#yandere fire force


Sir Arthur was a knight whose duty was to protect the Royal Family. Any threat to the crown was quickly eliminated. Recently however, there have been  reports of a witch who lived in the nearby forest who helped those in need. Which was strange as witches didn’t tend to help anyone without having a motive.

His Royal Highness King Obi was fairly curious about the witch and ordered Sir Arthur to find out any information about her. Sir Arthur went to the forest and soon came across the little cottage.  He politely knocked on the door and waited for a response. He could hear some shuffling about and then the door opened. 

He was stunned by her. She had lovely cute (e/c) eyes and beautiful (h/c), (h/l) hair and smooth and amazing (s/c) skin and a pretty (n/s) nose. She looked quite intrigued by him. “Can I help you Good Sir?"  She questioned him as she poked her head outside her door.

"Are you the kind  witch that people have been talking about?” Sir Arthur spoke with his usual time and style of speaking, hiding his true feelings of this princess witch. The young woman threw her head back with an amused laugh that reminded Sir Arthur of the sound of jingling bells.

“Is that what they’re calling me now? A witch? Well that’s certainly better than hag or crone~ Either way what brings you to my doorstep?” the girl asked, her eyes alight with a mischievous glow.

“I am Sir Arthur Boyle, Loyal Knight of the Royal Family of the 8. My liege, his majesty King Obi has heard tales of your acts of kindness. He sent me out to gather information on you and whether you could be an asset or an threat to the throne” Sir Arthurreplied honestly.

“So the 8 are still in power? Thats a relief, I was worried that their reign would have ended by the time I returned to this dimension” the young witch spoke with a smile, her words were more for herself then for Arthur. “Well I’m sorry for all the trouble it was for you to come out here Sir Arthur but my answer is no. I refuse to pledge an allegiance to anyone at the moment I am afraid. Good day to you Sir Arthur.“  she added sweetly.

Sir Arthur was extremely confused by her. What was she talking about? Dimensions? What on earth was that? And why did she have a problem with joining an allegiance? Whatever the case was. He wasn’t going to leave.

Something about her was just so mysterious. He wanted to know more about her. Why did she help those in need when she had never to gain from it? What was her issue with joining allegiances? And what in the world were dimensions?

"If its alright with you may I stay for a while and rest up?” Sir Arthur asked, trying not to sound desperate. The  witch sighed deeply and after thinking it over for a while she opened her door allowing him inside her home. Sir Arthur stepped inside and looked around her humble little cottage. There were numerous spells books scattered around along with some ordinary books. He spotted herbs in jars on the windowsills. The windows opened a crack allowing a small breeze and the sounds of nature to enter inside the cottage. There were curtains with strange patterns tied up above the window.

She had a few chairs set up around a table that had cushions and it all looked quite comfortable. She went to her fireplace and stirred something that was inside a pot with a wooden spoon. “I was just making some stew if you would like some Sir Arthur.” She asked, turning her head to face. Sir Arthur could smell the stew, it smelled so good. His mouth was watering at the smell and sight of the stew. “If there is enough for me.” Replied Sir Arthur. The witch nodded then lifted the pot up and being careful not to spill any and placed it down on a small table. 

She gathered up two bowls and two spoons and placed them on the table. “My name is princess (Y/n) (l/n) in case you were wondering.” She said as she brought the stew over and filled the bowls with stew. So the kind witch’s name was princess (Y/n) (l/n)? Well it suited her, a beautiful name fitting a equally beautiful young lady. “If you promise not to tell King Giovanni who I am. You can come and visit me again if I am not too busy that it is" 

Sir Arthur slowly ate the stew, thanked her and  then left. He reported to  King Obi that there indeed was a kind witch living in the woods. But she wasn’t interested in joining any allegiances. He also didn’t mention her name. Sir Arthur went to the library and checked all the history books. Nothing he had read, said even the slightest thing about (Y/n). Sir Arthur  was puzzled by this, the way she had acted when she spoke about King Giovanni would make one think that he had done something to her. But then again History books were always written by the winners. In any case he was gonna visit Princess (Y/n) tomorrow, he had to admit he was excited about seeing her again. 

Over the next few weeks Arthur would make daily visits to (Y/n) bringing her small gifts and trinkets, they would talk and eat and maybe even go on a walk together if the weather was good. Occasionally he happened to visit when someone come by for help and would be able to see her in action. She spoke gently and always assisted those in need and they usually in turn were happy for the help and gave her food and sometimes money. Usually, however, on one such occasion a rather rude man came by and demanded that she make him a love potion. She refused repeatedly and kept insisting that the man leave. He argued with her and became more aggressive then slapped her hard and called a worthless wench. She then used her magic to force the rude man out and kept on insisting she was fine despite her red cheek. After they had finished the usual chat, Sir Arthurimmediately went and found the man. He brought an painfully end to his wrenched  life making him suffer for hurting his princess.

Even though (Y/n) called them friends, Arthur knew that his feelings went beyond friendship. He wanted to be court (Y/n) then eventually become her husband. He loved every little thing about (Y/n), and wanted to protect her smile. He may not understand why she didn’t like allegiances or why she hated King Giovanni or what dimensions were. But he couldn’t care less at this point. All that mattered was (Y/n) and sure he had a duty to the crown but perhaps King Obi was willing to allow him to marry his (Y/n). 

Sir Arthur decided that he would wait for now and see if he could get his (Y/n) to fall in love with him. If she didn’t then he would just have taken her away from her little cottage and kept her locked away and safe from this dangerous world undeserving of her and her kind and forgiving nature.

Sir Arthur just needed to be patient and see what he would have to do.

Yandere Fire Force one shots - Chapter 1 - Miss_Mystery3 - 炎炎ノ消防隊 | Enen no Shouboutai | Fire Force (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]
