#xiao feng


Cross Fire Whump List

Cross Fire is a 2020 Chinese action, sci-fi, e-sports drama. It follows two rising e-sports players, one living in 2008 and the other in 2019, as they try to build teams and win their respective gaming tournaments. A cosmic glitch (MDL’s words) allows these two to communicate over time and space. The two build a friendship and help each other face their own problems. The show also has an underlying mystery.

I thought this show was very well done. And for a show that has e-sports at the center, it feels very high-stakes.

Where to watch: You’re gonna have to search for it. It is a bit challenging to find high-quality and good subs.

Spoilers ahead…

Whumpee: Lu Xiao Bei / North played by Wu Lei (Leo Wu)

Episode 1: Betrayed, framed

Episodes 2-3:None

Episode 4: Groaning in pain as his leg is forcibly stretched, holding his leg to his chest

Episode 5:None

Episode 6: His overprotective father refuses to let him play

Episode 7: None

Episode 8: His father makes him go to work with him so he can’t play in the match, father handcuffs his wheelchair to a desk so he can’t run away, cuts his finger

Episode 9: Overhears friend say she wouldn’t like a crippled man in a wheelchair

Episode 10: Crying

Episode 11: Crying after failing to save his brother, feels guilty for his brother’s death

Episode 12: None

Episode 13: Goes through physical therapy trying to walk again

Episode 14: More physical therapy

Episode 15: Physical therapy, collapses, holding his leg, grunting in pain

Episodes 16-17:None

Episode 18: Physical therapy, grunting in pain

Episodes 19-20:None

Episode 21: Get into a fight, helped to walk (he is out of his wheelchair and using crutches), concern for his friend/teammate

Episodes 22-24:None

Episode 25: Briefly chased, boxed in against a tree

Episode 26: Told that his friend died a decade ago

Episode 27: Worried that he couldn’t save his friend, concern for him, finds out his friend has been in a coma for eleven years

Episode 28: Told that he is being sold to another team

Episode 29:None

Episode 30: Goes into the game to get Xiao Feng, finds out who killed his brother, wakes up screaming, rolls off the bed, has painful red lines on his chest and shoulder, concerned for friend, believes he failed to bring his friend back

Episode 31: Confronts the man responsible for his brother’s death

Episode 32: Breathing heavy, sweating, told he should ask for time to rest, team pulls him up out of his chair, crying

Episode 33:None

Episode 34: Pushed down onto a table, held down, hand smashed with a meat mallet, falls to the floor, yelling and clutching his hand, hand bandaged, yelling and thrashing in pain as his hand is examined, in a hospital bed, bloody bandage on his hand

Episode 35: Unwraps his wounded hand (it’s a little bit gory), doctor warns him about playing with his wounded hand, bleeding through his bandage, struggling to play, wincing when ice pack placed on his hand, hand shaking in pain, concern for him, grunting in pain, hand unbandaged again

Episode 36: Bloody bandage on his hand, hand shaking as he moves, injured hand grabbed and pulled, yelling in pain, wakes up in bed, grunting in pain, grabs his hand, bloody bandage, teammates worried about his condition, breathing heavy, pulled out of the match (for his safety and future), crying

Whumpee: Xiao Feng / Seven played by Lu Han

Episode 1: Grabbed by the arm, kicked in the chest, arrested

Episode 2: Sad boy hour as he lets go of his dream

Episodes 3-4: None

Episode 5:Sad

Episode 6: Made to drink in place of his boss, tears, drunk and miserable, leaning on his roommate for support

Episodes 7-8:None

Episode 9: Plans to infiltrate a center that “cures” internet addiction, bound with ropes, chased, manhandled, taken away for treatment, tasered, concern for him, passed out, carried, locked in a room, in a fight, hit in the back of the head, arm held behind his back, held by his hair, hand on his head in pain, building filled with gas, oxygen mask put over his face

Episode 10: Fails to prevent an accident, devastated

Episode 11: Crying, calls himself a liar and useless, feels guilty

Episode 12: In a fight, arrested, slapped by his father

Episodes 13-14: None

Episode 15: Discovers that his friend/teammate cheated during an important match

Episode 16: Team is ostracized and prevented from playing because of his cheating teammate

Episodes 17-20:None

Episode 21: Grabbing his head in pain

Episode 22: Punched in the face

Episodes 23-24: None

Episode 25: Coughing, girlfriend feels his forehead, told he has a fever, sweating, struggling to focus

Episode 26: Concerned for his friend/teammate, discovers that said friend killed someone

Episode 27: (flashback) On a gurney, oxygen mask on, dies, signs up for a game trial and is hooked up to wires, friend tells him he does not plan to let him leave the game, finds out that the same friend killed another person, on a gurney, oxygen mask, heart and nervous system suffered severe damage, falls into a coma

Episode 28: In a hospital bed with tubes and wires, concern for him, trapped in a game

Episodes 29-30: In a hospital bed, still in a coma

Episode 31: Wakes up from coma

Episode 32: Upset at his friend’s betrayal, reunited with his team

Episode 33: Grabbing his head in pain

Episodes 34-35:None

Episode 36:Elbowed in the gut, thrown to the ground, hit on the arm with a fire extinguisher, holding his arm while rolling in pain, upset at the loss of his friend (even though he was a traitor and murderer)

东宫 -  匪我思存 Eastern Palace  -  Fei Wo Si CunPrincess of the Western Liang Kingdom - Qu Xiaofeng“  一只狐

东宫 -  匪我思存
Eastern Palace  -  Fei Wo Si Cun

Princess of the Western Liang Kingdom - Qu Xiaofeng

“  一只狐狸啊
坐在沙丘上 瞧着月亮
是在等放羊归来的姑娘” -  小狐狸

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