#yamakou friendship



DIGI-ADVS A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “r0b0t” b0y
[As this is a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}]
(I’d prefer less re-blogging, but won’t bite if you do)
[‘Like’s & replies OK!]
~ Koushiro Izumi + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi}/Taishiro
(& e.t.c. as friendly)
SONG ( C ) Linkin.P@rk
DigiAdvs ( C ) T0ei.@nimation
{Some minimal Koushiro-spoiler for Tri, 2020}

{Still Deciding if I want to finish thisforAug. 1st.}


[written by Hiroyuki Kakudou, a main writer]
& Hiro Masaki, Koushiro’s “main writer” {1/3rd of Novel}


{from the Ep28 Gate based sequence}:


{with credit to Onkei for the Novels translations}


DIGI-ADVS A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “r0b0t” b0y
[As this is a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}]
featuring DUO/O.T.P.:
~ Koushiro Izumi + KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi}/Taishiro
(& e.t.c. as friendly) [+Izumi Family; & Tentomon]
SONG ( C ) Linkin.P@rk
DigiAdvs ( C ) T0ei.@nimation
{Some minimal Koushiro-spoiler for Tri & 2020} {no Kizuna} (Yet)[?]

{STILL Deciding if I want to finish thisforAug. 1st.}

- I edited in everything from 1:43 timemark onward while:
– sitting in the dark (I tried to sit away enough)
during a storm
– that knocked our power out for just over 1 hour+
– the whole thing nearly crashedwhen I tried to add in a transition,
on one the Gate ep clips near end
(I managed to save it before accidentally saving it elsewhere
& having the worst happen aka - not being able to finish / losing the rest)
– I probably won’t be able to add in much past this point without splitting the whole thing / splicing the song in two right around where this one left off
– in total there’s just about 83~85 clips, which is typically where it crashes
(in worst case scenarios it can even begin crashing by clips 20~30)
– Yes, I’m intentionallyhaving Koushiro
move to the beats of the songinspots
