#xiao drabble



Spoilers from recent quest, read with caution.

Xiao centric.

So for the longest time reader has liked Xiao, even loves him if reader was really honest with themselves. But Xiao being Xiao has always been closed off, karmic debt is harmful to humans, he says. That doesn’t really deter reader, reader just bides their time trying to “pester” Xiao or hang out with him.

Fast forward to the events of the Chasm, reader hears word that Xiao has the intentions of exploring down there and its dangerous. He knows it. Reader knows it. So reader decides to semi-confess. The “I’ll wait for you to come back and we can have that meal together” type of confession. Xiao neither declines nor accepts it but says something along the lines of “Don’t count on it too much,”

But, when Xiao comes back from the Chasm, near death experience and all, after traveller talking some sense into him about letting people in, he immediately thinks of reader, but he finds that reader is the one who has disappeared.

Turns out that in the span of time that Xiao was in the Chasm, reader had fallen seriously ill and is on their last legs.

Alternate route: Reader gets hanahaki disease while Xiao is in the chasm, deteriorates so fast, and was given an option to perish or take a pill that will make them feel better, but lose all feelings/memories for the person they love. Reader took the pill and by the time Xiao comes around reader doesn’t remember him anymore.


This will stay as brainrot for now. I have too much on my hands already.
