#yandere shoto todoroki



another@i-cant-sing inspired head cannon

They have a Yandere brother Dabi Headcanon and at the end they said Dabi as a dad would be worse and I couldn’t wait to see that so i made this https://i-cant-sing.tumblr.com/post/650810751920013312/this-isnt-a-request-just-an-errant-thought-but

reader is half black!

female pronouns!

everyone go follow @i-cant-sing NEOW because without them i have no ideas

Yandere Dad Dabi

  • Let’s get one thing out of the way, he would NEVER hurt you
  • He knows the pain of growing up abused by your father too well
  • Instead he would threaten you and kill your friends
  • When he found out he got some broad knocked up he couldn’t believe it
  • His first thought was to just be a deadbeat and never meet you
  • But when your mom found him again and put his hand on her warm stomach and he felt you kick
  • He
  • Fell
  • In
  • LOVE!
  • he couldn’t believe he had essentially cloned another version of himself
  • it only got better when he learned you were a girl
  • now he knows he must protect his darling from boys/girls AND villains
  • when you were born he didn’t even let her hold you before wrapping you off and whisking you away from her
  • In fact, he realized all he wanted was you
  • So there was no uses for your pesky mother
  • He locked her up in an abandoned building and sent 10 nomu’s in to play
  • Needless to say, she passed away
  • Now that he had you to himself he could sit there and adorn your face for hours
  • He loved the way your few hairs were already curled tightly
  • The way your e/c eyes would follow his without hesitation
  • He swore everytime your little hand grabbed his he was gonna die from cuteness overload
  • As a kid he always would ruffle your hair and act like he didn’t care what you did
  • “Whatever kid, I got my own stuff to deal with.”
  • But everytime you even got near the front door he would pop up behind you to question your departure
  • Let’s say when you got older you were embarrassed and ashamed of your skin and hair since it wasn’t like everyone else’s
  • If he even caught you touching the flat iron he would throw a fit and go on a rant
  • “Your hair is fine the way it is! So what you don’t look like all those losers?”
  • Especially on special occasions
  • He would act like he didn’t care to learn your culture but it was far from it
  • He was the first one to teach you about black history month
  • Despite, living in japan he made you celebrate all month by flying you to America (where your mother was from) and Africa (the motherland)
  • He can be sweet but deadly
  • When he finds he have a boyfriend/girlfriend he’s…jealous
  • Not because he see’s you in a sexual light in the slightest but because he’s afraid that they’ll take you away from him
  • He always told you no dating but you’re 16 now and all your friends had dated before
  • You thought you were ready
  • You thought was ready
  • But Dabi proved very against it when turned your boyfriend/girlfriend into ash right in front of you
  • Then he yelled at you
  • When you finally notices your tears he calms down immediately and stops his flames
  • “I-I didn’t mean to kill him. But you have to understand he would’ve taken you away from me. And you don’t want that right? Do you wanna leave Daddy?”
  • He would question you with glossy eyes to add to your guilt
  • Not only did you get your s/o killed but you also hurt your dad
  • Just like expected you would shake your head and run to hug him as tight as possible
  • Repeating ‘i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry’
  • He would hug you back as tight with s smug grin on his face
  • Now the only time you got to cut slack was when Uncle Natsuo picked you up
  • When you were with him he’d cover and say you stayed with him all night when you were really with friends
  • Auntie Fuyumi loved treating you like her personal doll
  • She would brush your hair, dress you up and just talk to you all day long
  • At first, you thought your Uncle Shoto didn’t like you
  • Maybe even hated you
  • He always held a stern cold look and when he held you as a baby it was almost robotic
  • Same with hugs
  • But keywords: at first
  • Once Natsuo told him you thought he didn’t like you he completely changed
  • He started smiling at you and only you
  • He would buy you everything, even things your dad wouldn’t
  • You like makeup? Well here you go he just bought everything in stock at Morphe
  • Why?
  • Because Shoto refused to be feared by the one thing that glued his family back together
  • When Dabi finally told them about you it was the of your birth
  • This was the first time in years they were all together and no one was yelling or fighting
  • Rei cried tears of joy
  • Enji tried to pretend he wasn’t interested but when you tried to wrap your hand around his finger and it didn’t fit
  • He swore his heart grew
  • Shoto was looking in shock that his brother was a dad now and he was an uncle
  • Natsuo was confused but happy
  • And Fuyumi kept asking if it was a prank
  • Somehow you kept ending up in Enji’s arm though
  • To everyone’s surprise Enji and Rei were whole new people to you
  • Enji would let you run around while he chased you with an undeniable smile
  • Rei wouldn’t flinch from Enji when he came over holding you
  • Even as you got older Enji always tried to outdo everyone to keep his spot secured as your favorite
  • But don’t get it twisted
  • They all are just as protective of you as Dabi
  • Don’t think you can have any secrets because….
  • You’re , is hovering over you

           Shoto wondered how it was that you could tease him like this. You pretended to be so sweet, so innocent, as if you were the hapless victim in all of this when it couldn’t be further from the truth. You were the one who was torturing him, the one who was being so unbelievably cruel to him. Biting your lip, chewing on it so absentmindedly, you were driving him mad. All he could think about was crushing those tempting lips of yours under his and considering just how crazy you were making him, he thought that he more than earned it.

           But when he leaned forward to do just that, you flinched away.

           “What are you doing?” you asked him, your eyes gleaming with that adorable fear of yours, the fear that couldn’t fool him for one second.

           “I’m trying to kiss you.”

           “Well, don’t!”

           “Why not?”

           “Because I don’t want you to!”

           Sighing in frustration, Shoto wondered if you honestly thought that he was really that gullible. Maybe you could have fooled him when he had first met you, but that ship had long since sailed. You weren’t the innocent little fawn you pretended to be, not with how you had flaunted yourself before him, driving him to the edge with love and longing. You had practically been begging him to steal you away, the only thing that had been missing were those words hanging ever so silently in the air. But Shoto had grown sick of waiting to hear you finally say them, just as he was growing sick of waiting for you to drop this pretense and let him conquer you the way that he was meant to.

           “Are you so sure about that?” he asked, giving you one last chance to give up your façade.

           “One hundred percent.”

           “Then I guess I you have left me with no choice but to make you beg for my kiss.”

           As you rolled your eyes in exasperated doubt, Shoto once again reached for you, though this time with nothing but his hand. When you tried to move away, he grasped your wrist with his other hand and held you tight, his touch growing hotter each time that you so much as squirmed. Finally falling still, you watched silently as his other hand met your face, not harsh and violent as you were expecting, but surprisingly gentle in the way that his fingers brushed your mouth. That is, until his fingers became freezing cold, forming ice at the tips that spread to your lips.

           Shoto watched with a small curl to his lips as your lips turned blue, quivering as much as they could with the ice quickly encrusting your mouth. While your eyes began to fill his tears, his began to glow at the thought of you finally hurting the way he always did when around you. Still, any gratification that he got from that would pale in comparison to what he would get when you finally gave in.

           “Well? You know that there’s only one way you can get your lips to warm back up.”

           Whether your shivering increased or you were simply trying your best to shake your head no, Shoto couldn’t be sure. Either way, the one thing he was certain of was that you wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.

           “I can fix this,” he murmured, leaning ever so slightly forward to let you sense the heat coming off of his lips. “I can make it all better. You just have to let me. You just have to admit that you want me.”

           Wanting to give you another little push, Shoto brought his icy hand back up to your lips, practically smirking when you flinched back as their freezing touch added a fresh crust of ice to your mouth. Worried that if you tried to hold out any longer, you would get frostbite, your resolve broke. Rather than try to say anything in your state, you simply rushed forward, crashing your lips against Shoto’s. You couldn’t move them much at first, but Shoto more than made up for that with the way that he so hungrily ground his mouth against yours. Between the warmth of his lips and his eager devouring of you, the ice around your mouth finally began to melt. And when it did, you could feel Shoto smiling triumphantly as he kissed you.

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