#yandere baji



Baji was staring at her again. The one and only (Y/n) (L/n), the only female member and one of the Founders of Toman. She and the other Founders were all the best of friends and were as close as friends could be. Baji wasn’t sure when his feelings of friendship had turned into something more but he did know that his feelings for her were true. He loved fighting side by side with her, watching her fighting her enemies and completely destroying them was breathtaking.

She was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen and he wanted to be by her side for all of entirety. It was just so hard to confess his feelings to her because every time, he tried to confess to her, his words got jumbled up and his face turned red and he felt like he can’t breathe and it always resulted with her not getting it which just frustrated Baji further because he didn’t know how she couldn’t see how he felt for her.

It wasn’t like he was trying to hide it but for some strange reason, she just can’t see his feelings which at this point were like a giant neon sign that screamed I LOVE YOU AND WANNA BE YOUR BOYFRIEND. Literally everyone else in Toman can see how he felt for her, it was basically a running joke at this point.

Baji was constantly thinking about her and found himself getting increasingly worried about her and what would or could happen to her, if he wasn’t there to help to protect her. So he took it upon himself to follow her around whenever he could and when he wasn’t available to follow her around, he would have Chifuyu do it instead. Chifuyu would always report every single little detail about her to Baji and would make sure that (Y/n) was safe and sound. From what Baji knew, she didn’t have a boyfriend which just convinced him that she was just waiting for him.

Baji was pulled from his own head by someone tapping him on the shoulder and calling out for him and he turned around to see Mistuya and Kazutora standing there, giving him stupid smiles.

“Hey there Lover boy, how’s your sweet cute little (Y/n) doing today? Have you confessed your feelings yet?” Mistuya smirked while he spoke and moved his hips in a sexy and mocking way and made kissing movements with his lips after he finished speaking. Kazutora copied Mistuya’s movements but acted less sexy and more goofy.

Baji rolled his eyes and flipped his hair. Out of all of Toman those two were the worst with the teasing about Baji’s feelings towards (Y/n).

“Well, she’s doing great. She’s just reading that romance manga again. You know the one about the nerd and the punk? And no Mistuya I haven’t confessed my feelings to her since the last time you asked which was about thirty minutes ago. Now if you two will excuse me.” Baji turned his attention back to his (Y/n) watching, she was just reading the romance manga and eating her lunch. Some of her non-Toman friends were there and were chatting about random stuff while they ate.

Soon she finished her lunch and put down her manga and joined in on the conversation. He wasn’t close enough to hear their conversation as he didn’t want her to see him because he wasn’t sure that she would react to the fact he was following her around in a positive way. Whatever it was made her blush like crazy, so it must be something embarrassing because there was no way that she had a crush on someone that wasn’t him.

(With (Y/n))

(Y/n) and her friends were talking about their crushes. Each of her friends revealed who was their crush and then it was her turn to reveal. She tried to avoid answering it, but then she revealed that she had feelings for Shuji Hanma who wasn’t even attending their school or apart of the Toman gang. In fact he was apart of another gang called Valhalla who was pretty mysterious. She had managed to hide her feelings towards Hanma pretty well from her Toman friends but she was certain that today was the day that she confessed her feelings towards Hanma and asked him out.

She had wanted desperately to tell her Toman friends about Hanma but every time she tried to tell one of them about her crush, they would always talk about Baji for some strange reason. She didn’t know why they brought up Baji, it was clear to (Y/n) that Baji didn’t like her anymore, always running off while they were in the middle of a conversation, always turning red around, always glaring at her, she just knew that he was just waiting for an opportunity for her to screw up and then use it to have her kicked out of Toman, so she never told him or Chifuyu about her crush and judging from how the others acted, they never said a word about her crush to Baji etheir.

She didn’t know why Baji didn’t like her anymore. She hadn’t done anything that may have upset him at some point and she had always treated him like the rest of her friends. Maybe Baji thought that a girl like her shouldn’t be apart of Toman.

She and her friends came up with a plan to have her meet up with Hanma and confess her feelings to him. It was bound to work.

(Later that day)

(Y/n) was heading to the meetup spot that she had agreed to meet Hanma at. She had decided to go with a practical yet cute look, wearing blue jeans and a shirt that had a cute teddy bear printed on it and she was wearing cat socks and running shoes on her feet.

She had a feeling that someone was following her but every time that she turned around to check, she didn’t see anyone. Soon she saw Hanma in the distance and raced over to meet him. Hanma and her greeted each other and then sat down on a bench and chatted for a bit. She was so nervous to be sitting next to her crush, she could hear her heart racing like a train and she couldn’t help but stare at his handsome features and she found herself getting lost in his eyes.

“So why did you ask me to meet you, (Y/n)?”

“Well you see, Hanma I love you and I wanna go out with you. If that’s okay with you that is.”

Hanma seemed surprised at her rather blunt confession but then smiled and nodded his head.

“Sure I wouldn’t mind going out with a cutie like you (Y/n).” He reached his hand out and grabbed and rubbed her left cheek with his hand.

(Y/n) internally screamed at this. She couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. She leaned in and kissed him which he returned.


(With Chifuyu)

Chifuyu saw the whole thing go down and internally screamed at it. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. (Y/n) was kissing Hanma who was the right hand man of Valhalla. It can’t be real can it? He had to be dreaming. He snapped a pic on his phone and then continued to watch as they stopped kissing from what felt like a century and chatted for a while. Although Chifuyu couldn’t hear them over his internal screaming.

Soon enough they parted ways and Chifuyu followed (Y/n) back home and then immediately went to Baji’s house. Luckily Baji was awake, he was busy sorting through the pics that he had developed of (Y/n), choosing the ones that would go to his (Y/n) shrine and the ones that would go into his (Y/n) notebook and the ones that he would use to fantasize with.

Chifuyu told Baji the whole situation and saw him the pic of Hanma and (Y/n) kissing which sent Baji into a rage. He wanted to find Hanma and beat the ever living shit out of him for seducing his darling (Y/n). But Chifuyu was somehow able to calm down Baji with the help of Baji’s mother. Baji instead dragged Chifuyu next door to Mikey’s house and banged on his door. Mikey’s older brother Shinichiro answered the door and immediately started yawning and stretching and once he was done with that, asked what the two were here at 10:35pm.

Baji explained everything to him and had Chifuyu show him the pic of Hanma and (Y/n) kissing, Shinichiro seemed pretty pissed upon being told everything. He did make it clear that he wasn’t pissed at (Y/n) but rather pissed for her. He called for Mikey who stubbornly refused to come down until he heard it was about (Y/n), then he practically jumped down the stairs and zoomed to where they were.

Mikey upon hearing the whole situation and being shown the pic, told Baji not to worry about it and that they (Toman) would be making a plan to deal with Hanma and help Baji and (Y/n) get together. Then he went back to bed and Shinichiro apologized for Mikey’s behavior and then said Goodnight to the duo and closed the door. Baji allowed Chifuyu to spend the night at his place and then in the morning during breakfast, they received a text from Mikey saying there was a Toman meeting tonight.

They went about their whole business and then when it came time for the meeting, they headed to the shrine. Soon almost all of Toman showed up, the only one who was missing was (Y/n) which was noticed by everyone.

Mikey informed everyone of the situation between Hanma and (Y/n) and made it clear that Hanma was to be dealt with for daring to think that he had the right to be near (Y/n) and that Baji and (Y/n) were gonna be a couple. Everyone agreed that Hanma had to be dealt with. Kazutora and Mistuya volunteered to take care of Hanma, which Baji agreed to because as much as he wanted to beat Hanma senselessly, he also wanted to confess his love to (Y/n). He can’t afford to lose her.

(The next day with (Y/n))

(Y/n) can’t help but notice that her Toman friends were acting strange around her but chalked it up to Baji finally declaring that they needed to take sides in whatever disagreement that Baji had with her. She was kind of upset that Baji was choosing to be childish instead of just talking to her and she was finally done with him. She was gonna ask Mikey for permission to leave Toman today. That way her Toman friends didn’t have to take sides and Baji finally got what he wanted.

She was gonna text Mikey to ask him to meet up with her, when she received a message from Baji asking her to meet up with him at his house. She was gonna say no but then decided against it because she finally wanted to get to the bottom of Baji’s issues with her.

She went straight to Baji’s house, she remembered the way from when they had been friends and knocked on the door and almost immediately the door opened and before she could say something, Baji pulled her inside and shut and locked the door while she was removing her shoes. He then pulled her to the dining room where there was a plate of her favorite snacks and her favorite drinks were placed next to the plate.

She sighed in annoyance, she didn’t appreciate Baji pretending to like her and would have preferred if he had just came out and said it and asked if she was allowed to sit down. Baji had the audacity to look surprised and nodded his head. She sat down away from the very tempting snacks and tried to not even look at them. Baji looked puzzled and moved the snacks towards her which just pissed her off even more. So she pushed them away while avoiding eye contact with Baji, she wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing her in a bad mood. Baji pushed them back and she moved them away. This continued for a good while until finally she snapped and screamed at Baji.


“(Y/n), what are you talking ab..”


“That’s great, so you know that I..”


“What are you talking about (Y/n)? I don’t hate you.”

“YEAH YOU DO. YOU MUST THINK THAT I AM AN IDIOT OR SOMETHING. WELL GUESS WHAT? YOU WON. I AM LEAVING TOMAN AND YOU WON’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME ANYMORE.” She angrily got up and stomped back to the front door, only for Baji to tackle her to the ground which caused her to hit her head hard on the ground and made her pass out.

When she came back to being awake again, she found herself tied up in a chair with a table filled with all of her favorite foods in front of her. She tried to scream only for her to be blocked by a piece of cloth covering her mouth. She looked around the room, for something that could be used to help her escape, only for her to come face to face with Baji who was crouched down next to the chair on her right side and he had a creepy look painted on his face. Upon seeing that she was awake, he stood up and apologized for earlier and revealed that he didn’t hate her in fact, he loved (Y/n). He loved her so much that it physically hurt him to be away from her.

So he made them her favorite foods and then they were gonna watch some of her favorite movies and then he was gonna take her to her new room which was right next to this.

He made her promise not to scream and removed the cloth and ignored her pleas and begging to be released and just simply fed her the food and ate some himself. And then once all of the food was gone. He untied (Y/n) and took her to the bathroom and waited outside the bathroom for her to be finished. She checked everywhere and everything in the bathroom but there was nothing that could be used to help her escape. Baji banged on the door after she was in there for twenty minutes and demanded to know what was taking so long and did he need to come in. So she quickly finished up using the bathroom and then left the bathroom and was immediately pulled into a hug by Baji.

He dragged her to the living room and made her sit in his lap while they watched the movies and then once that was done, he took her back to the bathroom and had her take a shower and do her usual night time routine and then gave her clean night time clothes that she recognized as hers and once she was dressed in her PJs, he carried her to the room next to his and revealed that it was almost an exact replica of her room back at her apartment. It freaked her out to the point that she was struggling to get away but Baji ignored her attempts to get away and placed her in the bed and handcuffed her hands to the top of the bed and then he got up and closed the curtains, she noticed that the windows has bars on them and wondered how long Baji had been planning this and he put her dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

She tried to pull the handcuffs off of her hands but was unsuccessful and then Baji put something in his mouth and took a big drink of water and forced another kiss on her. She passed out shortly after the second kiss. Before she passed out, she again begged Baji to let her go and brought up Toman and how they would noticed that she’s gone. Only for Baji to demand that she call him Keisuke instead of Baji from now on and that they were dating and all of Toman knew already and supported his decision and actually helped him with this. He then climbed into the bed and cuddled (Y/n) as she slowly passed out and whispered “Aren’t you glad that you have such amazing friends and an equally amazing boyfriend (Y/n)? And don’t worry about Hanma that trash is being taken care of. I love you so much (Y/n), I can’t wait to marry you someday.”

