#yandere kpop


Anon asked: Could I have a Yandere BTS reaction where S/o, who was kidnapped, coldly speaks: “You can control me… what I do, what I say… But know this. You will not control who I love. And that will never be you” please? Thank you!

Wow! Loving the creativity! Here you go lovely!


He would be astonished, by your wit and nerve, but it didn’t sway him even the slightest. If it was one thing he knew, it was that he wasn’t going to let you get away. You could say all you pleased, but you were his, and his alone. The only thing he would muster up after the time you spent bickering with him, would be a simple “tch” with a click of his tongue, as if desregarding all you had to say in that moment.

“Tch- Are you done?”



The smile and laughter that came from him would grow uneasy, until it disappeared all together. At first he would try to laugh it off, making jokes here and there, asking through a smile what you were going on about, but as he noticed that your were being serious, he too grew serious himself. After all he did for you, he thought you would be happy, and want to stay by his side, but hearing how unhappy that you were with him, would put him in a anxious frenzy. He wanted nothing more than for you to be his, but he also wanted you to be happy about it too.

“Huahah- Wh..what did you say? You don’t want to be with me?”



You wouldn’t have the time to speak for long, as the minute you brought up how you didn’t want to be there with him, he would get up from where he was crouched in front of you, and make his leave from the bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind him so you wouldn’t try to escape. After taking you from the filth of the outside world and people, you had wanted to leave yet to return back to it? He was not about to listen to any of that.

“Im doing this all..for you. The least you can do is be grateful and not try to shove it right back into my face. You’ll come out when you’re grateful again.”



This man would do a whole 360. The usual smiling Hoseok would be replace by a serious one as you talked down to him. He was always keen when it came to you saying what you wanted, and he always listened with interest and love, but he couldn’t with this. He didn’t like to show you this more abrasive side of him in front of you, but he couldn’t help it. You had really dug under his skin with what you said.

“Baby…let’s not get too hasty right now. You’re probably just tired, and should go take a nap and sleep on this. You don’t know what you’re saying right now.”



He would go into a full breakdown as you explained how and why you could no longer be tied down to him. He didn’t want to hear it, no he couldn’t hear it. He started to pull on his hair and smack his head with his hands and he pulled from the strands, with a “No, No, No! Don’t say that!” Until he was finally able to calm down, somewhat, before getting on his knees and pleading to you.

“(y/n)…please.. you can’t do this- or-or-or say that! I love you….please…”



As soon as you brought up how unhappy you were, and how you wanted to leave he wasn’t going to hear it. Immediately, he slammed his hands on the table he was sitting at as he pushed himself from his chair and went over to you with a shake of his head. He would grab you by the shoulders, of course he didn’t want to be rough with you, that was the last thing he had wanted, but his mind and vision was cloudy as he tried to gain his composure, but it was no use, all he could do was gently shake you back and forth as he asked, “why, why why-“ over and over again.



Being the king of manipulation, he would sit there, pouting as he listened to all your anger and sadness. Tears would start to form at the corner of his eyes as he tried to plead with you. Of course this was all just an act, that he put on in hopes you would fall for it and stay. He never wanted to lay a hand on you and use force so he did what all he knew he could and that was use his pitifulness and charm.

“Don’t leave (y/n)..I’m sorry, I’ll change, you know I’ll do anything, for you. “


I apologize for the shortness of it! /:

-Admin Bonbori

Anon asked: Hi, I’m a new follower, but could I request a mafia/slight yandere Zico scenario where his s/o is one of his maids, and he falls for her??❤️

Oh my gosh! I love this! I had been writing something along the lines of a ZICO and Dean mafia AU last year but never got around to posting it, but this is brilliant! Maybe I will post it after all! But here you go sweetie!

Zico + Reader


Gender:Mafia | Light Yandere | Romance

“We met less than a week ago and in that time I’ve done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you. I know. But if you give me a chance…all I want is to protect you. To be near you. For as long as I’m able.”


It was you. It had always been you. Well, only since the beginning of that month where he had met you, but still, it was you.

He had never yearned for anything so bad in his life, besides money, and power; but he was never one to flock after someone else. Most women gravitated towards him, and for what? His money? Looks? Status perhaps? That’s what made him so cold and bored when it came to “catching feelings” or dare he say the “L” word.


Sure he loved things too. Seeing a beautiful, voluptuous lady, dancing on him in the silhouette of the club’s colorful, flashing lights. Taking a swig from a malt whiskey on the rocks, that would surely burn his throat at first, but bring him a feeling of calm soon after. Money. And most of all, the woman who brought him into this world, his mother.

But other people? There was no way he could use that word towards them. Not even the word liked, crossed his mind, until you.

You needed a job, desperately enough to even consider taking such a job as tending to the house of a well known mobster. You had previously worked for helping to tend a local cafe down the street from this job, but that was soon pulled from under your feet as it came to a close from slow work and less money coming in. The owner, whom you had known for years, had mentioned that his older brother knew a friend who was looking for someone to help with housekeeping, but of course didn’t give too much detail. It wasn’t until you had been brought into the lavish palace that you had suspicions, still you decided not to ask questions.

It was a job, and a job you instantly got so there was no reason to question or complain about it.

The first week was hell. You put up with the berrading and sleezy comments from other men that came in and out the house while you did your cleaning duties. They continued to harass you with comments about your outfit to the way you were cleaning certain things. You admit, it hurt and you just wanted out, but you couldn’t quit now. You just had to push through.

However, after another two weeks of that, you had had enough. Instead of quitting you decided that it was best to try and talk with the head of household. That’s where you first met him. Jiho Woo. He wasn’t as easy on the eyes, that matched his sharp personality. He was indeed handsome, but you his narrow and cold eyes, that starred you down as you were escorted inside, made you freeze up, making you forget what you had went in there for in the first place, for a quick minute.

He opened his mouth as he began.

“What’ya need sweetheart?” He asked as he gave you another quick glance over before going back to writing something down.

This took you by surprise, being as the way he looked, you thought his voice would match. “Uh- well I was wondering if you could tell the other men if they could wait to make commentary until I’ve left for the day? It really makes me uncomfortable if I’m being honest..”

“Huh..?” This made him look up and over at you again, only this time with a small smirk of amusement. “My men are free to say and do what they want. This is partially their humble abode too,” He continued as he leaned back in his chair while propping up his feet on one corner of the giant crafted desk. “You’re just the guest, and I’m paying you, am I not?”

“Yes sir..” it took you a while to gather words, any words, as after he said that, it felt as if he had shoved all you just said, right back down your throat until it grew into a right and painful ball. “I’m sorry.” You said abruptly as you made your way out the room and back to work.


“Why did you say that?!..Idiot…”

Jiho stood there, beating him up about the first time he officially talked with you, as he stood there in the same place that it took place. The door handle turned and pulled back as the door opened, before one of his men walked in, dragging another man into the room who was curssing at the top of his lungs.

“Let me go you stupid f*ck! I’ll *uckin’ k*ll you!”

“Shut up!” The man holding him yelled back while thrusting his fist into his mouth.

Jiho calmly walked over to him as put a foot against his head with a serious expression. “Is this him? The rat that has been sending information to the others!”

“Yep- This is him boss. What do you want us to do with him?”

He sniffed as he watched him start to squirm again and grow loud with a blank stare, before slamming his foot down on him. “You know what we do with rats..” He said as he pulled his foot away, and stood upright, watching as the man who yelled out just a second ago, lay there now in a painful daze.

“You got it boss” The tall, slender man said as he started to say as he dragged him away. “Want me to go get that pretty piece and have her clean this blood up? She would probably look better on her hands and knees huh boss?” He stifled a laugh but it didn’t last long as he was struck on the side of the face by Jiho’s burning fist.

“You better stop with the way you f*ckin’ talk bout her, you hear? Otherwise, you’ll end up joining this rat too. That goes for everyone, let them know too.” He said with an ice cold tone as he watched him hurrying out the room with a look of shock while nodding. “Of course sir- I’m sorry-“

“F*ck-“ He sighed as he leaned against the front of the desk while looking down at the bruise that started to form on his define knuckle. “Why the hell did I do that..?”

You had seen the whole thing from a sliver from the door that was open just slightly. This now confirmed it. You heard from friends that the house you had worked at was that of a dangerous mobster and his men. At first this didn’t scare you, as you didn’t believe it. There was no way that they would let someone such as yourself inside their hideaway, but now after seeing all of what just happened, you felt scared. You knew you had to get out of there, but how-

“(y/n)?” You felt your body grow stuck in place as the door creaked open, revealing Jiho standing there, his bruised hand, above you, holding the door, the other hand on his hip.

“Mr. Woo- I.” You panicked, but your body felt so heavy that you just couldn’t move. And how could you? If you ran after he knew what you had see, there’s no way he would let you leave. You were now a witness to the beating, or even worse, death, of that man. “ I didn’t see anything..I just…”

“Can you just get some ice and bring it here?” He exhaled and spoke out in an exhausted tone. He couldn’t help it. Seeing you, in so much fear and confusion, made him recoil. All the pent up frustration, made him tired in the end. He just needed a stiff drink.

“O-okay.” You said before zooming downstairs and going towards the kitchen. You could have just left, but you knew he had your information and could easily track you down, knowing that now he was a gang leader. There was no use. You decided you would take him the ice, then try and come up with a reason you had to go home. There was no way you could quit now; you thought that if you did he was sure to get to you before you could. It would just make things more suspicious.

You made your way back upstairs, each step feeling heavier than the last. Finally there you were, meeting him, and him alone in the office.

“Here you go.” You said softly as you walked over to where he was, sitting on the chair a few good inches from the desk, and grabbed his hand to place the bag of ice on it, to which he quickly pulled away.

“The hell are you doing?!” He asked in surprise, though it sounded like anger. This made you take a step back to which he lowered his voice and arched eyebrows. “Sorry- I just meant that the ice was for my glass.” He said as he opened the bag, and pour the cubes into his glass with a clink, before pouring himself a stiff drink of that amber liquid. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He could feel the fine follicles on the back of his neck stiffen as his face grew hot in embarrassment. What the hell was this? Had you just made him anxious? No one had even done that before, not even when it came to his enemies and the many times they looked him in the eyes as they got close to taking his life.


Although you were at first, you could then sense the sincery in his voice and took a step towards him. “it’s okay..”

The air was thick and heavy as you waited for him to take a long and hard few gulps from his glass before setting it down again. You looked around the giant, dim room, only to stop your sight on the speckled blood that stained the rug.

“I- let me go get my materials to come clean that up before it seeps into it!” You started to say as turned to rush out, more so from this awkward atmosphere.

“(y/n) wait a minute-“ Jiho said abruptly as he started to get up from his seat.

You stopped in your tracks, still afraid from the scene before, worrried if you didn’t listen to him, you would get the same treatment as that unfortunate man.

“You don’t have to worry about it, m’kay?” He said reassuringly as he sat back down in his chair. “All I really want you to do, is stay, and listen.”

You were surprised by all of this but nodded as you came back and stood with your hands clasped together in front of you next to the desk he sat at.

Jiho knew in this moment, it was a big mistake for him to call you back in as you stood there, looking pretty, seriously pretty to him. He noticed your lovely features that made you, you. Your hair, the hues you had to your body, eyes, strands, lips, fingertips. How had he never seen you in this light before?

He reached for his glass to get another drink, but accidentally knocked it over onto him with a low and and frustrated growl, to which made you smile and giggle. You had never seen him so clumsy, but cool all the time so seeing his was a rare sight.

He quickly looked up at you just in time to see your smile, followed by your giggle, and couldn’t help but stare. This scared you though, thinking that you had made him mad for laughing at him, but that didn’t seem like the case as he smirked. “Wow- that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile around this crummy place.” This moment confirmed it. He had taken interest in you.

You could feel the air lessen and feel lighter as you blinked a few times before giving a small smile and shrug, “It’s because this is the first I’ve seen you being clumsy-“ You paused as your smile faded. “Sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“Laughing at you- which I’m not! I just thought it was a little funny..”

“Sweetheart, you don’t have to explain yourself or emotions. I should be the one apologizing.”

“What? For what?”

“I was a real d*ck to you, and so were my boys. You were just doing your job, and that’s not a way to treat a lady. That, and you having to see that mess from earlier.”

You looked down back towards the stained rug. That was sure to stick with you for sometime, but you were happy to have him acknowledge the treatment you were getting and felt happy to have an apology.

“Thank you.” You gave him a smile, to which he smiled back at. In this moment he didn’t seem like the scary gangster you had met back then. “I should get back to it then.”

“Stay.” He said as he stood up, gently putting his hand near yours, gently touching his fingers against yours. Usually he had always gotten what he wanted, and as bad as he wanted to grab your hand, or just all of you within his arms, he knew that patients was important so he didn’t scare you away, let alone disrespected you. “I mean, I’d rather you stick close until my men are done downstairs. Don’t want you running into anymore violence today.”

That last sentence made him pause.


That was one thing you were sure to be around if he pursued you. He couldn’t have that, it hurt him to let you go, but maybe it was the best thing. No- He has never felt this way for someone before, and he wasn’t sure if he would ever again. He had to at least try even if it might have meant that you were to be in danger, but he knew one thing. If you were to somehow magically give him a chance, he would give you the world and make sure that no one would ever touch you.

With a tight expression, he looked over at you and pursed his lips together before opening his mouth. “(y/n)..I have something I want to ask, would a pretty gal like yourself want to go out?”

Your eyes almost popped out of your head as you looked at him in a surprised manner. “Go out? Like a date?”

“Just one night, give it some thought at least okay? I’ll be honest in saying that I’ve never done this before, asked someone else out, but I’m hopping to get a chance to talk with you in a less formal setting.”

All the fear and anxiety you felt before wasn’t quite there anymore. You sighed as he spoke, but happily. You wanted to give him the ne edit of the doubt and get to know him since you would be working with him.

“Yes, I would love to.” 

He smiled and leaned back in his seat, wondering how this would all play out.

-Admin Bonbori

#zico angst    #zico oneshot    #zico mafia    #block b    #yandere    #yandere lpop    #yandere kpop    #kpop blog    #kpop reaction    #zico rections    #zico scenarios    

Sorry if this isn’t great, I just found it in my google docs and decided to hit post :)

Word count: 2.7k 

Pairing: yandere! Jungkook x gn! Reader

(Y/N) had a happy tune playing on their record player and a bounce to their step as their hands danced around the chopping board, preparing their array of vegetables. Listening to the comforting drawl of the jazz artist brought a smile to their face, as they continued with the menial task.

However, this serenity was interrupted by a sudden knocking at the door. Unusual, considering they lived about ten miles out from the nearest city.

They opened up to see a young man, his lips blue with the cold and his hair damp with snow and their heart preceded any caution as they wordlessly let him into their cabin.

“Are you okay?” They asked, resting a hand on his damp sleeve and guiding him to their sofa.

“My car ran out of fuel and I don’t have any signal. Do you have a phone I can borrow?” The young man stuttered out, body still wracked with shivers.

“Of course. Just stay here, I’ll get you something warm to drink.”

They wrapped a blanket around him, and went into the kitchen to boil up some milk for cocoa.

(Y/N) switched the radio off, their visitor’s alarming arrival having ruined the previous cheer of the evening. It was unfortunate, but also they were semi-thankful to have some company on what was going to be a solitary evening.

They brought their attention back to the cocoa they were making, and took the mug back into the living room for their guest.

He wasn’t on the sofa however. He’d shrugged off his shirt, as it sat on the sofa making a small damp patch. He instead stood looking at the pictures on the wall, wrapped solely in the blanket.

“Hey, I made you some cocoa.” (Y/N) called to him, snapping him out of his stupor.

“Oh, thank you.” He smiled. “Sorry, my shirt was way too wet and it was making me cold. I hope you don’t mind.”

“It’s okay.” They smiled in response. “Drink your cocoa and then you can use my landline.”

He looked slightly cautious as he picked up the mug and blew on it to cool it down. They noticed his apprehension.

“I haven’t put anything funny in it, if that’s what you’re scared about. Not everyone living in cabins away from society is a serial killer.”

He let out a slight laugh of relief and mirth, bringing it to his lips and sighing in relief as the liquid warmed his hands and stomach.

“I’m (Y/N), by the way.”

“I’m Jungkook. Thank you for your help.”

There was silence as Jungkook gingerly sipped his cocoa and (Y/N) tried to find something to say.

“I’ll go get my phone.” They finally said, standing up to find the device charging in their office and bringing it back to him. With a nod of thanks, he started to dial the number and held it up to his ear, but after a few seconds he frowned.

“No signal.”

He tried again, many different numbers but all with no answer, as (Y/N) stood at the sidelines biting the inside of their cheek.

“It’s no good. I think the weather has wrecked the signal. Do you have WiFi?” Jungkook sighed.

“I’m in the process of switching companies, so unfortunately I’ve been going without.” (Y/N) replied, shifting slightly. “I’m really sorry, I wish I could be more helpful.”

He stood up, ready to grab his things and see if he could make his own way home only to catch sight of the snow flurry outside.

“There’s no way you could survive that.” (Y/N) joined his side, frowning. “It’s probably best that you bunker down here for the night.”

He thanked her and, following a bowl of warm stew for supper, fell asleep on the couch. (Y/N) draped a blanket over him before leaving for their own room.


The snow did not let up. The next morning, it was practically still dark outside and the dangerous weather brought a heavy feeling upon Jungkook.

“Looks like a white christmas.” (Y/N) commented, offering him a lopsided grin.

“I hope you don’t mind if I stay here a bit longer…” Jungkook stuttered out. (Y/N) placed a warm hand on his shoulder.

“Of course not. I couldn’t throw you out on a day like this.” They turned on their heel. “Will you help me make lunch?”

With some festive tunes and a roaring fire, it was quite pleasant standing beside (Y/N) and helping them prepare the roast dinner. Jungkook struggled to keep his hands steady, not quite used to preparing meat when most of his meals were microwaved, but (Y/N) was there with their warm, soft hands to guide him.

And when they finally sat down to eat, his eyebrows shot up in surprise at the magnificent taste.

“It’s been so long since I’ve had a proper meal. Like this.” He confessed quietly, eyes focused on the plate rather than (Y/N)’s bemused gaze.

“Really? It’s worth the time.” They replied. “Try it, and who knows? You could be the next Gordon Ramsey.”

They shared a chuckle as they ate, but something else was eating at Jungkook. There was something here he’d never experienced before, a warmth that was previously foreign.

It was when (Y/N) brushed past him to get an extra bottle of wine from the cupboard and he felt a spark just from their touch that Jungkook diagnosed himself.

‘I’m in love.’


The days shared together whilst the storm raged on were sweet. Reading books (Y/N) had collected over the years, doing puzzles and discussing their lives. Jungkook couldn’t think of a better use of the time in his life than spending every second with (Y/N). It haunted him every night as he lay on the couch, dreaming of their future together despite the stinging finity of it.

One night, as they sat together doing crosswords, there was a flick of the lights. They would be happy to just dismiss it, if not for the subsequent blackout.

“Shit.” (Y/N) muttered. “Where are the candles?”

Jungkook simply turned on his phone and used the light to shine around the room, granting (Y/N) a path to their new source of light.

“Thank you.” They called out as they lit a match and illuminated the room once again with a limited glow, letting Jungkook tuck his phone back into his pocket as they went to investigate their generator, only to groan aloud when they realised it was going to take ages to boot up again.

After a half hearted argument from Jungkook he’d earned a place in their bed, instead of his usual couch, to keep warm.

As they settled down to sleep, (Y/N) quite clearly put a fair bit of distance between them. Cute. But nevertheless (Y/N) slept facing inwards, meaning Jungkook could fall asleep seeing their beautiful face. And did he enjoy that. the fluttering of their eyelids, creasing of their brows, the sleepy murmurs. It was a surprise that he got any sleep at all, when every instinct wanted to savour the moment forever.


Sunlight provided a natural alarm, calling for the two to wake up but Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to depart from the comfort of (Y/N)’s embrace. Subconsciously, or maybe even consciously, they’d wrapped their arms around him to keep warm. He revelled in hearing their heartbeat, their soft sleepy breaths.

When Jungkook finally drew away from the ethereal being beside him, his heart dropped when he looked out the window. The sun was shining brightly, the storm having evidently ended at some point in the night leaving behind heaps of snow but a clear sky. This was it. The day he’d been dreading.

How would (Y/N) feel to see him go? Would they be as torn as him, knowing that his life belongs in the city but his heart belongs with them?

Jungkook finally decided that he would go about life as “usual”. Maybe (Y/N) won’t bring it up, and they won’t ruin the domestic fantasy that had been so perfectly brewing. In fact, just to sweeten things he decided to make them breakfast in bed. As much as it chilled him to do so, he unwrapped (Y/N)’s arm from around him and stood up with a stretch.

They were running low on fresh food, with 4 days of being locked away from society. But luckily there was still eggs, and bread. Jungkook set to work, enjoying the little luxury he never enjoyed in the city to cook breakfast. Normally in the morning he could only have a coffee or protein shake before leaving the house, but in this perfect little world with (Y/N) such time restraints didn’t exist.

Just as he was plating up the food, he heard the sound of a car engine outside. Oh god, who was it? Had someone somehow gotten his SOS? How would he tell them to fuck off and leave him in peace.

Rather, he heard the person emerge from the car, stomp up the driveway and insert some keys into the door. The entrance swung open, and he was frozen to the spot as he saw another man enter and stomp his feet on the doormat to remove the snow.

This stranger looked up to lock eyes with Jungkook.

“Who are you?”

“Who are you?” Jungkook echoed back.

“The boyfriend of (Y/N), who owns this cabin.”

“My car broke down in the storm a few days ago, so (Y/N) offered me shelter until I could call someone for help.” Jungkook felt his grip around the knife tighten, his knuckles becoming pale with the pressure he was exerting.

“I see. Let me go and see my partner and then we’ll see if I can do something to help.” The stranger’s smile would be heartwarming, but Jungkook felt like his blood had been replaced with lava.

The vermin pushed his way past Jungkook into the bedroom, and Jungkook felt his stomach turn as he heard the sleepy mumbles from (Y/N) and then some not so quiet kissing sounds.

The eggs were starting to grow cold on the plates as Jungkook processed the situation. (Y/N) had never mentioned a boyfriend. All this time they’d ripened him up, made him fall for them only to tear his heart to shreds?

No, no. (Y/N) was far too kind to do such a thing. Clearly there were other forces at play making him hurt. Whatever the reason, this ‘boyfriend’ was bad news.

He looked down to see the knife still gripped tightly in his hand. At least he had one option.

He picked up the plates and poured a cup of fresh coffee before making his way into the bedroom. (Y/N) was sitting up in bed, but the new guy was at their side like a leech.

“I made breakfast.” Jungkook spoke up, placing the plate in front of them gingerly and holding out the mug for them to take.

“Thank you.” They blew on the coffee to cool it down before taking a sip. “Yoongi has agreed to take a lot at your car and see what he can do. If he can’t fix it, he’ll give you a lift back into the city and we can work from there.”

“Oh. Thank you.”

“I’ll go get my toolkit. Do you think you’d be able find your way back to the car?” Finally (Y/N)’s boyfriend detached himself from their side and stood up, meeting Jungkook’s eyes.

“Yeah, probably.” He stuttered.

As Yoongi went to find his tools, (Y/N) finally returned their attention back to Jungkook.

“I’m really going to miss your company. Maybe your car breaking down was a blessing in disguise?” They smiled, and Jungkook felt his cheeks grow red.

“Thank you.”

“And you’ve got my number, right? Anytime you feel like it, feel free to drop me a text message and you’d be welcome to stay for a night if you need some escape from the city.” Jungkook nodded dumbly, not able to form the words to say that he never wanted to return home, he wanted to stay with them forever and he’d give up anything for them.

“Alright buddy, you ready?” Yoongi had returned. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the patronising language but nodded.


The snow crunching with every step was the only sound as they traipsed through the woods to find Jungkook’s car. He wasn’t ready to give up his happiness, but how could he assert himself to (Y/N)’s boyfriend?

“I bet you’ll be glad to get home.” Yoongi spoke up. “I can’t imagine what it’s like living out here full time like (Y/N) does.”

Jungkook just gave a grunt of non-discretion.

“Is that your car?” He pointed to a large object in the distant road, covered in snow but vaguely car-shaped.

“I guess.” Jungkook replied simply.

Once they were at the car, Yoongi started wiping the snow from the bonnet and opening it up to look at the engine.

Jungkook just watched as Yoongi peeked around.

“Just looks like a fuse has gone. I have some backups in my kit.” (Y/N)’s boyfriend dug around in the toolbox until he found a small plastic container, before setting to work.

Jungkook felt a horrible feeling in his stomach. As soon as this was done, he’d be sent on his way. This vermin would be the one to hold (Y/N) close, to enjoy their meals and company, to admire their smile. Jungkook could not stand that thought.

He bent done, to observe what Yoongi was doing. But simultaneously, his fingers snagged a wrench from the toolkit.

“That should be all-” Yoongi was cut out by a harsh shove, pushing him over onto the ground. He caught himself with his hands, and turned to sit up and ask what had happened. He was met with the sight of Jungkoom standing above him, wielding the wrench before bringing it down onto his head.

The man let out a cry of pain as it collided, but Jungkook was not deterred. He brought it down, again and again until blood spattered everywhere and Yoongi’s face was an unrecognisable mess. He finally stopped, and dropped the wrench with shock of what he’d done. Seeing the gruesome sight was enough to make him puke, and when he was done doing so he still couldn’t help the streams of tears running down his face, mixing with the blood. What had driven him to such a drastic measure? How fucked up had he become, so isolated from society that he was capable of bashing someone’s brains in?

He managed to get to his feet, and his instincts were screaming at him to run. Back to the comfort of (Y/N)’s arms, if they would even accept someone as messed up as him.

As he trudged back through the woods, thoughts of what he could say rushed through his head. Would he tell them upfront that he killed their boyfriend? Would he blame some traffic, an attack from a wild animal, maybe even another person?

He hadn’t decided on a plan when he returned to the cabin, and rather than formulate one Jungkook just banged on the door in desperation. He needed to be with them, he needed (Y/N) to comfort him and tell him everything was going to be okay.

(Y/N) answered the door still dressed in their nightclothes, and when they saw Jungkook’s blood and puke splattered clothes they instantly ushered him in again.

“What happened, are you okay?”

Jungkook opened his mouth but no words could come out, just heavy breathes.

“Were you attacked? Where’s Yoongi?” (Y/N) continued, but Jungkook could only sob at their boyfriend’s name, leading (Y/N) to make some deductions.

“Oh Jungkook. Come on, we need to get you changed.” (Y/N) sighed, trying not to let their bad feeling regarding their boyfriend’s fate overcome them.

He let them take his hand, enjoying their skinship being reunited. Even if they were only together once more under tragic circumstances, Jungkook couldn’t help but to be thankful.

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