#yandere mha


Friendly reminder that my suggestions are O P E N.

I’m writing for:



Dead by Daylight

Everything I write is specifically WLW but is inclusive to all identities under the umbrella. I know I use to have a much different list, but I’m revamping blog to be more aligned with what I enjoy now.

This is a Dark fic blog.

wow, five posts in one day. 

title: scratch

pairing: yandere!shigaraki tomura x reader

fandom: bnha/mha

tw: yandere, toxic/unhealthy behaviors, toxic/unhealthy relationships, torture, threatening, abuse

At this point, the sound of nails on skin scared you. Especially the sound of nails on rough skin. 

You almost flinched when he leaned down to pet your hair. You could feel he was at least wearing artist’s gloves, if for no other reason than to spare himself the effort. Tomura crouched in front of you, and you could only hesitantly meet his eyes. You didn’t want it to happen again. 

“I’m glad. You’re learning.” 

The villain’s voice was scratchy.

“Meet my eyes sooner next time, or I won’t wear the gloves when I wrap my hands around your pretty little neck.”



prince! enji todoroki x poc friendly! fem! reader x platonic! todoroki kiddos

content warning: alcohol mentioned but no one is drunk, breeding, creampie, overstimulation, fellatio (f! receiving), afab! reader, man-handling, bruising and marks, choking, fingering, mating press, different positions are mentioned, fellatio (f! receiving), overstimulation, manhandling, prey/predator dynamic, breeding kink, unprotected sex, creampie, multi-gasms, poor reader gets stuffed repeatedly, pregnancy mention (as expected), this has not been beta-read, there’s other things in here that i am too lazy to tag but nothing too horrible 

word count: 8.2k 

author’s note: welcome to another chapter! this boy’s long overdue so i hope you enjoy it! reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated especially if you want to keep reading more! thanks! btw the taglist is still open!

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taglist:  @easilyobessedbutflighty@rogueofbullshit@2chickenwangs@mimi-sanisanidiot@megumitodoroki@sexyashbish

HER day couldn’t get any better than this, it beat having to spend some time back at her kingdom doing little to nothing aside from attending a few meetings here and there, and it certainly beats having to stay in that stuffy dining room with Enji and his mother for the entirety of breakfast. Y/N had decided to sit with the children for the time being for the duration of the meal, even going as far as to try some of the sludge that had been prepared for their nourishment (which she quickly regretted upon getting a taste of it). Well, that was one thing to put on her list for things to change once she got married to the prince. 

As you sat at the table with the children, you looked around at all of them in curiosity, listening to them chat about random things as kids do. Minji had disappeared to do her work while you decided to stay there in the servant’s quarters. Dabi and Keigo happened to be the oldest of the bunch so they had been given the task of watching the younger kids but now that you were here you were giving them a little break and allowed them to chat with each other. 

You observed the conversation between the bubbly blonde and the redhead, chuckling softly to yourself as you noticed how quick Dabi was to blush whenever Keigo would say something cutesy to him. How could a four-year-old be so flirtatious? It made you laugh just thinking about it. 

Time seemed to fly by as you sat there, getting acquainted with all of the children as if they were your own, you even asked their opinion about whatever they wanted to talk about, enjoying yourself as they rambled on and on about things that intrigued them. But, as usual, all good things must come to an end and soon you were back on the road in the horse-drawn carriage back to the castle. Before you had made your departure it was decided that Enji and his mother would come soon to further discuss the marriage proposal in about a week, giving you plenty of time to prepare yourself for what was to come in the future. Though your parents seemed a little wary about the idea of you getting married to him, you assured them that there was nothing to worry about, at least you hoped there would be nothing to worry about. Even with you being so adamant about your marriage to the prince of Ignis, your parents still had their reservations about it, rightfully so considering you were their only daughter and their firstborn. 

That day soon came when Enji had arrived, his mother had decided to stay behind, or more like Enji had told her to stay behind considering how much of a bitch she was the last time when the two families had had a sit-down. 

When he arrived, he was greeted by some of the guards who then escorted him to the meeting room where everything was going to be held. The differences in sizes of their kingdoms were apparent, a mental note he stored away as he considered the advancements of both his kingdom and Tenebris. Surely, there was much more than meets the eye, Tenebris had managed to hold a near fearsome amount of power for such a long time so he could only assume that it wasn’t weak which was always an advantage in his books. And even if it were weak his abilities and the combination of their kingdoms would only make it stronger. 

Keep reading


Soft Yanderes Protecting An Obsession Who Thinks Yanderes Are Hot (Scenario/Drabble)

Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shoto, and Kirishima Eijirou.

Scenario:You had been minding your own business after school had just gotten out, on your way to find your boyfriend. You had only been dating for a few days but they had been paradise for you. But everything has to end apparently, as one of your bullies approached. They began their usual taunting, insulting your appearance and taunting you with jabs about your personality. Before you could respond, your boyfriend appeared, furious.

Bakugou Katsuki

Bakugou had never been more pissed, he knew he should have gotten rid of that scumbag, seems his last verbal threat hadn’t been enough for this shithead. He wasted no time, grabbing the person by the neck and slamming them into the wall of the school. Eyes, red and full of fire as he snarled.

Your bully gasped, desperately trying to speak, but Bakugou’s hold on their neck made it hard for them to even breathe.

Fucking. Apologize.

Letting go of their neck, Bakugou glared down at them, pure malice in his voice. The bully sputtered out an apology, still coughing and gasping back the air they had been denied of.

“You ever talk to what’s mine again…” Bakugou grabbed them by the hair, making sure they stared straight into his eyes. “I’ll fucking kill you.

With that Bakugou let go of him, turning to you as the bully ran. Blood running cold when he realized who had seen everything he had just done.

This was it. He fucked up. You thought he was a monster. You were going to leave him-


Bakugou was snapped out of his panic by your soothing voice, staring at you, heart ready to stop.

You stared at Bakugou, face slightly flushed. “Thank you…”

Wait, what? You weren’t angry? Afraid? Bakugou’s body deflated, relief taking all the tension out of his body at once.

“You’re not scared or some shit?” You shook your head, looking away as if embarrassed. Bakugou quickly closed the distance between the two of you. You looked at him the same way you did when he confessed, cheeks warm and eyes struggling to meet his. Fuck…

Bakugou couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted smirking and quickly closing the space between his and your lips. “You like how fuckin crazy am for you?”

The shy nod you gave sent him over the edge, him pressing himself flush against you as he captured your lips with his. Hands finding purchase gently holding your hair. This would make things so much easier…

Keep reading

           Enji would be home any minute now.

           He was never the kind of man to be late, to take the scenic route home or to—god forbid—go out for drinks with his colleagues. And in some ways, you almost appreciated that about him, how you always knew what to expect. But that also meant that at times like this, when you could feel him getting closer while for your part you were rushing to meet his expectations, you definitely wished that just for once he wouldn’t be in such a hurry to get home to you. You hardly even had time for such wishful thinking though, not when you were so frantically busy tearing through the kitchen.

           Each night when he came home from hero work, Enji expected nothing less than a warm and delicious homecooked meal to be waiting for him. And that was usually stressful enough for you, having to force yourself to eat a few bites while you anxiously awaited his verdict. But today that stress had positively transcended its usual plane of existence, conjuring images of what Enji’s reaction might be if he came home to find you not ready to properly celebrate his return. At this point, you knew very well that he would not accept that you had simply lost track of time today. To him, there would be no excuse good enough to justify ruining his vision of you as his dutiful little spouse. The only question then was what he would do if you failed to live up to his fantasy’s standards.

           Would he simply yell while waiting for you to finish? Maybe you’d be that lucky, you thought, if he had a reallygood day at work. Or maybe he would go with the oh-so-fitting classic of sending you to bed without supper. Of course, there was always the possibility of being forced to stay in the basement for a few days or even getting a fresh new burn to decorate your body. The thought of that had the spoon you were stirring with shaking in your hand. But, you reminded yourself, Enji wouldn’t need to do any of those things if you just got dinner done in time. You would just need to work a little harder, a little faster, and then you would have nothing to worry about. And then you would get to hear Enji say thank you, maybe with just a quiet grunt or, if you were lucky, with a gentle kiss to the top of your head. Either way, you would be glad for it.

           With that extra motivation pushing you forward at an even greater speed, it wasn’t too long until you had the pot simmering lightly to keep everything nice and warm while you waited for the telltale sounds of Enji’s footsteps trudging up to the front door. Needing to make sure that the table was set perfectly before he arrived, you took out the red tablecloth, the one that you knew reminded him of his own flames, making sure that it was draped evenly across the table. After setting down the plates and silverware though, you just couldn’t help feel that something was missing. It had all of the requirements that Enji was set upon, and yet there was an almost queasy feeling resting in the pit of your stomach.

           “It’s just not good enough,” you mumbled to yourself in contemplation.

           Wait,murmured a small voice from inside your head, since when do I care about doing more than the bare minimum for him? Since when do I care about making things good enough for him?

           Those questions making their way past yourharried haze,you faltered slightly, frowning as you tried to find the answer. The more that you thought about it though, the less that you wanted to think about it. So when that last-needed addition to your table setting came to you in a sudden fit of inspiration, you were more than happy to let that distraction wipe away whatever it was you had even been thinking about.

           Instead, you grabbed a candle from the cupboard, placing it right in the center of the table and lighting it, happily watching the flame flicker so peacefully. Finally, everything was perfect. And just in time too, if the sound keys in the door was anything to go by. Quickly tearing off your apron and throwing it onto the kitchen counter, you ran to the front door, waiting patiently as Enji threw the door open.

           “Hi,” you said quietly. “How was your day?”

           “Eh,” he grunted, making his way inside. Eyes narrowed, Enji took in the scene before him, from the fragrant kitchen to the intimate table setting. His expression softening ever-so-slightly, he gave the very smallest of nods.

           “Something smells good.”

           Perhaps noticing how much your smile grew at his approval, Enji must have decided to reward you for doing such a wonderful job today as his little stay-at-home sweetheart. Enveloping your body in his, he brushed his lips against your forehead in a rare tender display of affection. And that was the only thanks you needed.

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           Shinsou had never been so nervous. Usually he was so collected, so calm, but whenever you were involved, he could hardly even breathe. But even how he usually felt around you could not compare to how he was feeling now, with his eyes hooked on yours and the words he longed to say weighing so heavily on the tip of his tongue. The closest he had ever come to feeling this way was the day when he had first summoned his courage to ask you out, when the words had gotten stuck in his throat and he was forced to choke them out.

           You had said yes though, he reminded himself. You had said yes, and so the best part of his life had finally begun. He had been waiting for you for so long, waiting for the moment when he could take his rightful place deep in the core of your heart. Taking that place as your one love had lifted in his own heart with joy, but now he needed more.

           He just prayed that you would accept what he was offering you.

           “I have something I need to tell you,” Shinsou murmured, resting his forehead against yours as he stroked gently your cheek with his thumb.

           “Oh?” you asked, looking at him in slight worry. “Is everything okay?”

           “Yeah. More than fine, actually. Honestly, I’m just nervous.”

           “That’s not something I get to see every day. What’s up?”

           For several long moments, all Shinsou could do was look at you. Your eyes, your smile, he just couldn’t bear to look away from you. Ruining this sweet moment was something he was hesitant to do, even with the words he so longed to say. But as he gazed into your eyes, he knew that he had no choice but to take that risk. He needed to tell you, needed to have you in your entirety.

           “I love you.”

           Blinking in surprise, you remained silent as you took in his words, words that had been said for the very first time by either of you. Their sound warmed your heart, taking it so gently in their hands and cradling them close to Shinsou. And yet, you did not answer him. Instead, you simply frowned.

           “Thank you so much. For saying that, for loving me. I—I’m just not ready to say it back yet.”

           “So, you don’t love me?”

           “I don’t know,” you said, your eyes flickering downward. “I have to think about it, sort through my feelings. I’m really sorry that I can’t say it now though.”

           “Will you tell me when you’ve done that?” he asked, a frown of his own on his face now.

           “Of course I—”

           Watching your eyes glaze over, Shinsou wished that he didn’t have to do this. He wanted you to say it of your own accord, because you not only felt that way about him, but because your love for him was so strong that you couldn’t keep it inside. That’s how he felt about his love for you, after all. You had to love him though, he reminded himself. You two were meant for each other. You were just nervous, that’s all.

           “Tell me that you love me.”

           “I love you,” you answered tonelessly.

           “I love you too.”

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Tamaki still couldn’t believe that you were here with him.

           After spending so long watching you from the opposite side of the room, it seemed so much more likely that he was just caught up in one of his countless daydreams of you than the possibility that had actually accepted his half-mumbled proposal to join him for coffee. Even when he had asked the question, Tamaki hadn’t been sure that any of it was real. Not, this time, because of your impossible beauty, which he had learned couldn’t be improved upon even in his most embarrassing fantasies, but because you had actually said yes. Even in some of his daydreams you didn’t do that, giving Tamaki the preparation he had thought that he needed for the day he was forever consigned to watch you unseen from the shadows.

           But you had said yes, and more than that, you had actually showed up. And now you were sitting right across from him, glowing under the lights of the café like the angel he knew that you were. His eyes flickering downward to his own mug, Tamaki wondered just how he was supposed to handle being so close to you for so long. As much as he loved every second of it, of course, he also felt like he might just burst into flames if he looked at you for even a single moment too long.

           “You know,” you started to say, flashing him a small smile, “I was beginning to think that you were never going to ask me out.”


           “I mean, I’d catch you looking at me all of the time at the agency. Eventually I started to worry you never would though. I’m glad that friend of yours gave you a push.”

           “Y—yeah, Mirio’s great like that,” Tamaki mumbled, flushing with embarrassment as he recalled the way that Mirio had pushed all the way across the room until he was right in front of you, with absolutely nowhere left to hide. Mirio had stayed there the whole time too, pinning Tamaki down with his eyes to make sure that he didn’t try to scamper away. As much as Tamaki appreciated everything Mirio did for him though, he couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit resentful that time. He was the one who loved you, after all, the only one who really did, even if he didn’t really deserve to. Mirio shouldn’t have been intruding on that moment that should have belonged solely to the two of you. But at least it was just you and him now.

           Although, Tamaki thought to himself as he glanced around the café, was it really?

           There were so many people around the both of you, people standing in line, people preparing drinks behind the counter, people sitting at their tables. Each time that he looked at someone, Tamaki swore that he saw them glance away from you as soon as his gaze reached them. They were staring at you, he realized. They all wanted you, how could they not? They saw him stammering and blushing, knew he was weak and were ready to steal you from him the moment that his back was turned. And though Tamaki knew that he didn’t truly deserve you, that didn’t mean that he was about to give you up.

           His leg bouncing anxiously, Tamaki forced himself to meet your eyes again, as overwhelmingly breathtaking as they were. With his face feeling like it was on fire, he watched as your expression grew so sweetly concerned at his own.

           “Is everything okay?”

           “Uh, not exactly,” he said, happy that you had rushed right towards the path he had been trying to lead you down. “It—it’s just that there are so many people here. It’s so crowded, it’s just too much.”

           “Of course,” you answered with an understanding smile. “Do you want to go somewhere quieter, a little more private?”

           Wasting no time at all, Tamaki nodded eagerly, more than ready to leave behind all of those people planning to take you away from him. So happy was he, that he hardly even trembled when you took his hand, freely offering yourself to him and him alone.

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           Shoto wondered how it was that you could tease him like this. You pretended to be so sweet, so innocent, as if you were the hapless victim in all of this when it couldn’t be further from the truth. You were the one who was torturing him, the one who was being so unbelievably cruel to him. Biting your lip, chewing on it so absentmindedly, you were driving him mad. All he could think about was crushing those tempting lips of yours under his and considering just how crazy you were making him, he thought that he more than earned it.

           But when he leaned forward to do just that, you flinched away.

           “What are you doing?” you asked him, your eyes gleaming with that adorable fear of yours, the fear that couldn’t fool him for one second.

           “I’m trying to kiss you.”

           “Well, don’t!”

           “Why not?”

           “Because I don’t want you to!”

           Sighing in frustration, Shoto wondered if you honestly thought that he was really that gullible. Maybe you could have fooled him when he had first met you, but that ship had long since sailed. You weren’t the innocent little fawn you pretended to be, not with how you had flaunted yourself before him, driving him to the edge with love and longing. You had practically been begging him to steal you away, the only thing that had been missing were those words hanging ever so silently in the air. But Shoto had grown sick of waiting to hear you finally say them, just as he was growing sick of waiting for you to drop this pretense and let him conquer you the way that he was meant to.

           “Are you so sure about that?” he asked, giving you one last chance to give up your façade.

           “One hundred percent.”

           “Then I guess I you have left me with no choice but to make you beg for my kiss.”

           As you rolled your eyes in exasperated doubt, Shoto once again reached for you, though this time with nothing but his hand. When you tried to move away, he grasped your wrist with his other hand and held you tight, his touch growing hotter each time that you so much as squirmed. Finally falling still, you watched silently as his other hand met your face, not harsh and violent as you were expecting, but surprisingly gentle in the way that his fingers brushed your mouth. That is, until his fingers became freezing cold, forming ice at the tips that spread to your lips.

           Shoto watched with a small curl to his lips as your lips turned blue, quivering as much as they could with the ice quickly encrusting your mouth. While your eyes began to fill his tears, his began to glow at the thought of you finally hurting the way he always did when around you. Still, any gratification that he got from that would pale in comparison to what he would get when you finally gave in.

           “Well? You know that there’s only one way you can get your lips to warm back up.”

           Whether your shivering increased or you were simply trying your best to shake your head no, Shoto couldn’t be sure. Either way, the one thing he was certain of was that you wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.

           “I can fix this,” he murmured, leaning ever so slightly forward to let you sense the heat coming off of his lips. “I can make it all better. You just have to let me. You just have to admit that you want me.”

           Wanting to give you another little push, Shoto brought his icy hand back up to your lips, practically smirking when you flinched back as their freezing touch added a fresh crust of ice to your mouth. Worried that if you tried to hold out any longer, you would get frostbite, your resolve broke. Rather than try to say anything in your state, you simply rushed forward, crashing your lips against Shoto’s. You couldn’t move them much at first, but Shoto more than made up for that with the way that he so hungrily ground his mouth against yours. Between the warmth of his lips and his eager devouring of you, the ice around your mouth finally began to melt. And when it did, you could feel Shoto smiling triumphantly as he kissed you.

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“I have something for you.”

Sitting up on the bed, you turned towards that disappointingly familiar voice to see Shigaraki standing in the doorway, looking incredibly pleased with himself. In his hands was a small red gift bag, complete with black tissue paper peeking out from it. Apprehension stirring in your gut, you pulled the blanket up further in what you knew to be an admittedly fruitless attempt to shield yourself from his hungry eyes.

“What is it?”

“It’s a present,” Shigaraki told you, his voice already impatient. “I picked it out special for you, so you better fucking appreciate it.”

Thankfully, you were spared from having to respond to that particular demand, as he wasted absolutely no time in stomping over to bed and shoving the bag into your arms. Slowly and carefully taking out the tissue paper piece by piece, you prayed that there weren’t remains of any ex-boyfriends or family members inside. It wouldn’t be the first time Shigaraki had tried to pass those things off as gifts, after all. So when your fingers brushed what was unmistakably fabric, you nearly sighed in relief, more than ready to force a thank you past your lips. That is, until you saw what was actually inside.

“Well? It’s perfect, right?”

Unable to take your eyes off of the disturbingly small scrap of black lace in your hands, you stayed silent, not even so much as glancing back up at Shigaraki. Frankly, you suspected that if you looked away for even a second, you would forget that the lingerie was even there, so thin and weightless was it. Although, you supposed that Shigaraki wouldn’t do you the favor of allowing you to forget. Even after spending what felt like an eternity in his hold, he had never shown you that kind of mercy, and you highly doubted that he would start now.

“Don’t just sit there,” he demanded raspingly, “try it on.”


“What did you just say to me?”

“I said no,” you answered, hardly able to believe that you said it. “I’m not putting that on for you.”

“And why not?” Shigaraki asked, his voice low and quiet with a danger that could never possibly be matched by yelling.

“Be—because I’m not some doll for you to dress up and play with.”

“You’re wrong. That’s exactly what you are.”

“Even if that was true, I’m still not wearing this.”

           With Shigaraki’s crimson eyes narrowing at you hazardously, you prepared yourself for what you were sure would be an utterly unparalleled tantrum. You were no stranger to those at this point, nor were you a stranger to the bruises that they usually left you with. When no screams met your ears then, you weren’t quite sure what to think. Shigaraki couldn’t be accepting your wishes this time, could he?

           No, he couldn’t, you quickly realized in disappointment. He wasn’t capable of it, wasn’t able to comprehend that you were your own person with your own agency. As far as he was concerned, you existed for him alone. It should have been no surprise then, when his hands clamped down on the sweatshirt you were wearing.

           The soft fabric crumbling beneath his fingertips, you watched as Shigaraki’s face stretched into a lecherous grin. When you scrambled to cover your chest, he simply grabbed both of your wrists in one hand and pinned them against the bedroom wall. With nothing left to block Shigaraki’s view, he looked just about ready to devour you whole. And when he lowered his lips to the crook of your neck, it rather felt like that too.

           “You’ve got two choices here,” he snarled, pausing to nip your neck roughly. “You can put on the gift I gave you, or you can sit there and let me destroy all of your clothing until there’s absolutely nothing left.”

Cringing at the thought, you sat there in Shigaraki’s grip, wondering if your diminishing pride was really worth all of this. As much as you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of giving into his constant demands,  if the way that he was greedily nuzzling your neck was any indication, you had a feeling that he would be pretty damn satisfied no matter what you chose.

           “So what’s it gonna be?”

           “I—I’ll put it on,” you mumbled, your eyes avoiding his gaze. Chuckling triumphantly, Shigaraki let go of your wrists, instead grasping your chin and forcing you to stare up into his lustful crimson eyes.

           “Now that’s what I like to hear.”

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Eyes bright and eager, Hawks tapped at your office window. He waited one second, then another, and when you didn’t look up from your desk, he knocked again, even more insistently. Getting more impatient by the millisecond, Hawks began practically pounding on the glass, far too excited to wait any longer. You jumped in your seat, finally dragged out of your work-induced fugue, and turned to the window, grinning when you saw him flying there.

Opening up the window, you stood back to let him in, only for him to promptly trap you in his arms. His scarlet wings wrapping around your waist, Hawks sighed in relief, finally able to relax now that he was with you.

“Hey, babe,” he purred in your ear. “You happy to see me?”

“Of course I am,” you said. “Just a little surprised, that’s all. I thought you had to work. What’re you doing here?”

“I blew it off. How could I not when my other option was to see you?”

“You might be the number two hero, but you’re the number one charmer.”

“And don’t you forget it,” Hawks chuckled. “Come on then, let’s head to lunch.”

Rather than nod eagerly or squeal with glee like you ought to though, you inched away from him slightly. Biting your lip in that way he could usually never resist, Hawks watched as your eyes grew guilty.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart, but I can’t today. Something came up that I have to work on,” you explained sadly.

Rolling his golden eyes, Hawks smiled fondly at your strange sense of humor. He didn’t always get it when you made jokes like that, but you still never failed to make him smile. If only he could have you every second of the day, he thought to himself. That way you could make him smile like that all day long.

“Very funny, babe. Now let’s get going.” As he pulled at your hand though, you stayed planted firmly where you stood.

“I’m not joking, I really can’t go to lunch with you today. I could do tomorrow though.”

At those words, Hawks froze, staring at you intently with a slight frown on his face. You couldn’t seriously be choosing some stupid job over him, could you? You weren’t supposed to choose anything over him. He would never do anything like that to you! Did he do something wrong?

No, he couldn’t have. You were just confused, that was all. You had been misled, had been told that there were things in your life that were somehow more important than spending time with him. Hawks would just have to remind you that that wasn’t the case. That he was the only thing in your life that really mattered, just like how you were the only thing truly that mattered in his.

“Well, I guess I don’t have any other options then.”

“Thanks for understanding, babe.”

“Of course. Let’s just hope that your boss accepts kidnapping as a valid reason to miss work.”

“What are you—”

But before you could even hope to finish your question, Hawks promptly scooped you up into his arms, holding you too tightly for you to even be able to do so much as squirm. And once he leapt out of your still-open office window, you weren’t about to try to get out of his hold. Instead you just gripped onto him in turn, barely even able to take in the sight of the buildings rushing by you. Or, rather, you rushing past the buildings. Even when you glanced down towards the ground, all you could see was a blur of green as Hawks picked up his speed. He flew faster than he ever had before, faster than he had when fighting against any villain or disaster. His wings ached with the effort, but it would all be worth it if he got to spend even just a few extra seconds with you.

So when he finally found the rooftop he had been searching for, it was with no small relief that he landed, making sure to be as gentle as possible with you in his arms. With the world standing still around you once more, you took in the scene before you. Rather than being greeted with a bare rooftop, there was a whole picnic waiting for you. A blanket set up on the middle of the roof, you saw all of your favorite foods just waiting for you. A nearby speaker was playing music softly, and all around you were countless bouquets of gorgeous flowers. Struck speechless, you didn’t protest as Hawks’ lips brushed your ear.

“Aren’t you glad I never take no for an answer?”

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