#yandere riddler


Last Man Alive Pt.24

(Dano!Riddler x Reader)

(Link to list of chapters)

Warnings:Edward is a yandere, Dark themes, Physical violence, Bruce is kinda ooc, Suicide threat, Guilt tripping, Self harm, Ed is a heartbroken mess, Sleeping disorder and unnamed mental illnesses reference, A rly dumb riddle

Word Count:3.0k

( This series will extend to after the events of the movie, Idk how many chapters it will take to finish but most likely maybe around 3-5 )


(Y/n)’s mind was playing the memories of her pain and the sights of her deceased loved ones which only encouraged the blood thirsty beast that raved inside her with an infuriated hurricane of painful emotions; vengeance, revenge; avenge.

Her ears were overly occupied with deafening ringing and the rest of world around Ed was an indiscernible blur so she didn’t see or hear or realize Batman run in through the door until he physically lunged his arms around her torso to pull her off and away from the beaten and bloodied tittering man.

(Y/n) didn’t react or fight directly against Batman, too hyper-focused on the tyrant of her trauma. She still tried to reach for him as Batman kept her against him, surprised at how much force he had to use with her enraged manic behavior. She was like an animal. She clawed at the air with reaching arms as if she could pull either Ed to her or her to Ed. “Let me go! Let me rip him to shreds! Let me ripthatcunttofucking shreds!” She rabidly screamed, spit flying from her scowling mouth.

She tried to jump for him but Batman held her back. “(Y/n) you have to calm down!” He said as he held her struggling, carnivorous body away from attacking once again and making a grave mistake.

“NO! He deserves this! Men like him can’t keep getting away with this!” Her voice weakened in heartbreaking vulnerability just a smidge in her last sentence, excruciatingly painful to just think of the fact that women would always have to just take the pain as the men walk away with not a dent in their pride. To remember how boys at her high school would harass and make comments about her appearance while the school did nothing but blame her and dress code her.

Batman roughly turned her around and grabbed onto her shoulders to make her face him. “He deserves to die!” She raved with a snarling, furious face.

Batman pulled her by her shoulders so her face was closer to his strict one. “No, he deserves worse for what he’s done to you. Give him a fate worse than death. Let him live the rest of his long life in this isolated, disgusting prison. Let him rot away for years that will make him wish you killed him.”

The moment went by slowly as (Y/n)’s heavy breathing slowed down, her sharp features softening from the look in Bruce’s eyes. She remembered how he understood her pain. Her eyebrows curved upward as desperate breaths still sucked in and out through her parted frowning lips. Her small pupils returned to their normal size as thick tears built behind her lower lashline. “But… he needs to pay for what he did to (R/n) and (B/n). I made a promise that I would avenge them.”

It was times like this with her where Bruce felt like he was looking into the mirror of his past self, consoling her just as Alfred did with him. And now he got to speak from experience, empathy and understanding running inside him.

“They wouldn’t want to be avenged like this, and you know it. (Y/n), you’re a good person, don’t let him ruin that. If you kill once, you’re going to realize how easy it was so you’re going to keep killing until you satisfy your drive for vengeance. But it’ll never be satisfied. You’ll kill again and again, your body count will be higher than his. You’ll become the thing you thought you’d never become. And once you take that path, you’ll lose sight of who you really are. It’s a dangerous path, it’s too risky. And you’ll make mistakes you can’t turn back from. Killing isn’t the answer. What would happen to you is more important than what would happen to him. So just let him rot in misery, your loved ones are avenged by just him being locked up here and you still staying strong. Don’t ruin that. They’re proud of you, I know it.”

(Y/n)’s lips were puckered to prevent the sob that weighed a lump in her throat, her eyes glossy with tears. Her chest heaved with her shoulders slightly lifting up, her mouth opening but no words sprouting as she shook her head. “I just miss them so much… and I don’t know what to do with myself… I feel like I have nothing left to lose anymore.” She said as her voice broke through her chords, hopeless tears puddling in the corners of her eyes.

Bruce’s eyebrows curved upward behind the cowl, his heart breaking as he stared into the epitome of who he used to be. He felt like he was getting the bittersweet chance of talking with your younger self. He placed a gloved hand on her cheek. “But you do. You haven’t lost your mind, and you have so much still left for you. There’s still so many people that care about you and will help you heal. I promise.”

(Y/n) looked at him like he single handedly hung the sun in the sky, happy tears engulfing her sad ones. She pursed her quivering lips together and swallowed before nodding her head, only having the energy to say “okay, I trust you” in a breaking, hoarse voice. His sorrowful gaze lingered as he slid his hand off her face. He told her he’d for her outside the room so she could finish what she needed to say to the Riddler.

Once Batman was gone (Y/n) turned to the bloodied and bruised Ed who was sat on the ground with his back leaning against the wall. A small, amused smile was littered on his swelling face, his blood still wet. He waited for her to make the first move.

(Y/n) looked down at the man with an empty stare, anger and distress no longer gyrating in her orbs. “By the way, this is the very last time I will ever visit you and hopefully the very last time I have to look at you.”

Ed’s tiny grin faltered very slightly, caught off guard but regained the grin through denial and humor. “W-what?” His voice was dripping in consternation.

“I’m leaving Gotham, I don’t know when or if I’m coming back.” She explained simply and calmly.

Ed’s heart was thumping within his ears so loud he thought the whole building was shaking. “You can’t…” His breathing became an unstable, heavy, sloppy mess of panic, fury, betrayal, and heartbreak. “You-you can’t do this to me!” He wailed as he scampered up to his feet; he pressed his hands against his chest, gesturing towards himself, frantically.

The brief thought of imagining living a life where she wasn’t within his reach or sight instantly tore a gaping hole within his heart, a nasty cavity that sunk itself deep within the caverns of his gravitated love. Tears started to leak from under his eyeballs, his eyelids making them gloss over his shaking iris’. The tears expanded fast as they quickly began dripping past his lower lashline.

“You have no idea how much I love you! It’s to the point where I cannot grasp the knowledge of how to breathe without you!” Instantaneously, he weeped away as sobs scratched his throat raw. He took one weak step toward (Y/n) as his lamenting eyes dilated with depravity interlaced by the seams of desperation.

His hands, wrists still handcuffed together, visibly shook as he seemed to tremble from the possibility that he might never see his darling (Y/n) ever again.

He blamed his incompetence of not outwardly conveying his unhindered love enough. He regretted not spending more time displaying his affectionate passion for her, he regretted not going to extreme lengths to show how much he loved her. “Have I not proven my loyalty and devotion yet?! Is that why you’re leaving me?! Because you don’t believe I truly love you?!”

He cursed himself. He knew she had attachment and self worth issues over people in her life not verbalizing or showing that they valued her and appreciated her enough. He watched her with his own sobbing eyes how she cried alone in her bathroom and talked to herself in the mirror about how she doubted her friends even liked her.

It spurred such pain as the thought of her crying looped within his mind. Over and over, eating away at his self-restraint as he blubbered. It was foolish of him to not make his romantic, enslaving adoration clear to her. That must’ve been one of the reasons she doesn’t believe they’re soulmates!

“I swear my love for you is infinite and indestructible! I am deeply sorry if I ever made you feel unloved by me! My beloved, please forgive me!” One voice crack after another, his knees gave out from beneath him, harshly meeting with the cold floor. He pathetically crawled over to where she stood. She wasn’t phased and her eyes remained emotionless, sparing no slip of how she was feeling for him to look too far into.

“Please, for the love of god, stay with me! I beg of you! You can’t leave me! I will never feel this way for anyone else!” He yelled desperately as his hands moved up to grab a hold of hers, she fought the urge to shrink back in disgust at his audaciousness. He held her fingers in the encapsle of his naturally sweaty hands and held them to his heart.

“I promise to you, I am your soulmate! I’ll love you for forever and even after death!” He proclaimed as he gazed up at her with begging sincerity; vulnerability.

(Y/n) turned her hands so that she was holding his hands now, teasily petting the hope blossoming in Ed’s chest. She held his hands together like she caught a butterfly and pulled them away from his beating chest. She plainly patted them as she said “bye”, keeping this all as short and simple as possible. She wanted her goodbye to be empty with no emotions, learning from her mistakes that he misreads every signal.

She slipped her hands from his as he briefly went frozen in shock. She turned around and began walking toward the door, almost not believing this was going easier and smoother than she prepared for.

She shouldn’t have jinxed it.

Ed abruptly rose to his feet and wrapped his hands around his own throat. He began clutching tightly at the skin with his nails beginning to dig and the cuffs were put in a position where they pressed painfully into his wrists. His breathy wince caused (Y/n) to turn back around. Her breath hitched in her mouth but forced herself to remain stone faced, like it didn’t affect her in the slightest. She didn’t want to give him any reaction.

“I’ll kill myself if you leave! I’ll make you a murderer! The thing you didn’t want to become! I’ll kill myself and it’ll be your fault! I swear I will if you leave! I’ll have nothing to live for anyway so don’t doubt me!” He dug his fingers further into his throat, clawing at the skin that would for sure be stained with light bruises. He choked heavily the harder he squeezed his throat, jagged insanity ripping through his eyes.

(Y/n) resisted reacting and turned away to open the door, not before wiping the blood off her hands. The guard that stood in the hallway pushed himself off the wall he leaned against. “He’s trying to kill himself.” She said and stepped to the side so the guard could see. The man approached the room to see the sight and shouted down the hall a code. He ran into the room to rip Ed’s hands off himself, cringing at how bloody he was and believing he did this all to himself.

Once the guard tore his cuffed hands from his pink throat, Ed tried to lunge himself away from the guard and out the door to reach (Y/n). But another guard, who heard the yelled code from down the hall, made it just in time to catch Ed. (Y/n) stood in the hall and watched over the guard’s shoulder as Ed still tried to run to her but the two guards each took ahold of an arm to restrain him.

Ed’s breakdown was amplified as he kicked and struggled and continued to sob his eyes out. He looked like a preschooler throwing a tantrum. The guards forcibly dragged him out of the room and past (Y/n), his feet clawing at the ground to try to force himself out of the guards’ holds. He howled begging pleads and confessions and declarations of love as (Y/n) turned her back to him and walked down the hall in the opposite direction with Batman escorting her.

The sounds of struggle and Ed’s voice echoed in the distance as (Y/n) left him behind.

As much as she hoped for it, she knew it would be harder to leave her trauma behind than physically walking away from the cause of it. She gained so many dents in her mental state alongside gaining a few new mental illnesses and a sleeping disorder. She’d always feel angst in her bones, the Riddler had burn branded that in her. She’d always feel the conquering need to constantly look over her shoulder and the need to make sure every shadow wasn’t his.

She knew she’d never be the same again, at least not exactly the same. Her experience with the Riddler would affect her outlook on strangers and she knew it’d be hard for her to get back into dating with her worsened trust issues. Especially since the man she planned to marry was murdered and his murderers touch felt tattooed onto her skin.

Ed would haunt all of her regrets, haunt her future love life, haunt the shadows of the night. But that wouldn’t stop her journey to healing. It wouldn’t stop her optimistic hope that her life would get better. She learned that she was tougher than she thought and she felt that she had grown as a person. Her core values were now clear to her and she felt as if she could conquer anything.


The guards threw Ed into his cell hastfully, closing the door before Ed could escape when he instantly stood up. He threw himself against the closed door, his breath fogging up the glass of the door window. He sobbed hysterically as he pounded his palms against the glass, begging the guards to get (Y/n) to come back; asking them if they’ve ever been in love; asking if they wouldn’t do anything for their lover; asking if they wouldn’t go to extreme lengths if they knew who their soulmate was.

His wails dragged on loudly in strings of heartbroken sorrow, no shame and no dignity obvious through the way he prayed for (Y/n) to come back. His dramatic crying was pathetic.

He couldn’t help it, he really did feel like a part of him just died. He didn’t know who he was if he wasn’t her lover, he didn’t know what to do if he couldn’t physically show his love for her. He felt like an empty shell of a human, the completing half of his heart had abandoned him.

He was a poor soul suffocating in its own pain and drowning in its own shattered pieces. That was what caught the attention of the interested inmate in the cell beside his.

“Isn’t that just terrible?” A male voice spoke up from the neighboring cell. “Them… not knowing they’re preventing such a passionate romance?” The scratchy voice tutted.

All Ed wanted was to be left alone, left alone with his own misery. The unknown voice just pushed the knife deeper with its pitying words. No one understood him. No one would ever understand what he and (Y/n) had. The thought just crushed his grieving heart even more, weakening his legs as he slid his back down the wall beside the door.

“What is it they say? ‘One day you’re on top, the next… you’re a clown’.”

Tears trickled down Ed’s still bloody cheeks as his mouth hung open with a rueful exhale, not knowing what to do with himself in such emotional agony. He pushed himself back up and ran to the small window he watched the bombing through earlier. He planted one hand beside the window and the other on the other wall, staring outside in hopes of catching a glimpse of (Y/n) leaving the building; he could attempt to convince her again.

“Well, let me tell you, there are worse things to be.”

Ed’s lips trembled rapidly as his next inhale came out as a whining mewl. His throat choked out loud and long weeps while tears glided down his face.

“Hey, hey, hey. Don’t be sad. You did so well.”

Ed slammed his hands against the wall, his emotional state unstably jumping back and forth between despair and anger. It was like he was going through the five stages of grief out of order in an unhealthy way, the fifth stage of acceptance purposely not existing as an option for him.

“And you know… women love a comeback story.”

Ed went silent, his eyes wide as he looked up. That was the first thing the stranger said that really caught his undivided, curious attention.

He hopped down from the bed he stood on, slowly walking towards his door window so he could hear the stranger better. “Who are you?”

“Well, that’s the question, isn’t it?” The stranger paused for a moment. “Riddle me this~” Ed’s attention perked up even more as he made it to the window. “What has wings but helps others fly?”

Ed pondered for a moment before realizing the answer. A crazed smile spread across his lips as his body shifted in excessive excitement. “…A wingman.” He breathed out.

The stranger chuckled quietly until the volume grew to cackles that related to complete madness. Ed wheezed out an irresistible laugh, his hope springing back to life even brighter than before; his mind birthing so many possibilities.

The two voice’s overlapped in unhinged, maniacal laughter; the storm of Edward’s obsessive love being encouraged and strongly brewed by the psychopathic clown.



Last Man Alive Pt.23

(Dano!Riddler x Reader)

(Link to list of chapters)

Warnings:Edward is a yandere, Dark themes, Ed is a creep and incredibly delusional, Possessiveness, Brief incel behavior, Ed is mad horny in this, Physical violence, Blood, Slight masochism

Word Count: 2.4k


(Y/n) and Ed both sat on opposite sides of the table facing each other. Ed’s face flushed with tender longing and (Y/n)’s as still as concrete. Ed finally broke the ice. “You know, I almost doubted you for a second.” His lips curled into a crooked grin as his breathing came out in sporadic huffs. “But I knew it. I knew that, deep inside, you love me. You’ll always come back to me, and I’ll always find my way back to you, just as fate promises.”

He was truly a fool, disillusioned by the possibilities love provided.

(Y/n)’s gaze was piercing into his eyes as if she could shoot laser beams into his head if she glared hard enough. “You really think that?” She asked honestly, humored disappointment scraping the tune of her voice as she focused on how he truly believed she loved him. She couldn’t tell if he was stupid in the head or just simply lost his mind. The last option seemed the most likely and most realistic.

He nodded eagerly at her questioning phrase, like he was dangling off the thread of her words.

He’d saunter behind her lead, his head dazed with the true belief in the words that leave her mouth. Like he would agree with everything she’d say, believing she was never wrong, as if she were a god with him part of her cult following.

“I mean if we’re soulmates, it’s inevitable that you’d eventually fall for me too. You can’t rewrite the stars.” He said, sounding as if he wasn’t human and was just a creature from another planet who wasn’t familiar with earth yet. He’d been waiting for this moment, of course it came a little later than he planned. He expected her to welcome him into her heart after opening her eyes to the truth last night before the bombs and then get down on her hands and knees while confessing her mutual love. He came up with so many scenarios for that moment.

He thought she already saw his video about the bombs and went to him herself, not caring about the lives soon to be exterminated and instead full of happiness and love and wanting to watch the world burn by his side with their pinky’s tied together by red string. Accepting that she had no other option than to be with him since he’d be the last man alive.

So when she came to him, he saw it as her coming crawling back to him, coming to beg for his love, wanting to be with him, accepting and fawning over all of his advancements, thanking him for helping her realize what she had been missing. At that very moment, he thought she sealed herself to him, encasing herself within the mousetrap of true love that everyone else tried to forbid. But those were always the best love stories, the ones that were challenged and tested.

That’s why he could barely hold himself together when she reacted the exact opposite on how he planned, tearing his romantic fantasies apart by the thread. But once again, she came crawling back to him. Fate could never keep them apart.

(Y/n)’s eyebrows pinched together, faintly astonished that he truly was unaware and isolated from the knowledge of the havoc he wreaked over her. “If you really thought we were soulmates, why couldn’t you just take it slow with me and wait for me to ‘inevitably’ fall?”

She was lying with venom. She wasn’t interested in him in that way at all both times they met, and she was happily in love with her boyfriend at that time so there was almost no chance they would’ve gotten together. She saw her and Ed as just too different, they brought out the worst in each other; rampant rage and psychotic obsession. They were like a volcano and an earthquake.

But of course it still hurt that out of everyone in her past and present, Ed was the one who understood her the most. He knew her like his own mind. He noticed all the struggles she never once vocalized, he understood all of her pain. No matter how many walls she built and no matter how many guards she put up, he could (and probably always would) see right through her like her forehead was glass and he could read every one of her thoughts, both deliberate and intrusive.

“Why did you have to bring innocent lives into this?” She asked again, feeling the shards of glass from her heart scratch her inner bones from the resurfacing grief she locked away for the sake of her sanity. If only she knew the nightmare she brewed for herself when she first went out of her way to talk with a stranger in hopes to maybe make their day. If only she knew what she did to that stranger and his poor little heart.

Ed looked maddeningly hypnotized by the sight of her, like he clung to her every word like a small humping lapdog.

He slowly shook his head, a sign that he would soon begin his recurring tangent full of insane meanings. “I swore there wouldn’t be a day in my once miserable, worthless life that I wouldn’t cherish your very existence. Anything and everything I did, I did it for you. For us. To truly invest in you; my soulmate, my other half. So it was only natural I’d feel such a searing, blazing burst of repugnance at the audacity of people. The audacity of society. To see the way strangers so easily conversed with you, so carelessly interacting with you. It’s like, were they not aware of who they were speaking to? Why were they trying to lure you off the path that led to your realization of our destined romance? It was nauseating. Witnessing so many nugatory nobodies engaging with you yet holding no regard to just how valuable you were.”

A smile perked up in his serious expression. “And trust me, I’m no idiot, I know you wouldn’t have gone for a worthless excuse of a man like me when your succubi boyfriend stole all your attention just by a glance. I’d be the underdog who still lost. You wouldn’t be able to see the truth with so many confusing, mind bending distractions blocking the view. So I’ll admit my dirty little secret to my soulmate, almost half of my motivation was from jealousy. But I swear on your grave that more than half of my motivation was for the greater good, our greater good, what the greater good would be for you.”

He said this all with a pleading look of nurturing love. Ed’s depravity, albeit sinister and channeled with great fault, was out of his love for her; his pure loyalty and devotion.

(Y/n) felt her eye twitch, the breath huffing in and out of her nose in a hot temperature. Her fists were tightening in her lap so hard that her knuckles were turning white and her veins bulged under the skin. “Greater good… for me?”

Ed nodded along his smile with such feverish admiration. Her jaw tightened as the pot in her gut boiled above a hellfire, her eyes wide with shrinking pupils. Her fingers were shaking in her lap without her awareness.

“My life was perfect before you cursed me with the knowledge of your existence. And before you fucking bring up everything wrong with my life to point out that it’s not technically perfect, just know that I don’t fucking care. I liked my life, even though I complained and cried about it I still enjoyed it, even if I was struggling. Do you know why? Because I had my best friend and the love of my life with me by my side. They never judged me or disrespected me. They supported me and loved me. They were the only ones who fully stuck by me. I’ve never had those kinds of close bonds before…” she paused, tears stinging her pointed eyes, “they were the most important people in my life… and you… you took them away from me.”

Her huffing breaths became unsteadily inconsistent, her whole body was feeling warmer by the second as her vision was slowly turning red. Her senses were becoming almost bestially animalistic, just wanting to pounce across the table and tear into meat. “Did you seriously think you would get away with that? Did you really think I would forget you did that?”

Ed wasn’t faltered or affected by her obvious change in composure at all, if anything he was feeling the opposite as he full-heartedly did adore every part of her; especially her rageful side. She was still caged within the brambles of his desire, and absolutely nothing would ever change that. He stood up from his chair, getting too caught up in this intimate moment between them. “My beloved, the meaning of their worthless lives were no more important than utter rubbish. There was nothing they could do for you that I can’t do better. I’m superior to both of them combined in every way! They could never take care of you like I can, they could never get you like I can, they could never love you like I can, they could never pleasure you like I can.” He said while slightly shaking his head in pure ignorant bliss, his adrenaline high on carnal.

(Y/n) stood up from her seat as well, causing Ed’s breaths to hitch in sensual excitement as his glasses fogged up. She walked around the table to reach the hot, huffing lanky man. Drool collected within his mouth, seeping through the corner of his lips. Once she was in front of him she softly planted her hand on his chest and began gently pushing him by the chest. Ed was practically melting in fiery desire and shakily breathing with aroused energy pulsing through him as he walked backwards.

When his back was only a few inches from the nearing the wall, (Y/n)’s hand departed from his convulsing chest and roughly and quickly gripped around his jaw to slam the back of his head against the wall with a loud ‘bang’. Ed painfully groaned as she let go and he slid down against the wall as his hand shot up to the back of his head.

(Y/n) was clenching her teeth as she grasped onto his striped shirt, forcing his upper body up before she smashed her tightened knuckles across his face in a satisfying punch. His face was forcibly whipped to the side from the impact, his glasses flying off. He spat out a bloody tooth. The heaving girl pulled his shirt closer to her again before launching her fist onto the same side of his face again, the impact so strong that the momentum made him fall from her gripping hand.

As her growling huffs and shaking twitchy eyes worsened she stomped her foot down onto Ed’s stomach, him jerking into a cradling position as he wrapped his arms around his gut. (Y/n) pounced onto his pained form to straddle his waist, her non-dominant hand grabbing a handful on his shirt again to pull his head off the ground.

“This is for all the innocent people you killed!” She spat in a hoarse voice, savage anger possessing her as all her pent up grieving rage finally exploded. She swung her fist across his face, him coughing out a pant when contact was made.

“This is for (E/n)!” She swung her fist again.

“For (B/n)!” She swung again but with a more extreme amount of force.

“For (R/n)!” She swung again even harder in an aggressive motion.

“And this is for me!” Her last punch was the strongest one and he fell from her grip again.

She pulled her fist back again to unleash another flurry of punches but she stopped herself when his light giggles caught her off guard. It was now she actually realized the damage she had done in the previous moment that lived in her memories as a blur now, a red blur.

Ed’s skin color was now a stinging flushed shade of pink, a dark purplish hue clouding the areas her knuckles striked the hardest. Blood gushed from the side of his mouth, the teeth that were visible through his smile stained and soaked with warm blood. Two separate streaks of blood trickled down from both of his nostrils but splattered in the direction where his head whipped to the side. Fresh trails of blood oozed into the bottom of his nose beside the red substance smeared around the wings of his nose. The eye on the side she punched the most was squinting and just barely twitching. Small puddles and splats of the crimson liquid were next to his head, the tips of his hair soaking in it.

His breathy giggles continued as (Y/n) looked over to her bloody and bruised knuckles, just now noticing how her tight fist ached. She was almost disappointed and shell-shocked of herself, her body temperature cooling down. He really did bring out the worst in her.

“You’re so strong.” Ed said in a scratchy voice but his tune sang nothing but swooning flustered giddiness. He wasn’t lying when he said he accepted and loved her animalistic temper. He loved and adored every single thing about her. Even when she violently hit him with everything she had, it still didn’t hit him how she truly felt about him.

He was too far gone down the plundering realm of love to not enjoy every ounce of touch she had to offer. He’d take all he could get.

His love-stricken, smitten face was mocking to her. There was nothing she could do that would make him hate her. She huffed through flared nostrils, her teeth clenched, her nose scrunched like a beast, and her eyebrows furrowed together to make a ‘V’.

The second round of her animalistic fury boiled and burned in between her bones and flesh. Her entire body shook before her throat ripped out a spitting roar. It was as if she was a wild lion ripping into its dinner as she began using both of her fists to slam onto both sides of his face one at a time.



Last Man Alive Pt.22

(Dano!Riddler x Reader)

(Link to list of chapters)

Warnings:Edward is a yandere, Dark themes, First half is rushed writing, Bombs, Self-blaming, Ed is v creepy and insane, Stalking reference, Non-con photos, Sexual context

Word Count: 2.4k


Batman ripped down the caution tape for him and (Y/n) as they reentered the Riddler’s apartment with their flashlights. Once they were in they split up to rummage through his stuff in pursuit for any clue that could lead to the last part of his plan. (Y/n) was glaring with determination as she looked through everything. Learning from her mistakes, she knew now that nothing was by coincidence when it came to the Riddler’s mind. He was a deep-thinker and meticulous, he’s had all of this specifically planned out with millions of details for almost one and a half years.

God, just simply thinking about how long she never had privacy made her sick to her stomach and on the brink of being sick in the head. She tried her best not to think too much about it, knowing it would just lead to her finally snapping and losing her mind, her body being fed to all her regrets.

She walked over to the bagged evidence, believing there was a high possibility that something in there would walk her to the next answer, just like the love cards did. She snapped on the surgical gloves that Gordon had given her a little earlier before lifting up one of the bags. She turned to Batman, holding out the bag to him. “This was the first murder weapon right?” She asked as he walked over to her, nodding.

She looked back to the bag, it was a carpet tucker tool like the ones that were advertised on the T.V. at 2 am. She pulled it out to look closer at it, knowing Ed wouldn’t just randomly pick out a murder weapon. Was the answer in a carpet store? Or did she have to physically use the tool for something, kind of like a key? Maybe it was to be used in her own apartment like the deck of cards? She took a step back to talk to Batman about it until her foot hit the edge of something.

She regained her balance and looked down to see she almost tripped over the carpet she never realized was present. She looked up from it to the tool in her hand, her eyes widening in a groundbreaking epiphany. She whipped herself down into crouching knees as she dug the tucker underneath the wood beside the carpet, tugging the carpet up. Batman caught on quick and assisted his larger amount of strength to tug the rest of the carpet out.

He pulled the carpet all the way to the side to reveal the floor that had scratched white lines all over, looking like a map. Little orange lights blinked in certain areas of it. It all surrounded big white letters engraved onto the floor. The sight made (Y/n)’s heart go cold, color draining from her face.


Batman looked over to the computer that still required a password to show the Riddler’s most recent upload. He walked over and typed in the words from the floor. It worked and the video began playing. It was Ed in his full Riddler costume sitting on the floor of the same apartment they were in, sunlight coming through the windows.

“Hey, guys.” He said, holding up a greeting hand. “Uh, thanks for all the comments and a special thanks to everyone for the tips on detonators. I just want to say this will be my last post for a little while, and, uh… what this community has meant to me these weeks, these months, let’s just say none of us… is alone anymore. Okay?”

(Y/n) planted a hand on her forehead as her heart rammed against her ribcage in timidity. She could sense Batman as still as stone beside her. The Riddler huffed and inhaled deeply before grabbing the camera and holding it close to his face. “I will finally get to be with the love of my life, thanks to all of you. I am walking proof that lowlifes like us can and will get our deserved happy endings with just a little focused violence.”

He turned the camera to his floor, the same mapping as it was on the floor they were stepping on. “I’ve parked seven vans all along the city seawall.” Batman turned his body around to the map on the wood floor and walked over to it to get a closer look, (Y/n) following closely behind with her flashlight shining over the part he was looking at. They both looked down at one of the blinking lights.

“And on tomorrow night,” the Riddler lowered his voice into a whisper, “they will go boom.”

A distant jarring roar noise, similar to a shotgun, followed by rumbling caused (Y/n) and Batman to snap their attention to the window. Batman stuck his head out the window only for his face to be met with a large orange glow. His eyes widened before turning his head to witness another explosion from a different part of the city.

The Riddler continued from the video. “When the vans blow, the flooding will happen so fast, evacuation will not be an option. Those who are not washed away will race through the streets in terror. As breaking news hits higher ground in Gotham Square Gardens… Election Day celebrations will turn to panic, as the venue becomes the city’s shelter of last resort. And that’s where all of you come in. Now, when the time arrives, I will already be unmasked. The pigs will have me in their custody, but that’s okay. Because then it will be your turn. You’ll be there, waiting. You will get to release your pent up hunger for bloodshed just as I promised.”

“And then.. my beloved will have absolutely no one.” (Y/n) turned to the screen, her face aching with horror and her body trembling in nerves. She felt like her mind was in paralyzing shock, almost unable to grasp the reality that felt like it came straight out of a nightmare. “I will be her last option since no one else in her life would be alive to even be considered an option. She’s going to have to accept her fate, she’ll have no choice.”

She turned back to the window, another explosion in the far distance ripping out into the air in a cloud of orange heat. She lost feeling in her knees as she felt them buckle, causing her to fall on them. Her body was numbed in agonizing dismay. “This… this is all my fault. He did this just to be with me. I should’ve just pretended to be in love with him, I should’ve faked it and fed his ego. Then none of this would’ve happened.” Her bottom lip quivered uncontrollably as hot tears flooded her wide eyes. “I wish we never met, it’s my own fault. I talked to him first, I initiated all of this. I shouldn’t have been nice to him, I shouldn’t have smiled at him. I’m so sorry!” Her last sentence broke from the sobs that coughed from her heavy throat.

Batman separated from the window and snapped his head to her in angered shock. Why the hell was she apologizing? He kneeled to one knee hurriedly and cupped his gloved hands on her drenched cheeks, forcing her face up to look him in the eye.

“(Y/n), do you really think this all happened because you were kind?”

(Y/n) wheezed and sniffled, her voice breaking in bellowing wails. “I… I… it’s like a butterfly effect-” Batman cut off her worthless excuses. “No. I told you, don’t blame yourself for his mental problems, for his insane unpredictability. Don’t regret being nice to a stranger, your smile has nothing to do with the problem. He’s the one to blame, not you. He took it too far, and that is not. Your. Fault. Do you hear me? None of this is your fault.”

He felt her nod, her lips parting and her tears slowing down to a stop. He gave her his own nod before separating himself from her. He turned and began walking to the door. “Go to the roof, you’ll be safest as far from the ground as you can.” (Y/n) followed closely behind, gripping onto his cape to get his attention. “But I want to help!”

“It’s too dangerous.” He said without turning. “I can-” “No!” He finally turned to look down at her, his eyes vulnerable with plead. “Please just keep yourself safe. For once in your life, put your safety before anyone else’s.” She looked sadly up at him but let her head fall in acceptance. “…ok.”

“I promise I’ll be back for you, so please just.. wait for me, alright?”

She forced the smallest of smiles beside a nod. “Ok, you got it.”

And then he was off, disappearing into the darkness. (Y/n) watched him go and stood in silence in the Riddler’s home. She couldn’t spare another glance around the room nor stomach another second standing there in the atmosphere a monster surrounded himself in. So just as instructed, she went to the roof and waited. She waited a little over an hour, twilight covering the sky signifying that the sun would rise very soon.

She sat on the ledge of the roof in her own misery, her constant nervousness the past month had completely drained her in that moment. She didn’t even have the energy to shed a tear, she just felt like an empty shell. It pained her to know her life would never be the same again. She felt as if she took her life for granted, and didn’t appreciate it even though it wasn’t ideal. She’d give anything to have that innocent ignorance back, so isolated from what pain really looked like and how cruel the world could really be.

She heard the helicopter near her from behind, her hair began flowing from the wind the helicopter created. She took a deep sigh, she knew now that she had to survive life instead of live life.

But she didn’t want him to do either. He didn’t deserve it. Instead, he had to pay the price.

She finally said goodbye to the apprehension she’s come to know so well like unwanted friends. The uneasiness that lived in her stomach and the fear that burned like acid in her brain finally dripped out of her like autumn rain.

A need, a role, and two drive’s spiked in her veins. She wouldn’t be the only one walking out of this mess mentally miserable. She had a need to avenge, she took the role of a judge, and two drive’s for revenge and vengeance.


Ed’s entire existence had been the heart of inconvenience.

The world tossed him aside as though his life was nothing but a hassle, his survival proving futile to anyone and everyone; he was alone, and not a soul cared for him. Yet, despite the harsh and unforgiving pains of betrayal within his life, he still found himself falling for the fragments of care (Y/n) provided him. Perhaps it was within her nature to be kind; to be someone that surrounded others in the warmth of her presence as she soothed their worries momentarily. Ed wasn’t one to trust easily, but he was one to love. And when he falls into love, he devotes himself with every scrap of his pathetic life he can muster.

It was all akin to a butterfly effect; a chain of events as a result of a singular action.

It was the first bloom of the garden of his potential devotion to her; the garden in which is littered with poisonous thorns, awaiting to prick at those unfortunate to be subject to his adoration. And to (Y/n)’s unaware dismay, that poor soul just so happened to be her; the same blissfully oblivious individual that assisted the man’s belongings from the concrete sidewalk. It was then that his true infatuation had been birthed. His yearning to love and be loved pulsating within his barren heart which was deprived of genuine care. He felt the beginnings of a chance, the dispersion of his despair.

So anywhere she was, he was as well. Trailing behind her was as common as your very own shadow. His ghostly green hues trained on your form, from any and all angles, a camera in his hand at all times to snap hundreds of photos by the minute. He couldn’t help it, she looked absolutely beautiful in each and every shot! Not a single photo was scrapped. Each of them were equally cherished and taped onto his wall.

Just like the photo of (Y/n) laying on her bed with the hem of her shirt tucked between her lips as her chest and stomach was exposed. Her pajama shorts and panties were pulled down to one of her ankles while her hand squirmed and sunk into the wet squishy plushness between her legs. In the short time span she spent pleasuring herself, Ed managed to snap two hundred sixty-three photos. Each of them stashed in a photo album binder in one of his shelves.

Ed’s done horrific things just to attain (Y/n), discard all the distractions so that they could finally be together in peace. So that’s why he expected Batman to be the one who came to visit him, expecting to see him waiting in the interrogation room to be questioned of his motives and if there was anything remaining they’d missed. So just imagine how his heart spun all the way to the moon when he was escorted into the room and found (Y/n) sitting on one side of the table.

She looked tired, dark eyebags deepened under her eyes but there was never a second spent in his life that he didn’t see her as anything less than flawless in every form imaginable. She was perfection personified to him. In his love-stricken eyes, she was ethereal.

And Ed found himself swooning with hedonistic desire, a dangerous swirl of obsession within the cocktail of his love, as the cop sat him down at the chair opposite from his obsession and made sure his handcuffs were tightened. She held a stone stare. His green-hued gaze was painted over with a sickening lust as his cheeks were flushed. His visage was that of a crazed, lovesick fool.

The cop exited the room, per (Y/n)’s earlier request. And the two were left alone. Prey and predator. But this time the roles would be reversed.


