#yamato ishida


Mientras los corredores estan vacíos, ellos aprovechan para darse un beso de despedida

When Mimi is discharged from the hospital, she thanks Joe for taking care of her, but a jealous Yamato saw the scene and did not like that tender hug. ️️

So come a little closerThere was something I could tell youYou were such a rollercoaster

So come a little closer

There was something I could tell you

You were such a rollercoaster

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“-HE’S NOT DUMB HE’S COLORBLIND”The only explanation for his fashion sense“-HE’S NOT DUMB HE’S COLORBLIND”The only explanation for his fashion sense“-HE’S NOT DUMB HE’S COLORBLIND”The only explanation for his fashion sense“-HE’S NOT DUMB HE’S COLORBLIND”The only explanation for his fashion sense


The only explanation for his fashion sense

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My Hobby Stock straps came in over the weekend. Here’s a pic of the box with my cospa stuff. IMy Hobby Stock straps came in over the weekend. Here’s a pic of the box with my cospa stuff. IMy Hobby Stock straps came in over the weekend. Here’s a pic of the box with my cospa stuff. I

My Hobby Stock straps came in over the weekend. Here’s a pic of the box with my cospa stuff. It’s nice to know there are a few more new Digimon stuff out there to collect. ^^; I wish there were more of the other characters though. ^__^;;;

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Hello everyone! We are pleased to announce the details for Mimato Week 2022, which will be held duri

Hello everyone!

We are pleased to announce the details for Mimato Week 2022, which will be held during 22-29 August! And yes, you counted that right, the event will run for a total of 8 days instead of just 7, because how could we say no to an extra day of Mimato goodness?

We would also like to appreciate everyone who participated during the 1st edition last year and everyone who voted in the poll last month, you’re one of the reasons the event is returning for it’s 2nd edition with such a bang. To thank you all, we are releasing the list of prompts a whopping 3 months early, so that you can sit back and relax and take all the time you need to come up with amazing Mimato content!

Day 1 - Aug 22 : Soulmates | Stars
Day 2 - Aug 23 : Overprotective | Childhood
Day 3 - Aug 24 : Hogwarts
Day 4 - Aug 25 : Historical Drama
Day 5 - Aug 26 : Maid Cafe
Day 6 - Aug 27 : Doramas
Day 7 - Aug 28 : Fantasy | Sci-Fi
Day 8 - Aug 29 : Smut

Just like last year, we don’t have a long list of rules, we just want you to have fun with all the prompts and spread the love for Mimato in every way possible. During the week, you can participate by sharing fanarts, fanfics, edits, photos, make-up inspiration, jewellery, and literally anything and everything you want that is related to the prompts on our list. Remember to either tag your posts with #mimatoweek2022and#mimatoweek, or tag our blog itself during the event. Submissions are welcomed, too! If you wish to post outside of tumblr, we have friends on facebookandinstagram to track our event tags so make sure to use them as well~

To make sure everyone can enjoy the event comfortably, Day 8 and any NSFW entries will be tagged with #nsfw so be sure to have that blocked if that’s not your cup of tea. Highly explicit content, if any, made outside of tumblr will be censored as necessary when posted here. You can then refer to external links for uncensored posts.

That’s pretty much it. Ask box is always open if you have anything you need to clarify!

Don’t forget to follow us and reblog this post to help spread the wonderful news! ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

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 Are you ready to paint the town cyan with Mimi and Yamato once again? August may still seem far awa

Are you ready to paint the town cyan with Mimi and Yamato once again? 

August may still seem far away, but it’s never too early to start preparing and with that we’d like to open the floor to the Mimato community for the selection of prompts for this year’s Mimato Week! We have collected a long list of potential prompts that you can vote on here until April 25th. 

Reblogging the post to spread the word will be much appreciated, and feel free to share the link of the poll on other social media, the more votes the merrier the week will be! 

So put on your Mimato goggles and get voting!

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Taichi: so remember how we met Daisuke and his team during that DigiQuartz drama?

Yamato: yeah, why?

Taichi: didn’t they have a sixth member?

Yamato: I think so.

Taichi (pulling out a magazine) well doesn’t this prodigy, Ken Ichijouji, look who’s been all over the news look familiar to you?

Yamato: that’s him. 

Taichi: so when do you think he’s gonna join the team.

Yamato: beats me. But let’s keep to ourselves for now to avoid a time paradox.

(a few weeks later)

Taichi: hey, Hikari you’re back. How did the latest mission go?

Hikari: we learned who the Digimon Kaiser is.

Taichi: really, who?

Hikari: Ken Ichijouji.

Taichi:… are you sure?

piedrpiper:piedrpiper:llamavillana:   Happy Halloween she is not that evil, just give her a taste of




  Happy Halloween 

she is not that evil, just give her a taste of your heart ♡( ◡‿◡ )

I loveeeeeeee

okay so I loved this so much I wrote a little drabble…

“There’s something,” slurs Sora before she suddenly stops talking, crowds him in the corner, small as she is. Looking up at him hard, has to bend her neck nearly all the way back to do it, too. “On your face,” she finishes. A whole two minutes later. It’d been an awkward silence.
Yamato considers moving to the side, politely giving her space, would have, too, if he didn’t notice the wobbly step she took and stayed, hovering close, just in case she needed support on her feet. Mini skirt riding up. Thigh high leggings that went on for miles. Could keep following them down but knows not to, so doesn’t. Kind of wishes the other drunk bar goers would know not to, too. It’d been hard, subtly trying to place himself between her and the more aggressive advances. Twice he’d had to swipe a drink someone bought her right out of her hands before she could take a sip. He hates Halloween.
“You need a seat?” he offers, clears his throat, keeps his distance. Gallant. Doesn’t buy into stereotypes, even if he likes leather jackets and skinny jeans and black nail polish and garage records and low riders. Cool and unbothered, most of the time. Except now. Definitely bothered. Definitely uncool. Feels like his ears are going to burn off, with the way she’s still staring at him. Her eyes are really pretty. Stop. Look away, look away. No, not down!
The plastic red horns she wears tip as she shakes her head. Mimi says she’s a devil, Taichi says she’s a demon. Hikari says her little red wings, matching the shade of her horn headband, makes her a fallen angel. Koushiro had just said she looked nice, which Yamato finds to be the understatement of the century. Jou warns him she’s a bad drunk, as in bad at being drunk. Bolder. No filter. Out of her element. As the designated responsible one for the night, he’d been charged with making sure everyone’s okay, not that he wouldn’t have been anyway. But he’d been keeping an eye on her. Er, looking out for her, that is, tonight especially. Kind of hard not to notice her, even if she doesn’t think that about herself, shrinks herself down so others can shine instead. But he notices. First, and usually only. Any room she’s in. Her eyes are really, really pretty. Right now, they’re wide open, fireborn. She could burn him and he’d say thank you. Maybe even a please and more and a yes ma'am, but he shuts that part of his brain down fast. Sora’s his friend. That, he can’t lose.
The bar is noisy and she comes closer and he curses in his head, alarms going off. “I said,” she’s shouting now, usual internal social etiquette regulator completely abandoned. Wow, she really is drunk, Jou hadn’t been joking, “you’ve got something on your face.”
He doesn’t. He’d refused to dress up, hasn’t for years. The bar required costumes, though, so Takeru had wrestled the stupid wolf ear headband on him as he’d walked out the door. Told him he’d cry if he took it off. Really doesn’t put it past his younger brother to wheel out the waterworks. Everyone thinks Takeru’s a well-meaning sweetheart, but Yamato knows better.
He points to the ears. “I’m a wolf.” Immediately hears how lame it sounds and wants to sink into the floor. Disappear forever. Never show his face around her again. Wolf ears? Seriously? He’s going to kill Takeru.
“No, you’re not.”
Yamato knows how to argue with very drunk people, especially friends. There’s a fine art to it, to avoid bad decisions and keep everyone in check long enough to survive intact until morning. He’d accepted that this is to be his fate tonight. He’d already had to argue Taichi out of getting a piercing (Taichi’d refused to say where, just dropped suggestive hints), and Mimi from trying to pay everyone’s bar tab with her dad’s emergency credit card. Koushiro’d been bribed with a small mountain of salty snacks to not try to fix the bartender’s register (which wasn’t broken); Jou, he’d finally convinced to share the karaoke mic with promises to rent a booth just for their friend group next weekend. (Under no circumstances was Yamato going to repeat this promise once Jou’d sobered up, or admit it was ever made.) Submitting without putting up a fight in an argument with Sora dressed in dominatrix black was something he’d always thought about — no.
“Okay,” he says instead.
“You’re Yamato.”
This is true. “Okay.”
Why is he so lame. He swears he knows more words than ‘Okay’. Can’t think of any when she’s standing in front of him in a skin tight bodycon dress that spells out more curves than he’d ever dared dream, but he’s positive he knows at least ten more words. Maybe even twenty. Hopes no one asks him to prove it. His head is so empty, and he hasn’t had a single sip of anything. Just her, looking at him like this.
“You’re Yamato, and you never need to pretend.”
She’s so close now he can smell her perfume. She’d traded her usual jasmine white tea scent for a spicy rosewood. Maybe Givenchy’s Ange ou Démon. It’d certainly fit her look — stop. He absolutely should not know these details. Maybe he’s the creep he should be shielding her from.
She’s peering up at him, swaying a little. “What’s that like?”
He focuses on her. “Being…myself?”
Sora nods, voice so soft. Vulnerable. More alarms are going off in his head, a different kind. “Yeah.”
Yamato doesn’t think he is, not all the time. Even he has expectations he puts on himself. All he wants is to know who he is, so he can be the person his friends need, and deserve. It’s work. A lot of it. But it matters, so work at it, he does.
He’s honest. “Not easy.”
Her eyes take on a shine that makes his stomach drop. No, please don’t cry. Please don’t let me have made you cry. Not you.
“That’s why I like you.”
He wants to smack himself. Does he really not know any real, adult human words?
“I mean — ,”
“I like you that you know yourself.” She breaks into a smile. Disarms him completely. Knows she’s not going to remember any of this tomorrow. “I’d like to know myself like that.”
Say it. Use your words. Use all the words.
And the world hasn’t stopped, the axis still spins on. The earth hasn’t swallowed him whole, the sky still hangs above him. He hasn’t woken up. It’s a not dream.
But still, she just stares, unblinking. Her words repeat with utter disinterest. “There’s something on your face.”
Maybe he’d said it in his head instead? Not aloud?
Sora slips one hand into his, touches his arm with the other.
All right, something’s waking up.
She smiles, shy and devilish, all at once. Sees right through him with those really, really, reallypretty eyes. Pokes a finger into his cheek. Dimples his blushing red face. “There it is.”

I absolutely headcanon that the core of their interest in one another is how each believes the other to be so true to themselves in ways they personally envy, not realizing really that they’re already there. these two are such poetic complements. I love their emotional arcs!

thanks again for the art and the inspiration :D


I never thought, that I could inspire someome to draw or write something, and I’m have been left without words to express how happy and gratefull I am, and I’m also grateful, to have find this small space of the fandom with this amazing and kind friends.

I have read this like ten times and I am not exaggerating. I even cried a little. lol

everything fits them perfectly everything about this screams their names. I have no words.
Yamato triying NOT TO LOOK AT HER AND AT THE SAME TIME WANTING TO JUST SUBMIT. Sora being  playful and a little wicked when she is drunk . WHY THIS IS SO GOOD!?

I loved how he was being so honest with himself, even when he knows thet she is drunk and that she will not remember any of this the next day. Sora being a bad drunk is the only  drunk Sora I can imagine any universe, in this case alcohol helped her so say some of the things she have on her mind to him, and Yamato just lose the battle without putting up a fight. I strongly belive that one of the reason why they could say all this loud is because they give each other this feeling of “no matter what happen you are safe with me”, “I can be honest honest with you because you are going to accept me for who I am”  this are some of the things that come to my mind when I think about these two, and I see all of these things reflected in this drabble, I can’t express what Im feeling with words. The way you created all this amazing atmosphere *chef kiss* everything about Sora and Yamato is so soft, they are just two cinnamon rolls. (thanks for supporting me in the whole “takeru being a little shit” thing)

And also, thank you for always supporting my work, I really put a lot of myself in each one of this drawings and it makes me really happy that people enjoys them, I hope that in the future I can keep making people happy.

Also please go to pied piper AO3 page and to her Tumblr page you wont regret it.

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So I made this for @patamon-ears this is Yamato from Gravityi love the story and I know that he has

So I made this for @patamon-ears this is Yamato from Gravity

i love the story and I know that he has a tatoo that goes from his shoulder to the base of his neck, but i was not sure if you can see it from this perspective, im enjoying this mafia AU, a lot. lol

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Yamato Ishida Week


Hello everyone! We’re so excited to announce the Yamato Ishida week! Let’s show our boy some love! Here are the prompts for each day and a small explanation below. If you have still any questions, feel free to ask us here or at @sorato-fan,@kinoko-shinyand@tangledupblue​. We are looking forward to seeing your submissions!

We Will Rock You
Day 1: Music

Yamato’s essence is strongly associated with music. And boy does he rock! On this day, we want you all to make some noise with your fabulous creations and rock on!

Day 2: Family

Family is everything, and our golden boy is no exception; whether the food he makes, the forgiveness he shows, or the extended family he finds, one thing is for sure: it wouldn’t have been possible without his loved ones

Day 3: (Self) reflection/ Crest of Friendship/ Life events

Yamato is meant for the stars… Quite literally; and this day is for us to explore how far he’s come and what that has meant. He contains universes, and we want you to analyze the fragments that make him… Well, him.

You’re My Best Friend
Day 4: Gabumon

Unconditional love is a treasure and Yamato knows he has a loved one who’ll always have his back. On this day, we want you to show all the love for our beloved and furry digimon.

Carry on My Wayward Son
Day 5: Childhood

Our formative years turn us into ourselves, and there is no better way to dissect our loved boy than through his childhood days: the day Takeru was born, his first day at school, the day he met Gabumon… We want to see your versions of his child-self.

More Than a Feeling
Day 6: Love/Friendship

Love is friendship through other means. On this day, we want to see YOUR interpretations of love and friendship: self-love, platonic friendships, familial love… We live in a big world, and there is much love and many friendships to show.

I Want to Break Free
Day 7: Free Day

We want you to break your chains and explore any other aspect of Yamato’s life, personality, or bio we haven’t considered. If he contains multitudes, we still have much terrain to cover.

Ohhh i wish i can join
