#tendo x reader

I was listening to Safeword by TV Girls when I wrote this so, the vibe is there. there isn’t any use

I was listening to Safeword by TV Girls when I wrote this so, the vibe is there. there isn’t any use of using a safeword, it’s briefly mentioned.

idk if other campuses have study rooms in their dorms but my college does so I’m going with that LOL I’ve always been exiled from my room due to roommates fuckin so I just…ripped that from my life and put that in here and angst-fied it

taggy tags/cw: unprotected sex, choking, spitting, dub-con kinda, possessive behavior, mentions of toxic tendou, dom/sub themes, daddy is said like twice, predator/prey themes

taking a night class on a whim wasn’t the best idea initially, the cold air settling in your bones as you trudge to the other side of the campus to your dorm or walking around at night alone at 9pm were downsides were obvious downsides. normally, the transition from fall to winter was your favorite; it always marked the beginning of lazy morning cuddling and late-night spooning, prolonged hand-holding and reluctant releases of overextended hugging, the whisper of plans intermittent amongst soft kisses before everything turned rough. now, it just felt cold, frigid. by proxy, the walks also became more hellish as well. up until recently, you’d at least had your ex to make this journey with you– like clockwork, he’d wait outside your class, walk you back to the dorms and propose a fun way to heat you back up.

the thought alone had your stomach in knots, and with the walk ahead combined with AirPods left forgotten on your bed, you were afforded the time to dwell and reminisce. you’d broken up with satori a little under a month ago, there were so many emotions over it that you’d spent most of your time since said breakup doing anything to not think about it. in the moment, yelling back and forth in his apartment the breakup came to you like the sun parting the clouds. you’d both put two long and loving years into the relationship, filled with a love too strong and overwhelming, volatile. you love satori, you still do, but it had started to feel like you were losing yourself to him.

prior to satori, you’d had a bustling social life for a loud introvert– like a little firework, bursting with brightness and color before quickly fizzling out and settling. like the little firework you were, you tended to draw in all sorts of crowd: you were at home with text-book nerds in the library or sipping coffee in a café giggling the hours away with social butterflies; but most importantly, you drew in the outliers.

satori being one of them.

satori had understood, he didn’t press you for conversation when you began to run past your social meter– not the way everyone else did. you didn’t have to plaster a smile and pretend you weren’t exhausted of being suffocated in the middle of the packed library or bustling café with satori. he’d offer you his crooked smile and lead you away to somewhere quiet, the field of grass out in the front of the library or to the comic store across the street.

the transition from acquaintances, to friends, to best friends, and then lovers came a speed unheard of in your life. you were spending most of your time with satori.

the familiar looming building of the dorms snapped you from your tumultuous reverie, noting the crowded quad of the building filled with some fraternity playing cornhole while sipping poorly disguised beers. you grimaced at a familiar-looking gray-haired guy, a friend of satori’s. your roommate hooked up with him on multiple occasions, you’d walked in on him bending her like a fold-up chair all the while she chanted ‘semi’ like it was a goddamn prayer. she often failed to let you know when she had nighttime visitors.

with hasty steps, you found yourself unlocking and flinging the door to your dorm open– eyes suddenly wide like saucers. you couldn’t see your roommate with her latest conquest fucking into her from behind like an animal. with a practiced precision, you silently closed the door despite being sure they heard you barge in.

once again, like routine, you shot your roommate to text you when she was done before lumbering on your merry little way into a study room. the rooms were cold and uncomfortably bright, but with how exhausted you were the crook of your elbow may as well have been a pillow by the way by the way you were out like a light. a nice little nap didn’t sound bad anyway.

the sounds of knocking jostled you from sleep.

you glanced at the frosted glass door of the study room, barely making out what could resemble a uniform. an ra from the sounds of it. a grumble along the lines of ‘go sleep in your dorm’ sounded before the figure vanished from the door. post-sleep delirium only briefly clouded your memory of the room before irritation began to pick at your veins. shifting from your hunched position you reached for your phone, between normal social media messages and notifications, a text from your roommate three hours ago read “hey sorry about that, I’m done”. A glance at the time read that it was a little after 1 am, and with very little energy left– you began the labored walk back to your dorm. the grumble of your stomach rang in the dead hallways, and while contemplating making way too much noise to fix something to eat in your dorm– you reasoned you weren’t in the mood for confrontation and detoured to the shitty little snack machines outside in the quad.

the wind bit at you as you shuffled to the machine, eyeing a mediocre honeybun before you felt the familiar feel of watching eyes. you could’ve jumped when spying satori heading straight for you, indescribable face paired with a meticulous and unabashed stare. you hold each others gaze, his steps faltering at being caught staring. there’s a very unwelcome feeling of vulnerability, standing in the cool late night air only lit up by the unflattering blue light of the snack machine. there isn’t a crowd to blend into, not another person to pretend to be talking to, it’s just you. while sleep for dinner suddenly sounded enticing enough, whirling on your feet to retreat did nothing for you– having taken five steps before being embraced in a vice grip.

despite the strength behind the hug, you knew for a fact if you put up a struggle he’d let you go immediately. satori was a lot of things, but he respected your limits and most importantly your space– mostly anyway. it felt like a quiet standstill, holding onto a breath much too ragged to let go in fear of breaking the sudden stillness. unfortunately, you couldn’t stop the small hiccup of breath and the tremble in your form. he was all around, the smell indisputably him underneath the cologne you’d got him for his birthday last year, the urgency in the hug like you might disappear if he let go, the nuzzle into your neck.

you couldn’t stop the babble of i’m sorry’s and i miss you’s that spewed out like a broken faucet.

the rational part of your brain told you to sop, break out of his grasp and go to bed. but the bigger and louder part of your brain was just overjoyed to be held in his arms, the soft kisses along your neck and worrying words of possession raging war in your conflicted mind. but with touches so sweet, you couldn’t deny that it felt good, it felt right. “wanna…wanna sleep with you ‘tori” the little whines for him were pathetic, sniffle-y in a way you’d never know drove him up the walls. but you’d missed falling asleep curled in his arms– caged against him like something precious and worth protecting.

“c’mon bunny, let’s go to bed” the familiar warmth bubbled in your stomach at the nickname, it was so harmless-sounding but vivid memories of satori pistoning into you while calling you his dumb little bunny was enough to have filth beating in your brain like white noise. another quiet little whimper wormed its way up your throat and had you been in the position to few the absolutely perverse look breaking satori’s face, you might’ve been a little scared at such a feral face. refusing to let go, satori merely waddled the two of you to his dorm– breaking apart momentarily to push you into his dorm. the air knocked from you sent your heart into a frenzy, gasping for air while staring up at satori with doe-eyed red-rimmed eyes.

satori would take it to his grave, but the way you cried and stared helplessly up at him wanted to make you his forever– no one was allowed to see you like this. you would never know how enraged he truly was about the breakup, but he was patient– he knew if he gave you what you wanted you’d come running back to him in the end. in the wild, bunnies never run far away when startled, the runoff and then pause shock-still; you’ll find them by looking for beady black eyes.

in your case, you simply let satori catch you.

satori was on you like a wolf, kisses so overbearing you were gnashing teeth. the familiar grip to your throat had you keening, mouth agape for him to snake his tongue in. like before, you opened to his whims with little thoughts. satori was voracious when it came to you, a hunger like a starved coyote was comparable to the way he endlessly craved all of you. whiny little mewls of pleasure wormed past your clashing mouths as he seemed to tear your clothes off you, each article of clothing being thrown out of focus as he worked you out of all articles of clothing besides your oh so cute little bra and panties.

the groan that escaped satori was guttural, even broken up you were such a good little bunny. he remembered picking this particular bra and panties for you, lacy and the slightest shade of pink– perfect and tastefully see-through. “I guess my stupid little bunny is crafty, you planned this didn’t you? “ a rough grip to your left breast has you keening, his palming clouding your thoughts from voicing your confusion on his accusation– dipping his head back down into the crook of your neck to roughly bite into the soft flesh. the pained whimper spurred him onward, you could feel the blooms of purple and blue along your neck as he continued downwards mumbling things your little mushy brain couldn’t quite piece together.

it was rough, always rough with satori. his path of blooms didn’t stop, roughly pushing your bra up to roughly bit down on a quickly pebbling nipple. the warbled cry you let loose was unabashed, heat surging through you like a jet stream. you were white-knuckling satori’s shirt, suddenly much too aware of his clothing. “take it off ‘tori, wanna feel you” weakly pulling at his shirt, the throaty chuckle resounding against your tender breast before he pulled off– a pop! sounding that had you keening once more.

you could only stare up at satori quickly ridding himself of his shirt, you pathetically reaching for his sweats before being swatted away. trapped against the floor with his body once more, one hand slithered down to cup your dripping cunt while the other snaked around your throat once more– grip bordering on worrying. he plants several little kisses along your jaw before nosing into your ear

“I’m gonna fucking ruin you bunny”

the cry of pained pleasure is pulled from you, hands fisting his red hair between your fingers at the feel of two of his long fingers knuckle deep without warning. before you could even catch a breath, he began to absolutely ruin you. it should be cruel to be as good at fingering as satori is, like he hadn’t spent a month apart from you as he beat into that spongy spot that had you shaking and crying with pinpoint accuracy. the tension in your tummy was becoming too much, the only thing keeping your head painfully in the present despite the near lack of oxygen from satori’s vice grip on your precious little throat. his sinful fingers had your head wracked heavy with pleasure, but you’re so desperate for more. “I need…tori please please please!” you have no idea what your pleading for, and satori slows down which has you crying out in distemper.

“what do you need bunny? tell me what you need so daddy can give it to you” it comes out more rough than you’d expect but the shiver that runs down you is splendid. for the first time, you gather enough lucidity to look up at satori and all you see are his pupils blown wide alongside that knowing grin. he makes you feel so small without trying, you can’t help but hump against his finger’s still knuckle deep in your tight little cunt.

“wanna cum on your fingers, please daddy I need it!”

it comes out loud and desperate, even for you. but it does the trick, he’s back to pistoning his fingers like a jackrabbit in your fluttering pussy– your huffs and chants of ‘tori, ‘tori, ‘tori working him up in a way he knows you remember. his thumb pushes down harshly on your clit, it’s not much pressure but the building tension in you snaps, white hot pleasure shoots through you and leaves you sobbing and moaning out thank you’s and I love you’s like a trained slut– like his slutty little bunny.

you’re still coming down from your high, air rushing into your unobstructed lungs with satori simply staring down at you. it’s always intense with tendou, and despite looking ready to fuck you into the floor he’s waiting. but any thoughts of backing out leave as fast as they come, bringing you legs together you work your drenched panties from you dripping cunt up your thighs and off your legs. you seal your fate when you spread your legs and open your mouth.

“i want you daddy, i only want you”

he’s on you faster than you can breath. the cry you let loose could be in a porno, being stretched so full while your folded onto your back, head knocking into the floor while your knees are trapped by your chest underneath satori’s legs. the stretch burns but the angle has you reeling, all too quickly you feel the familiar tension building in your tummy again at a rapid speed. but your cries to slow down aren’t heeded, no satori seems to getting more and more rabid with his thrusts– the sharp sound of skin meeting skin getting progressively louder and faster. one thrusts knocks your head violently into the floor, satori’s hand clamping around your neck the culprit for the dull pain ringing through your head.

your hands scratch long red lines across his shoulders, pleasure beginning to border on painful as your pitifully floating off into your head. across you look completely out of it, fucked out with your cute little mouth open and tongue hanging out. satori puckers his lips and eagerly you open your mouth wider, eyes rolling as his spit hits the back of your tongue. you barely hear the frenzied swallow with the way your head is swimming in bliss but you do and you swallow, earning a guttural groan from satori.

you can feel satori begin to falter, your clenching pussy pushing him closer to the edge while you teeter at the precipice. it’s only when his free hand rubs furiously at your nub that you wail so loud you think you’ve woken up the entire dormitory, squirting all over yourself while you pussy flutters impossibly tighter that it sends satori crashing. thick, warm ropes of cum coating your insides while his collapses onto you– squishing you impossibly closer to him. you miss feeling this full, this content. even at the protesting of your limbs and poor battere cunt you can’t help but feel blissful. even with your legs trembling with a force, way too much air rushing into your lungs as you fidget beneath you’re happy.

satori’s smothering you, large body still weighing heavily across you but you can’t find it in you to fight him off– not so secretly pleased with the pressure of him. he grabs you by the cheeks, kissing you so deeply your afraid you’ll float off from the lack of air before he breaks the kiss. there’s a trail of kisses all over you face, each softer than the last before he leaves on last one at the corner of your jaw before whispering so lowly you almost can’t make it out. your fading, sleep dragging you under– from exhaustion or the pressure of satori your not sure. but even as your eyes close you still catch the tail-end of his mutterings.

“you’ll always be my precious little bunny”

Post link


• “What if they think I’m a monster?” The redhead mumbled to himself, pacing back and forth.

• He was currently alone in his house, trying to work up the courage to ask you out at the Shiratorizawa new years party. All he had to do was head down to the dorm lobby and he’d be there, so he couldn’t be late.

• He just didn’t want to make a fool of himself if you were to reject him.

• His hands are very sweaty and he fidgets with the bandages around his fingers which he had forgotten to take off from yesterday’s practice match.

• He runs a hand through his hair, god why was he so nervous? You were just some person, why did was he overthinking this so much?

• He’s snapped out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. He opens his eyes wide, slowly walking over to open the door. He stops in his tracks.

• It was you.

• Why were you here?

• “Hey y/n! Why aren’t you at the party?” He asked, tilting his head, he stepped outside so the two of you could talk in the hall.

• “I just hadn’t seen you around the party and thought I’d check on you” you spoke, looking up at him. You would have assumed he would have loved the atmosphere. Maybe you didn’t know your crush all too well..

• “Oh!! Yeah I was just about to leave. Let’s go y/n!!” He said, grabbing a hold of your hand and dragging you back to the party.

• You giggled as he dragged you back to where you once were with such excitement. He was so fun and happy. You wanted to spend every year of your life with him.


• This precious boy is nervous

• He’s shaking and he’s so jumpy

• You two are at a new years party with Shiratorizawa, you two were hanging out as friends.

• Little did you know the wannabe ace had feelings for you, and at the moment Tendo was hyping him up so he could kiss you at the stroke of midnight.

• Grabbing yourself a drink and sitting down, you look down at your phone and smile as everyone has fun, you looked around, yet couldn’t find Goshiki.

• A sigh escaped your lips, your hand running through your hair as you looked around.

• Looking down at the clock you glance at the time

• The clock read 11:56pm, four minutes until the new year. God, would some stranger try to kiss you? Ugh, sounds awful.

• You look up to see a very stiff Goshiki, a pink tint on his face as he slowly sits down next to you.

• A smile greets your face. “Hey Tomu, where have you been?” You asked

• He jumped from hearing your voice, “I uh, I was talking to Satori-san!” He explained, which wasn’t wrong but he may not have given you every detail.

• You chuckled, looking over at him, “okay, just don’t leave me for such a long time, I got so bored without you!” You said extending your arm over the couch.

• “Yeah, I won’t do it again, I promise” he said, you noted how stiff and uncomfortable he looked.

• Roughly 3 minutes passed and you noticed it was 30 seconds until midnight, wow time really does fly by.

• You look at Goshiki, he’s twiddling with his thumbs, and he keeps glancing at you.

• You hear people start to count down, mostly Tendo shouting just to keep things entertaining

• 10!

• 9!

• 8!

• 7!

• 6!

• 5!

• 4!

• 3!

• 2!

• You feel lips crash against yours, your eyes widen looking to see who had just kissed you. And.. it was Goshiki.

• You were speechless. You had never considered dating him, but, he was always so sweet to you, and he hadn’t done anything wrong. Plus he was pretty cute. You smile into the kiss, playing with his hair. You could hear Tendo snickering from across the room.


• Today was the day

• It was the perfect opportunity to ask out the head of Shiratorizawas volleyball team

• That’s right, Ushijima Wakatoshi, the man of your dreams

• Sure he wasn’t normally your type, but there was something about him that made him special. There was something to him that made him seem special. He was so.. cool? You never knew how to describe him.

• The Shiratorizawa dormitory was hosting a new years party in the lobby, you put on one of your best outfits, you felt confident in your charisma to speak to your crush, which the male lacked.

• Glancing at the time, you read the clock.

• Shit

• 11:58 the clock read

• Oh shit, you spent so much time getting ready, you had completely lost track of time.

• You rushed outside of your dorm, you were so stupid!!

• As you rushed out to the party, you felt a sudden thud as you collided into a large mass.

• You fell to the ground, looking up you saw him, Ushijima. He stared down at you, an almost unapologetic look on his face.

• “Oh. Are you alright?” He asked, extending a hand, which you eagerly took, he hoisted you up back to your feet.

• “I.. yeah I’m fine, why aren’t you downstairs with everyone else?” You asked, looking up at the tall man, you were confused as to why he could possibly be here.

• He was about to answer before you remembered your purpose, “nevermind, what time is it?” You asked.

• “It’s 10 seconds until midnight, what is the significance of wanting to know the time so late at night?” He asked.

• “Okay listen Ushiwaka, I need to tell you something. I really really like you, and I’d like to start the new year with you” you spoke, looking up at him. You were embarrassed, but proud of yourself.

• You watched him kneel down to your height, placing a kiss on your lips, he pulled away slowly, but made sure it wasn’t too long.


• Homeboy is stressed

• Currently Noya is trying to hype him up outside of the gym, since that was where Kurasuno’s volleyball team wanted to have a party, and though it wasn’t actually going to be a real party at midnight since most had to spend time with their family, they would still have a fun time during daylight.

• He definitely dressed way too formal for this, it was supposed to be casual but he showed up in a fancy suit, his hair all fancy, trimming his beard.

• He was ready to ask you out physically, but no where close mentally.

• Meanwhile you were inside the gym speaking to Yachi and Kiyoko, chatting about your new years resolutions and what you had planned for family. You guys agreed to all spend some time after the party and go out and have some extra fun.

•  Soon, everyone had arrived, music was playing loudly around the gym, cheap colorful lights for decoration, Takeda and Ukai actually weren’t there, they were getting drunk together somewhere in town.

• The time was roughly 4:30, a pretty good time for teenagers to enjoy themselves at a party. Asahi was standing in the corner, Sugawara was helping him this time.

• You glanced at the two, Asahi was looking more.. intriguing today, he looked nice, but nervous, was he planning on asking someone out?

• You pondered this though, glancing over at the two, Asahi had a bright blush on his face, and Suga seemed confident in what he was saying.

• Asahi was soon pushed out back into somewhere close to the center, Suga laughed as he watched the male walk timidly in your direction.

• You tilt your head in confusion, but before you had time to process what he could ever possibly be doing, he was already right in front of you.

• “Y/n, I need to speak with you in private.. is that alright with you?” He asked, you nodded, allowing him to take you to a more secluded area of the gym.

• “I..I really like you y/n! I’d like to spend my life with you! If.. that’s okay of course.” He spoke.

• You chuckled. Kissing this tip of his nose, “Asahi, you’re really sweet, ya know that?” Accepting his confession.

• You swore his face was red for a whole week


• Oh boy he’s cocky.

• Not cocky in a way that he was bragging, but he was definitely confident in his charismatic ability to woo you.

• At least that’s what he said to Daichi

• Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t scared like Asahi

• Confidently walking into the Kurasuno Gym where a party was being hosted for the team, he noticed you were off more to the side.

• As Suga entered, you were thinking about how you would ask him out.

• A face dusted in pink once you both msre eye contact, Asahi had dragged the grey haired male off to the corner as he spoke about his crush, giving him some advice he pushed the taller male towards his crush.

• He laughed as he watched Asahi stumble towards his crush, he went off to do his own job.

• Walking up to you, he extended a hand towards you, “care to dance?” He asked, as a very spunky song started to play.

• The two of you danced around, laughing together, people watch, and though no one joined in, no one seemed to laugh or make fun if you.

• After the song was coming to an end, the male leaned in close, mumbling a quiet, “can I kiss you?” You nodded, your lips colliding into a passionate yet caring kiss.


• Oh my god

• Can I just say

• This woman is the definition of gorgeous

• Btw in this story you’re a girl because I think the only man Kiyoko could get with is Tanaka and otherwise she loves women.

• I love her so much

• And so do you, she is the light of your life. She’s so pretty, and kind. She inspires you to do things you’d never do.

• The two of you were leaving the Kurasuno party to go to the sauna for an hour, though Yachi had to cancel because her mother was finally home for the day, the two of you decided to enjoy yourselves and have some girl time alone together.

• Once arriving at the sauna, you two rented out a personal bath, undressing yourselves you two got into the warm water.

• A sigh of relief escaped Kiyokos lips, she was definitely stressed due to having to deal with a whole team of volleyball players.

• You noticed her legs were pulled up to her chest. “Your legs, they’re covered in scars. I heard you used to do track and field but I didn’t think they’d leave that big of a mark.” You said.

• The females ears perked up as you spoke. “Oh, yeah. I fall quite often, I used to be so clumsy back then.” She giggled, tucking some stray hair back from behind her ear.

• “Well, whether you like them or not I think they’re beautiful. Scars make people unique.” You said with a smile.

• Kiyoko smiled, looking over at you. “Thank you, y/n. Your way with words really amazes me.” She said, turning to face you.

• Time passed, the two of you spoke, laughing and enjoying yourselves. Once you two were about to leave, Kiyoko stops you.

• “Before we depart, we should definitely hang out together a lot more. I like spending time with you alone.”


• Oh boy

• This man

• this stupid lanky man, doesn’t even realize he has a crush on you.

• Yaku literally had to spell it out for him and he still didn’t understand

• “Wait.. I’m in love with y/n? That isn’t possible, I mean sure I get really happy when I see them, and they’re really fun to be around! But I don’t like them like that.”

• Yaku had to go through so much to get it through his thick skull, “that idiot, those two of you are so dumb neither would even notice.” He mumbled.

• Now as Yaku mentioned earlier, the two of you are actual idiots, two dumbasses who keep eachother somewhat out of trouble.

• Kuroo was hosting a party at his house for the team, and being their manager you were invited as well.

• Knocking on the door, you were one of the last to show up to the party, as Kuroo opened the door, you walked inside and saw him.

• “Lev!!!!” You shouted excitedly, jumping into his arms, wrapping the Russian in a hug as if you didn’t see him yesterday.

• “Y/n!!!” The male cheered, picking you up and whirling you around. He was happy to see you, barely even thinking about what Yaku had said about the two of you both having mutual feeling which neither of you even knew about.

• The Nekoma party was going well, Kuroo was chatting with most of the team, Kenma was sitting in Kuroos room avoiding people, Yaku kept to himself, sometimes glaring at lev when he was being an idiot.

• The sun had set long ago, and the team was preparing to count ten seconds to midnight.

• As the countdown began, you and Lev shouted and cheered the numbers in unison, but just as soon as everyone was about to shout “1” you felt a small palm grip the back of your head and push your lips into the silver haired males.

• Pulling away with a laugh, you noticed that Yaku had a grip on both of your heads, the shorter male had forced the two of you into a kiss, which unsurprisingly both of you enjoyed.

• “That was fun y/n! Let’s do it again!” He cheered, a large smile on his face.


• Similar to Asahi, my homeboy is nervous

• He struggled to show it, but he does love you, he just doesn’t know what to do about the growing sickness in his stomach when he sees you.

• Luckily he got some help from the internet, telling how to flirt with his crush.

• Though date tech wasn’t hosting a party or anything, you had invited him over to your house to hang out for new years. Since your parents were out of town, you two had the night to yourselves.

• You heard a knock on your door, upon opening it you looked up to see the tall male which you had invited.

• “Oh! Hey Takanobu, come inside. You arrived later than I had expected, I didn’t think you’d even show up!” You laughed, walking him up to your room so the two of you could relax.

• “I’m sorry, should I have.. shown up sooner?” He asked, and before he could let you answer he remembered he had brought you something. “I brought you flowers, is that okay? I heard most people enjoy them on occasions like this.” He spoke in such a soft tone, needing reassurance for his actions. He was stiff, standing awkwardly at the door of your bedroom.

• You smiled, reassuring him that you were very thankful. You gestured him to sit on your bed with you, you hoped he’d make himself comfortable in your home.

• As he sat down, you smiled. The two of you spoke for hours, never once was it awkward for either of you. I guess that’s why Aone loved you, you were so easy to talk to, and you could always hold a conversation with him.

• As time went on, neither of you seemed to realize just how late it was, you had spoken for so long that you lost track of time.

• In a small break of silence, the larger male spoke up.

• “Y/n, I’ve.. known you for quite some time and though I may be scary, and you might hate me, I wanted to say that I like you a lot. I’d like to see you as more than a friend.” He spoke, a furiously red blush coating his cheeks as he sputtered out the words that came to his mind.

• You giggle, looking up at him you kiss him on the cheek, “I could never be afraid of you, Aone, you’re one of the sweetest people I know. I like you too.” You spoke with a smile, looking down you checked the time.

• “That kiss was right on time I guess. It’s exactly midnight!”

*GIFs not mine*

Ushijima and Oikawa Version

Sugawara and Kuroo Version

Bokuto, Kageyama, and Kenma Version

A/N: pfft so somebody requested this for hinata like t w o y e a r s ago… hehe. ANyways, love me some yandere haikyuu boys. Kinda loving tendou’s, so I hope y’all like it. Enjoy!

Word count: 2953

Tendou Satori:

  • “Darling, surely we’re not doing this now?”
  • “You know, I don’t think I like this game, YN. I suggest you end this before you cross a line you can’t come back from.”
  • You gulped but continued the search, digging through drawers and cupboards to find anything resembling a key. Tendou’s voice drawled from where you’d trapped him in the bathroom. 
  • “Taking advantage of a man while he’s got his pants down—not cool, YN.”
  • You try to ignore him, try to stay focused on what you’re doing, but it’s so hard. 
  • So hard when all he’s doing is heckling you in that damned tone of his.
  • Like you were a little kid playing an adult’s game. 
  • That’s how he’d always been though, ever since he first kidnapped you. He treated you like you didn’t know how to handle yourself in the real world. He acted like you needed him to watch your every move and teach you how to conduct yourself. 
  • That’s how your relationship had been before, when you were just a regular couple, but it was when you took notice of his gaslighting and tried to break up with him that he’d taken you. 
  • No, YN, you can’t keep getting distracted. Stay focused. 
  • Glancing back over at the front door to the apartment, you counted the locks once more. Three double-sided deadbolts, two padlocked latches. Somewhere inside the apartment were five keys Tendou never dared to leave without. You just had to find them. 
  • “I’m getting bored in here, could you at least slip me a deck of cards or something? Otherwise I might lose my mind.” The teasing lilt hinted at the smirk on his face. No doubt he was utterly, completely calm. He always was when it came to you, because he thought he knew you like the back of his hand. 
  • “Shut up in there, Satori!”
  • He snickered. “Well that was uncalled for.”
  • Like always, he knew how to get under your skin. Goosebumps rose on your skin, and you tried to shake off his taunts, dragging a hand through your hair with a deep breath. 
  • He can’t win. I won’t let him. He’s not getting away with this.
  • “How about a snack at least, darling, pretty please? The toothpaste is starting to look appetizing.”
  • Nothing, absolutely nothing. You couldn’t find keys in the living room or the kitchen, so you resorted to investigating the bedroom. 
  • When Tendou heard you approaching, he began to hum playfully. It was that song, the one he’d murmur while running his fingers along your skin, while tugging you in close after coming home from work. He’d whisper it into your hair at night, or you’d hear him singing it in the shower while you were still in bed. 
  • You are my sunshine,”
  • You slammed open the door into the bedroom, trying to block out the voice that rang out from the door right across from you. 
  • My only sunshine,”
  • Clenching your jaw, you began digging through the dresser, pushing aside clothes and feeling along the undersides of the drawers. 
  • You make me happy,”
  • With a huff, you gave up, moving on to Tendou’s nightstand. At the sounds of your struggles, his voice seemed to get louder, grow clearer. 
  • When skies are gray,”
  • Handcuffs and their keys, but none of which would fit the locks. You remembered when he’d first used them on you, the first night he kidnapped you. He was afraid you would do something “stupid” like try to attack him and hurt yourself in the process, so he’d shackled you to his headboard for your own personal wellbeing. 
  • You’ll never know dear,”
  • You slammed the drawer shut at the sight of them and moved to feel under the mattress, trying to ignore all the crumbs and dust that gathered under your fingernails amidst the attempt. Tendou, meanwhile, just kept growing louder.
  • How much I love you,”
  • Then you felt it. Metal. A whole ring of it, too. Five keys jingled together when you yanked them out from under the bed, almost falling onto your back from your overzealous force. You almost teared up at the sight of them.
  • I’m getting out of here. I can see my family again.
  • Maybe your life would never return to normal, not after what Tendou had done, but you could certainly try. You missed humanity. You missed the outside world. How long had it been since you’d seen green grass or felt the warmth of the sun on your face? How long had it been since you’d felt rain dampen your hair or traced your eyes along the stars in the sky?
  • Too long. Far too long. At some point, you’d given up keeping track, but not anymore. 
  • Please don’t take my,”
  • You pulled yourself to your feet, misty eyes still stuck in wonder upon the ring of keys in your hand. 
  • Sunshine away.”
  • Turning toward the door, you felt the keys slip from your fingers, cluttering loudly when they hit the floor. 
  • Tendou stood in the doorway, his head tilted to the side. A single red brow raised, his eyes wide with slitted, shrunken irises. He towered where he stood, spiky red hair close to brushing the top of the door. Long arms extended out and gripped the edges of the doorway, nimble fingers tightening around the wood. 
  •  A small smirk peeled back his lips.
  • “Well,” his eyes slipped down to the keys on the floor before gliding back up to your face, “nobody can fault you for trying.” 
  • Mouth open in shock, your whole body began to tremble. A drop of cold sweat slid down your back. 
  • His hands loosened from around the doorway, dilated pupils still latched on your form as he made his way toward you. When he stopped, he bent low, his breath brushing the stray hairs along your face as he snagged the keys from the ground with a tut-tut of his tongue. 
  • His other hand swept up and grabbed your chin, forcing you to close your mouth with a warning tap to your lip. 
  • “Guess I’ll have to find a new hiding spot, now, won’t I? Though, this certainly was the most fun we’ve had in a while, darling.”
  • You didn’t even flinch when his lips ran along yours. “Who knows?” he shrugged, pulling away. He tapped your nose with his finger before intertwining your hand with his, leading you from the room. “Perhaps, if you ever try this again, I could turn it into a scavenger hunt. Give you clues and such from wherever you try to trap me next.” He snickered. “Now wouldn’t that be fun?”
  • You didn’t respond, face turned toward the keys he’d tossed behind carelessly onto the bed. It was like he wasn’t worried you would make an attempt toward them. Like he wasn’t worried you’d ever get the chance. 
  • “Of course, like then, you’d be punished afterwards for trying, but isn’t that part of the game?”
  • “Punished?” you stuttered, taking the seat in the barstool he encouraged you into before releasing your hand, moving to the other side of the kitchen island to scour the fridge. 
  • He stopped his search, pulling out a carton of eggs and eyeballing the date. “Well surely you didn’t think you could try to leave me without there being consequences.” He didn’t even spare you a glance as you blanched. “But don’t worry, that fun will come later.”
  • Then he set the carton of eggs on the counter in front of you with an all-too pleasant grin on his face. “Now, how’s about eggs for breakfast, sunshine?”

Hinata Shouyou:

  • It’s when he’s approaching to kiss you that you are able to lock him up. 
  • It’s the first time he’s ever done such a thing; though he’s the one who’s kidnapped you, you are the one who dictates how far he can go before you pull away. 
  • Of course, he’d been disappointed the first few weeks when you didn’t want him to touch you or even see you at all. 
  • But after a particularly bad day, when he’d come home crying and bawling and tugging you into his arms, curling around you, you’d been given a little less leeway on just how much you could pull back from him. 
  • It seems, though he’d been addicted to you in general before, he was now addicted to your touch specifically. 
  • “YN, please! Why are you doing this?!”
  • He’d come home that night in a bad mood, and for some reason you were sure he’d talk your ear off about while hugging you on top of him on the sofa later. But right now?
  • …Right now, he had a different idea. 
  • “I’m tired of waiting, YN,” he’d whined as he approached, though there was a dark glint in his eyes. For every step he took toward you, you took one back. Step, step, step, step. He just kept following you. 
  • You hadn’t realized he’d cornered you in his bedroom until you felt the backs of your knees hit the mattress. 
  • “YN,” he hummed, rough hands cupping your cheeks as a strand of red hair fell over his eyes. “Can I just have a little?” His gaze fell on your lips. “Just a taste? I promise I won’t take any more.”
  • “Just a little.”
  • A flicker of pink as a smirk grew on his face.
  • I don’t want this. I swear I don’t want this. 
  • No! I don’t want it!
  • His face was so close you could feel the heat of his gasp mingling with yours the second your knee flew up to meet his groin. 
  • “AGHH!” he screeched, tugging himself away. Hinata dropped to his knees, hands cupping his crotch as he let out small, pained whimpers. 
  • That was when you ran out of the room, dodging his grasping hands and slamming the door behind you. You grabbed the first thing you could think of to shove in front of it. 
  • “YN-”
  • In a matter of seconds he was up and at attention, slamming the door against the sofa as you pushed it in front of the doorway. The hefty furniture effectively crammed itself in the small hallway of its apartment and limited the angle he could open the door to just a sliver. 
  • “YN! Please, don’t do this! Please!
  • “Just let me out, we can talk about this!”
  • “I know you’re unhappy, but don’t you see I’ve been working so hard to change that? Please, just let me out!”
  • A single brown eye peered at you through the sliver of the door, pupil dilated and lid unblinking.
  • “I thought I was giving you enough, YN. What do you want? Do you want a puppy? My neighbor has the cutest dog, YN, I promise. You’d love it,” he pleaded, faux excitement tainting his voice. 
  • The single eye followed your every move as you paced around the apartment, mumbling to yourself about what to do, how to get out. “I could get your favorite food! It’s just down the street, I know you’ve wanted it. I was planning to get it tomorrow to celebrate our two-hundred day anniversary, but I can get it now if you like! Call it our one-hundred and ninety-ninth day anniversary! It could be our thing!”
  • “Please, YN, it could be our thing. Remember how we used to have things?”
  • You tried to ignore him. You really did. As you dug frantically through his cabinets and shelves, his desk drawers and bathroom cupboards, you considered shoving a couple cotton balls in your ears just to block out his nervous exclamations. 
  • The thought did cross your mind, but only for a second. Soon enough, the blood pounding in your ears was doing the job. Your mind fogged as you searched, struggling to believe that you had a chance to escape. 
  • Is this real? It was this easy all along? That was all I had to do?
  • Hinata’s cries weren’t helping your nerves any. Instead, you felt your shoulders grow more tense each time you heard his desperate, breathy voice. You felt like curling in on yourself and giving up. 
  • It can’t be this easy. What the hell is going on?
  • You glance back at the door, staring at the lock that lined it. You’d consider breaking a window, but you knew the apartment was on the fifth floor of the complex; jumping from that height would be a death sentence. 
  • You hadn’t completely lost your will yet. 
  • No, no. You just needed to find the keys. The door on the outside appeared normal, wooden. On the inside, though, Hinata had gone through the trouble of layering it with a few sheets of metal. One could kick the door in, but could not kick it out. 
  • The keys. 
  • Where the fuck are they?
  • “YN, I love you. So, so much. I just wanna see you, please! Let me see you at least.”
  • He pounded against the door with his fists, tremoring the door and the sofa, but not moving it. Tears pricked your eyes at the sound; you were so close, so goddamn close. You weren’t sure how Hinata was going to react after this if you didn’t escape, and you didn’t want to find out. 
  • “Fuck,” you hissed under your breath, eyes darting around the living room as your hands yanked at your scalp. “Fuck!”
  • “YN, please.” His was quiet, more forlorn than you were ever used to. “I don’t want you to leave me. I get so lonely without you.”
  • “Lonely, huh?” The words crawl up your throat before you can stop them. “You think you’re lonely?” A headache forms at your temples, but you ignore it as you storm toward his room. “You don’t know true loneliness until you’ve been trapped inside your crazy ex-boyfriend’s apartment, no friends, no family, for days on end.”
  • “You think you’re lonely, Shouyou? Try putting yourself in my shoes.” Frustration has formed a weight in the pit of your stomach. You feel glued to the floor waiting for his response, almost… almost, you supposed, hoping for an apology of some sorts. 
  • You loved him at some point in your life, and, no matter how insane he looked and sounded when he said it, he loved you too. You just wanted to know if he felt even an ounce of pity for what he had been putting you through. 
  • “Shouyou, I just-”
  • “You’re lonely, YN?”
  • You pause, voice caught in your throat. Hinata’s tone is tainted with nothing but genuine curiosity. Somehow, though, you feel like you’ve messed up. 
  • “I-…um-”
  • “Are you lonely without me?”
  • Shit. 
  • “YN.” You catch his eye in between the small opening of the doorway. His gaze is intense, suddenly focused and attuned to his surroundings. “Say it again.”
  • “Say you get lonely when I leave you at home. Say you miss me when I leave for games and practices.” There’s a creaking sound of sorts, but you can’t quite tell where it originates from. 
  • “Please, I wanna hear it again. Say you want me around all the time, that you need me close by so you don’t feel lonely anymore. Say it.” Breathy, yet goading. 
  • Shame and anger raise a heat to your cheeks, and you’re flustered that Hinata has misconstrued your words in such a way. You didn’t want him. No, you didn’t. What you wanted was to not be locked away and deprived of human contact like you were.
  • That was all. 
  • Creak. “You’re so cute when you blush. But don’t worry, YN, I won’t tease you. I’m just so glad that you’re finally being honest. Lonely without me? God, YN, I’m so in love with you.”
  • Creak. “I’ll never make you lonely again. I’ll make sure of it.”
  • Crack
  • Adrenaline in the heat of the moment allows people to do amazing things. You’ve heard stories of mothers lifting cars, people bending metal or jumping from buildings. Doing things that should be impossible. 
  • You supposed that was why it was so easy for Hinata in that moment, all riled up by your words and your actions in such a short amount of time, to crack the door in half. The one hinge the upper-half was still attached to allowed it to fly open, barely catching its splintered wood on the back of the sofa. 
  • One second, you watched in horror as the half-door slammed against the wall, rattling the hanged picture frames. 
  • The next, you saw a flash of orange before your back slammed against the wood flooring. A throbbing pain shot up your spin and down to your tailbone, but something sturdy and soft cradled the back of your head so your skull didn’t suffer the same fate. A weight, not necessarily overpowering, left you cemented to the floor, legs out flat as your arms lay limp at your sides, numb with shock. 
  • Hinata sat above you, on his knees and straddling your thighs. One hand, as you figured, was behind your head, lifting it so you could face him. The other, though, hovered over your face, trembling. 
  • A look of wonder was painted on his face as he watched you. And if you looked closer, you could have seen a hint of adoration. 
  • “YN,” he whispered, his hand finding home cradling your cheek. “I mean it.”
  • I’ll never make you feel lonely again.”
  • And then he kissed you, desperately. 
  • And you hated yourself, despairingly. 
  • Because, deep down, you felt some vile, repulsive hope that he was telling you the truth.

*GIFs not mine*

A/N: too tired to write anymore. Hope you like it!

Word count: 653


Kageyama Tobio: 

  • “Don’t touch me.”
  • “I said don’t fucking touch me. I’m not sick.”
  • Absolutely tries to bury you six feet under with his glare anytime you come close with the cold cloth
  • Is the type to wrap up in blankets when and only when others aren’t around
  • Instantly tears them off the second you come back into the room and severely regrets this afterwards
  • Never, and I mean never, lets you feed him. Sorry.
  • Medicine is the one thing he’s willing to depend on you for, and because he’s such a pain in the ass when he’s sick, you make the best of it–
  • By proceeding to buy the most disgusting-flavored liquid medicine and turning a blind eye toward the pills he’d specifically requested. 
  • “They were out.” “How could they have run out? It’s literally just-” “Shut up, I said they ran out.”
  • Tries to hide his gag when he chokes down the medicine. 
  • A few hours later he’s so delirious from the medicine and the fever that he finally lets you baby him a little bit. You bury him in a mountain of blankets, press a cold cloth to his forehead, and kiss his cheek. 
  • “Cuddle me,” he murmurs, cheeks flushed and eyes half-lidded. 
  • He’snevergonnarememberthissofuckinggetitwhileyoucan you do as he asks
  • Next day he wakes up feeling better than ever, but you’ve started sniffling and coughing. 
  • “I told you not to touch me, dumbass.”
  • He takes care of you too.

Tendou Satori:

  • The sweetest, most obedient person you’ve ever seen. An absolute doll.
  • Just. Fucking. Kidding. 
  • “YN, get me this.”
  • “YN, get me that.”
  • The ultimate whining brat. 
  • I’m talking never shuts up, even when he’s ready to be knocked out on cold medicine. 
  • Will literally stop in the middle of a coughing fit to beg you for something. 
  • The king of “but I’m sick”
  • At first you were really worried, wanting to help him get over the cold so he wouldn’t have to miss his next game. 
  • Now you’re wondering whether or not to just drive home and block his number for the next few days. 
  • Even when you go home for the night he texts you, asking for something or other. He wants you to buy him snacks or make him food or grab him a glass of water even though you’re not at his house
  • Let’s be honest, he’s absolutely thriving under your attention. He grabs your hand as you walk past his reclined position on the couch and drags you down next to him, muttering something about how scalp massages are supposed to help cure colds while he pulls your hand to his hair.
  • Won’t eat anything unless you’re feeding it to him. 
  • His inner five-year-old is finally coming out and you think he’s not gonna ask you to tuck him in? smh where have you even been this entire time
  • Finally, the charade ends when you burn your hand making him hot soup. 
  • The scalding liquid splashes up onto the back of your hand and the second you cry out Tendou is up and on his feet, sprinting into the kitchen and practically tripping over his own long legs as he slides to a stop in front of you. 
  • Assessing your furrowed brows and the way you cradle your hand, he grabs the cold cloth still stuck to his head before coaxing your hand away from your chest. He clicks his tongue as he wraps the wet fabric around your palm, running a thumb along your knuckles before raising his eyes to meet yours. 
  • “Better?” he whispers, pressing his lips to the backs of your fingers. 
  • “Much,” you smile, “but I don’t think I’m gonna be able to take care of you anymore.”
  • “Ahh, well then what’s the point of putting my thermometer under hot water anymore?”
  • “What?!”