#yandere kazutora



Kazutora was sitting next to his friend (Y/n) (L/n) who was eating her lunch and was avoiding making eye contact with him while blushing like crazy. It was rather adorable to say the least. That she really thought that she was actually hiding the obvious crush that she had on him. Especially with the numerous times that she had tried to confess to him, only for him to gently let her down. But she never gave up on him, which both confused Kazutora and intrigued him. He wondered what was so special about himself that his beloved friend would gain feelings for him.

He did care for her, really he did but he wasn’t sure how exactly he felt about her. 

“Kazutora? Hey Kazutora.”

Kazutora was pulled out of his thoughts by (Y/n) shaking him and calling his name. He turned to her and saw that she was holding another bento box. Clearly it was for him. He smiled softly at her and took it from her and opened it.

It was filled with a cherry tomato and a quail egg and lettuce and a folded egg roll and rice with small flakes of seaweed and a small hamburger and a small fruit salad with cutely cut fruit and two small cookies. She also gave him a water bottle so that he wouldn’t be thirsty. He grabbed the chopsticks and gave thanks for the food and then dug it. Everything inside of the bento was perfectly made and absolutely delicious as always.

He could never remember to bring his own bento box but it was okay because (Y/n) would always be there for him. 

(12 years later)

Kazutora was anxiously waiting for his ride. He had just been released from juvenile detention. Ten years ago he had stabbed Baji for what it turned out was a lie and then stabbed and killed Kisaki after the truth was revealed. He regretted stabbing Baji but luckily Baji had survived the stabbing thanks to the unexpected arrival of (Y/n) who had been told to come to where the fight between that dumbass gang that had been created solely to destroy Mikey and Toman. Kisaki had attempted to trick Mikey into killing (Y/n), by claiming that she was the leader of the gang but Kazutora stopped that by stabbing Kisaki in his worthless throat which horrified (Y/n) who refused to look at him while he was arrested.

Kazutora had no regrets about killing Kisaki. He only wished that he had done it more cleverly and not in the open like that. He did wonder about (Y/n) sometimes and deeply missed her dearly. He had been given ten years for Kisaki’s death and two years for Baji’s stabbing. 

He was pulled out of his head by his ride pulling up and rolling down the driver’s window.

It was Chifuyu, the two had stayed in contact during this whole time and despite the whole stabbing Baji thing had become pretty good friends and Chifuyu had agreed to pick up Kazutora today. 

“Hey Kazutora, how’s it been going?”

“Well, I am out of juvenile and ready to get out into the world, so it’s been going good so far.” He said as he got into the passenger seat.

“That’s good to hear. Hey I know that it’s gonna be hard for you to find a job. So I figured I would help you out with that.”

“I am not gonna be a stripper Chifuyu.”

“No, no, nothing like that. You see I own a pet shop now and I figure I could use some more help. So might as well be you. Of course I am not gonna force you to work in my pet shop if you don’t wanna. So what do you say? ”

Kazutora thought about this generous offer for a second and then nodded his head. Chifuyu smiled and turned his attention back to the road.

“Mikey’s been doing well for himself, he and Mitchy started a business that helps out troubled youth and it’s pretty successful. Draken and Emma are expecting their third kid together. Their twins Emily and Hiro are starting school soon. Draken is a famous  film actor now so he and Emma won’t need to worry about supporting their growing family. Smiley and Angry are running a boxing club and that’s been going good from what I heard and Pah and Peh runs a few rather famous restaurants, we should drop by sometime. Hina and Micthy are gonna get married soon and they want you to be there for their wedding, in fact they want everyone from the old days to be there. Mitsuya is a rather famous fashion designer now. He always gives his friends invites to his school as long as they behave themselves. Everyone is excited to see you again Kazutora." 

"And Baji?”

“You’ll see.” Chifuyu said before he switched on the radio and let the music fill the silence. They drove to Chifuyu’s place where Kazutora would be staying until he could get back on his feet. And then Chifuyu helped Kazutora get inside where he was greeted by his old friends. It was awkward to see them all again after what he had done but none of them seemed to hold it against him. However he couldn’t help but notice that Baji and (Y/n) were missing. He asked Chifuyu about that but Chifuyu simply replied with a cryptic “You’ll see” again.

The party lasted almost all night, with everyone gradually leaving. Emma and Draken were the first ones to go as they had to get back to release the babysitter from their duties. Kazutora had formally apologized to Mikey and Emma for everything before Draken and Emma left, which Mikey and Emma gracefully accepted with a hug. Mistuya was the next to leave as he had an important client who needed a rather complex dress finished by next week. Everyone else stayed behind to help clean up Chifuyu’s place before they left as Mikey firmly told them to.

After the party, Kazutora went straight to his new room and just collapsed on the bed and slept for what felt like a century. When he woke up again, he smelled breakfast being made and went downstairs to the kitchen where Chifuyu was preparing some grilled fish and rice and miso soup for breakfast. Chifuyu greeted Kazutora and revealed that he had slept throughout yesterday and that it was the third day of his release which made Kazutora feel bad but Chifuyu cheered him up with a dumb joke.

He offered to help but Chifuyu refused and told Kazutora to just go to the living room and watch some TV which he did. He watched an old anime that he recalled watching with (Y/n). It had been one of her favorite shows. He wondered if it was still one of her favorite shows now. It had to be. The (Y/n) he knew would never stop liking this show.

Soon breakfast was ready and they ate together side by side and then Chifuyu took Kazutora to the pet shop and gave him a uniform which Kazutora, being so used to Juvenile, immediately tried to change into in the middle of the store which luckily hadn’t been opened yet. Chifuyu stopped him and dragged him to the staff bathroom and told him to change there which he did. After getting charged, he went looking for Chifuyu who had walked off, most likely to open the store.

He heard laughing coming from the back of the store and went there and found Chifuyu and Baji laughing and joking about something. The two noticed him straight away and greeted him.

He felt extremely awkward and guilty seeing Baji again after all this time. He had no idea what to say. What do you say to someone you stabbed?

“Kazutora, you’re zoning out.”

“Oh sorry Chifuyu.”

“Kazutora, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it, old friend?” Baji spoke with a more mature and adult voice than the one he had when he was in middle school which had been pretty deep.

Kazutora rubbed the back of his head unsure what to say and simply nodded.

“What’s wrong? Oh are you still upset about the whole stabbing me thing? It’s fine man. In fact I should be thanking you. All the ladies really dig a man with a scar. Guess you could say that it’s almost scarring how much ladies I steal from other men.” Baji laughed at his own joke which made Chifuyu groan and Kazutora made a noise of confusion. Baji just laughed again and hugged Kazutora which surprised Kazutora but he returned the hug anyway.

“So Baji, what are you up to nowadays?”

“I ran this pet shop with Chifuyu. Sorry about missing the party, I had to stay here to collect a delivery. I can take you some time for drinks if you wanna.”

“That explains why you weren’t there but what about…” Kazutora was interrupted before he could finish his question by someone coming into the back of the store, carrying a box in one hand and a broom in the other. He turned around and much to his pleasant surprise it was (Y/n). She looked almost the same from their middle school days, with a few noticeable differences such as her chest which was definitely bigger then it had been back in middle school and a few other small details but other than that it was still her. (Y/n) (L/n). 

“Oh hey, (Y/n), what are you doing here? I thought you had to work at the daycare today.” Chifuyu spoke with a smile painted on his face.

“There was a lice outbreak, so no daycare until next week. So I thought I would help out at the shop today.” Explained (Y/n) as she put down the broom and put the contents of the box away.

“Little Rugrats are always getting sick in some way or another. Good to see ya (Y/n) and look who it is, Kazutora got released and he’s gonna be working at the shop." 

(Y/n) turned to face Kazutora and instead of giving him a hug like she always had, greeted him with a smile and a bow. 

"Good to see you again Hanemiya. I would like to apologize for my behavior back in middle school. I should have respected your boundaries and given you space the first time that you made your feelings towards me known. But don’t worry, I have moved on from my feelings towards you and shall treat you like I would anyone else.”

Kazutora felt his heart stop when she called him Hanemiya instead of Kazutora. What was happening? Why did his heart hurt so much hearing those words escape from her lips? It didn’t make any sense to Kazutora.

No one seemed to notice his inner turmoil as they carried on talking. Chifuyu had Baji help Kazutora learn the basics and Kazutora was able to catch on quickly and efficiently but still the pain in his heart never went away. 

The next few months flew by like the wind and during that time, he had been able to talk to (Y/n) and realized why his heart had hurt so much that day. He had fallen for her but he had no idea about what to do, about the feelings he had for her and would get embarrassed around her and become unable to tell how he felt and unfortunately she mistook this as him being uncomfortable around her which caused her to try to “respect his boundaries” while also maintaining a civilized work relationship with him. But it wasn’t enough for Kazutora. He wanted more. He wanted to be able to kiss her and take her out on dates and treat her like a princess. If he could go back in time he would slap himself for letting someone like (Y/n) slip through his fingers and for what? A stupid grudge against Mikey that was entirely of Kazutora’s own making.

Much to his horror, she seemed to have gained feelings for Baji instead. He had to be forced to watch the two of them as they playfully flirted and teased each other. Oh how he hated it. Oh how he wanted to beat Baji senselessly for daring to put his hands on Kazutora’s darling (Y/n). He didn’t want to kill Baji though, just beat him up to teach him a lesson but he knew that it would just end badly. 

So he came up with a plan to get together with (Y/n). He knew that it was a bit underhanded but he was getting desperate as he had tried practically everything at this point but nothing seemed to work. 

He informed Baji that he wanted to take Baji up on his offer for drinks and invited (Y/n) and Chifuyu to come along with them. They all drank to their heart’s content which everyone except for Chifuyu who was the designated driver. Soon Baji had to be driven home as he had drunk too much and tried to fight the cloak. Chifuyu took Baji home and Kazutora, who was fairly drunk, agreed to take (Y/n) home who was so drunk and tipsy that she needed help to stand and walk.

He took her home and she invited him inside. They drunkenly chatted about useless stuff and then he kissed her and she returned the kiss. He didn’t know if she thought that he was Baji or what but he knew he couldn’t let this chance go. 

(The next morning) 

Kazutora woke up with a screaming headache and turned over to see a naked sleeping (Y/n) next to him, her naked body was covered by the blanket and the memories of last night hit him like a truck. He got up and put on his clothes and made some breakfast for himself and (Y/n). The smell of the food cooking awakened (Y/n) from her slumber and she took a shower and got dressed in more comfy looking clothes and sat down to eat with him. It felt awkward to say the least. 

(Y/n) then spoke up and asked if they did anything together and Kazutora lied and said that they only made out and got undressed and then he couldn’t remember what happened next. It was a weak and pathetic lie that seemed to relieve (Y/n) because as she stated she would hate to take advantage of Kazutora’s kindness like that. They finished breakfast and cleaned up her apartment the best that they could and then left for work. Kazutora wondered on his way to work if his plan had worked like he had hoped it would.

(Three months later)

It was just a couple of days away from Takamitchy’s wedding and they were having a bachelor’s party for him. Hina and the girls were holding their own little bachelorette party at a cute little restaurant judging from the pics that they were posting online. Kazutora’s plan had worked and (Y/n) was three months pregnant with their baby. She had been super upset about using Kazutora like that but he told her that he wasn’t gonna leave her side and that they had both been drunk. So they agreed to co-parent the baby together. But Kazutora knew that eventually she would fall for him again and then they would be celebrating his wedding someday. How did he know that? Because she said his name that night and not Baji’s name. So he knew that her feelings for him had never really gone away. They were just Hidden.
