#xmen imagine


laying their hand on the other’s neck

Pyro x reader

Word Count: 191

Specifically requested by @kyn-lyn-blog

The advantage of being in a relationship with a pyrokinetic was obvious: easy access to a provider of warmth during the freezing months around Xavier’s School. The less-obvious advantage required the presence of a somewhat-trickster-leaning mind. Fortunately for you, you had that in spades. Which was what led you to the current situation.

You snuck up behind John as he talked to Bobby, the latter blessedly not cluing his friend in on your current actions. Then, with your freezing fingers, you placed them against the exposed back of his warm neck.

Fuck!” came the immediate exclamation. When he saw you snickering upon whirling around to face his ‘attacker’, his jaw dropped in mock-betrayal. “Bitch!” The word was harsh, but his tone was borderline laughing.

“That was good, and you know it,” Bobby said between his own chuckles.

“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, assholes.” Even as he said it, he covered your hands in his to warm up the cold digits. 

“Call it payback, Johnny-boy.”

“Payback for fuckin’ what?”

“You forget that you stole my dessert last night?”

“… You know what? Fair. Doesn’t mean I’m sorry, though. Storm makes a mean cheesecake.”

Your boyfriend prepared a nice evening for you to startoff the weekend after a very exhausting and demanding week in the hospital.


Requestedby (I think this was) anon: “Can I reaquest something with Donald Pierce where the reader is a doctor during quarantine and she works so hard and he is so supportive of her by paying regular visits to her in hospital or preparing dinner for them when she gets back home? Just need some Donald Pierce fluff during this time. Have a good day/night” 

and, as it was laying around in my inbox: 


A/N: Hope you like it! 

“Babyyy, you need to stay away from me,” (Y/N) ran a hand through her hair and pushing him away.

“I can’t get infected,” he expressed, kissing her cheek as he hugged her tighter. 

“Why are you like this?” she chuckled, pecking his lips. 

“Perfect?” he smirked.

“… get off.” The woman pushed him off.

“I’m joking,” Donald laughed, watching her pull the blanket away with her. 

“Ugh, it’s already 11pm, I’m so exhausted with everything.” she sighed.

“My lady, let me escort you to bed,” he scooped her in his arms and walked towards the bedroom.

“What did I do to deserve you?” she murmured as they both slipped into bed.

“The bare minimum,” he whispered, keeping her close.


“Is that better?” (Y/N) inquired, maintaining eye contact with the patient, remote in hand.

“Yes, thank you so much, miss.” the woman got comfy as the bed was better adjusted for her. 

“Make sure to let anyone know if you experience any more discomfort alright?” offering a reassuring smile, she walked away once she was happy with the patient’s answer. 

“How is she?” 

“Stable, she should be alright.” she nodded before heading outside for her break. Walking towards the exit, she pulled her latex gloves off, dropping it in the bin, washing her hands and taking some hand sanitizer. 

As soon as she was out, a tired sigh escaped her. Too many new cases, some are getting worse quickly and others are recovering slowly. They were severely understaffed, low on equipment and a too-low-a budget for the necessary protection for doctors and nurses. It was tiring, overwhelming, but she had so much support, both in the workplace and at home that created a sort of determination that stopped her from collapsing from exhaustion entirely.

Taking a deep breath, her eyes fluttered closed. It wasn’t particularly hot in the hospital, but it definitely felt cooler out here, the small breeze  


Eyes shot open, did she hear her name or was it the hectic morning that had already taken a toll on her.

When she saw a familiar figure approaching her, an eyebrow shot up.

“What are you doing here babe?” the woman inquired as she eyed the paper bag he was carrying.

“Had to travel across the city so I thought I’d buy you lunch so you didn’t have to do more hasslin’.”

“Aw babe,” she cooed, hugging him with one hand as the other grasped the bag, “thank you.” (Y/N) murmured, inspecting its contents.

“Of course darling,” he whispered, kissing her cheek and keeping her in his embrace.

“Do you know what time you’ll be finished tonight?” Donald’s eyes were soft, hoping she could get a little more rest and return home at a reasonable hour.

“I don’t know, I’m sorry." 

"Don’t be, just text me 45 minutes before you get home ‘right?” he pecked her temple. 

“Okay.” she nodded, watching him let go. 

“I need to go, stay safe sweetheart!” the last thing he let go was her hand as he scurried to the black SUV that was parked around the corner. 

“You too babe!" 


The woman was happy to be let off early for the weekend given the current situation, but also felt bad for some colleagues whose shift was starting tonight or early tomorrow morning until late in the evening, up until midweek. 

Checking the time, she was proud of herself for texting her boyfriend, yet again a very on-point estimation of her time of arrival. Similar to the last five days as he asked her to do. 

He made sure he was home before she was with some warm food he picked up on the way all presented nicely for when she was back so they could eat together. 

"Baby I’m back.” she announced after locking the front door and pushing her feet out of her shoes, slipping them in her slippers. 

It felt good to relax at home. 

“Babe?” she called out when she didn’t hear him. There was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen, however. 

“In here sweetheart.” Pierce finally answered. 

Walking towards the kitchen, her mouth practically watering as the smell became more intense. 

“No you didn’t.” (Y/N) whined, connecting the dots. 

“Yes I did baby.” He glanced at the time and turned to her, “take your clothes off and get in the bathroom.” 

“There’s more?” her head cocked to the side in disbelief. 

“Always, now go.” leaning over the oven to peer into it, watching how cooked the meal he was making was, “I’ll be there in a second.” Donald ushered.  

Obligingly, the woman walked to the bedroom, slipping her clothes off and wrapping her towel around her before pacing towards the bathroom.

“Surprise love.” he smirked, opening the door for her. In the cheesiest way he could possibly achieve, candles created a romantic setting as the rose petals littering the clean floor and warm water-bomb-filled bath. 

“How long did all this take?” she sighed in admiration. 

“Not long, just had to set it all out, I bought everything over the last few days.” 

“This is too perfect.” she pouted. 

“Not yet.” he pecked her lips, taking his and her towel and placing it on the hook, slipping into the bath and gesturing for her to come in as well. 

He hugged her tightly when she did, resting his head on her shoulder.

“Is the water too hot?” he whispered. 

“No, it’s a great baby.” she chuckled, scooting comfortably against him. 

“Just a heads up, we’ll only be able to stay for twenty minutes, I overshot and I don’t want the food to burn in the oven.”

“That’s really okay, I’m already so grateful for everything you’ve done for me. What can I do to make up for it?“ 

"Baby, you’ve done more than enough.” he scoffed. 

“But it’s my job!” the woman looked back at him. 

He cleared his throat, noting the determined look (Y/N) gave him, and sighed. She wasn’t going to budge on this. 

“Fine, give me a kiss and we’ll be even." 

Reluctantly, she complied, "alright.” reaching up and kissing him deeply.

He smiled in the kiss, rubbing circles in her hips before she pulled away. 

“I love you.” she murmured. 

“I love you too.” Donald smiled.

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging: @lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ @eris-maximoff

Having thought you were finally in the clear from being hunted as one of the original X-Men alongside your friend Logan, you were certain you could go on with life, until he asked for you help to protect someone.


Requestedbyanon: “not sure if request are open, but if they are could I request a nice old man logan & laura kinney imagine? in which while they are all on the run from transigen, logan calls up the reader who’s an old friend. reader has the ability to shift into a wolf and once they meet up and reader shifts in front of them, laura is all like—"puppy!“ anyways, hope this makes sense.  “ 

A/N: Hope you like it! I did it in two parts again because I went a little overboard! Sorry!

Warning: violence (pretty graphic) in the second part, cursing probably.

A small sigh escaped her lips, lowering her cap to conceal her eyes as she took a sip of her warm drink.

It was a sunny, peaceful afternoon and she was going to enjoy it as long as it lasted before she needed to move on. People might still be out, looking for her, but she had to admit it had become very quiet lately. 

She had almost started to let her guard down, almost. 

Having been one of the few mutant-borns still out there, (Y/N) needed to make sure she stayed out of any trouble constantly and not let her instincts take over. Those were the old days, and even now a few she might still be watched. 

“Here is your sandwich to go.” the waiter placed it on her table with a smile.

“Thank you very much.” she nodded, standing up, making sure she had everything with her before heading to her car. 

Slipping inside, she made sure the door was locked before pulling her cap off and sunglasses. Unwrapping her sandwich and munching on it. 

After taking a sip from her drink, her phone vibrated on the passenger seat.

Lifting an eyebrow at the unexpected text, she awkwardly wiped her hands and grasped her phone.

A number she was surprised to see popped up.

~ We need to meet, we’re on the run, location? ~


This must not be good at all. (Y/N) sat back in her chair, her heart lurching, she didn’t want to be back in the loop of the rush of being caught, but it was Logan, he wouldn’t have asked if he didn’t have a good reason. A sigh escaped her, if she was going to expose herself to this, she had to be clever enough to remain discreet. 


It had been three days since the text, two of which were preparations and actual driving on the road, she was exhausted, and given the fact that she was half an hour early to their meeting, she might have been able to take a nap.

Until a knock on her door made her jump out of her skin. The figure stood outside, having recognised the car despite her tinted windows, he waited until she let him in.

To which, the girl did. Watching his face as he entered brought back so many memories, it seemed all the good times were just a dream, that it never existed. The woman just realised, what was she supposed to say to him? After all those years of hunting, killing – or rather, being hunted, being killed, having to live as a ghost in a very living world and then finally meet another ghost whose stories converged at one point? Chilling.

“Hey Logan,” she smiled. His features were older, clothes ragged, life visibly took a toll on him, he was tired of it, but he also looked somewhat determined.

“Hey.” he grunted, sitting still. There was a moment of silence, unspoken respect and putting any unresolved issues aside.

“Come here you grumpy old man.” (Y/N) reached and hugged him tightly. Slowly, he returned the hug. 

“It’s been a while.” he sighed as she pulled away. 

“What did you need me for? You’re on the run? What did you do now?” her stern voice returned. He wouldn’t have sought out a hand to anyone else, the woman was a cherished friend that would understand his character, so getting straight to the point,  

“I have a daughter.” he responded bluntly, 

“A daughter? How-”

“Not mine, this, company, used my DNA.”

“Artificial? Fucked up,” she breathed out in disappointment. This could be very bad, in case it was not ethically disturbing beforehand.

“She escaped, came to me and now.” 

“Yeah, I get it.” she nodded, “Do you have a plan?”

He stayed quiet. 

“Run, got it. And where is she?”  

“In another car.” 

“She’s here? You left her on her own to talk to me? Are you insane? You’ve already lost points on parental skills!” the girl expressed, baffled. 

“I didn’t know whether you were going to help.” he justified.

“You came to me, obviously I’m going to help you, who am I? You?” a scoff escaped her. He chuckled, clearly having missed their banter, “well go on then, call her here, we have no time to waste.” 

Pressing the button on the car door, the window opened slowly, until it stopped just to frame his eyes. Facing a dirty, bullet-holed limousine. Why didn’t she notice that earlier? Of course that dump is his. The car door opened and out came a small brunette girl, she hurried over, opened (Y/N)’s car door, slipped inside and closed it.

“Hey sweetie.” the woman smiled, peering into the back seat, “I’m (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you. What’s your name?” 

“Her name is Laura, she doesn’t speak.” Logan filled in, watching as the girl studied the child’s unbothered face.


It had been a week since they arrived at the border, their fake passports were still in the works, they were miles away from ‘Transigen’s’ last known location. This tiny cabin would be harder to find as it was concealed by the very large stretch of woodland in the area. 

Since they had become their number one target however, having rescued the majority of children, they still had to keep their guard up, more than ever. It had been a tiring month but it was worth it. 

What had been a very secretive organisation with an unknown number of agents turned into a collapsed infrastructure with scientists, nurses and children, disappeared. Only this certain ‘Donald Pierce’ and his ‘Reavers’, along with the leading scientist were left. If they could get rid of them, this could all finally end and these poor children could finally start adjusting to a good life. 

It was (Y/N)’s run to the supermarket, picking up an ungodly amount of food for 17 mouths to feed. After paying and getting weird looks from customers and the cashier, she hauled the shopping bags towards her car, which had become drastically unreliable from the insane sudden mileage. 

~ They’re here ~

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging: @lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ 
