


Yamato Ishida Week


Hello everyone! We’re so excited to announce the Yamato Ishida week! Let’s show our boy some love! Here are the prompts for each day and a small explanation below. If you have still any questions, feel free to ask us here or at @sorato-fan,@kinoko-shinyand@tangledupblue​. We are looking forward to seeing your submissions!

We Will Rock You
Day 1: Music

Yamato’s essence is strongly associated with music. And boy does he rock! On this day, we want you all to make some noise with your fabulous creations and rock on!

Day 2: Family

Family is everything, and our golden boy is no exception; whether the food he makes, the forgiveness he shows, or the extended family he finds, one thing is for sure: it wouldn’t have been possible without his loved ones

Day 3: (Self) reflection/ Crest of Friendship/ Life events

Yamato is meant for the stars… Quite literally; and this day is for us to explore how far he’s come and what that has meant. He contains universes, and we want you to analyze the fragments that make him… Well, him.

You’re My Best Friend
Day 4: Gabumon

Unconditional love is a treasure and Yamato knows he has a loved one who’ll always have his back. On this day, we want you to show all the love for our beloved and furry digimon.

Carry on My Wayward Son
Day 5: Childhood

Our formative years turn us into ourselves, and there is no better way to dissect our loved boy than through his childhood days: the day Takeru was born, his first day at school, the day he met Gabumon… We want to see your versions of his child-self.

More Than a Feeling
Day 6: Love/Friendship

Love is friendship through other means. On this day, we want to see YOUR interpretations of love and friendship: self-love, platonic friendships, familial love… We live in a big world, and there is much love and many friendships to show.

I Want to Break Free
Day 7: Free Day

We want you to break your chains and explore any other aspect of Yamato’s life, personality, or bio we haven’t considered. If he contains multitudes, we still have much terrain to cover.

Ohhh i wish i can join
