#yanan imagines


☆ko-fi au: lovestruck!au x dogwalker!au yanan
find other pentagon aus:here

  • yanan looks at the little pomeranian sitting on top of the coffee table in your living room
  • they have their tongue out and the little foxy face betrays a head full of no thoughts at all
  • “hello!”
  • yanan smiles cheerily and looks down at the app that lists the information of your pet, including their name
  • the dog walking business he works for is on another level. long gone are the paper flyers stuck to trees.
  • “hello - donut.”
  • at the sound of their name, donut perks up and stands on the little nubs of their legs
  • it hops off the table and trots over to him - barely even reaching yanan’s ankle
  • for someone his size, yanan adores little lap dogs - he leans down to scoop donut up in his hands
  • “are you ready for a walk?”
  • donut, regardless of only knowing yanan for a grand total of three minutes, licks his cheek and yaps in the affirmative
  • with a chuckle, yanan starts to look for where you mentioned you’d left the collar and leash
  • right on one of the shelves, he pulls donuts leash down and briefly looks at the framed photo beside it
  • donut is sitting in someone’s lap
  • yanan looks at the person, who he assumes is you, and nearly forgets that he’s holding donut in his arms
  • the only reason he doesn’t drop donut is because the pup has managed to tuck its nose into yanan’s shoulder
  • you are smiling in the photo - sitting under a big beach umbrella
  • he’s walked a lot of peoples dogs, he’s been in a lot of peoples homes, and he’s seen a lot of family photos
  • none of them have ever made him stop short of a breath
  • donut nuzzles under his chin suddenly and yanan snaps back into reality
  • he mumbles into the little dogs head
  • “how lucky are you to have such a pretty owner?”
  • yanan becomes donut’s designated walker.
  • you adore him - even though you have never seen or met him.
  • you are usually away at work when you request donut be walked, and therefore you haven’t had any face to face contact with yanan
  • his profile picture on the app is a smiling puppy, so you kind of just imagine him as one
  • a big smiley pup walking your small smiley puppy
  • donut always seems happy when you come home after he walks with yanan earlier, yanan leaves treats in little bags along with notes after the walks too
  • you get regularly updated photos of donut on park benches and curiously sniffing other dogs on the street
  • the only snippet of yanan is his hand in a photo petting the top of donut’s small head - his palm nearly dwarfing your dog
  • part of you thinks he must be like this with everyone - his rating on the app is perfect and everyone comments that he’s hard to book
  • but your requests for donut always get accepted
  • yanan….well, he just harbors secretly that one day he will get to meet you
  • because from what he knows about you - which is the photo that you always set donut’s leash by
  • and the affectionate and loving way donut acts
  • he thinks he can only imagine you in waves of stars and softness
  • dogs mimic their owners, and donut is nothing short of kind and affectionate
  • yanan also knows what you look like and he’d never in a million years think he’d see someone so very much his type - in a photo nonetheless
  • you and yanan pass each other by only in texts and in-app ratings. in the tips you leave for him walking donut and the notes he writes about how much he likes looking after your dog
  • yanan embarrassingly picks donut up while he’s riding the elevator up to your apartment to drop him off and asks
  • “would your owner like me?”
  • donut’s tail wags in response and yanan tilts his head
  • “so you think they would?”
  • donut gives another lazy blink and a small yap
  • “im crazy. talking to a dog.”
  • yanan sets him down just as the elevator opens
  • another resident of the building, your neighbor gets all flushed as they pass him by
  • yanan gives a polite greeting as he fishes your spare from under the mat to let donut back in
  • you, busy at work, get a sudden text from your neighor
  • hey - your dogwalker is hot, is he single?
  • you hover your keys over your work computer and blink
  • yanan is hot?
  • you text back before anyone else in the office can see
  • really? i don’t know, i’ve never seen him.
  • the reply is almost instant: oh my god. you NEED TO.
  • it must be luck, or actually unluck, that you end up getting sick the next week
  • you can’t go to work but you can’t make the long mid-afternoon walk you usually take your dog on so you request yanan for the job
  • you get an immediate confirmation and when you hear the door unlock fifteen minutes past noon
  • you haul your tired body out of your blankets and cough syrup as donut hops in front of you
  • slipping on a mask and a hoodie - you forget that you must look a mess - when you step into the living room to meet yanan for the first time
  • and
  • your neighbor hit the nail on the head. yanan, standing tall and lean in the doorway, is hot.
  • his black hair is pulled back by a jogging headband, his smile is wide and pretty and his eyes sparkle when they see donut
  • and in your dumbstruck awe, he looks up to see you
  • yanan also goes still. mostly because he did not know you were here, you hadn’t mentioned you’d be home in the request
  • and beside the obvious fact that you’re sick, due to the slight swelling under your eyes and mask
  • yanan hears alarm bells ring in his head: oh god they’re so cute in person oh god what should i say to not make a fool of myself
  • “im here for donut!”
  • he manages - still functioning enough to speak
  • “oh not for me?”
  • it’s a bad attempt at a joke, but your brain is fried from the flu and the hot guy in your apartment
  • yanan thinks he might die - but he manages to laugh slightly
  • “no, you only paid for donut - walks with me are extra.”
  • you try to laugh too, but a cough comes out instead
  • you excuse yourself and yanan is left standing there with what could be hearts floating above his head if it weren’t for the fact that he wasn’t in a comic strip
  • the entire time yanan and donut are out, you think about how embarrassing that was
  • you didn’t know what to expect - definitely not this level of attractiveness and of course i had to go and make a corny joke!
  • yanan is thinking about it too - almost walking straight into an oncoming cyclist as donut tangles their leash around their legs
  • what should i have said? they’re cuter in person than the photo even with their face hidden! would it be weird to ask someone sick out on a date?
  • when it’s time to bring donut home - yanan pep talks himself in front of your door
  • he picks donut up and off the floor - lifting him up and going
  • “im going to impress your owner, right - they’ll like me for sure!”
  • donut yaps and yanan groans
  • “you’re right. why would they like me - they probably already have a boyfriend, donut tell me does your owner have a boyfriend?”
  • he brings donut nose to nose with him and the pom just keeps wagging their tail
  • “don’t hide it from me donut - we’re friends - is your owner single, i don’t want to ask someone out who is taken.”
  • donut sticks their little pink tongue out to give yanan’s a kiss
  • “ah - no, focus donut! does your owner have a boy-”
  • “i don’t”
  • yanan twirls around, he almost tumbles over in the hallway as he sees you in the door
  • you’ve got your mask on but you look a little better after taking your medicine
  • “d-did you hear everything”
  • you try not to laugh because you’re scared it’ll come out as another cough
  • “yes…the walls in this building are thin.”
  • yanan feels his throat go dry with embarrassment, he sets donut down who goes speeding into your apartment with the leash trailing behind
  • “sorry - i must seem like such a freak-”
  • “i don’t think so. i like it that you’re asking my dog for intel on me, have to love a man who trusts a dog.”
  • yanan chuckles, scratching the back of his neck
  • “so …. does that mean you would ever consider … going out with me some time?”
  • you shrug playfully
  • “well, you’d have to give me a week or two to get better but - i think we can arrange something.”
  • you give him a teasing tilt of your head as yanan tries not to flush pink
  • “do i have to book dates with you through the app too - i don’t want to get in the way of any of your other dogwalking duties.”
  • yanan’s eyes turn pretty when he smiles in response
  • “nope - i’ll make sure my schedule puts you and donut first for whenever you’re ready.”
  • donut yaps from somewhere inside, knocking over what you’re sure is a book or two in an excited post walk frenzy
  • you look over your shoulder than back at yanan
  • “so im guessing you’re ok with me bringing donut on the date too?”
  • donut appears between your legs, looking at yanan with big brown eyes
  • yanan leans down to give them a scratch behind the ears
  • “of course - wouldn’t be right without him.”
  • you say your goodbyes and yanan says he’ll be back for tomorrow’s walk. when you close the door you feel all giddy, maybe half from the nyquil but also because of the little exchange
  • donut nips at your ankle and you look down, he yaps and you grin
  • “no no - even if i get a boyfriend, you’re still my first love.”

new pics and a message from Yanannie ❤️

cr. lemonade1996

wow the best gift for Christmas is you guys! 600 followers!

