#yandere tanjiro



Killing Yandere Tanjiro.

(Title name:Good Riddance”)

Plot summary: you manage to kill yandere Tanjiro, and you couldn’t be more happy about it.

This Contains: yandere themes, abductions, gore.

Note:Hittin’ ya with two posts today! We always see darling getting kidnapped and never being able to do anything about it… But what if they did? What if they managed to actually kill the yandere? Here’s my take on it! Also, first fanfic! Yay!

You don’t know how you did it.

You don’t know where this sort of strength and power came from.

You don’t even remember how you managed to get him like this.

But now, you can’t stop.

You can’t stop shoving the blade inside of his chest. You can’t stop admiring how blood is slowly staining his checkered clothing.

You can’t stop the overwhelming rage and desire to hurt him storming inside of you. You can’t even think straight, because all of your thoughts are reaching the same conclusion again, and again, and again.

Kill the bastard. Make him suffer. Make him ROT.

For ages you’ve spent cooped up in this small building, isolated from the outside world, unable to escape because of him. That sick, deceptive boy who made you believe he was a hero. Tanjiro…Tanjiro Kamado. That name brought only bitterness to you as you recited it in your head, and so the force of your blade stabbed deeper into his body.

He had saved you once from a demon attack, but he had gotten hurt terribly in the process. You tended to him as a way to repay him for what he did, cleaning his wounds and caring for his damaged body the best you could, and soon you and Tanjiro grew closer and closer together. He talked so sweetly to you, and you couldn’t help but sympathize for him and his sister. Like many, they had been through a lot and lost so much, and you appreciated him at the time that he was so willing to open up to you.

And then, he took a turn in personality, becoming clingy and possessive as your relationship with him grew. He began to touch you in ways that made you uncomfortable, but when he was confronted with this knowledge he would only mutter a half-assed apology and kept a distance between you two, only to resume his touching with you some time later.

Then, those touches lingered longer, and soon he began pushing you into a life of isolation where only you and him existed. It was suffocating. HE was suffocating. And soon, you began to distance yourself from him in any way you could. But that proved to be almost impossible.

Everywhere you went, he was there. Sometimes it was obvious, like seeing him in the same street and him approaching you, saying how he just happened to be there. But other times, he managed to conceal himself from you. Back then, you weren’t too sure why you felt sudden chills run down your spine, that uneasy feeling that made it seem like something was watching you.

Now, it made sense why you felt such a presence. He was there.

And of course, there was the manipulation. Every time you tried to pull away, Tanjiro retold the stories of his tragic life, making you pity him so you wouldn’t leave. He would go on about how happy you make him, how ever since he met you he’s felt so at peace with himself. How you’ve managed to quell the demons inside of him, the horrible voices and visions he has of his family. You made him complete, and a part of you couldn’t help but feel pitiful for him.

And then, there were others. Oh how he pulled you away from others just to keep your company on him. How he wouldn’t let go of your hand, how he HATED seeing other people, especially other men, talking and interacting with you. He always hid away that dark and territorial look through the veil of a friendly facade, sometimes you were even fooled into believing it.


Finally, it became too much. Way too much. And your breaking point was when he began to practically sniff you. That, along with the touches that stayed too long and became far too intimate, was enough for you to break off the friendship you both had built. Or rather, the friendship Tanjiro tried desperately to keep whole and evolve, until he made it all crumble away.

Look– Tanjiro, I can’t do this anymore. I’ve been trying really hard to be nice to you, but you’re… You’re just being a creep!” You blurted out, not attempting to hide the disgusted look on your face. The look of pain that washed over his usually bright features could make almost anyone feel pity for him, but not you. “Y-Y/N, what? I… I’m sorry, I just-” his words were halted when you spoke up again, not allowing him to finish his sentence, because all you wanted to do was leave already I don’t care what excuse you have Tanjiro! I don’t, and never WILL, like you touching me like that!? I don’t wanna be friends anymore. Don’t look for me, don’t try and talk to me, just leave me alone!You shouted, ready to run away as far as you can from him. “Y/N, please don’t say that! Just-” “No! Enough, I’m going!”. And then, everything changed for you.

You remember how he grabbed your wrist, refusing to let you leave. You remember how he restrained you, even when you tried to kick and scream, he merely held onto you, and knocked you out before anyone could see. When you awoke, you only saw darkness. Your wrists were tied and so were your legs. Your mouth was gagged, and your eyes were covered. It was only until a hand removed that blindfold did your sluggishness disappear. Because in front of you was the last person you ever wanted to see… Tanjiro.

You remembered how wide eyed he looked, spouting off apology after apology, going on about how he ‘had to do it’, how he couldn’t afford to lose you, how he loved you. How he was doing this for you. For us. Even when you struggled against the ropes, even when you spouted sounds of desperation, anger, fear, even when you were close to crying; he would say it was for your own good.

And he would say the same thing again and again, with guilty eyes and a shaking form, as he pelted your body with punishment after punishment for your behaviour and escape attempts. Even when you cried out in pain, or begged him to stop, Tanjiro would say the same thing over and over again. 'i’m sorry, but I have to do this. Please, Y/N, don’t make this harder then it needs to be…!’.

Eventually, you learned how to play along. You pretended, to love him, to care about him and his wellbeing. To comfort him when he needed it, to allow him to press his filthy lips against your skin, to embrace you in his arms after a long day. You were convincing, for he never suspected deception, and that you merely acted like he meant something to you. Or perhaps he was stuck in his fantasy land, delusionally thinking you truly cared about him.

How far from the truth he was. Because he would never know how far the hate and anger you harboured for him went.

You missed your home, your real home. You missed the others, family and friends, even strangers you had no real idea of, you missed them. You missed your old life, all you wanted was your old life. But that seemed like a distant dream now, as you were chained and bounded to the room you and him shared. A bird trapped in a cage was what you were, and the hope of escape grew smaller and smaller with each and every passing day.

So you’ll never forget the rush of happiness you had when a sharp knife presented itself to you during your roam about the house. Tanjiro had allowed you some freedom while he tended to his work, leaving you completely unoccupied by any eyes. He knew you didn’t know the area well, having kept you tightly locked in the confines of the building. And besides, he could always find you even if you tried to run away again, and the last thing either of you wanted was another punishment.

You held the knife in your hand as if it were an exotic treasure, which, in a way, was to you. The idea of finally escaping him through suicide was extremely appealing, as you’d not only leave him behind but also leave him in a world of utter despair at the sight of your corpse. You almost did it had it not been for another idea.

You wanted him to suffer, you wanted him to pay for stripping you of your freedom and humanity. Having found this knife against all odds brought you a spark of hope that had originally died out, a hope for freedom. A hope for vengeance. All you had to do was wait, and wait, and wait, until the opportunity opened itself to you.

And finally, FINALLY, your time had come. And it was marvelous, and it was grand, and it was so, so satisfying.

“Y…y/n..!-”stab, cut, slash… The sounds of his pained and dying voice were almost angelic, like it had been your first time hearing the melodies of music before. You looked into his eyes, those big and broken eyes, as you drove the blade deeper into his chest. Poor Tanjiro was struggling to breath, his eyes staring aimlessly into the void as all he could feel were his lungs being punctured and the taste of blood filling his mouth. His blood. “…y..y/n-” stab, gut, stab. Again and again you plunged that knife mercilessly into his body, tearing deeper into the holes of his organs while painting the blade, the floor, walls, and especially yourselves in the red shades of blood. He grabbed desperately at your clothing, feebly trying to get you off or stop you from killing him, but his motions were slow and weak; every last ounce of his energy gone.

The euphoria you felt when his eyes went dim and his sounds became silent was beyond anything you had ever experienced during your entire stay in this nightmare. The way his blood and tears stained his heartbroken face made him look like a morbid masterpiece. You heaved and huffed as you stabbed the knife one last time into his heart, before finally collapsing on your side. You were tired, having spent so much of your energy into murdering your abductor, but never had you felt so happy.

As you stared at the dead body of Tanjiro Kamado, your head began to clear up, and soon other thoughts consumed you. You didn’t know how you were going to make your way out of this foreign area. You didn’t know how you were going to fare should a demon or wild animal be lurking around. You didn’t know how you’d make your way back home. And you didn’t know how everyone would react when they would find his body here at this building, the beloved Tanjiro, murdered in cold blood.

But there was one thing you did know. You had avenged yourself and freed yourself from the shackles this man had placed on you. You had killed him, you were safe from him. And as your eyes looked into the side of his, you could only mutter a few words at the sight before you.

“Good riddance”.
