#yandere one shots


Toman’s Princess

Chifuyu was worried. What was he so worried about? Well you see, while Chifuyu may be a part of Toman, a feared and dangerous gang in its own right, he was still human and had a right to be worried especially when it concerned (Y/n) Sano. His best friend in the whole wide world and the adopted younger sister of his commander Mikey.

(Y/n) had been adopted by Mikey’s grandfather when her parents had suddenly and tragically died in a car accident when she was only 4 years old. While normally she would have been sent to live with her relatives. None of them seemed to want the poor girl and just kept on shoving her off to the next relative. Mikey’s grandfather had been friends with her parents so he agreed to take in the poor girl and raise her with Mikey and his siblings.

Despite not being related by blood, Mikey and Emma and Shinichiro all treated her like she was a princess and protected her from any and everything that may want to do her harm. After Shinichiro’s death, Mikey took over as (Y/n)’s primary protector.

And then when Mikey and the other Founders formed Toman, she became the glue keeping them together.

Apparently at one point after Shinichiro’s death, Kazutora was about ready to leave Toman and join another gang when (Y/n) somehow managed to convince him to stay.

Everyone in Toman knew who (Y/n) was and knew better than to insult or belittle or hurt her or allow her to be harmed. Chifuyu was often assigned to (Y/n) duty which was how they became best friends which at first upset the Founders but when Chifuyu made it clear that his feelings towards (Y/n) was strictly platonic and nothing more. They begrudgingly agreed to allow the two to remain best friends although they did make sure to warn him about the consequences should his feelings change from platonic to romantic or should he heaven forbid harm her.

However (Y/n) did on occasion act kind of strange and sometimes when she looked at Baji and Kazutora, it almost seemed like she was about to burst out wailing and sobbing for some reason.

She also prevented Pah from stabbing Osana, who had been responsible for hurting Pah’s friends. Chifuyu hadn’t been there when it had happened but apparently she had stood in between him and Osana and managed to calm down Pah enough to convince to let Karma deal with Osana and just escape with the others, which after some crying from both sides, he agreed to it.

Yes (Y/n) was essentially the irreplaceable princess of Toman which is why Chifuyu had been horrified to learn that she had been secretly going out on dates with a boy.

Who was this boy you may be asking? It was none other than Tetta Kisaki. Someone who Chifuyu didn’t personally know presay but something about the guy just didn’t sit right with Chifuyu. Especially with the way that he looked at (Y/n), he looked at her like she was some sort of possession of his, like he was her owner and she was his slave.

Chifuyu had found out what had been going on between the two by sheer chance. He had

decided to head to this new cafe that everyone at school had been raving about and imagine his surprise and horror when he saw Kisaki and (Y/n) sharing a drink together. He took a picture of it on his phone and immediately left the cafe and called Baji who informed Mikey who called for a meeting and told the rest of Toman.

Needless to say no one was pleased with this new development. The mere idea of Kisaki even breathing the same air as their princess sent the Founders into a rage. Mikey had to be physically restrained by Draken when he found out about that worthless shit eating maggot Kisaki dating his baby sister. He had wanted to march to the cafe and beat the ever living shit out of Kisaki and then take his baby sister home for a cleansing. But luckily Emma and Draken managed to talk him out of it.

Baji had smashed up some random person’s car when he had heard the news. Mitsuya had some of his men sent out to find out everything about Tetta Kisaki while Pah attacked a tree and murdered the poor tree which just so happens to be near him when he got the news. Draken blamed the subordinate who had been in charge of her that week and punished him accordingly. The vice Captains were all pissed as hell. Hell, even Takamitchy seemed pissed as someone like him could be. Kazutora had angrily grabbed Chifuyu asking why he hadn’t just followed the two and then when Kisaki was alone, broke every single bone in his pathetic and frankly useless body. And then he promptly tried to strangle Chifuyu, declaring that he was gonna take Chifuyu’s place as (Y/n)’s best friend.

Luckily for Chifuyu, Baji stepped in and was able to calm down Kazutora and then Mikey immediately declared Tetta Kisaki as Toman’s number one enemy.

He put Chifuyu on (Y/n) duty with Baji and ordered the two of them to find out how long the relationship had been going on and, depending on how long, would equal how many beatings that they would give Tetta Kisaki.

Which is how Chifuyu had found himself in his current predicament, eavesdropping on (Y/n)’s conversation with her classmates. They had been discussing rather trivial matters, mainly stuff that (Y/n) would never have to worry about like marriage and jobs. But then something that one of (Y/n)’s classmates said caught Chifuyu’s attention.

“So who’s the lucky guy that you have been going out with (Y/n)?”

“Yeah do tell us who it is. We’re dying to know.”

“Well it’s just this guy that I met and his name is Tetta Kisaki. We’ve been going out for a while now. He kept on asking me out until I finally caved and said yes.”

“Omg that’s so romantic.”

“Yeah totally. I would love it if a boy did that to me. Why can’t I find a guy like that?”

“Yeah and it’s been almost a month since we first started going out. We actually have a date tonight by the way. It’s gonna be at that new amusement park and we will be meeting up at 6pm.”

Chifuyu blacked out for the rest of the conversation, due to the sheer and utter rage that he felt flowing throughout his body. How dare Tetta Kisaki treat (Y/n) like that? Harassing her until she finally gave in and went out with him. Who the hell does shit like that? Especially to someone as innocent and pure as (Y/n).

He left and met up with Baji and told him everything. Baji was practically shaking with rage when he heard everything. They decided that this so-called relationship of (Y/n)’s must be brought to a swift end.

Baji called Mikey and told him what Chifuyu had told him and Mikey told them to follow (Y/n) and the son of a bitch Kisaki around on their date and then when the date was over, take Kisaki to the shrine so that Toman could teach the bastard a lesson about messing around with their princess. The two agreed with no words or thoughts of hesitation or remorse.

They waited at the amusement park which called Goodman’s rides and games for what felt like hours. And then finally they saw (Y/n) in the sea of people, she was holding hands with the piece of shit Kisaki and they seemed to be talking about something. About what? They weren’t sure but they knew that whatever it was, that it wasn’t good.

So they followed the unaware couple around the entire park, going on whatever rides they went on, playing whatever games they played and eating whatever they ate. Kisaki that scum had the audacity to spoon feed (Y/n) his food like she was his pet or something. The only person who was allowed to spoon feed (Y/n) was Chifuyu and even then it was only when she was sick and needed help to eat. Kisaki actually tried to follow her into the bathroom at several different points of the date which enraged Chifuyu to the point that he was finding himself looking forward to teaching the bastard a lesson with the rest of Toman.

At long last the torture that was called a date came to a close and Kisaki escorted (Y/n) back to the Sano residence however just as (Y/n) seemed to be thanking Kisaki for the date, he had the nerve to grab her and forcibly plant a kiss on her innocent and perfect lips.

Chifuyu almost gave them away with his scream of sheer and utter rage but luckily Baji covered his mouth as soon as he realized that the scream was coming.

(Y/n) seemed very shocked by the assault that had befallen her precious lips and Kisaki seemed to be trying to convince to let him go further than that but then Emma came outside and had (Y/n) say goodbye to Kisaki and dragged (Y/n) inside of their house.

Kisaki had the audacity to look pissed at Emma’s action and then finally walked off after standing there for ten minutes. Baji and Chifuyu took this as their chance to get closer to Kisaki and they overheard the punk ass bitch talking to himself.


Baji, unable to hold back his anger anymore, just ran up to Kisaki and knocked him out. Chifuyu gave him a look.

“Don’t even try to deny that you didn’t want to do the same thing to the bastard. He wanted to kill Emma and he was gonna kidnap (Y/n).”

“It’s not that. I just thought that we were gonna drag him kicking and screaming to the shrine. So that way we could punch him and pull his hair and stuff.”

“Awww man. I wish that we could have done that. Oh well, let’s just take him back as he is.”

“Alright Baji.”

They picked up the unconscious Kisaki and carried him all the way to the shrine where Mikey and the rest of Toman were waiting for them. Mikey dumped an entire jug of water on Kisaki’s head which woke up the bastard.

Kisaki when he realized where he was, immediately made the mistake of bragging about how he was gonna have (Y/n) all to himself and that nobody was gonna be able to stop him and that the next time he saw Emma, she was as good as dead. The second that he said that, Draken immediately let out a scream of rage and started punching Kisaki as hard as he could and Mikey started kicking him and the two just went ape shit on his ass. Chifuyu would have felt sorry for the punk ass weak bitch if he had been unaware of what he had done but knowing what he had done to deserve this, Chifuyu just smiled at the beating.

As soon as the two were done, Draken wiped his bloodied fists on Kisaki’s shirt and Mikey just smiled and gave the rest of Toman permission to beat Kisaki senselessly which they eagerly and happily did.

Chifuyu had no idea how long they beat Kisaki senselessly for but he did know that once they were done, the sun was coming up. Mikey decided to be merciful to Kisaki and told Draken to dump Kisaki at some random hospital. Draken without complaining picked up the unconscious and bruised and bloodied Kisaki and literally dumped him

at the hospital.

From what Chifuyu heard Kisaki wasn’t gonna be waking up any time soon as they beat him so badly that he was in a coma and may have permanent Brain damage which caused Toman to celebrate their victory.

(Y/n) didn’t seem particularly upset about Kisaki which was a bonus for Chifuyu and the others. For they hated the mere idea of (Y/n) crying would do almost anything to prevent her tears.

After all (Y/n) was their most precious princess.

For Kiame Sama.

  • Silva was a proud and strong man who loved and adored his darling to the fullest extent that he could.

  • He was pretty surprised when his darling had revealed her pregnancy to him and his family.

  • His darling was a young and beautiful woman who was a dear and beloved friend of his first wife Kikyo and Kikyo and his darling were considered sister wives which delighted his first wife Kikyo who apparently had always wanted a little sister and treated his darling as such.

  • Both Silva and Kikyo tolerated no disrespectful or rude behaviour towards (Y/n), no one was allowed to even look at (Y/n) in a wrong way. 

  • Silva had never considered the idea that his darling and him would be able to have children. Not by any fault of his own but he had never considered the idea that his darling was able to carry a pregnancy.

  • He was very much delighted at the pregnancy and he and Kikyo treated (Y/n) like a queen and hired the best doctors and medical team that money could buy to help (Y/n) during her pregnancy.

  • He tried his best to be there during her pregnancy as he didn’t want to miss a thing but unfortunately he still had jobs that he had to complete. He did his best to complete the jobs as quickly and as swiftly as he could.

  • Much to his displeasure, his darling went into labor while he was away at work. As soon as he received word he rushed back home and managed to make it in time to see his wonderful and beautiful daughter being born.

  • She was born with a head full of white hair and her eyes well, one was the color of her mother’s eyes and the other one was like her father’s eyes. Her skin was as white as snow. And her nose was small and button like. She was so very small and looked so very delicate especially when compared to her brothers.

  • But Silva knew that she would have to be raised to be the next potential head of the family due to her appearance and her nen which despite her small and frail looking form appeared to be extremely high for an infant even a Zoldyck one.

  • Illumi was the first one of the children to hold little Kira; she was named by both of his wives. He was surprisingly very gentle with Kira and almost immediately swore to protect her and make sure that she would never be harmed by a foe. He smiled down at his new baby sister and kissed her forehead while describing in great detail how he would slay those who would do her harm. 

  • Milluki had taken a break from his hobbies to see his little sister.  He swore to always keep an eye on her. And gifted her a small dragon plush claiming that he had purchased it by mistake. Kira seemed to adore her new toy and held on tight to it.

  • Killua upon hearing the news of the birth of his new sister rushed back home and cuddled Kira closely to him. He appeared to be crying as he made promises to her of not letting them ruin her like they ruined everyone else and other such nonsense. He ended up falling asleep holding Kira as he refused to hand her back to anyone but (Y/n) who had been on bed rest by her many doctors.

  • Alluka was allowed to look at Kira but not allowed to touch her which disappointed Alluka greatly but Killua cheered up Alluka by showing Alluka how to play games with Kira. Games that don’t require touch. Silva allowed it as both (Y/n) and Killua asked him for it. And he agreed under the condition that Alluka never be allowed to touch Kira unless Zeno or Silva gave their permission. Alluka appeared to adored Kira and loved the sound of Kira’s laughter.

  • Kalluto had came back to visit his family and was shocked to see that he now had a sister as such a thing had never happened before in the Zoldyck Family.

  • Zeno loved his granddaughter and treated Kira  as if she was his own daughter and thought of ways to make her training somewhat easier for her than it had been for her brothers.

  • Kira was very much a happy baby and would spend hours happily talking away in her baby speech to anyone who would listen but she only cried if she  was hungry. And even then it was a short cry as if to say “Please give me food family.” She was breastfed and bottlefed to help her gain more weight and she was given the finest blankets and clothes and toys and was told stories of her family’s many jobs and adventures which she seemed to enjoy.

  • Silva was aware that one day his little princess may have to be wed but he would ensure that her future partner would be the perfect fit for her.

  • Anything for his princess.

Yandere Fire Force one shots - Chapter 1 - Miss_Mystery3 - 炎炎ノ消防隊 | Enen no Shouboutai | Fire Force (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]

If Kakucho was asked if he loved his wife Angela, he would check to see if she or anyone else who would gossip to her were around and if they were around he would answer yes with a forced smile. However if they weren’t around, then he would truthfully answer with a no. 

It wasn’t that he didn’t like her, of course he did but she just wasn’t the one for him. But he still married her, mainly because of the fact that he had gotten her pregnant and she already had a kid who had been a late teen at the time of their marriage, so he felt like it was the honorable thing to do. 

Her kid was a girl and she was born when Angela was a teenager, she was 18 when they got married and made it clear that Kakucho wasn’t her step dad, just some guy that her mom married. Her name was (Y/n).

Kakucho felt so grateful that she didn’t consider him her step dad because his feelings for her were far from parental. While he liked his wife and adored their son, he was completely and utterly obsessed with (Y/n) and would steal her panties from her laundry basket and would use the stolen panties to jerk off. 

He would make active efforts to try and catch her taking a shower or masterbating and he would fantasize about her while fucking Angela. 

He knew that he can’t make a move on her at the moment because it would ruin her relationship with Angela and she really seemed to love her mom. So his plan was to arrange for someone to get rid of his wife, making sure that there were no ties to him to the crime and then get with his true love and soulmate and together with his son and whatever kids they may have together in the future, they would be one big happy family.

He knew that (Y/n) wanted him too, she had to, with how much she was acting so flirty and seductive towards him and if she didn’t love him then that would be okay because with time and training, she would love him.

He just needed to have patience. But one day very soon he made his dream come true. 



Hanma felt like the luckiest man alive when he looked at his darling (Y/n) and their twins. They were his precious little treasures. When Kisaki had died, a part of Hanma had died alongside him but then he had met (Y/n) (L/n). He could remember the day that they had met like yesterday. 

(14 years ago)

Hanma was walking home from visiting Kisaki’s grave. His eyes were red from all of the crying that he had done. He missed Kisaki so Goddamn much. It hurt so much that he wasn’t gonna be able to ever see Kisaki or talk to him or touch him again. He can’t understand why Kisaki had to die. Kisaki may have been a cunning and manipulative guy who caused the deaths of some people and yeah sure he had done a lot of horrible things to a lot of people and yeah maybe he did have a weird obsession with that Hinata girl but still Kisaki didn’t do anything to deserve dying the way he did.

It just wasn’t fair. Kisaki should be here with him. Not dead and buried in the ground. As Hanma walked home, he wasn’t paying attention to what was going on around him and bumped into someone which caused them both to fall. 

“Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. I didn’t see you there. Are you alright?" 

Hanma upon hearing that angelic and warm and sweet voice, looked up and saw the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. She had (h/l), (h/c) wavy hair, (s/c) gorgeous looking skin, the most lubricious lips that he ever seen, hands that looked so perfect and soft and her eyes were the most lovely and amazing (e/c). She was wearing a red tank top and a pair of purple shorts with blue wellington boots on her feet. She had a backpack on her back. Most likely to carry her stuff around in. 

He couldn’t help but stare at her and all he wanted to do was grab her and kiss her. And he wouldn’t stop kissing her until he was satisfied. And then he would carry her away to his house and keep her in his bedroom. Safe and sound from all harm. He was about to do that when he realized that it wouldn’t exactly work because her family may be concerned if she suddenly went missing. So he decided to just play it safe and just befriend her and then slowly but surely have her isolate herself from anyone who may take her away from him. He apologized for bumping into her and introduced himself to her.

She smiled at him and helped him get up and then introduced herself. Her name was (Y/n) (L/n) and she was around his age and she didn’t live very far from what they were at. He offered to walk her home, claiming that it was the least that he could do for her which she agreed to let him do.  They chatted while walking back to her house. He loved listening to her speak. It was the most enchanting voice that he had ever heard. He learnt that she attended (name of school) and that she worked part time to help out her single working mother with the bills. He learnt quite a bit about her during their conversation and made sure to be careful with what he told her about him. 

Unfortunately soon they reached her house and they had to part ways but fortunately, she gave him her number so that they could stay in contact.

He immediately went home and called up as many people that he knew to find out more information about her. He wanted to know every single little thing about her, from what she ate for breakfast last week to her plans for the future.

He pulled strings to have someone spread rumors about her in her school, which made her classmates isolate themselves from her and bully her relentlessly. He became her shoulder to cry while this happened and when the bullies went too far, he paid someone to teach them a lesson. He gave the school an anonymous tip about her part time job which made her lose the job.

Over the years, almost everyone else in her life became distant memories and the only person that refused to leave her side was her mom who was too busy with her work to realize what was happening to her daughter. 

In the year 2012, Hanma and (Y/n) started dating, Hanma subtly controlled the entire relationship, making sure that (Y/n) acted the way that he wanted her to act and that she had no way to escape their relationship. Two years later, he proposed and they got married six months later. The twins were born not long after their marriage. The twins were a boy and a girl and their names were Kisaki and Kikyo. 

Hanma made sure to provide for his family that they would want for nothing. And he didn’t regret a single thing that he had done to get his family.

It was Fate.



Baji was staring at her again. The one and only (Y/n) (L/n), the only female member and one of the Founders of Toman. She and the other Founders were all the best of friends and were as close as friends could be. Baji wasn’t sure when his feelings of friendship had turned into something more but he did know that his feelings for her were true. He loved fighting side by side with her, watching her fighting her enemies and completely destroying them was breathtaking.

She was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen and he wanted to be by her side for all of entirety. It was just so hard to confess his feelings to her because every time, he tried to confess to her, his words got jumbled up and his face turned red and he felt like he can’t breathe and it always resulted with her not getting it which just frustrated Baji further because he didn’t know how she couldn’t see how he felt for her.

It wasn’t like he was trying to hide it but for some strange reason, she just can’t see his feelings which at this point were like a giant neon sign that screamed I LOVE YOU AND WANNA BE YOUR BOYFRIEND. Literally everyone else in Toman can see how he felt for her, it was basically a running joke at this point.

Baji was constantly thinking about her and found himself getting increasingly worried about her and what would or could happen to her, if he wasn’t there to help to protect her. So he took it upon himself to follow her around whenever he could and when he wasn’t available to follow her around, he would have Chifuyu do it instead. Chifuyu would always report every single little detail about her to Baji and would make sure that (Y/n) was safe and sound. From what Baji knew, she didn’t have a boyfriend which just convinced him that she was just waiting for him.

Baji was pulled from his own head by someone tapping him on the shoulder and calling out for him and he turned around to see Mistuya and Kazutora standing there, giving him stupid smiles.

“Hey there Lover boy, how’s your sweet cute little (Y/n) doing today? Have you confessed your feelings yet?” Mistuya smirked while he spoke and moved his hips in a sexy and mocking way and made kissing movements with his lips after he finished speaking. Kazutora copied Mistuya’s movements but acted less sexy and more goofy.

Baji rolled his eyes and flipped his hair. Out of all of Toman those two were the worst with the teasing about Baji’s feelings towards (Y/n).

“Well, she’s doing great. She’s just reading that romance manga again. You know the one about the nerd and the punk? And no Mistuya I haven’t confessed my feelings to her since the last time you asked which was about thirty minutes ago. Now if you two will excuse me.” Baji turned his attention back to his (Y/n) watching, she was just reading the romance manga and eating her lunch. Some of her non-Toman friends were there and were chatting about random stuff while they ate.

Soon she finished her lunch and put down her manga and joined in on the conversation. He wasn’t close enough to hear their conversation as he didn’t want her to see him because he wasn’t sure that she would react to the fact he was following her around in a positive way. Whatever it was made her blush like crazy, so it must be something embarrassing because there was no way that she had a crush on someone that wasn’t him.

(With (Y/n))

(Y/n) and her friends were talking about their crushes. Each of her friends revealed who was their crush and then it was her turn to reveal. She tried to avoid answering it, but then she revealed that she had feelings for Shuji Hanma who wasn’t even attending their school or apart of the Toman gang. In fact he was apart of another gang called Valhalla who was pretty mysterious. She had managed to hide her feelings towards Hanma pretty well from her Toman friends but she was certain that today was the day that she confessed her feelings towards Hanma and asked him out.

She had wanted desperately to tell her Toman friends about Hanma but every time she tried to tell one of them about her crush, they would always talk about Baji for some strange reason. She didn’t know why they brought up Baji, it was clear to (Y/n) that Baji didn’t like her anymore, always running off while they were in the middle of a conversation, always turning red around, always glaring at her, she just knew that he was just waiting for an opportunity for her to screw up and then use it to have her kicked out of Toman, so she never told him or Chifuyu about her crush and judging from how the others acted, they never said a word about her crush to Baji etheir.

She didn’t know why Baji didn’t like her anymore. She hadn’t done anything that may have upset him at some point and she had always treated him like the rest of her friends. Maybe Baji thought that a girl like her shouldn’t be apart of Toman.

She and her friends came up with a plan to have her meet up with Hanma and confess her feelings to him. It was bound to work.

(Later that day)

(Y/n) was heading to the meetup spot that she had agreed to meet Hanma at. She had decided to go with a practical yet cute look, wearing blue jeans and a shirt that had a cute teddy bear printed on it and she was wearing cat socks and running shoes on her feet.

She had a feeling that someone was following her but every time that she turned around to check, she didn’t see anyone. Soon she saw Hanma in the distance and raced over to meet him. Hanma and her greeted each other and then sat down on a bench and chatted for a bit. She was so nervous to be sitting next to her crush, she could hear her heart racing like a train and she couldn’t help but stare at his handsome features and she found herself getting lost in his eyes.

“So why did you ask me to meet you, (Y/n)?”

“Well you see, Hanma I love you and I wanna go out with you. If that’s okay with you that is.”

Hanma seemed surprised at her rather blunt confession but then smiled and nodded his head.

“Sure I wouldn’t mind going out with a cutie like you (Y/n).” He reached his hand out and grabbed and rubbed her left cheek with his hand.

(Y/n) internally screamed at this. She couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. She leaned in and kissed him which he returned.


(With Chifuyu)

Chifuyu saw the whole thing go down and internally screamed at it. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. (Y/n) was kissing Hanma who was the right hand man of Valhalla. It can’t be real can it? He had to be dreaming. He snapped a pic on his phone and then continued to watch as they stopped kissing from what felt like a century and chatted for a while. Although Chifuyu couldn’t hear them over his internal screaming.

Soon enough they parted ways and Chifuyu followed (Y/n) back home and then immediately went to Baji’s house. Luckily Baji was awake, he was busy sorting through the pics that he had developed of (Y/n), choosing the ones that would go to his (Y/n) shrine and the ones that would go into his (Y/n) notebook and the ones that he would use to fantasize with.

Chifuyu told Baji the whole situation and saw him the pic of Hanma and (Y/n) kissing which sent Baji into a rage. He wanted to find Hanma and beat the ever living shit out of him for seducing his darling (Y/n). But Chifuyu was somehow able to calm down Baji with the help of Baji’s mother. Baji instead dragged Chifuyu next door to Mikey’s house and banged on his door. Mikey’s older brother Shinichiro answered the door and immediately started yawning and stretching and once he was done with that, asked what the two were here at 10:35pm.

Baji explained everything to him and had Chifuyu show him the pic of Hanma and (Y/n) kissing, Shinichiro seemed pretty pissed upon being told everything. He did make it clear that he wasn’t pissed at (Y/n) but rather pissed for her. He called for Mikey who stubbornly refused to come down until he heard it was about (Y/n), then he practically jumped down the stairs and zoomed to where they were.

Mikey upon hearing the whole situation and being shown the pic, told Baji not to worry about it and that they (Toman) would be making a plan to deal with Hanma and help Baji and (Y/n) get together. Then he went back to bed and Shinichiro apologized for Mikey’s behavior and then said Goodnight to the duo and closed the door. Baji allowed Chifuyu to spend the night at his place and then in the morning during breakfast, they received a text from Mikey saying there was a Toman meeting tonight.

They went about their whole business and then when it came time for the meeting, they headed to the shrine. Soon almost all of Toman showed up, the only one who was missing was (Y/n) which was noticed by everyone.

Mikey informed everyone of the situation between Hanma and (Y/n) and made it clear that Hanma was to be dealt with for daring to think that he had the right to be near (Y/n) and that Baji and (Y/n) were gonna be a couple. Everyone agreed that Hanma had to be dealt with. Kazutora and Mistuya volunteered to take care of Hanma, which Baji agreed to because as much as he wanted to beat Hanma senselessly, he also wanted to confess his love to (Y/n). He can’t afford to lose her.

(The next day with (Y/n))

(Y/n) can’t help but notice that her Toman friends were acting strange around her but chalked it up to Baji finally declaring that they needed to take sides in whatever disagreement that Baji had with her. She was kind of upset that Baji was choosing to be childish instead of just talking to her and she was finally done with him. She was gonna ask Mikey for permission to leave Toman today. That way her Toman friends didn’t have to take sides and Baji finally got what he wanted.

She was gonna text Mikey to ask him to meet up with her, when she received a message from Baji asking her to meet up with him at his house. She was gonna say no but then decided against it because she finally wanted to get to the bottom of Baji’s issues with her.

She went straight to Baji’s house, she remembered the way from when they had been friends and knocked on the door and almost immediately the door opened and before she could say something, Baji pulled her inside and shut and locked the door while she was removing her shoes. He then pulled her to the dining room where there was a plate of her favorite snacks and her favorite drinks were placed next to the plate.

She sighed in annoyance, she didn’t appreciate Baji pretending to like her and would have preferred if he had just came out and said it and asked if she was allowed to sit down. Baji had the audacity to look surprised and nodded his head. She sat down away from the very tempting snacks and tried to not even look at them. Baji looked puzzled and moved the snacks towards her which just pissed her off even more. So she pushed them away while avoiding eye contact with Baji, she wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing her in a bad mood. Baji pushed them back and she moved them away. This continued for a good while until finally she snapped and screamed at Baji.


“(Y/n), what are you talking ab..”


“That’s great, so you know that I..”


“What are you talking about (Y/n)? I don’t hate you.”

“YEAH YOU DO. YOU MUST THINK THAT I AM AN IDIOT OR SOMETHING. WELL GUESS WHAT? YOU WON. I AM LEAVING TOMAN AND YOU WON’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME ANYMORE.” She angrily got up and stomped back to the front door, only for Baji to tackle her to the ground which caused her to hit her head hard on the ground and made her pass out.

When she came back to being awake again, she found herself tied up in a chair with a table filled with all of her favorite foods in front of her. She tried to scream only for her to be blocked by a piece of cloth covering her mouth. She looked around the room, for something that could be used to help her escape, only for her to come face to face with Baji who was crouched down next to the chair on her right side and he had a creepy look painted on his face. Upon seeing that she was awake, he stood up and apologized for earlier and revealed that he didn’t hate her in fact, he loved (Y/n). He loved her so much that it physically hurt him to be away from her.

So he made them her favorite foods and then they were gonna watch some of her favorite movies and then he was gonna take her to her new room which was right next to this.

He made her promise not to scream and removed the cloth and ignored her pleas and begging to be released and just simply fed her the food and ate some himself. And then once all of the food was gone. He untied (Y/n) and took her to the bathroom and waited outside the bathroom for her to be finished. She checked everywhere and everything in the bathroom but there was nothing that could be used to help her escape. Baji banged on the door after she was in there for twenty minutes and demanded to know what was taking so long and did he need to come in. So she quickly finished up using the bathroom and then left the bathroom and was immediately pulled into a hug by Baji.

He dragged her to the living room and made her sit in his lap while they watched the movies and then once that was done, he took her back to the bathroom and had her take a shower and do her usual night time routine and then gave her clean night time clothes that she recognized as hers and once she was dressed in her PJs, he carried her to the room next to his and revealed that it was almost an exact replica of her room back at her apartment. It freaked her out to the point that she was struggling to get away but Baji ignored her attempts to get away and placed her in the bed and handcuffed her hands to the top of the bed and then he got up and closed the curtains, she noticed that the windows has bars on them and wondered how long Baji had been planning this and he put her dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

She tried to pull the handcuffs off of her hands but was unsuccessful and then Baji put something in his mouth and took a big drink of water and forced another kiss on her. She passed out shortly after the second kiss. Before she passed out, she again begged Baji to let her go and brought up Toman and how they would noticed that she’s gone. Only for Baji to demand that she call him Keisuke instead of Baji from now on and that they were dating and all of Toman knew already and supported his decision and actually helped him with this. He then climbed into the bed and cuddled (Y/n) as she slowly passed out and whispered “Aren’t you glad that you have such amazing friends and an equally amazing boyfriend (Y/n)? And don’t worry about Hanma that trash is being taken care of. I love you so much (Y/n), I can’t wait to marry you someday.”



Kazutora was sitting next to his friend (Y/n) (L/n) who was eating her lunch and was avoiding making eye contact with him while blushing like crazy. It was rather adorable to say the least. That she really thought that she was actually hiding the obvious crush that she had on him. Especially with the numerous times that she had tried to confess to him, only for him to gently let her down. But she never gave up on him, which both confused Kazutora and intrigued him. He wondered what was so special about himself that his beloved friend would gain feelings for him.

He did care for her, really he did but he wasn’t sure how exactly he felt about her. 

“Kazutora? Hey Kazutora.”

Kazutora was pulled out of his thoughts by (Y/n) shaking him and calling his name. He turned to her and saw that she was holding another bento box. Clearly it was for him. He smiled softly at her and took it from her and opened it.

It was filled with a cherry tomato and a quail egg and lettuce and a folded egg roll and rice with small flakes of seaweed and a small hamburger and a small fruit salad with cutely cut fruit and two small cookies. She also gave him a water bottle so that he wouldn’t be thirsty. He grabbed the chopsticks and gave thanks for the food and then dug it. Everything inside of the bento was perfectly made and absolutely delicious as always.

He could never remember to bring his own bento box but it was okay because (Y/n) would always be there for him. 

(12 years later)

Kazutora was anxiously waiting for his ride. He had just been released from juvenile detention. Ten years ago he had stabbed Baji for what it turned out was a lie and then stabbed and killed Kisaki after the truth was revealed. He regretted stabbing Baji but luckily Baji had survived the stabbing thanks to the unexpected arrival of (Y/n) who had been told to come to where the fight between that dumbass gang that had been created solely to destroy Mikey and Toman. Kisaki had attempted to trick Mikey into killing (Y/n), by claiming that she was the leader of the gang but Kazutora stopped that by stabbing Kisaki in his worthless throat which horrified (Y/n) who refused to look at him while he was arrested.

Kazutora had no regrets about killing Kisaki. He only wished that he had done it more cleverly and not in the open like that. He did wonder about (Y/n) sometimes and deeply missed her dearly. He had been given ten years for Kisaki’s death and two years for Baji’s stabbing. 

He was pulled out of his head by his ride pulling up and rolling down the driver’s window.

It was Chifuyu, the two had stayed in contact during this whole time and despite the whole stabbing Baji thing had become pretty good friends and Chifuyu had agreed to pick up Kazutora today. 

“Hey Kazutora, how’s it been going?”

“Well, I am out of juvenile and ready to get out into the world, so it’s been going good so far.” He said as he got into the passenger seat.

“That’s good to hear. Hey I know that it’s gonna be hard for you to find a job. So I figured I would help you out with that.”

“I am not gonna be a stripper Chifuyu.”

“No, no, nothing like that. You see I own a pet shop now and I figure I could use some more help. So might as well be you. Of course I am not gonna force you to work in my pet shop if you don’t wanna. So what do you say? ”

Kazutora thought about this generous offer for a second and then nodded his head. Chifuyu smiled and turned his attention back to the road.

“Mikey’s been doing well for himself, he and Mitchy started a business that helps out troubled youth and it’s pretty successful. Draken and Emma are expecting their third kid together. Their twins Emily and Hiro are starting school soon. Draken is a famous  film actor now so he and Emma won’t need to worry about supporting their growing family. Smiley and Angry are running a boxing club and that’s been going good from what I heard and Pah and Peh runs a few rather famous restaurants, we should drop by sometime. Hina and Micthy are gonna get married soon and they want you to be there for their wedding, in fact they want everyone from the old days to be there. Mitsuya is a rather famous fashion designer now. He always gives his friends invites to his school as long as they behave themselves. Everyone is excited to see you again Kazutora." 

"And Baji?”

“You’ll see.” Chifuyu said before he switched on the radio and let the music fill the silence. They drove to Chifuyu’s place where Kazutora would be staying until he could get back on his feet. And then Chifuyu helped Kazutora get inside where he was greeted by his old friends. It was awkward to see them all again after what he had done but none of them seemed to hold it against him. However he couldn’t help but notice that Baji and (Y/n) were missing. He asked Chifuyu about that but Chifuyu simply replied with a cryptic “You’ll see” again.

The party lasted almost all night, with everyone gradually leaving. Emma and Draken were the first ones to go as they had to get back to release the babysitter from their duties. Kazutora had formally apologized to Mikey and Emma for everything before Draken and Emma left, which Mikey and Emma gracefully accepted with a hug. Mistuya was the next to leave as he had an important client who needed a rather complex dress finished by next week. Everyone else stayed behind to help clean up Chifuyu’s place before they left as Mikey firmly told them to.

After the party, Kazutora went straight to his new room and just collapsed on the bed and slept for what felt like a century. When he woke up again, he smelled breakfast being made and went downstairs to the kitchen where Chifuyu was preparing some grilled fish and rice and miso soup for breakfast. Chifuyu greeted Kazutora and revealed that he had slept throughout yesterday and that it was the third day of his release which made Kazutora feel bad but Chifuyu cheered him up with a dumb joke.

He offered to help but Chifuyu refused and told Kazutora to just go to the living room and watch some TV which he did. He watched an old anime that he recalled watching with (Y/n). It had been one of her favorite shows. He wondered if it was still one of her favorite shows now. It had to be. The (Y/n) he knew would never stop liking this show.

Soon breakfast was ready and they ate together side by side and then Chifuyu took Kazutora to the pet shop and gave him a uniform which Kazutora, being so used to Juvenile, immediately tried to change into in the middle of the store which luckily hadn’t been opened yet. Chifuyu stopped him and dragged him to the staff bathroom and told him to change there which he did. After getting charged, he went looking for Chifuyu who had walked off, most likely to open the store.

He heard laughing coming from the back of the store and went there and found Chifuyu and Baji laughing and joking about something. The two noticed him straight away and greeted him.

He felt extremely awkward and guilty seeing Baji again after all this time. He had no idea what to say. What do you say to someone you stabbed?

“Kazutora, you’re zoning out.”

“Oh sorry Chifuyu.”

“Kazutora, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it, old friend?” Baji spoke with a more mature and adult voice than the one he had when he was in middle school which had been pretty deep.

Kazutora rubbed the back of his head unsure what to say and simply nodded.

“What’s wrong? Oh are you still upset about the whole stabbing me thing? It’s fine man. In fact I should be thanking you. All the ladies really dig a man with a scar. Guess you could say that it’s almost scarring how much ladies I steal from other men.” Baji laughed at his own joke which made Chifuyu groan and Kazutora made a noise of confusion. Baji just laughed again and hugged Kazutora which surprised Kazutora but he returned the hug anyway.

“So Baji, what are you up to nowadays?”

“I ran this pet shop with Chifuyu. Sorry about missing the party, I had to stay here to collect a delivery. I can take you some time for drinks if you wanna.”

“That explains why you weren’t there but what about…” Kazutora was interrupted before he could finish his question by someone coming into the back of the store, carrying a box in one hand and a broom in the other. He turned around and much to his pleasant surprise it was (Y/n). She looked almost the same from their middle school days, with a few noticeable differences such as her chest which was definitely bigger then it had been back in middle school and a few other small details but other than that it was still her. (Y/n) (L/n). 

“Oh hey, (Y/n), what are you doing here? I thought you had to work at the daycare today.” Chifuyu spoke with a smile painted on his face.

“There was a lice outbreak, so no daycare until next week. So I thought I would help out at the shop today.” Explained (Y/n) as she put down the broom and put the contents of the box away.

“Little Rugrats are always getting sick in some way or another. Good to see ya (Y/n) and look who it is, Kazutora got released and he’s gonna be working at the shop." 

(Y/n) turned to face Kazutora and instead of giving him a hug like she always had, greeted him with a smile and a bow. 

"Good to see you again Hanemiya. I would like to apologize for my behavior back in middle school. I should have respected your boundaries and given you space the first time that you made your feelings towards me known. But don’t worry, I have moved on from my feelings towards you and shall treat you like I would anyone else.”

Kazutora felt his heart stop when she called him Hanemiya instead of Kazutora. What was happening? Why did his heart hurt so much hearing those words escape from her lips? It didn’t make any sense to Kazutora.

No one seemed to notice his inner turmoil as they carried on talking. Chifuyu had Baji help Kazutora learn the basics and Kazutora was able to catch on quickly and efficiently but still the pain in his heart never went away. 

The next few months flew by like the wind and during that time, he had been able to talk to (Y/n) and realized why his heart had hurt so much that day. He had fallen for her but he had no idea about what to do, about the feelings he had for her and would get embarrassed around her and become unable to tell how he felt and unfortunately she mistook this as him being uncomfortable around her which caused her to try to “respect his boundaries” while also maintaining a civilized work relationship with him. But it wasn’t enough for Kazutora. He wanted more. He wanted to be able to kiss her and take her out on dates and treat her like a princess. If he could go back in time he would slap himself for letting someone like (Y/n) slip through his fingers and for what? A stupid grudge against Mikey that was entirely of Kazutora’s own making.

Much to his horror, she seemed to have gained feelings for Baji instead. He had to be forced to watch the two of them as they playfully flirted and teased each other. Oh how he hated it. Oh how he wanted to beat Baji senselessly for daring to put his hands on Kazutora’s darling (Y/n). He didn’t want to kill Baji though, just beat him up to teach him a lesson but he knew that it would just end badly. 

So he came up with a plan to get together with (Y/n). He knew that it was a bit underhanded but he was getting desperate as he had tried practically everything at this point but nothing seemed to work. 

He informed Baji that he wanted to take Baji up on his offer for drinks and invited (Y/n) and Chifuyu to come along with them. They all drank to their heart’s content which everyone except for Chifuyu who was the designated driver. Soon Baji had to be driven home as he had drunk too much and tried to fight the cloak. Chifuyu took Baji home and Kazutora, who was fairly drunk, agreed to take (Y/n) home who was so drunk and tipsy that she needed help to stand and walk.

He took her home and she invited him inside. They drunkenly chatted about useless stuff and then he kissed her and she returned the kiss. He didn’t know if she thought that he was Baji or what but he knew he couldn’t let this chance go. 

(The next morning) 

Kazutora woke up with a screaming headache and turned over to see a naked sleeping (Y/n) next to him, her naked body was covered by the blanket and the memories of last night hit him like a truck. He got up and put on his clothes and made some breakfast for himself and (Y/n). The smell of the food cooking awakened (Y/n) from her slumber and she took a shower and got dressed in more comfy looking clothes and sat down to eat with him. It felt awkward to say the least. 

(Y/n) then spoke up and asked if they did anything together and Kazutora lied and said that they only made out and got undressed and then he couldn’t remember what happened next. It was a weak and pathetic lie that seemed to relieve (Y/n) because as she stated she would hate to take advantage of Kazutora’s kindness like that. They finished breakfast and cleaned up her apartment the best that they could and then left for work. Kazutora wondered on his way to work if his plan had worked like he had hoped it would.

(Three months later)

It was just a couple of days away from Takamitchy’s wedding and they were having a bachelor’s party for him. Hina and the girls were holding their own little bachelorette party at a cute little restaurant judging from the pics that they were posting online. Kazutora’s plan had worked and (Y/n) was three months pregnant with their baby. She had been super upset about using Kazutora like that but he told her that he wasn’t gonna leave her side and that they had both been drunk. So they agreed to co-parent the baby together. But Kazutora knew that eventually she would fall for him again and then they would be celebrating his wedding someday. How did he know that? Because she said his name that night and not Baji’s name. So he knew that her feelings for him had never really gone away. They were just Hidden.
