#kpop reaction


Got7 reaction: When theri child runs on stage


  • I’d like a reaction to the one where bts’s children run up on stage but with got7 please.



Jb’s Little girl was always a stubborn one. If she could do what she wanted 100% of the time, there will be chaos 100% of the time. So when she ran out on stage and threw a tantrum when people tried to get her off the jb knew he had to talk her. So in the middle of the performance he sits down with his little girl and tries to compromise with her to get off the stage

“ if you go backstage out make sure you get ice cream later”

“ I don’t want ice cream”

“ how about banana pudding?”

“Uh-uh” she shakes her head

“ well then what do you want?”

“Whats the magic word~” she obviously got this behavior for her mother


And with that she happily kissed her father and skipped off stage.


Mark didn’t get to see his son all the time because of travel lane and schedules, so it was always a treat when you and your son could come and visit him at concerts. The concert was in the middle portion where they were talking with their fair to just interacting without music so when his son ran out to hug Mark it was an a big deal.

As you came and pryed your son off Marks leg he sent a big heart to his father which Mark returned in the cutest of Ways.


Sometimes when there’s an interruption during a concert, the boys are instructed to just ignore it so that there’s no major complications within the concert.

Out of the corner of his eyes Jen young saw his son sprint across stage but hope that it wasn’t real. He walked over to Mark to get his input.

Jy: “Did you just see that orr”

Mk: “the little jinyoung who just ran pa- oo there he gose again”

Jy: -sighs from bewilderment-


The concert hadn’t even started actually, they were in the back getting dressed. Jackson was playing with his daughter. After a while she managed to escape and Jackson had to chase her all over the place.

With all the stuff laying around and people in the way it was actually easy for her to escape far enough from her father to end up on stage. Where Jackson had to run out her dress to catch her. Sending the fans into a frenzy.


You were trying to change your daughter in to some clean clothes after her very messy lunch. But as the story goes she walked away while you where trying to find her shirt. But luckly you still had eyes on her and just follwed her to where ever she walked. This girl loved exploring.

Soon see finds the open stage and you would have stopped her but it was only a rehearsal so, no harm done.

Walking out there shirt-less you waved to everyone before making it to her father. Bambam is highly amused asurring his little girl that “yeah you have the right idea this family dosent need shirts”

Just as he was about to take off his shirt he noticed you glaring at him in a playful way. “oh! O-oh nevermind, go to mommy okay?”


He saw you and your little son having a little dance party back stage and was so instrgued with how you two behaved. Once he noitced that the some was trying to catch his attention with the various of crazy dance moves.

So he quickly gave a little shimmy shimmy before returning to the fans.


Tbh i havent seen these boys in so long that i kept questioning myself on if i matched them right. But please let me know if im wrong

Bai for now

Jin: You came out the bathroom from finishing you makeup and started getting dressed. Jin had came into the bedroom around that time to see you semi-struggling to put on your skinny jeans. He chuckled as he watched you ass jiggle and mold to get into your pants “ahhh looks likes someones booty is growing up” he said making you shy and scoff while walking back to the bathroom “love you baby!”


Suga: Suga didn’t even need to do much to get you going “did you get thicker babe?” he asked while checking out how nicely you fill in your pant. “Yas bitch! YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IT IS, BIG BOOTY SQUAD, THICK THIGH SQUAD, AYE AYE AYE” you pop off in the mirror and yoongi just sits back and smiles at how happy you got from one comment. “haha well then”



it was a normal day all day today with you walking aroung the house in some comfy sweats when you hear the most ridiculous comment coming from your dork of a boyfriend on the couch “oh now that some booty booty right there”. almost got whipflash from turning to giving him a WTF face “really namjoon?” you try and scold him but just end up chuckling. it did make you feel queen af tho.



oh. you thought he was goona say some shit? naw he’s just gonna stare. he saw your in this shirt maybe 10 times before, but today! today is different, you booty looks high, plumper, thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal. got this boy thirsty and cravin’. ‘damn….. ass is getting fat…. shit’


Jimin: “babe, this is you” you look at him in confusion cause ‘what the fuck?’. “whats that song you all ways sing?” still you are confused then he started humping the floor “Big Booty Judy, got a Big Booty Judy” you just bout died while he continued the antics and started singing the thong song still humping the floor and laughing hard as shit


Taehyung: oh so causally did taehyung complement how you look thicker “you know your thighs and butt looks thicker” and you just as causally say “all thanks to you babe” “why?” “good dick makes for a thick ass” “oh well if that’s the case you’re welcome”  

Jungkook: high key checking out how your shorts looks smaller and the bottom for you’re kinda peaks out from them. (and taehyung highkey checking you out too)


Anon asked: Hi, I’m a new follower, but could I request a mafia/slight yandere Zico scenario where his s/o is one of his maids, and he falls for her??❤️

Oh my gosh! I love this! I had been writing something along the lines of a ZICO and Dean mafia AU last year but never got around to posting it, but this is brilliant! Maybe I will post it after all! But here you go sweetie!

Zico + Reader


Gender:Mafia | Light Yandere | Romance

“We met less than a week ago and in that time I’ve done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you. I know. But if you give me a chance…all I want is to protect you. To be near you. For as long as I’m able.”


It was you. It had always been you. Well, only since the beginning of that month where he had met you, but still, it was you.

He had never yearned for anything so bad in his life, besides money, and power; but he was never one to flock after someone else. Most women gravitated towards him, and for what? His money? Looks? Status perhaps? That’s what made him so cold and bored when it came to “catching feelings” or dare he say the “L” word.


Sure he loved things too. Seeing a beautiful, voluptuous lady, dancing on him in the silhouette of the club’s colorful, flashing lights. Taking a swig from a malt whiskey on the rocks, that would surely burn his throat at first, but bring him a feeling of calm soon after. Money. And most of all, the woman who brought him into this world, his mother.

But other people? There was no way he could use that word towards them. Not even the word liked, crossed his mind, until you.

You needed a job, desperately enough to even consider taking such a job as tending to the house of a well known mobster. You had previously worked for helping to tend a local cafe down the street from this job, but that was soon pulled from under your feet as it came to a close from slow work and less money coming in. The owner, whom you had known for years, had mentioned that his older brother knew a friend who was looking for someone to help with housekeeping, but of course didn’t give too much detail. It wasn’t until you had been brought into the lavish palace that you had suspicions, still you decided not to ask questions.

It was a job, and a job you instantly got so there was no reason to question or complain about it.

The first week was hell. You put up with the berrading and sleezy comments from other men that came in and out the house while you did your cleaning duties. They continued to harass you with comments about your outfit to the way you were cleaning certain things. You admit, it hurt and you just wanted out, but you couldn’t quit now. You just had to push through.

However, after another two weeks of that, you had had enough. Instead of quitting you decided that it was best to try and talk with the head of household. That’s where you first met him. Jiho Woo. He wasn’t as easy on the eyes, that matched his sharp personality. He was indeed handsome, but you his narrow and cold eyes, that starred you down as you were escorted inside, made you freeze up, making you forget what you had went in there for in the first place, for a quick minute.

He opened his mouth as he began.

“What’ya need sweetheart?” He asked as he gave you another quick glance over before going back to writing something down.

This took you by surprise, being as the way he looked, you thought his voice would match. “Uh- well I was wondering if you could tell the other men if they could wait to make commentary until I’ve left for the day? It really makes me uncomfortable if I’m being honest..”

“Huh..?” This made him look up and over at you again, only this time with a small smirk of amusement. “My men are free to say and do what they want. This is partially their humble abode too,” He continued as he leaned back in his chair while propping up his feet on one corner of the giant crafted desk. “You’re just the guest, and I’m paying you, am I not?”

“Yes sir..” it took you a while to gather words, any words, as after he said that, it felt as if he had shoved all you just said, right back down your throat until it grew into a right and painful ball. “I’m sorry.” You said abruptly as you made your way out the room and back to work.


“Why did you say that?!..Idiot…”

Jiho stood there, beating him up about the first time he officially talked with you, as he stood there in the same place that it took place. The door handle turned and pulled back as the door opened, before one of his men walked in, dragging another man into the room who was curssing at the top of his lungs.

“Let me go you stupid f*ck! I’ll *uckin’ k*ll you!”

“Shut up!” The man holding him yelled back while thrusting his fist into his mouth.

Jiho calmly walked over to him as put a foot against his head with a serious expression. “Is this him? The rat that has been sending information to the others!”

“Yep- This is him boss. What do you want us to do with him?”

He sniffed as he watched him start to squirm again and grow loud with a blank stare, before slamming his foot down on him. “You know what we do with rats..” He said as he pulled his foot away, and stood upright, watching as the man who yelled out just a second ago, lay there now in a painful daze.

“You got it boss” The tall, slender man said as he started to say as he dragged him away. “Want me to go get that pretty piece and have her clean this blood up? She would probably look better on her hands and knees huh boss?” He stifled a laugh but it didn’t last long as he was struck on the side of the face by Jiho’s burning fist.

“You better stop with the way you f*ckin’ talk bout her, you hear? Otherwise, you’ll end up joining this rat too. That goes for everyone, let them know too.” He said with an ice cold tone as he watched him hurrying out the room with a look of shock while nodding. “Of course sir- I’m sorry-“

“F*ck-“ He sighed as he leaned against the front of the desk while looking down at the bruise that started to form on his define knuckle. “Why the hell did I do that..?”

You had seen the whole thing from a sliver from the door that was open just slightly. This now confirmed it. You heard from friends that the house you had worked at was that of a dangerous mobster and his men. At first this didn’t scare you, as you didn’t believe it. There was no way that they would let someone such as yourself inside their hideaway, but now after seeing all of what just happened, you felt scared. You knew you had to get out of there, but how-

“(y/n)?” You felt your body grow stuck in place as the door creaked open, revealing Jiho standing there, his bruised hand, above you, holding the door, the other hand on his hip.

“Mr. Woo- I.” You panicked, but your body felt so heavy that you just couldn’t move. And how could you? If you ran after he knew what you had see, there’s no way he would let you leave. You were now a witness to the beating, or even worse, death, of that man. “ I didn’t see anything..I just…”

“Can you just get some ice and bring it here?” He exhaled and spoke out in an exhausted tone. He couldn’t help it. Seeing you, in so much fear and confusion, made him recoil. All the pent up frustration, made him tired in the end. He just needed a stiff drink.

“O-okay.” You said before zooming downstairs and going towards the kitchen. You could have just left, but you knew he had your information and could easily track you down, knowing that now he was a gang leader. There was no use. You decided you would take him the ice, then try and come up with a reason you had to go home. There was no way you could quit now; you thought that if you did he was sure to get to you before you could. It would just make things more suspicious.

You made your way back upstairs, each step feeling heavier than the last. Finally there you were, meeting him, and him alone in the office.

“Here you go.” You said softly as you walked over to where he was, sitting on the chair a few good inches from the desk, and grabbed his hand to place the bag of ice on it, to which he quickly pulled away.

“The hell are you doing?!” He asked in surprise, though it sounded like anger. This made you take a step back to which he lowered his voice and arched eyebrows. “Sorry- I just meant that the ice was for my glass.” He said as he opened the bag, and pour the cubes into his glass with a clink, before pouring himself a stiff drink of that amber liquid. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He could feel the fine follicles on the back of his neck stiffen as his face grew hot in embarrassment. What the hell was this? Had you just made him anxious? No one had even done that before, not even when it came to his enemies and the many times they looked him in the eyes as they got close to taking his life.


Although you were at first, you could then sense the sincery in his voice and took a step towards him. “it’s okay..”

The air was thick and heavy as you waited for him to take a long and hard few gulps from his glass before setting it down again. You looked around the giant, dim room, only to stop your sight on the speckled blood that stained the rug.

“I- let me go get my materials to come clean that up before it seeps into it!” You started to say as turned to rush out, more so from this awkward atmosphere.

“(y/n) wait a minute-“ Jiho said abruptly as he started to get up from his seat.

You stopped in your tracks, still afraid from the scene before, worrried if you didn’t listen to him, you would get the same treatment as that unfortunate man.

“You don’t have to worry about it, m’kay?” He said reassuringly as he sat back down in his chair. “All I really want you to do, is stay, and listen.”

You were surprised by all of this but nodded as you came back and stood with your hands clasped together in front of you next to the desk he sat at.

Jiho knew in this moment, it was a big mistake for him to call you back in as you stood there, looking pretty, seriously pretty to him. He noticed your lovely features that made you, you. Your hair, the hues you had to your body, eyes, strands, lips, fingertips. How had he never seen you in this light before?

He reached for his glass to get another drink, but accidentally knocked it over onto him with a low and and frustrated growl, to which made you smile and giggle. You had never seen him so clumsy, but cool all the time so seeing his was a rare sight.

He quickly looked up at you just in time to see your smile, followed by your giggle, and couldn’t help but stare. This scared you though, thinking that you had made him mad for laughing at him, but that didn’t seem like the case as he smirked. “Wow- that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile around this crummy place.” This moment confirmed it. He had taken interest in you.

You could feel the air lessen and feel lighter as you blinked a few times before giving a small smile and shrug, “It’s because this is the first I’ve seen you being clumsy-“ You paused as your smile faded. “Sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“Laughing at you- which I’m not! I just thought it was a little funny..”

“Sweetheart, you don’t have to explain yourself or emotions. I should be the one apologizing.”

“What? For what?”

“I was a real d*ck to you, and so were my boys. You were just doing your job, and that’s not a way to treat a lady. That, and you having to see that mess from earlier.”

You looked down back towards the stained rug. That was sure to stick with you for sometime, but you were happy to have him acknowledge the treatment you were getting and felt happy to have an apology.

“Thank you.” You gave him a smile, to which he smiled back at. In this moment he didn’t seem like the scary gangster you had met back then. “I should get back to it then.”

“Stay.” He said as he stood up, gently putting his hand near yours, gently touching his fingers against yours. Usually he had always gotten what he wanted, and as bad as he wanted to grab your hand, or just all of you within his arms, he knew that patients was important so he didn’t scare you away, let alone disrespected you. “I mean, I’d rather you stick close until my men are done downstairs. Don’t want you running into anymore violence today.”

That last sentence made him pause.


That was one thing you were sure to be around if he pursued you. He couldn’t have that, it hurt him to let you go, but maybe it was the best thing. No- He has never felt this way for someone before, and he wasn’t sure if he would ever again. He had to at least try even if it might have meant that you were to be in danger, but he knew one thing. If you were to somehow magically give him a chance, he would give you the world and make sure that no one would ever touch you.

With a tight expression, he looked over at you and pursed his lips together before opening his mouth. “(y/n)..I have something I want to ask, would a pretty gal like yourself want to go out?”

Your eyes almost popped out of your head as you looked at him in a surprised manner. “Go out? Like a date?”

“Just one night, give it some thought at least okay? I’ll be honest in saying that I’ve never done this before, asked someone else out, but I’m hopping to get a chance to talk with you in a less formal setting.”

All the fear and anxiety you felt before wasn’t quite there anymore. You sighed as he spoke, but happily. You wanted to give him the ne edit of the doubt and get to know him since you would be working with him.

“Yes, I would love to.” 

He smiled and leaned back in his seat, wondering how this would all play out.

-Admin Bonbori

Prompt: Hi! Can you do a red velvet reaction to their s/o deciding to sleep on the couch after an argument and the reader wakes up to find her sleeping on top of them? Sorry if that doesn’t make sense.

A/N: It makes sense but I wasn’t sure what to use as the title? Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! - Admin Kiwi

Irene: “I decided I wasn’t really that mad. So, I’m sorry.” The two of you wouldn’t fight often, mostly because Irene is very calm and clear about things and likes to talk everything out. So this fight would be unusual and would leave Irene unable to sleep, regretting getting so angry and wondering if you were cold out there on your own. Eventually, she’d get up to apologize, but when you wouldn’t wake up, she’d slide onto the couch with you inside, fitting her small body next to yours and immediately drifting off to sleep. When she woke up to your confused voice, asking her why she was out there, she would immediately apologize for arguing with you the day before, her honestly shining through her sleepy eyes.

Wendy: “I missed you. It was cold in the bed without you.” Wendy can sometimes get riled up, especially when she’s tired, so when the two of you began to argue after a long day, she wouldn’t have the patience and would snap at you, making you snap back that you were going to sleep on the couch. Later, after taking a shower to clear her head and climbing into bed, her steam would wear off and she would feel bad, wondering if you felt the same and trying to think of how long it had been since she slept alone. She wouldn’t be able to sleep without you, so she’d go find you instead, accidentally waking you up as she climbed onto the couch next you. Immediately, she’d apologize and ask you to come to the bed, shoulders sagging with relief when you apologized as well and agreed.

Seulgi: Honestly, Seulgi would hate fighting and would try to avoid it at all costs, but sometimes it happens. Upset after arguing, she would burst into tears and rush to the room as she told you not to follow her, immediately making you feel bad. Still, you wouldn’t want to upset her more, so you would decide to sleep on the couch that night to let her cool down. After having a good cry, Seulgi would feel bad as well, wiping at her face and just wanting to hug you and apologize. When she walked out to see you on the couch with just a thin blanket, she would start to cry again, immediately bringing you another blanket and cuddling up next to you, waking you up as she tearfully apologized, making you tear up as well. It’s very hard to stay upset with Seulgi, and you wouldn’t be able to stay upset after seeing how much she wanted to reconcile.

Joy: “I can’t believe you left me alone like that, I was so cold.” Although she doesn’t look like it, Joy can be very stubborn in the heat of the moment, especially when she feels like she’s being attacked. After this particular argument, she would tell you to go away and would slam the bedroom door, muttering angrily under her breath and stomping off to the shower to clear her head. After getting into bed and calming down, though, she would begin to miss you, even if she wouldn’t want to. Begrudgingly, she would go into the living room and would climb in next to you, although she would be very embarrassed the next morning when you woke up to find her next to you, exclaiming that it was cold all alone. Her face would flush when you asked if she missed you and she would say no, but would huff and invite you to make breakfast with her to make up for the fight, extending a branch of peace despite her stubbornness.

Yeri: “Whatever, I’m still upset with you!” Yeri is a pretty stubborn person, so when she was angry, she wouldn’t want to apologize first, even if the reason the two of you fought wasn’t serious. She would be the one to tell you not to bother her that night, huffing as she stormed to the bedroom, but she wouldn’t expect you to actually decide to sleep on the couch like that. To her own surprise, she wouldn’t be able to sleep without you there and would feel bad for making you sleep in the cold living room, so she would come out with a blanket and would end up shuffling in beside you, sleepy and just wanting comfort. The next morning, though, she would be embarrassed and would insist that you apologize first, even though you could tell that she wasn’t actually angry anymore. Still, you’d amuse her, because both of you would have cooled down after sleeping and would understand that the fight had honestly been stupid.

Prompt: may i request gwsn’s individual reactions to their s/o being shorter than them? would they find it cute, tease them, etc.? thank you! :)

A/N: Stan talent, stan GWSN. They should have been invited to Queendom, I would have loved to see them get some much-deserved attention. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! - Admin Kiwi

Seoryoung:“If I’m a fairy, then what does that make you?” Seoryoung is small herself, only 157 cm tall, so she wouldn’t be used to being the taller one in the relationship. Because of this, she would milk it for all it was worth, nicknaming you after various tiny cartoon characters and constantly proclaiming that she couldn’t help being tall, like the two of you didn’t both have stepstools everywhere because neither of you can reach anything. You’d get her back, though, constantly reminding her that she is, in fact, also tiny and so can say nothing about your height.


Miya:“It’s only a few inches, but I make it count, right?” Miya really isn’t that tall herself, so she would love being taller than you. It would make her feel really cool and she would milk it for all it was worth, constantly teasing you by leaning over you and putting her arm over your shoulder, winking as she flirted and teased you. However, she’s still a bit of a dork, so as soon as you flirted back, she would burst into laughter and step back, playfully complaining that shewas supposed to be the cool one. You would tease her back plenty about her height, too, but secretly you’d like it when she acted cool and used her height to make you feel small.


Seokyoung: “You’re going to have to get heels or something because I can’t reach the top shelf either.” Although she’s also pretty small, she wouldn’t really think anything about you being shorter than her, other than her original surprise that there are people shorter than her in the first place. The only times she would think about it would be when the two of you were trying to get something down, and then the two of you wouldn’t be able to stop laughing, trying all sorts of things to get to the top shelf and whining about being short together. She’d also occasionally remember when people asked who was taller, immediately standing up straighter and laughing as she raised her hand.


Anne: “Woah, I forgot how short you are.” Anne wouldn’t think about your height all that often, mostly because she’s used to being around the members who are shorter than her. It would only be when she turned around and had to look down at you or when you wouldn’t be able to reach something when she would remember. Then, in a deep, slightly playful tone, she would ask you when you got so short, enjoying your reaction with a slight smile before helping you get whatever you needed. She would also like the way you fit in her arms, although she wouldn’t admit that out loud.


Minju: “You know what? I kind of like being the taller one actually!” Minju is average height, so she wouldn’t really notice height as much as some other people. However, when the two of you first started going out, she found herself wondering if this was now Lena just saw the world and would become amused at the thought. After that, she would try out things that traditionally the “taller” partner would do, begging you to try it with her because she “just wants to see how it feels!” She wouldn’t really tease you, though, instead constantly telling you how cute she finds you to boost your ego.


Soso: “I don’t think you’re too short. I’m just tall, right?” She would be a bit insecure about her height when the two of you first started dating, actually. She would worry for a bit that you would think she was too tall, or that the two of you wouldn’t fit together well, but after a while those worries would go away, mostly because you would remind you all the time that you liked how tall she was. Instead, she’d begin to like the way you felt in her arms, and she would like hugging you from behind and being the big spoon. Soon, she would even sometimes playfully tease you for being short at the store with a sweet, loving tone to her voice, finally comfortable with your height difference.


Lena: “(Y/N)? Where did you go? I can’t see you anywhere!” She would tease you often about your height, looking over your head and pretending that she couldn’t see you as you huffed and waved your hands in front of her face, reminding her that she was just tall. She would love getting a reaction out of you, thinking that you were adorable whenever you had to stretch to get something or pouted when she reached over you to grab something. She would actually like being the taller one and would always stand a bit taller around you.


Prompt: Can i ask you a reaction where Twice where they spend all day training for an event and their love one surprice them at home with a comfy dinner

A/N: Soooo I had COVID. Thankfully it looks like my vaccine is keeping the worst away for now but since I have so much time at home right now, I figured I would try and write some things for you guys. I hope you all enjoy and stay safe out there! - Admin Kiwi

Jihyo: “Awe, this is so sweet.” Jihyo would be pretty drained after a long day of practicing for an upcoming event. As the leader, she felt it was her responsibility to make sure everything was perfect, even if that meant practicing harder and staying later to go over things with her managers and choreographers. By the time she stumbled in the door, she was starving and so tired she thought about laying down on the floor right there. She had been expecting to come home to a dark apartment, since she had stayed into the early hours of the morning, but instead she was greeted with your soft smile and gentle hands, and the wonderful smell of her favorite meal. For a moment, she thought she was dreaming as she let you help her out of her jacket, but when you guided her into the kitchen, chiding her for overworking herself, she realized this was all real. Her favorite meal was on the table, and as she sat down, you massaged her shoulders, asking how her day was. Instead of answering right away, she leaned back and gave you a tired, fond smile, suddenly so content with her life she wouldn’t change a thing. “I’m so glad I moved in with you.”


Nayeon: “Oh, this is just what I needed! You’re the best.” Work had been nonstop recently, and Nayeon was kind of over it. Sure, she loved being an idol, but after yet another day of endless training for an event she couldn’t even remember the name of, she found herself questioning her choice of career. When was the last time she’d eaten anything other than quick snacks between dances? She couldn’t really remember. Exhausted, she pressed her forehead against the car window and let the cool glass lull her into a fitful nap as she was finally driven home. When she woke up, she thanked the driver and stumbled her way up to her apartment, thinking of nothing more than her bed, but when she opened the door, she was surprised to hear the faint sound of music and find the smell of food wafting through the room. Suddenly curious, she kicked off her shoes and made her way to the kitchen, where she found you softly singing as you stirred a giant pot of soup on the stove. When you heard her walk in, you turned and smiled, walking over to wrap her in your arms and give her a kiss that she sank into. “Is that for me?” She asked hopefully, looking over at the stove, and you laughed, nodding. “For you. I made it with ingredients to give you strength for your event tomorrow. Here, sit down and I’ll feed you.” Fondness flowed over her, and she reached up to give you another kiss before you went to the stove. “God, I love you.” “I love you too, Nayeon.”


Jeongyeon: “All of this is for me? You didn’t have to….” Jeongyeon would spend the entire day just wanting to go home. For days, her schedule had been packed with one performance after another, and then the one day they didn’t have a performance was spent practicing for a big event that she couldn’t even remember the name of. After a blur of changed choreography and outfit checks, she finally found herself slowly unlocking her front door, her eyelids drooping from exhaustion. What time was it? She couldn’t remember as she stepped inside and kicked off her shoes with a yawn, not even noticing that the lights were still on until she heard you ask her how her day was from the kitchen. Blinking, she cleared her throat and responded that she was tired as she trudged further inside, only to freeze when she reached the kitchen. The light was warm, and you were placing a plate down onto the table as you looked up to smile at her. “What’s this?” “I thought you would need a meal after everything,” you responded, and she breathed in, appreciating the wonderful smell for the first time. There was a bouquet of flowers in a vase on the table with a little card that had her name written on it, and she blinked away sleepy tears, overwhelmed with affection. “I don’t deserve you,” she said, and you wrapped her in a tight hug, kissing her forehead. “Yes you do. Now let me serve you, you’ve had a long day and you deserve it.”


Sana: “Oh my god, you’re the best. I love you so much!” Sana usually has a pretty endless flow of energy, but it was finally running out as she went over the same choreography again and again, her eyes blurring as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. How long had she been in this practice room? She couldn’t really remember, especially since she was pretty sure she’d only gotten a few hours of sleep the night before. She was just thankful that her body remembered the moves on its own, because her mind was far away, daydreaming about her soft bed and a warm meal. When practice was finally over, she hardly registered anything going on around her, just happy to finally be able to get some rest. Maybe she would be able to get in some cuddles if you were still awake. She wasn’t expecting to come home to the lights on, though, and that snapped her out of her daze as she stepped inside, curiosity waking her up a bit. “(Y/N)?” “In here,” you called from the kitchen, and her stomach grumbled as she caught the smell of her favorite food. That put some speed into her step as she went to the kitchen, a smile spreading over her face. “Is that what I think it is?” She asked excitedly, and you laughed, nodding. Now her energy was back, and she skipped over to give you a tight hug. Just as she thought, being home was just what she needed to feel better.


Momo: “I’m going to eat everything.” Momo usually had no problem keeping up with the sheer amount of practices and performances the group had to do, but today she was feeling exhausted. She couldn’t remember the last time the group had gotten a break, and now preparation for a big event was keeping them in the practice room for much longer than she thought it would. Her muscles ached and no matter how many snacks she ate, she was still hungry. Was she overworking her body? She was pretty sure she was, but she had no choice. Somehow, she powered through the day, and after finally perfecting the choreography, she couldn’t wait to get home. She was planning on heating up one of the frozen meals she’d bought recently, but instead she was surprised to walk into the apartment and find it still alive and full of the smell of something delicious. Immediately, she kicked off her shoes and rushed into the kitchen, her mouth watering. You were standing by the table, arranging a huge amount of food, and her stomach grumbled, revealing her presence. You laughed as you looked up at her. “Hungry?” “Starving,” she answered truthfully, finding herself smiling as well as she walked over to the table. “Is this all for me?” “Well, some of it’s for me,” you said, leaning in to give her a sweet kiss. “But yes, it is. I figured you’d be hungry with all the practicing and exercising you’ve been doing.” She grinned, her worries from the day fading away and being replaced by overwhelming love. “You know me so well.”


Mina:“I really wasn’t expecting this. Thank you.” Practice was always exhausting for Mina, but today it felt worse than usual. There was so much to change about the choreography last minute to fit the stage, and they were doing a special performance of a song they’d never done before, so the pressure was almost overwhelming. It was nearing midnight when she finally got to stumble into the back of her managers car and almost immediately fall asleep for a short nap. The next thing she knew, her manager was shaking her awake, gently telling her that she was home. Groggily, she thanked him for his hard work and climbed out, yawning as she headed up the stairs to her apartment. To her surprise, she noticed a light on in the window. What were you doing up so late? As soon as she stepped inside, the smell of food answered her question, and she immediately felt her mouth start to water as you poked your head around the counter and greeted her. “Welcome home. I made your favorite since I knew you wouldn’t be able to each much today.” A smile made its way onto her lips as she slipped out of her shoes and coat and into your arms instead, resting her head on your shoulder. She was still tired, of course, but her heart felt full as you held her in your arms, gently stroking her hair. “Mina? Is everything okay?” “Yes. I’d like to stay like this for a little longer, though.”


Dahyun: “Wow, how did I get so lucky with you?” Dahyun sometimes felt like all she did was work. If she wasn’t practicing, she was promoting and performing. It had gotten to the point that she was pretty used to it, so an entire day of practice for an event didn’t come as a surprise to her. Instead, she just took a deep breath and put on a smile, even though she was still tired from their last rounds of promotion. This was her job, after all, so she did her best, repeating dance moves and lines until they were second nature. But by the time the managers finally told them it was time to go home after midnight, her smile was weak, and all she could think of was how early she would have to be up in the morning. Her body ached and her eyelids felt heavy, and she found herself drifting in and out of sleep in the passenger seat on the drive home. When was the last time she’d felt this exhausted? Finally, her manager told her she was home, and she groggily thanked them and made her way up to her apartment, still half asleep. She was shocked awake when she opened the door and was greeted with lights and the smell of food, though. Her eyes widened as she heard you call her name. “(Y/N)? What are you doing up?” She asked as she headed further inside to see you placing a plate on the table, a sweet smile on your face. “I thought you would be hungry after all that practice. Eat while I get a hot bath going for you,” you said as you finished setting up her plate and walked over to take her bag. Her eyes welled up with tears as she turned to you with a thankful smile. “You’re seriously the best. I love you so much.” You smiled back and gave her a quick kiss that sent a wave of affection through her. “And I love you too.”


Chaeyoung: “You! I’m going to do something great for you next time, just you wait!” If Chaeyoung was honest with herself, she’d been tired since the beginning of the week. It was festival season, and although she was thankful for all the love the group got, having to perform day after day at so many events was exhausting. And now, their one free day was being taken up by practice for yet another event, one bigger than all the others. She hadn’t caught the name (she’d been too tired to care) but she could tell it was important if they were doing special performances instead of just doing their usual songs. Thankfully, her body was moving on auto-pilot, because her mind was far away, daydreaming about her warm bed and food that didn’t come from a package. By the time she was walking up to her apartment, half-humming along to their latest song with heavy eyelids, she was so tired she didn’t notice that the lights were on. So when she stepped inside to see you walking towards her, she jumped in surprise. “(Y/N), why are you up?” You laughed, walking over to take her bag and give her a kiss. “Can I not wait up to see my girlfriend?” “But it’s so late,” she countered, and you just shrugged. “I don’t mind. Come on, aren’t you hungry? I made dinner, so you should eat.” It was then that she registered the smell of food and let you lead her into the kitchen, where a plate was already on the table for her. A smile came over her face and she turned to you, once again bright despite her exhaustion. “(Y/N)! You did all this for me?” “I thought you might need something to eat after such a long day.” She threw her arms around your shoulders and kissed you fiercely, until neither of you could breathe. “Just you wait,” she said breathlessly, a twinkle in her eye. “I’ll get you back for this.” You just grinned and kissed her on the nose. “I can’t wait.”


Tzuyu: “Hey. I love you.” Tzuyu isn’t someone who complains much. Instead, she keeps her head down and quietly does what she has to. But today she really felt like complaining. Her entire body hurt from how much they’d been practicing, she had barely slept, and the managers would not shut up about how important this event was, which felt strange to her considering it was just a college thing. But still, she didn’t complain, putting her head down and keeping her exhaustion to herself as she followed the changes in choreography. By the time it was over, she was grumpy and just wanted to go home, slipping away before anyone to catch her to go over anything else. Her warm bed was waiting, after all. She wasn’t expecting you to still be awake, so she paused in the doorway when she saw the lights were on and heard you call for her before closing the door behind her and wandering inside. Her eyes widened when she saw you standing in the kitchen, humming as you filled a bowl with food. “I figured you’d be hungry when you got home,” you said, turning your head to smile at her over your shoulder. “How was your day?” For a moment she felt overwhelmed with love and affection, all of the grumpiness and annoyance from the day slipping away as she took a deep breath. Then, instead of replying, she stated that she loved you. Since she didn’t say it often, you flushed and let out a flustered laugh, turning to face her. “What was that for?” With a soft smile, she shrugged, walking over to pull you into a tight hug. “Just felt right. What’s for dinner?”


nct dream when protecting someone from an enemy

y'all know what i’m talking about right? the whole vulnerable loved one unable to fight situation, the boys standing in front of them/their bed to defend them with their life in the face of an enemy who taunts that they’ll take them away and this is their response

enemy: step aside, boy (or something along those lines)

mark: i don’t think so

renjun: over my dead fucking body

jeno: you’ll have to kill me first

haechan: i’d like to see you try

jaemin: you’re gonna have to get through me

chenle: we’ll see about that

jisung: i won’t let you

We’re almost at 4k followers and it’s so wild, I love each and every one of you xx

- admin Ari

NCT Reaction: you’re related to another member


your twin brother: Jungwoo

“Hyung!” Jungwoo gasped. You and your boyfriend broke apart, “I can’t believe you lied to me” he scolded with a frown, leaving the room quickly. You sighed and buried your head into Taeil’s neck. “Don’t worry honey, he’s your twin, he’ll forgive you” he cooed. “I know he will, but have you ever dealt with a whiny Jungwoo? It’s difficult”


your little brother: Mark

“NOONA, NO!!” Mark screeched. Startled, you jumped away from Johnny and turned to face your brother, “what the hell, Mark?” You asked. “You-you can’t do that with hyung, it’s gross” he whined, scrunching up his nose. Johnny snickered but tried to hide it behind his hand. “Markie, we were cuddling” you sighed, using his childhood nickname. “Markie?” Johnny laughed, teasing the younger boy. “Noona, your boyfriend is laughing at me!”


your little brother: Jeno

Jeno doesn’t like that you’re dating his leader, it kind of makes him uncomfortable, but Renjun told him that he could use it to his advantage so he decided to try it out. “Noona, Taeyong hyung is in a bad mood, he was being rude to us” your brother pouted, of course this activated your mama bear mode. The 2000 line giggled as he got scolded.

“Were you rude to my babies?”

“I thought I was your baby?”


your little brother: Jisung

Jisung gave you the same speech once again, “Noona, don’t you think Yuta hyung is too old for you? Plus he’s so flirty what if he hurts you? He might not do it on purpose, but still, I think it would be easier if you were single. Don’t you think?” Eventually Yuta decided to try to talk to Jisung, “Jisung ah, don’t you like hyung? Did I do something wrong?” He asked.

“I love hyung, but no one is good enough for y/n Noona, not even my members”


your big brother: Taeil

“I’m gonna throw up” Taeil groaned, turning away from you and Kun. “We’re only holding hands, oppa” you huffed. Taeil wasn’t super against your relationship but he used every opportunity he had to complain about it, despite being the oldest member he can be very immature. Sometimes you wonder how he’s the older sibling.


your little brother: Haechan

Donghyuck forcefully shoves himself between you and Doyoung, “hey, what you guys watching?” He asks, looking at the TV. “We we’re watching a movie” Doyoung sighed. “Ya, be nice to me hyung, you’re lucky I’m letting you date my sister” Hyuck threatened. “You aren’t in charge of me” you scoffed, thumping his forehead. “You make it so hard to protect you, I swear” Donghuck huffed, elbowing your side.
