#yandere satori headcanons


*GIFs not mine*

Ushijima and Oikawa Version

Sugawara and Kuroo Version

Bokuto, Kageyama, and Kenma Version

A/N: pfft so somebody requested this for hinata like t w o y e a r s ago… hehe. ANyways, love me some yandere haikyuu boys. Kinda loving tendou’s, so I hope y’all like it. Enjoy!

Word count: 2953

Tendou Satori:

  • “Darling, surely we’re not doing this now?”
  • “You know, I don’t think I like this game, YN. I suggest you end this before you cross a line you can’t come back from.”
  • You gulped but continued the search, digging through drawers and cupboards to find anything resembling a key. Tendou’s voice drawled from where you’d trapped him in the bathroom. 
  • “Taking advantage of a man while he’s got his pants down—not cool, YN.”
  • You try to ignore him, try to stay focused on what you’re doing, but it’s so hard. 
  • So hard when all he’s doing is heckling you in that damned tone of his.
  • Like you were a little kid playing an adult’s game. 
  • That’s how he’d always been though, ever since he first kidnapped you. He treated you like you didn’t know how to handle yourself in the real world. He acted like you needed him to watch your every move and teach you how to conduct yourself. 
  • That’s how your relationship had been before, when you were just a regular couple, but it was when you took notice of his gaslighting and tried to break up with him that he’d taken you. 
  • No, YN, you can’t keep getting distracted. Stay focused. 
  • Glancing back over at the front door to the apartment, you counted the locks once more. Three double-sided deadbolts, two padlocked latches. Somewhere inside the apartment were five keys Tendou never dared to leave without. You just had to find them. 
  • “I’m getting bored in here, could you at least slip me a deck of cards or something? Otherwise I might lose my mind.” The teasing lilt hinted at the smirk on his face. No doubt he was utterly, completely calm. He always was when it came to you, because he thought he knew you like the back of his hand. 
  • “Shut up in there, Satori!”
  • He snickered. “Well that was uncalled for.”
  • Like always, he knew how to get under your skin. Goosebumps rose on your skin, and you tried to shake off his taunts, dragging a hand through your hair with a deep breath. 
  • He can’t win. I won’t let him. He’s not getting away with this.
  • “How about a snack at least, darling, pretty please? The toothpaste is starting to look appetizing.”
  • Nothing, absolutely nothing. You couldn’t find keys in the living room or the kitchen, so you resorted to investigating the bedroom. 
  • When Tendou heard you approaching, he began to hum playfully. It was that song, the one he’d murmur while running his fingers along your skin, while tugging you in close after coming home from work. He’d whisper it into your hair at night, or you’d hear him singing it in the shower while you were still in bed. 
  • You are my sunshine,”
  • You slammed open the door into the bedroom, trying to block out the voice that rang out from the door right across from you. 
  • My only sunshine,”
  • Clenching your jaw, you began digging through the dresser, pushing aside clothes and feeling along the undersides of the drawers. 
  • You make me happy,”
  • With a huff, you gave up, moving on to Tendou’s nightstand. At the sounds of your struggles, his voice seemed to get louder, grow clearer. 
  • When skies are gray,”
  • Handcuffs and their keys, but none of which would fit the locks. You remembered when he’d first used them on you, the first night he kidnapped you. He was afraid you would do something “stupid” like try to attack him and hurt yourself in the process, so he’d shackled you to his headboard for your own personal wellbeing. 
  • You’ll never know dear,”
  • You slammed the drawer shut at the sight of them and moved to feel under the mattress, trying to ignore all the crumbs and dust that gathered under your fingernails amidst the attempt. Tendou, meanwhile, just kept growing louder.
  • How much I love you,”
  • Then you felt it. Metal. A whole ring of it, too. Five keys jingled together when you yanked them out from under the bed, almost falling onto your back from your overzealous force. You almost teared up at the sight of them.
  • I’m getting out of here. I can see my family again.
  • Maybe your life would never return to normal, not after what Tendou had done, but you could certainly try. You missed humanity. You missed the outside world. How long had it been since you’d seen green grass or felt the warmth of the sun on your face? How long had it been since you’d felt rain dampen your hair or traced your eyes along the stars in the sky?
  • Too long. Far too long. At some point, you’d given up keeping track, but not anymore. 
  • Please don’t take my,”
  • You pulled yourself to your feet, misty eyes still stuck in wonder upon the ring of keys in your hand. 
  • Sunshine away.”
  • Turning toward the door, you felt the keys slip from your fingers, cluttering loudly when they hit the floor. 
  • Tendou stood in the doorway, his head tilted to the side. A single red brow raised, his eyes wide with slitted, shrunken irises. He towered where he stood, spiky red hair close to brushing the top of the door. Long arms extended out and gripped the edges of the doorway, nimble fingers tightening around the wood. 
  •  A small smirk peeled back his lips.
  • “Well,” his eyes slipped down to the keys on the floor before gliding back up to your face, “nobody can fault you for trying.” 
  • Mouth open in shock, your whole body began to tremble. A drop of cold sweat slid down your back. 
  • His hands loosened from around the doorway, dilated pupils still latched on your form as he made his way toward you. When he stopped, he bent low, his breath brushing the stray hairs along your face as he snagged the keys from the ground with a tut-tut of his tongue. 
  • His other hand swept up and grabbed your chin, forcing you to close your mouth with a warning tap to your lip. 
  • “Guess I’ll have to find a new hiding spot, now, won’t I? Though, this certainly was the most fun we’ve had in a while, darling.”
  • You didn’t even flinch when his lips ran along yours. “Who knows?” he shrugged, pulling away. He tapped your nose with his finger before intertwining your hand with his, leading you from the room. “Perhaps, if you ever try this again, I could turn it into a scavenger hunt. Give you clues and such from wherever you try to trap me next.” He snickered. “Now wouldn’t that be fun?”
  • You didn’t respond, face turned toward the keys he’d tossed behind carelessly onto the bed. It was like he wasn’t worried you would make an attempt toward them. Like he wasn’t worried you’d ever get the chance. 
  • “Of course, like then, you’d be punished afterwards for trying, but isn’t that part of the game?”
  • “Punished?” you stuttered, taking the seat in the barstool he encouraged you into before releasing your hand, moving to the other side of the kitchen island to scour the fridge. 
  • He stopped his search, pulling out a carton of eggs and eyeballing the date. “Well surely you didn’t think you could try to leave me without there being consequences.” He didn’t even spare you a glance as you blanched. “But don’t worry, that fun will come later.”
  • Then he set the carton of eggs on the counter in front of you with an all-too pleasant grin on his face. “Now, how’s about eggs for breakfast, sunshine?”

Hinata Shouyou:

  • It’s when he’s approaching to kiss you that you are able to lock him up. 
  • It’s the first time he’s ever done such a thing; though he’s the one who’s kidnapped you, you are the one who dictates how far he can go before you pull away. 
  • Of course, he’d been disappointed the first few weeks when you didn’t want him to touch you or even see you at all. 
  • But after a particularly bad day, when he’d come home crying and bawling and tugging you into his arms, curling around you, you’d been given a little less leeway on just how much you could pull back from him. 
  • It seems, though he’d been addicted to you in general before, he was now addicted to your touch specifically. 
  • “YN, please! Why are you doing this?!”
  • He’d come home that night in a bad mood, and for some reason you were sure he’d talk your ear off about while hugging you on top of him on the sofa later. But right now?
  • …Right now, he had a different idea. 
  • “I’m tired of waiting, YN,” he’d whined as he approached, though there was a dark glint in his eyes. For every step he took toward you, you took one back. Step, step, step, step. He just kept following you. 
  • You hadn’t realized he’d cornered you in his bedroom until you felt the backs of your knees hit the mattress. 
  • “YN,” he hummed, rough hands cupping your cheeks as a strand of red hair fell over his eyes. “Can I just have a little?” His gaze fell on your lips. “Just a taste? I promise I won’t take any more.”
  • “Just a little.”
  • A flicker of pink as a smirk grew on his face.
  • I don’t want this. I swear I don’t want this. 
  • No! I don’t want it!
  • His face was so close you could feel the heat of his gasp mingling with yours the second your knee flew up to meet his groin. 
  • “AGHH!” he screeched, tugging himself away. Hinata dropped to his knees, hands cupping his crotch as he let out small, pained whimpers. 
  • That was when you ran out of the room, dodging his grasping hands and slamming the door behind you. You grabbed the first thing you could think of to shove in front of it. 
  • “YN-”
  • In a matter of seconds he was up and at attention, slamming the door against the sofa as you pushed it in front of the doorway. The hefty furniture effectively crammed itself in the small hallway of its apartment and limited the angle he could open the door to just a sliver. 
  • “YN! Please, don’t do this! Please!
  • “Just let me out, we can talk about this!”
  • “I know you’re unhappy, but don’t you see I’ve been working so hard to change that? Please, just let me out!”
  • A single brown eye peered at you through the sliver of the door, pupil dilated and lid unblinking.
  • “I thought I was giving you enough, YN. What do you want? Do you want a puppy? My neighbor has the cutest dog, YN, I promise. You’d love it,” he pleaded, faux excitement tainting his voice. 
  • The single eye followed your every move as you paced around the apartment, mumbling to yourself about what to do, how to get out. “I could get your favorite food! It’s just down the street, I know you’ve wanted it. I was planning to get it tomorrow to celebrate our two-hundred day anniversary, but I can get it now if you like! Call it our one-hundred and ninety-ninth day anniversary! It could be our thing!”
  • “Please, YN, it could be our thing. Remember how we used to have things?”
  • You tried to ignore him. You really did. As you dug frantically through his cabinets and shelves, his desk drawers and bathroom cupboards, you considered shoving a couple cotton balls in your ears just to block out his nervous exclamations. 
  • The thought did cross your mind, but only for a second. Soon enough, the blood pounding in your ears was doing the job. Your mind fogged as you searched, struggling to believe that you had a chance to escape. 
  • Is this real? It was this easy all along? That was all I had to do?
  • Hinata’s cries weren’t helping your nerves any. Instead, you felt your shoulders grow more tense each time you heard his desperate, breathy voice. You felt like curling in on yourself and giving up. 
  • It can’t be this easy. What the hell is going on?
  • You glance back at the door, staring at the lock that lined it. You’d consider breaking a window, but you knew the apartment was on the fifth floor of the complex; jumping from that height would be a death sentence. 
  • You hadn’t completely lost your will yet. 
  • No, no. You just needed to find the keys. The door on the outside appeared normal, wooden. On the inside, though, Hinata had gone through the trouble of layering it with a few sheets of metal. One could kick the door in, but could not kick it out. 
  • The keys. 
  • Where the fuck are they?
  • “YN, I love you. So, so much. I just wanna see you, please! Let me see you at least.”
  • He pounded against the door with his fists, tremoring the door and the sofa, but not moving it. Tears pricked your eyes at the sound; you were so close, so goddamn close. You weren’t sure how Hinata was going to react after this if you didn’t escape, and you didn’t want to find out. 
  • “Fuck,” you hissed under your breath, eyes darting around the living room as your hands yanked at your scalp. “Fuck!”
  • “YN, please.” His was quiet, more forlorn than you were ever used to. “I don’t want you to leave me. I get so lonely without you.”
  • “Lonely, huh?” The words crawl up your throat before you can stop them. “You think you’re lonely?” A headache forms at your temples, but you ignore it as you storm toward his room. “You don’t know true loneliness until you’ve been trapped inside your crazy ex-boyfriend’s apartment, no friends, no family, for days on end.”
  • “You think you’re lonely, Shouyou? Try putting yourself in my shoes.” Frustration has formed a weight in the pit of your stomach. You feel glued to the floor waiting for his response, almost… almost, you supposed, hoping for an apology of some sorts. 
  • You loved him at some point in your life, and, no matter how insane he looked and sounded when he said it, he loved you too. You just wanted to know if he felt even an ounce of pity for what he had been putting you through. 
  • “Shouyou, I just-”
  • “You’re lonely, YN?”
  • You pause, voice caught in your throat. Hinata’s tone is tainted with nothing but genuine curiosity. Somehow, though, you feel like you’ve messed up. 
  • “I-…um-”
  • “Are you lonely without me?”
  • Shit. 
  • “YN.” You catch his eye in between the small opening of the doorway. His gaze is intense, suddenly focused and attuned to his surroundings. “Say it again.”
  • “Say you get lonely when I leave you at home. Say you miss me when I leave for games and practices.” There’s a creaking sound of sorts, but you can’t quite tell where it originates from. 
  • “Please, I wanna hear it again. Say you want me around all the time, that you need me close by so you don’t feel lonely anymore. Say it.” Breathy, yet goading. 
  • Shame and anger raise a heat to your cheeks, and you’re flustered that Hinata has misconstrued your words in such a way. You didn’t want him. No, you didn’t. What you wanted was to not be locked away and deprived of human contact like you were.
  • That was all. 
  • Creak. “You’re so cute when you blush. But don’t worry, YN, I won’t tease you. I’m just so glad that you’re finally being honest. Lonely without me? God, YN, I’m so in love with you.”
  • Creak. “I’ll never make you lonely again. I’ll make sure of it.”
  • Crack
  • Adrenaline in the heat of the moment allows people to do amazing things. You’ve heard stories of mothers lifting cars, people bending metal or jumping from buildings. Doing things that should be impossible. 
  • You supposed that was why it was so easy for Hinata in that moment, all riled up by your words and your actions in such a short amount of time, to crack the door in half. The one hinge the upper-half was still attached to allowed it to fly open, barely catching its splintered wood on the back of the sofa. 
  • One second, you watched in horror as the half-door slammed against the wall, rattling the hanged picture frames. 
  • The next, you saw a flash of orange before your back slammed against the wood flooring. A throbbing pain shot up your spin and down to your tailbone, but something sturdy and soft cradled the back of your head so your skull didn’t suffer the same fate. A weight, not necessarily overpowering, left you cemented to the floor, legs out flat as your arms lay limp at your sides, numb with shock. 
  • Hinata sat above you, on his knees and straddling your thighs. One hand, as you figured, was behind your head, lifting it so you could face him. The other, though, hovered over your face, trembling. 
  • A look of wonder was painted on his face as he watched you. And if you looked closer, you could have seen a hint of adoration. 
  • “YN,” he whispered, his hand finding home cradling your cheek. “I mean it.”
  • I’ll never make you feel lonely again.”
  • And then he kissed you, desperately. 
  • And you hated yourself, despairingly. 
  • Because, deep down, you felt some vile, repulsive hope that he was telling you the truth.