#yandere naib subedar


If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.

Yandere Naib Hcs

tw: yandere, unhealthy relationships

  • He truly doesn’t know the first thing about being in love. But doesn’t he? Isn’t it normal to want to protect you from those dangerous individuals you call teammates?
  • Truth be told, Naib wouldn’t be a yandere until the two of you were going out. He doesn’t find a point to obsess over a person if they had nothing to do with him
  • Starts off as a normal relationship. Well, normal for dating someone like him
  • He does know that taking you away from others for himself is strictly off limits. People will know instantly and would undoubtedly do something about it. Whatever it may be, it won’t benefit him in the end 
  • Always be on the move, always be on guard, and question everything. That’s what he’s learned from being a mercenary. Evidently he’ll have to ignore the first rule, but does that also go for the other two? Nope
  • Shamelessly intrusive to your privacy. Subtlety is thrown out the window as he walks up to you demanding you tell him who you were talking to. There’s no use in playing coy, he heard everything. Friendly chatting or not, he wants to know
  • Don’t bring up that talk about trust with him. He’ll easily turn it against you by saying that you shouldn’t get so defensive if you have nothing to hide
  • He becomes controlling of you, weaving not only his words, but your social life to make sure you stay his. He does it to protect you, he tells himself, fully believing the obvious lie
  • He’ll make sure that neither you or your friends like each other anymore without even talking at all, but word travels fast in the manor, so he may end up having everyone dislike you rather than a handful of people. Good, that’s way less people he has to worry about having an attraction to you
  • Ahh, but people tend to be so stubborn, don’t they? Of course there are going to be people finding suspicion about the whole affair, how all of this starts happening after being with Naib and how he contradicts his own morals by doing absolutely nothing to help you
  • Oh, and breaking up with him is a solid no. Because you feel insecure about yourself from the past events won’t fly by him. He shows such stubbornness, insisting that no words from others will ever change his love for you. It may sound loving, but it’s just to coax you into staying in that toxic relationship of yours
  • There’s a myth that a Gurkha must draw blood after unsheathing their kukri, and though it’s not true, he’ll gladly make it seem so with what he threatens to do to his enemies
  • He can obviously take the sight of blood due to his background of it, it’s nothing he hasn’t dealt with before and likely isn’t the last
  • Naib tends to be impulsive in his actions, leading him to be in a short panic from the aftermath of what he’s done. His clean up of it all is sloppy, but it’ll do
  • If you ever do realize what he’s done to make your life a sudden ordeal, you can’t really do anything to hurt him emotionally even if you tried, he’s already toughened up to most of his and other people’s emotions. Saying things like how much you hate him or how messed up of a person he is won’t do a thing to him if that’s your goal. Going the physical route won’t do either because of how easy it is to detain you from doing so 
  • He isn’t above threatening for you to turn a blind eye. You could get violent, but he can’t, his attraction prevents him from doing so. Comply or he humiliates you in front of everyone, leaving you to be alone, overcome with your own emotions
  • He can be pretty scary when he’s mad. You could see how calm he tries to be as to not shout at and startle you, but it’s ironically worse if he keeps it in because once that anger is let out is when he could get aggressive. Like punching wall aggressive, god forbid he does this to an actual person, though it’s unlikely

Hhhhhh I don’t really think this turn out very good, so I may redo it in the future, idk



If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.

Yandere Colonel Dax Hcs

tw: yandere

  • It’s hard for him to notice others besides the main people he works with, let alone fall for someone, so you’d have to do something big to make him notice you
  • Still wont be in love with you yet, but he will start to talk to you a bit when he’s not busy
  • But once he falls, he falls hard
  • If you work with him, he’ll take advantage of his military rank to slyly force you to be with him, changing your teams to end up in his or your work partners will either consist of him or be supervised by him
  • Anyone who gives you unfair treatment will be dealt with. There are plenty of other soldiers he could recruit that are hundreds of times better than them
  • Likes to be alone with you. He’d call you into his office to talk about whatever just because he was craving your undivided attention
  • Kidnapping you happens during one of the most unexpected times. One second you’re reporting to him the results of a recent mission, the next you’re knocked out by the handle of his gun
  • Almost always has his hands on you. There will rarely be times where his gloved hands aren’t on the small of your back or rubbing your thigh
  • Definitely is the type to hold the back of your neck when walking together
  • Extremely perceptive and is always one step ahead of you
  • Dude really knows you’re about to escape before you even do
  • Unexpectedly very patient with you despite yelling at soldiers for messing up something small
  • For this reason, he doesn’t punish you, and that’s what scares you. He’s a high ranking officer who has taken many lives, he could easily take yours with out a struggle. Sure he’s being nice now, but what happens if he just cracks?
  • He will kill if necessary, but reluctantly
  • If you show no signs of submission, he’ll just break you mentally because he isn’t good at persuading you to love him. He’s used to giving out orders and people following them without question
  • On the outside, he’s a gentleman towards you. Always giving you his coat when it’s cold and opening doors for you. Doesn’t really change much from that aside from being somewhat strict with you