#naib subedar x reader


COMMISSION:norton & naib watch their s/o bleed out on the rocket chair, then comfort each other after

norton campbell ;;

Your heart dropped to your feet when you heard the chime that indicated a survivor had been knocked down. You prayed as you decoded ー Please don’t be Nor, please don’t be Nor …

Hearing a laboured “Focus on decoding!” confirmed your fears. It was muffled, distant, but distinct. Norton had been chaired.

The frantic hammering of your heart in your ears overtook your senses as you sprinted towards the chair, shouting to Helena that you were going to rescue him. Your heart overpowers your brain whenever Norton is in even the slightest ounce of danger. This was one of those instances. You should have thought twice before hurrying to his aid.

You exhaled a sigh of relief when you approached his chair and noticed there was no hunter to be seen. Norton however had the opposite reaction. His expression contorted into one of pure terror when he saw you were the one rescuing him.

“Leave me! Get away from me!” His words fell to deaf ears as you dashed towards him, arms open and ready to free him from his confines.

Everything was going smoothly until you heard the words that would stay with you forever.

“Jack is behind you!”

It was a trap.

In a heartbeat, your back was slashed open and you collapsed to your hands and knees.

“Lovebirds,” Jack hummed, stomping on your wounded back, earning a scream from Norton. “Now, where’s that decoder…” he turned on his heel and vanished to hunt down Helena with an unmistakable bloodlust.

You weren’t panicking yet. You could simply heal yourself, andー

You were out of self heals.

“The hunter is near me!” Helena wailed from across the map, sending ice straight down the spines of you and your boyfriend. The fourth survivor had been eliminated already. There was no saving you.

Norton’s entire body was wracked by sobs as you lay curled in a ball on the ground, writhing around in utter agony. If it wasn’t for the bar squeezing him down into the rocket chair, he would bandage you up and press endless kisses onto your bloodied skin, his own safety be damned.

He had never seen anybody bleed out before. The Prospector has always managed to heal his teammates, his only punishments being faced on rocket chairs. In Norton’s eyes, you were going to die.

“It’s okay,” you choked out, “I’ll be… be…”

“You’re going to die,” Norton whimpered in the highest tone you’ve ever heard from him. He sounded like a child with the way his raspy voice cracked.

Your eyes widened at his words. Did he think bleeding out was fatal? Oh no.

You ached to explain to him that the worst consequences were comas that lasted no longer than a week, but you were losing strength. Fast. As your throat closed up, speech became more and more difficult. It felt as if glass was piercing your windpipe, concealing the truth from your guilt stricken lover.

“‘Sall my fault… fuck, I love you, okay?” He hiccuped through strained wheezes for air.

'Don’t say that… I’ll be okay…’ you yearned to respond, but each second the invisible weight on your back grew, crushing you further.

Although your vision was spotting and blurring, you could see Norton tremble where he sat. His fingers gripped the bar holding him hostage until they bled. He was using all of his strength to attempt to free you somehow.

With one final, ragged breath, you closed your eyes and succumbed to your injuries. Norton didn’t scream like you thought he would. He watched you sink into the ground in utter silence, sniffing back tears and coughing sporadically.

Despite the agony you endured mere minutes ago, you weren’t rendered unconscious like previous, less fortunate survivors. You could walk, albeit with jittery legs and a weight on your back forcing you down. Having regained some strength, you noted that you could speak as well. Every bone in your body was aching for you to find Norton and save him from his unnecessary grief.

You immediately captured Helena’s undivided attention when you hobbled into the manor, leaving a steady red trail behind you. She wrapped your wounds up with the first aid kit she kept on her, the smell of blood that lingered in the air faded with every careful swipe of your skin. Since you were in the room for injured survivors, Norton didn’t see you when he stormed back into the manor. His physical wounds were nothing compared to his emotional ones. If only Helena finished patching you up just a minute earlier, he could have seen that you survived far earlier.

“Norton is in your room, by the way,” Helena began, patting you on the back to signal that her work was done, “in the one you share. I asked where he was going.”

“Our room,” you repeated to yourself under your breath. You thanked Helena and promptly headed to your room, legs carrying you as fast as they could take you.

You were out of breath once you reached your shared room. A series of knocks on the door were greeted with silence. You noticed that the static sobbing from the room paused for a moment, then resumed.

Twisting your key into the door and unlocking it, you saw Norton swiftly hide your shirt underneath your pillow. Was he trying to get the last of your scent before it faded away forever?

“So. You’ve come to haunt me too.” He spat, burning holes into your face with his unwelcoming glare. “Just like everyone else from the mines. Fuck off.”

“Norton, it’s me,”

“You’re only pretending to be them. Second I acknowledge you’re not real you’ll go away.”

His words shattered your heart.

Approaching him with caution, you kneeled onto the bed beside him and placed your palm on his cheek. He leaned into your touch despite his harsh words, his tear streaked face dampening your hand. “If I wasn’t real, would I be this warm?” You whispered as soft as your voice could manage to be. His eyebrows furrowed as he stared into your eyes, searching for any signs of life. Your eyes were too warm and full of adoration to be a hallucination, a ghost, a memory.

“How did you…?” he began, teetering on the verge of tears again.

“I’m hurt, but… I’d never die on you, Nor. It’s okay. I’m here.” You pressed a nurturing kiss to his nose and felt his face heat up underneath yours. Pressing your forehead against his, he felt no malicious intent from you, unlike all the other visions he saw of his deported loved ones. He felt nothing but love and kindness from you, the same way he’s always remembered you.

“It’s really you,” he uttered your name like a prayer, voice flickering above a whisper, before enveloping you in his arms and pulling you snug close to him. He bawled into your shoulder, letting the warmth of your body comfort him after one of the most horrifying moments of his life. You could feel his snot and hot tears bubble on your shoulder but you didn’t mind in the slightest. You were home, in Norton’s arms.

You knew that for Norton to cry in front of you, he was wounded deep. It was rare to see tears fall from his eyes and to feel him cling to you, terrified of letting go. Between pants, you could hear him beg for you to stay and never die on him. His pleas were answered by soft hushes and gentle kisses.

Norton pulled away for a fleeting moment to turn you around and examine your wounded back. There was a rip through your top and underneath were bandages stained with dry blood. Helena did a decent job of patching you up, though she definitely missed a few spots. Norton pressed chaste kisses to the exposed skin, his silent way of reassuring you he loved you no matter what.

“I’ll kill him for doing this to you,” your boyfriend hissed, teeth ghosting along your flesh. “I’ll make him pay.” His mouth was still connected to your back, and he could feel you shiver in response to his words.

“Nor, you don’t needー”

“I’ll never let anyone hurt you again. If anyone… if anyone ever does this to you a second time, I’ll…”


Your sudden sharp tone caused him to freeze. Had he gone too far? His demeanour immediately switched and he pulled away from you, offering you a toothy grin to show he sincerely meant no harm.

You pulled your shirt back down and turned around so your calm eyes could meet his wide ones. “I’ll be okay. I’m more worried about you, if anything. Come here.” You patted your lap and the back of Norton’s fluffy hair soon met your thighs. He laid down and began to rub the tears from his eyes, before you pushed his hands away and rubbed them into nothingness yourself.

He loved laying in your lap. Whether he was having flashbacks of past events, or if he was hurt from a match, laying his head on your soft thighs and gazing up at you with love never failed to calm him down. He felt so safe and warm.

“Have a little rest, Nor. I’ll be here when you wake up.” You rubbed calming circles into his hair as he nodded. His eyes closed, then opened again to ensure that you really were there and you truly were alive. You shushed him, both hands massaging his scalp until he drifted off into a comfortable sleep. He would do anything for you.

naib subedar ;;

“Naib’s been containing the hunter for so long, you think we should help out?” Luca asked you as the two of you drummed away at a cipher machine together. You nodded your head in agreement, pulling yourself away from the noisy machine and overturning your empty pockets.

“I don’t have any self heals, though. I’ll shout if I need anything.” This time it was Luca’s turn to nod as he smacked the machine, steadily making progress towards your escape.

You roamed the abandoned factory for a few moments before hearing a distant yelp and the sound of someone falling to the ground. You followed the source of the sound to the factory, and the metallic clunks of Guard 26 carrying your lover to the basement made your skin crawl. This rescue was going to be tremendously difficult.

“Don’t rescue me!” Naib managed to rasp as the hunter slammed him into the rocket chair. You could hear the pain in his voice even though he tried to mask it. It was always like Naib to hide his true feelings behind a cold front.

You knew Guard 26 chairing your only rescuer in the basement was a recipe for disaster, but you wanted to at least attempt to save him.

Hopping down the stairs, you were met face to face with the hunter. Their cogs whirred as they advanced towards you, and you stunned them momentarily.

“Oh, you’re so stupid [Name],” Naib sighed as your fingers danced across the bar holding him captive. “Go back to where it’s safe!” You ignored his cries and slid to the side, dodging one of Guard 26’s strikes. The floor began to light up in an array of colours under you which you miraculously dodged, earning a gasp from your chaired lover.

Unfortunately, you weren’t able to pull off the rescue of your dreams this time. You attempted to psyche out the hunter and trick them into hitting the chair, but their spiked bat met your side before you could pull away. Despite arriving without even a scratch, the impact of being hit as you rescued caused you to fall to your knees.

Blood pooled underneath you and you gritted your teeth as you waited to be chaired, the pain overriding your senses and bringing tears to your eyes.

That relief never came.

The haunting dings of Guard 26 slowly dissipated as they hopped up the stairs to find Luca. There were several other chairs in the basement, why didn’t they chair you? It must be in their wiring to save as much time as possible.

You clutched at your stomach, wincing as crimson bloomed on your shirt. Panic hadn’t filled your veins yet. You applied pressure to your wound, using the same healing tactics Naib had taught you before. Your plan was to do all you could while you were downed, then call Luca for help at the last minute.

Until Luca was terrorshocked.

Your eyes snapped up to meet Naib’s the second you both heard him collapse against the cipher machine. Anxiety began to set in, your movements growing more sloppy. You nicked yourself more often, and Naib noticed it too.

“Easy there… Deep breaths, all right?” He cooed, wriggling to free himself from the grip of the rocket chair. His struggles were unsuccessful, though. No matter how hard he tried to escape for you, the chair wasn’t merciful whatsoever.

You felt your body grow numb as you lost more blood. You could no longer feel the cold tiles of the basement. To you, everything was cold. You scooched closer to the chair Naib was trapped in and extended a hand. “Naib, I… I can’t feel my legs,” although his movements were limited, he was able to wrap his hand around yours and squeeze it tight.

“You’re gonna be fine.” He was lying through his teeth. Naib could see the glassy look in your eyes, hell, as your hand quivered in his, he could feel the life draining from it. Your voice wasn’t a comfort to him anymore, every word you spoke was full of agony and he wished you would stay quiet as to not worry him more.

Naib has seen this before. He’s been pinned under debris, forced to watch a comrade succumb to their injuries. It’s why he’s the man he is today. Always self-sacrificing, never leaving anyone behind. Yet he couldn’t extend the same behaviour to you… his lover was bleeding out in front of him and there was absolutely nothing he could do. He tried so desperately to hide the fear from his face, but a single tear slid down his cheek and his expression sunk when he felt you begin to fade away. As you melted into the ground, Naib cried out your name until there was nothing left of you to hold. Then he followed.

You were awoken by the sound someone scurrying towards you. Rubbing your eyes, you saw a flash of colour before an excited hand met your shoulder. “You’re finally up. Can you walk?” It took a few moments to process Naib’s words. As you scanned the room around you, you spotted bouquets of flowers and numerous get well soon cards.

“What… what happened to me?” You groggily asked as you gazed at your hands. They had been bandaged up with care.

Naib swallowed hard as he replied, “you’ve been out for around a day. I’ve been looking after you… hope you don’t mind.” As your vision adjusted to the bright lights of your room, you noticed his shirt had been discarded and his chest was wrapped tightly in bandages. Both of you were left bruised and battered from that hellish match, it seems.

Your heart soared as you thought about how much Naib must adore you to watch over you like that. Though he acted coolly as if his actions were no big deal, you could sense that he was still worried about you. He touched you as if you were made of glass and his usual scratchy voice was replaced by a soft, considerate one ー an attempt to ease your anxieties and make you more comfortable.

“C'mon, let’s get you cleaned up,” his hand connected to yours and eased your weight onto the floor below you. You stumbled over your feet, but quickly met Naib’s chest as his arms wrapped around your back. “Easy there, I’ve got you.” He let you lean on him for support and helped you peel off your bloodied shirt before drawing a bath for you.

Naib kneeled beside the bubblebath you rested in, scrubbing your hair with his calloused fingers. It tickled ever so slightly, you couldn’t remember the last time somebody had handled you with such care. His hands maneuvered around your body with precision and care as he washed away all of the dirt and dust that marred your skin.

A comfortable silence hung in the air until you decided to speak up, “what about you? Do you want me to wash you as well?”

Naib’s expression softened when he heard your voice. “Iー uh, I’m good.” His blunt response didn’t match his gaze in the slightest.

“I can see you wince every time you lift your arms. And you smell.”

“…Fine.” He huffed in defeat, beckoning you to scootch forward to make room for him in the tub. You felt the water splash as he took a seat behind you and pulled you into his arms. “Hey. What you did yesterday… don’t do it again, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt ever again.”

You turned over your shoulder to face him and he offered you a faint smile. It wasn’t like his usual smug grins, it was more tender, something he couldn’t get rid of upon seeing you awake again.

You could keep your head in Naib’s warm chest forever, his steady heartbeat and the occasional ripples of water filling your ears. You were on the verge of falling asleep when you remembered that Naib needed to be scrubbed too.

Lifting his arms up above your head, you escaped his gentle grasp and turned around to face him. His expression was one of grumpiness after you slithered free from his arms, but the second you grabbed a loofah and massaged his skin his gaze molded into a loving one. His cuts had faded and closed up but they were definitely visible, and they looked like they hurt. A lot.

“I’m sorry for being so reckless, I just wanted you to get out safe.” You whispered between fond swipes of his chest, really getting the soap in there.

He rested his arms on the edges of the tub, huffing in response. “When I tell you not to rescue, don’t rescue, okay? Your safety’s more important than mine.” You attempted to object to his brash statement, but he shut you up with a kiss and stole the breath from your lips. Your lips remained connected for a few lingering seconds, and Naib deepened the kiss right as you expected him to pull away.

“…I thought I was going to lose you,” he muttered against your skin, pulling away and pressing another, sweeter kiss to the corner of your lips. “Water’s getting cold… let’s get out,” he drained the tub and scooped you up into his arms, bringing you to your bed and wrapping you up in a bathrobe. You were perfectly capable of dressing yourself, but Naib’s must-take-care-of-lover instincts refused to let you do that.

He snuggled up to you from behind, nose breathing in the fresh scent of your hair. “Goodnight, love.” And you dozed off in his arms, ever protective of you.

Teasing During Match

Characters: Aesop, Eli, Naib, Norton, Philippe, Joseph.

Genre: Nsfw, One-shot.

Synopsis: Teasing your lover during a match didn’t end in the way you were expecting. Instead you got something much, much different. Guess you just have to face the consequences of your actions.

Warnings: Fem. reader, fingering, rough sex, oral, unprotected sex, degradation, asphyxiation, overstimulation, choking, orgasm control, edging, slapping, me forgetting how to write nsfw lol.

A/N:I wanted to see if I could still write this stuff but dang, I forgot how wearing it is (╥﹏╥) it isn’t very good imo, but enjoy (ALSO LETS PRETEND THAT PHILIPPES STATUE OF HIS SISTER ISNT ON HIM FOR THE SAKE OF THIS STORY )



He commanded as you just finished what you thought would be the last orgasm he would give, but oh were you wrong. Something snapped in him from what you did. He kept telling you now wasn’t the time but that only fell on deaf ears. You didn’t feel sorry for him in that moment and now, neither is he.

“A-aesop I don’t think I can-”

“You can and you will.”

He stared at you with such a stern expression—one you’ve never seen before. The amount of seriousness evoked in what he said sent shivers of fear and slight excitement down your spine. Seeing him in such a state made him look incredibly sexy, but shit, again?

His hand buried deep within your dripping cunt started to move with such brutal pace. Still being sensitive from the last one, you let out a shaky moan at his unexpected roughness. The fingers inside you curled hitting your g-spot over and over.

You could feel it start again. That same blinding upcoming pleasure that he kept giving you for what felt like hours. It amazed you how good he was, and embarrassed you at how easily you came undone with him just finger fucking you. The nearing euphoria made you arch your back in ecstasy, that was until a hand abruptly pushed you back down.

“If you move one more time, I promise you I’ll leave you here with nothing, got it? Now it looks like we’ll have to start your high from the beginning.”

This was gonna be a long night…


“God, you don’t know how much I had to restrain myself from fucking you right then and there, Y/N.”

Eli’s words dripped with lust as he carefully removed your undergarments, revealing your pussy for all to see. Your mind fogged with the ignominy of having someone look at your most sensitive parts, what made it even worse was that you knew he wasn’t going to stop there.

You trembled, feeling his tongue lick a long stripe along the folds of your cunt, lapping up all the juices that came out as he continued, his hands gripping your thighs to hold them apart.

This whole time you’ve been trying desperately to hold in your mewls at the feeling, but the more you resisted, the harder it got. The knowledge of how much of a mess he made you only made him drive his tongue deeper inside of you, pleasuring you to the fullest.

“Eli, wait, I- I think gonna-”

“Do it, my love. Cum all over my mouth.” He panted out, taking your clit between his teeth and rubbing his tongue over it in a way that made you see stars. That was the final push that had you cumming all over his mouth, the knot in your stomach finally coming undone as he ate you out.

“You tasted amazing, Y/N. What a good girl you were for me.~”


“You’re such a fucking slut.”

Naib spat, his hand tangled in your hair as you choked on his cock. You’ve lost count on how much you’ve gagged on him with how much he forced your head to suck him off—no, even that’d be too nice of an explanation. Suffocating you with his cock would be more accurate, you’re barely sucking it anymore with how fast he moved. He’d leave you gasping for air when he finally allowed and even then you’re right back down again.

“I bet you’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Of course you would, you little bitch. Couldn’t even wait until the damn match was over huh? Do have anything to say for yourself or have you completely lost your dignity?”

He sneered, yanking your head off of him, leaving a long string of spit as your only connection. You took this chance to finally catch your breath before rasping out a pathetic ‘sorry’ with your drool coated lips, but he wasn’t satisfied with that.

“Let’s try again. Once you give me an actual apology, maybe then I’ll stop. Though, you’ll probably leave with the taste of my dick stained in your mouth, won’t you?”


Regret coursed through your body as you realized your situation. It may have been fun teasing him, watching him get more horny with everything you did. “Innocently” hugging his arm to your body to give him a feel of it, bending over too far on the cipher, even feeling him up under the table before the match started. You admit, you did want what you had right now, but not like… this.

“Go on, I’m waiting.”

Turning red at his words, you moved to aim yourself on top of his cock, hesitantly inserting himself into you. You could never forget how thick he was, his girth painfully stretching you to your limit as you carefully tried moving but couldn’t even take him halfway to his base.

Norton on the other hand took great enjoyment from your struggle. Watching as your pussy sucked as much as it could of his cock. The sight alone could make him cum, but where was the fun in finishing this “punishment” early?

“You’re taking too long.” He said before grabbing you by the ass and forcing you down on him, bottoming you out in the process. A loud moan squeezed out of your throat as he rammed into you at a ruthless pace, leaving behind the filthy sound of your skin slapping against his.

“You– you never learn, do you? Do you really crave my dick that bad? For me to fuck you senseless? To manhandle you 'till you can barley walk? Don’t worry, I’ll fuck you so stupid, walking’ll be the last thing you think about.”


“Nngh– Philippe s-slow down!” His pace was unrelenting as his dick drilled into you from behind, the pleasure making you lightheaded. You don’t even know if the words made it out of your mouth with how weak you felt beneath him. Or was it because of how tight his hand was around your throat? You weren’t sure anymore, all you could focus on right now was the man mounting you like you were a bitch in heat.

“Oh? Isn’t this what you wanted? Taunting me with your body, you were begging me to fuck you. I’m only giving in to your needs, Y/N.”

Pulling out and giving a particularly hard thrust proved your need for him further, making you cry out in masochistic bliss, though as if he needed anymore proof with how wet your pussy got around him.

“Hah- I’m close. What do you think? Should I cum inside of you or on your beautiful body?” You didn’t have the energy to respond, but Philippe already knew your answer. The hand on your throat pulls you against him, bodies connecting as you two came with each other. ’Fuckk it felt so good’, you thought, until you felt your your body start to go faint in his arms. Right before you do, you feel someone slap you awake.

“Hey, who said you could go fainting on me like that? I want you to be awake to feel my cum leaking out of your tight hole.”


“Ah ah ah, not yet, chére. I know you can hold it in for a little while longer, can’t you?”

Joseph smirked as he pulled out right before your release, groaning in the ever so familiar emptiness he caused so many times. Enraptured in the sight of your hickey ridden body, he sardonically traced over the bruises he left behind.

“You do know why I’m doing this, right? You humiliated me in today’s match despite you knowing it wasn’t a very nice thing to do. Normally I’d go on with denying you, but since you were such a good girl for me, I’ll give you this one chance. So tell me, do you want to cum, my little Y/N?” Joseph cooed, lightly rubbing your overstimulated bud. The offer seemed like a blessing in your eyes in your situation, one you couldn’t possibly pass up.


You screamed in exasperation, you knew you’d be ashamed for saying that later but you’re just too sex craved to care right now. You needed your long awaited release. He let out a loud cackle at your pathetic plead before taking your face in his other hand.

“That’s my girl.”

Reacting to S/O Suddenly Hugging Them

Characters: Aesop, Eli, Naib, Norton, Mary, Wu Chang.


A/N: It’s been a long time since I last wrote, so I decided to get back into the swing of things by doing some headcanons, this time adding two extra characters. Then I’ll be finishing up previous requests after this. ^_^

Cut for length!


If he notices you before you hug him, he’ll try to start a conversation with you. It’s pretty funny if you think about it, too. Him just greeting you and gradually getting more anxious as you slowly walk closer to him like you would with an animal as to not scare it off, arms wide, ready to envelope him in your hold.

“Ah, hello S/O. How are you doing this evening? Did your last match go-… what are you doing? … W-wait, no, I’ve just finished embalming my surrogate for my match tomorrow! I smell horrible right now, l-let me shower before you- WAIT NO-”

Out of all outcomes he could have thought of in his over-thinking head, this is the one he didn’t think through. How convenient.

Aesop stands frozen with his arms away from you before giving you two, in his eyes, painfullly awkward pats on your back.

Long story short, he does not like surprise hugs at all. The sudden change, though very little, is something that overwhelms him. So just tell him before to spare him the consternation of it all.

Because in reality his hugs are quite nice! The more he does it, the more elegant they become. Sure, he’ll place his arms weird at the start, but it’s the thought that counts.


Oh, he loves it whenever you give him any sort of affection! It’s something he craves daily. He’s the type who’d ask for more to be honest, so don’t be surprised if the hug you gave ends up being way longer than planned, because he’ll take advantage of this moment he has with you.

Not gonna lie, if it isn’t you making the sudden hugs, it’s him. Sneaky bird man constantly getting his hugs or kisses one way or another.

Okay, Eli’s hugs are cute in my opinion. He just loves you so much! It’s definitely felt in the hugs he gives you. He hugs you like a child would a stuffed animal, occasionally squeezing you a bit. Usually Eli can’t stay still during it, he always has to make this side to side rocking motion. He also has a habit of nuzzling his face onto you.

He endlessly coos sweet words to you. “I love you, s/o. So much.” Or, “You look beautiful today, my love.” are some of his common ones, but you could also hear some weird ones like “Your ears lookin’ real cute.” as a rare spook.

Brooke doesn’t really mind… but not enough to let you guys neglect to give her pets after! Either one of you have to, otherwise she’ll get cranky.


Let me tell you this now, never do this in public unless you want to be dodged like his life depends on it. It hurts him more than it hurts you, having to purposely avoid you like that for his sake.

Okay, another warning. Well, if you could even call this one, but if he accepts your attempt at a hug, know he will not let you go. You’re gonna be stuck to him for a good WHILE. Hugs with him turn into cuddle sessions. End of story.

50/50 chance he tries to fall asleep during the cuddle because… well, you’re a really comfy person, you know? Being in such a snuggle would understandably make one somnolent. Then you’re just trapped there.

The other 50 percent is when he can’t fall asleep, and he’ll get bored just laying there, so unless you’re talking to him or something, he’s gonna be moving his hands a lot. And by that I mean he’ll be doing stuff like playing with your hair or rubbing his hands under your shirt.

Additionally, he can be a little shit and touch you with cold hands. “But you’re so warm!” He whines, but you know the truth. He just wants poke fun at your surprised yelp.


(I’ve said some hugging/ affection headcanons for him in this post, I’m just gonna add on from there.)

He sees hugs as fun, comforting, stress relieving… the list goes on! But with you it can be much more. You bring so much love in each one you give him, no matter how long or short, how intimate or playful, he knows that every one is because of how infatuated you are of him and he is so grateful for that.

Bear hugs are his specialty, as well as back hugs. He has a partiality for how perfect you feel against his body. You two fit together like a puzzle in his mind.

Again, he doesn’t mind at all if you do this in public! Every piece of your love that you’re willing to share with him is something he won’t refuse. In fact, it’s probably even better than in private at times since it means other people can see how lovey-dovey you two are being. He finds pride in making someone jealous of your love.


As long as you don’t do it while she’s doing her makeup, in public or something that needs her full concentration, she doesn’t mind. She may scold you lightly to not hug her out of the blue like that again, as it is seen as rude at times, but she knows you mean well.

Mary caves in and will find sanctuary in your embrace, burying her face in either your chest or shoulder. She enjoys it when you two spend time together like this, away from others and in the quiet of yours or her bedroom, without the reminder of the manor nor the games that you’re meant to play.

Now if we’re talking about her hugs, let me just tell you they are one the best out of everyone in the manor. They aren’t common, but they aren’t uncommon either. A sweet in-between so that you are left satisfied after each one.

And yes, if you remember her carry emote, Mary has a tendency to place her breasts in your face, but instead of you being a few inches away in the emote, your face is just pressed there. Does she do it on purpose? Most of the time.

Wu Chang

Wu Chang are from ancient China, and back then people did not do well with affection, mainly public, as it was certain to be frowned upon by others. Despite this, Xie secretly wished that he would be able to do this with his own future lover, Fan on the other hand was odburate to the etiquette they were taught and never seemed to care for the display. Because of what they were made to believe, they’re both really touch starved.

They understand they came from a different upbringing and that most people don’t view things in the same way they do. Both are willing to adapt to what others do to prevent any awkward moments that may arise, especially when you’re their partner.

Hugs with Wu Chang aren’t very common. They hug for a reason and want you to know how much they care when they do. Hugging is meant to make the receiver feel special and they want to make you feel that way. If you’ve had a bad day, they’ll be there to hold you close and melt your troubles away.

Xie Bi'an

Xie figures something is wrong when you suddenly come up to him and wordlessly sling your arms around him and bury your face in his chest (or at least try to…).

“What’s wrong, dear?” He asks, gently caressing your head as an attempt to comfort you. When you answer with a nonchalant ‘I just wanted to hug you’, he’s quite surprised to say the least. You… just wanted to be in his embrace? Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t mind at all! It’s just… wouldn’t it be uncomfortable? I mean, you are pretty short compared to him.

No matter, if that’s what his lover wants, then he’s more than happy to oblige.

Xie is gentle without even meaning to be, that’s just how he is with you. Loose arms wrapped around your body, one hand on your back and the other softly rubbing your head. If you’ll allow it, he’d like to play with your hair.

He has the most comforting hugs you could imagine, I swear it’s almost like he was made for it. He’ll listen to every word you vent to him if you want, or if you just want him to set your mind off of something, he will. A reminder he’ll always there for you.

Fan Wujiu

Isn’t used to any type of PDA, especially if it comes without a warning, so the first time he just awkwardly pats your back as some sort of reciprocation. But if he finds you’re more prone to doing stuff like this, then he’ll catch on quickly and start giving you proper hugs back, albeit a bit stubbornly.

Honestly didn’t understand how hugs could be of any enjoyment to someone, I mean what’s so special about putting your arms around another? If you’re sad or something, then sure they could be nice, but not for no reason. In the end, you proved him wrong on this long-time prejudice.

If I had to describe Fan’s way of hugging, it would be passionate and silent. Fan, as reserved as he is, is the complete opposite when hugging you. He wants you to know he’s not always the undemonstrative man he shows in public, but a doting partner as well. He loves you despite the lack of showing.

He knows his strength compared to survivors, so he handles you with complete care, making sure he doesn’t squeeze you too hard. He keeps a softer hold than usual on you while hugging, resting your head on his chest (stomach?), patting your head at a steady pace.

You’ll rarely see him initiate the hug, that won’t change. But if you want to, by all means go ahead.

Hoo boy I went ham on this…


If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.

Yandere Naib Hcs

tw: yandere, unhealthy relationships

  • He truly doesn’t know the first thing about being in love. But doesn’t he? Isn’t it normal to want to protect you from those dangerous individuals you call teammates?
  • Truth be told, Naib wouldn’t be a yandere until the two of you were going out. He doesn’t find a point to obsess over a person if they had nothing to do with him
  • Starts off as a normal relationship. Well, normal for dating someone like him
  • He does know that taking you away from others for himself is strictly off limits. People will know instantly and would undoubtedly do something about it. Whatever it may be, it won’t benefit him in the end 
  • Always be on the move, always be on guard, and question everything. That’s what he’s learned from being a mercenary. Evidently he’ll have to ignore the first rule, but does that also go for the other two? Nope
  • Shamelessly intrusive to your privacy. Subtlety is thrown out the window as he walks up to you demanding you tell him who you were talking to. There’s no use in playing coy, he heard everything. Friendly chatting or not, he wants to know
  • Don’t bring up that talk about trust with him. He’ll easily turn it against you by saying that you shouldn’t get so defensive if you have nothing to hide
  • He becomes controlling of you, weaving not only his words, but your social life to make sure you stay his. He does it to protect you, he tells himself, fully believing the obvious lie
  • He’ll make sure that neither you or your friends like each other anymore without even talking at all, but word travels fast in the manor, so he may end up having everyone dislike you rather than a handful of people. Good, that’s way less people he has to worry about having an attraction to you
  • Ahh, but people tend to be so stubborn, don’t they? Of course there are going to be people finding suspicion about the whole affair, how all of this starts happening after being with Naib and how he contradicts his own morals by doing absolutely nothing to help you
  • Oh, and breaking up with him is a solid no. Because you feel insecure about yourself from the past events won’t fly by him. He shows such stubbornness, insisting that no words from others will ever change his love for you. It may sound loving, but it’s just to coax you into staying in that toxic relationship of yours
  • There’s a myth that a Gurkha must draw blood after unsheathing their kukri, and though it’s not true, he’ll gladly make it seem so with what he threatens to do to his enemies
  • He can obviously take the sight of blood due to his background of it, it’s nothing he hasn’t dealt with before and likely isn’t the last
  • Naib tends to be impulsive in his actions, leading him to be in a short panic from the aftermath of what he’s done. His clean up of it all is sloppy, but it’ll do
  • If you ever do realize what he’s done to make your life a sudden ordeal, you can’t really do anything to hurt him emotionally even if you tried, he’s already toughened up to most of his and other people’s emotions. Saying things like how much you hate him or how messed up of a person he is won’t do a thing to him if that’s your goal. Going the physical route won’t do either because of how easy it is to detain you from doing so 
  • He isn’t above threatening for you to turn a blind eye. You could get violent, but he can’t, his attraction prevents him from doing so. Comply or he humiliates you in front of everyone, leaving you to be alone, overcome with your own emotions
  • He can be pretty scary when he’s mad. You could see how calm he tries to be as to not shout at and startle you, but it’s ironically worse if he keeps it in because once that anger is let out is when he could get aggressive. Like punching wall aggressive, god forbid he does this to an actual person, though it’s unlikely

Hhhhhh I don’t really think this turn out very good, so I may redo it in the future, idk


Sorry about that hiatus that came without a warning! School has been giving me more work recently. Also, thank you guys for 240+ followers!  (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

Naib and Norton with a Decoder S/O


  • He already knows this due to almost every one of his matches have him or their decoder being found first
  • He’d want have him be pursued rather than you
  • So once he hears you say ‘The hunter is near me!’, he’s heading right over
  • All of your protests will fall upon deaf ears as he body blocks the living hell out of you
  • He denies any pain he feels if he gets hurt because of this
  • “This is just a scratch, don’t worry about it” tis but a scratch
  • Not a man of many words, but he’ll try for you. If he thinks you did good in a match, he’ll let out a quiet praise for only you to hear
  • “Good job, s/o. I’m proud of you.”
  • You’re valuable as a teammate and as a lover to him, but more-so as a lover. Which is clear as day to almost everyone because he’s biased like that
  • If your item has durability like Freddy’s or Tracy’s, he’ll open random chests for you if he has the time so that if you’re left empty handed, you could pick it up off the ground 
  • On rare occasions will he lend you his elbow pads, and those times are where he is certain you guys will win and if you are being chased
  • He is terribly ambivalent about duo. On one hand you could protect yourself more with the provided items, but the other has two hunters in one match. He really doesn’t want to risk you getting double-teamed in a huge map, where most of the team might just be too far away to save you
  • This is probably sound harsh, but Naib hates being worried about you all the time, or even just being worried in general. So he’ll instruct you for anything you struggle with so you could handle yourself next time. He won’t be able help you forever, you know


  • Before he met you, he didn’t really care about the decoders. Yeah they were a huge help to the team, but only when they weren’t being chased or chaired, so they were kind of a nuisance in his opinion
  • He doesn’t understand how some people have disadvantages in the matches, so he’ll just wish you luck and be on his way. Of course, he’ll still be there to make sure you don’t get hurt too much, but it’ll be the same as if you weren’t a decoder
  • That being said, he gets a bit frustrated when he sees their decoder get hit early game because they usually get downed quickly after. Again, he has NO idea about their disadvantages, so you gotta tell him about it
  • Confused as heck when he finds out
  • “Lmao what?? I thought they were just bad.”
  • If you show any negative emotion after hearing that, he’ll feel like a total douchebag afterwards and, though he doesn’t like admitting he was wrong, says sorry
  • Definitely appreciates decoders more because of you
  • If you can’t kite and the hunter is chasing after him, he stays far away from you. Everyone else is free game, though
  • You’re kidding yourself if you don’t think Norton would flirt with you while decoding. He will let out a couple of sensual remarks if he knows you’re comfortable with that
  • “You’re sure good at using those hands of yours, s/o. I wonder what else they can do~.” “They can beat your ass.”
  • Hunters’ worst nightmare when you’re matched together. They will be stunned so much that they may as well surrender. God help them if they don’t have excitement
  • He thinks you’re the best decoder of them all, no matter what your ability may be. Literally, it could be you destroying the cipher machine and that counting as it being completed and he’d still brag about your skills

Hope I got the goth parts right!   ~(>_<。)\

Joseph, Luca, Naib, Norton with a modern goth S/O + playing video games


  • He thinks someone died
  • But don’t get mad at him, because that was the only reason people would wear full black back then
  • He thinks it’s nice nevertheless, but he likes the Victorian and lolita/ ouji style the most because he’s the most familiar with the fashion
  • Listen, mans was alive around the 18th century. He probably don’t even know what moving pictures are yet, so just the concept of video games alone leaves him awestruck
  • “You mean to tell me that moving pictures EXIST in the future? And in color??”
  • You don’t even have to convince him at this point, he just so eager to try it out
  • He jumps at the first sound that comes from the game. He’s all like, “S/o, did you hear that? Where did it come from?” “Joseph, it was the game.”
  • He literally cannot handle fast-paced games, his reaction times are so slow despite having them being fast in real life. Even Mario Kart is too hard for him
  • Video games are the coolest thing ever in his opinion, but can’t play them for the life of him


  • He thinks the goth style is very unique. He’s rarely seen anyone wear dark clothing because they want to
  • Zaps anyone who makes rude comments about it
  • You deserve to dress however you want without being judged and people need to realize that
  • Surprisingly really good at rhythm games. You could put him on the hardest level and he’d get through it as if it were on easy mode
  • His favorite type of games are interactive and, of course, rhythm games. Rhythm games keep his brain active and interactive games… let’s just say he likes to experiment with them
  • First playthrough is neutral, he chooses what he would do in the situation. The ones after are either chaotic or too good. He would choose all the bad options and then choose all the good options next playthrough
  • Doesn’t play the games often, though. He’s still got his inventions to work on. Maybe he’ll try to make his own video game
  • Asks to takes apart the game to see how it works
  • Doesn’t understand CDs, how can a flimsy piece of plastic hold so much stuff??


  • Doesn’t mind one bit that you’re goth, if you wear those boots with the belt decorations, he’d go ‘Oh look, we match.’
  • Kind of frustrated that he doesn’t have any goth costumes and yet he has a matching costume with Martha. Like bruh if he wanted a matching costume, give it to his s/o pls
  • Call him soft, but he prefers playing games that include you. Not competitively or anything, just ones where you two can work together
  • He’d enjoy games like Minecraft or Stardew Valley where he could live his little domestic video game life with you
  • If you teach him how to make food in either games, neither of you will ever go hungry
  • You could be mining or somethin’ and he would go sprinting to find you. You would be so confused until he whips out a cake and says, “I made us a cake, eat it before it gets cold. <3″ “Naib, I’m at full hunger-”
  • You bet he’d walk up to you in Minecraft and shyly ask to place his bed next to yours
  • If any mob or enemy were to come up to the two of you, he’d kill it before it could even touch you. No one’s hurting his partner


  • “Does my Mr. Mole costume count as goth”
  • Has a vague understanding of what goth is when you explain it. He thinks that anyone who wears black is goth, even if it’s just a one-time thing
  • He would love if you guys could match, mainly with the Mr. Mole costume since he has no other black outfits (I mean wanderer is also one, so if you want to dress up as a vampire, go for it)
  • If ya’ll ever seen that meme where the guy goes easy on their friend in a game and the friend says, ‘Wow. Guess I’m better than you at your own game!’ and the guy goes all serious after, that would summarize your guys’ gaming experience to a ‘T’
  • Tries his hardest to be better than you, but not in a mean way. He just wants to impress you
  • He is a noob, but don’t call him that, he won’t know what that is lol
  • Prone to rage-quit after so many losses
  • He’ll appreciate it if you gave him some pointers and he’ll actually use them. He may be on par with you after a while
  • For competitive games, he enjoys Street Fighter and Super Smash Bros. His favorite would have been Mortal Kombat if it weren’t so gory, though


If you don’t like yandere or if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read.

Yandere Colonel Dax Hcs

tw: yandere

  • It’s hard for him to notice others besides the main people he works with, let alone fall for someone, so you’d have to do something big to make him notice you
  • Still wont be in love with you yet, but he will start to talk to you a bit when he’s not busy
  • But once he falls, he falls hard
  • If you work with him, he’ll take advantage of his military rank to slyly force you to be with him, changing your teams to end up in his or your work partners will either consist of him or be supervised by him
  • Anyone who gives you unfair treatment will be dealt with. There are plenty of other soldiers he could recruit that are hundreds of times better than them
  • Likes to be alone with you. He’d call you into his office to talk about whatever just because he was craving your undivided attention
  • Kidnapping you happens during one of the most unexpected times. One second you’re reporting to him the results of a recent mission, the next you’re knocked out by the handle of his gun
  • Almost always has his hands on you. There will rarely be times where his gloved hands aren’t on the small of your back or rubbing your thigh
  • Definitely is the type to hold the back of your neck when walking together
  • Extremely perceptive and is always one step ahead of you
  • Dude really knows you’re about to escape before you even do
  • Unexpectedly very patient with you despite yelling at soldiers for messing up something small
  • For this reason, he doesn’t punish you, and that’s what scares you. He’s a high ranking officer who has taken many lives, he could easily take yours with out a struggle. Sure he’s being nice now, but what happens if he just cracks?
  • He will kill if necessary, but reluctantly
  • If you show no signs of submission, he’ll just break you mentally because he isn’t good at persuading you to love him. He’s used to giving out orders and people following them without question
  • On the outside, he’s a gentleman towards you. Always giving you his coat when it’s cold and opening doors for you. Doesn’t really change much from that aside from being somewhat strict with you