
Yanaka Cemetery Tokyo / 2016 / Sony RX100m3Yanaka Cemetery Tokyo / 2016 / Sony RX100m3Yanaka Cemetery Tokyo / 2016 / Sony RX100m3Yanaka Cemetery Tokyo / 2016 / Sony RX100m3Yanaka Cemetery Tokyo / 2016 / Sony RX100m3

Yanaka Cemetery Tokyo / 2016 / Sony RX100m3

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#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuuso

#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuusou #制服 #写真好き #tokyocameraclub #team_jp_東 #東京 #谷根千 #yanesen #yanaka #nezu #sendagi #谷中 #根津 #千駄木 #tokyo #tokyoview #入学 #卒業

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#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuuso

#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuusou #制服 #写真好き #tokyocameraclub #team_jp_東 #東京 #tokyo #yanesen #谷根千 #谷中 #根津 #千駄木 #yanaka #nezu #sendagi #tokyoview

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#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuuso

#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuusou #制服 #写真好き #tokyocameraclub #team_jp_東 #yanesen #谷根千 #東京 #tokyoview #yanaka #nezu #sendagi

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#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuuso

#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuusou #制服 #写真好き #tokyocameraclub #team_jp_東 #谷根千 #yanesen #yanaka #nezu #sendagi #tokyo #tokyoview

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#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuuso

#portrait #photograph #photoshoot #japanese #japaneseview #schooluniform #girl #spring #架空荘 #kakuusou #制服 #写真好き #tokyocameraclub #team_jp_東 #谷根千 #谷中 #千駄木 #根津 #Yanaka #sendagi #nezu #yanesen

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Tokyo day 4 - Yanaka & Ueno - read the blog post here!

Tokyo day 4 - Yanaka & Ueno - read the blog post here!

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 The Prayer by Mitsudomoe Via Flickr: Bonodori Matsuri Yanaka, Tokyo, Japan Pentax K5, SMC Pentax-M

The Prayer by Mitsudomoe
Via Flickr:
Bonodori Matsuri Yanaka, Tokyo, Japan Pentax K5, SMC Pentax-M 50mm F1.7

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One of my favourite places in Tokyo, Yanaka. It kept its “shitamachi” vibe despite the years, while One of my favourite places in Tokyo, Yanaka. It kept its “shitamachi” vibe despite the years, while One of my favourite places in Tokyo, Yanaka. It kept its “shitamachi” vibe despite the years, while One of my favourite places in Tokyo, Yanaka. It kept its “shitamachi” vibe despite the years, while One of my favourite places in Tokyo, Yanaka. It kept its “shitamachi” vibe despite the years, while

One of my favourite places in Tokyo, Yanaka. It kept its “shitamachi” vibe despite the years, while being right next to Ueno. Living in Kyoto made me realise that life in Tokyo is too hectic for me, and that I can’t really picture myself living there. Yanaka is the only exception, however. It has the biggest cemetery of the city, and doesn’t look like it’s part of one of the most crowded cities of the world!

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Cat in a cemetery, Tokyo, Yanaka, June 2019.Cat in a cemetery, Tokyo, Yanaka, June 2019.Cat in a cemetery, Tokyo, Yanaka, June 2019.

Cat in a cemetery, Tokyo, Yanaka, June 2019.

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