#yandere joseph desaulniers


Yeah, they were open, so don’t worry ^^

If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.

Yandere Joseph Hcs 

tw: yandere

  • He went friendly on you and your team once. It doesn’t turn out good in the long run. One conversation with you can make him head over heels for you
  • You know how he takes pictures during events that occur in the manor? Most of them are just you
  • Joseph will always be possessive, no matter if he’s a yandere or not. He doesn’t want to lose someone he loves again
  • So he gets extremely jealous when he sees you hang out with others. Said survivors will be bled out during matches and said hunters will be falsely accused of terrible things
  • He’d likely kidnap you in your sleep
  • This is probably obvious, but he is sadistic
  • I mean, the man steps on you during his carry animation, what do you expect?
  • Takes great pleasure in seeing you beg for him. You want to sleep on the bed instead of the floor? Get on your hands and knees and tell him how much you want it 
  • Like Edgar, he has his demands. Except they are harder to obey if you don’t plan on reciprocating his feelings
  • For example, kissing him on the lips, sitting on his lap while he reads, or cuddling him
  • He demands you call him ‘Count Desaulniers’ or ‘Monsieur Joseph’ to remind you of you place compared to him. You should be lucky that he’s graced you with his love
  • Adding on the sadistic part, he’d drag his sword across your body to scare you. He adds a little pressure on your skin, but never enough to break through. The same goes with his nails, too
  • There’s too much risk in killing people, so he takes pictures of them and will express his anger towards their photo-copy. Meaning if you see him come back with blood on him, some poor soul is most likely going to be hospitalized for a few days
  • If you manage to escape despite all the “love” he gives you, he will be devastated. His confident demeanor shattering in an instant as he sobs uncontrollably
  • Once composed, he orders any hunter around to get you back to him, threatening with any blackmail he has on them
  • He is livid when you come back. He gave you his heart and you crush it by doing the one thing he didn’t want you to do
  • He doesn’t care if you apologize or even beg for him not to hurt you, he’ll backhand you so hard it’ll leave a mark
  • Security is raised high after that. He wants no possibility of you leaving him again
  • You are his. Engrave that in your mind because that won’t be changing anytime soon