiaf Old Hollywood fancast↝ Alfred Hitchcock as Wyman Manderly “…and the mummer&rsquoAsoiaf Old Hollywood fancast↝ Alfred Hitchcock as Wyman Manderly “…and the mummer&rsquoAsoiaf Old Hollywood fancast↝ Alfred Hitchcock as Wyman Manderly “…and the mummer&rsquoAsoiaf Old Hollywood fancast↝ Alfred Hitchcock as Wyman Manderly “…and the mummer&rsquoAsoiaf Old Hollywood fancast↝ Alfred Hitchcock as Wyman Manderly “…and the mummer&rsquoAsoiaf Old Hollywood fancast↝ Alfred Hitchcock as Wyman Manderly “…and the mummer&rsquo

Asoiaf Old Hollywood fancast
↝ Alfred Hitchcock as Wyman Manderly

“…and the mummer’s farce is almost done. My son is home.”

Yes, it would have to be a cameo.

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