#yandere toman


Toman’s Princess

Chifuyu was worried. What was he so worried about? Well you see, while Chifuyu may be a part of Toman, a feared and dangerous gang in its own right, he was still human and had a right to be worried especially when it concerned (Y/n) Sano. His best friend in the whole wide world and the adopted younger sister of his commander Mikey.

(Y/n) had been adopted by Mikey’s grandfather when her parents had suddenly and tragically died in a car accident when she was only 4 years old. While normally she would have been sent to live with her relatives. None of them seemed to want the poor girl and just kept on shoving her off to the next relative. Mikey’s grandfather had been friends with her parents so he agreed to take in the poor girl and raise her with Mikey and his siblings.

Despite not being related by blood, Mikey and Emma and Shinichiro all treated her like she was a princess and protected her from any and everything that may want to do her harm. After Shinichiro’s death, Mikey took over as (Y/n)’s primary protector.

And then when Mikey and the other Founders formed Toman, she became the glue keeping them together.

Apparently at one point after Shinichiro’s death, Kazutora was about ready to leave Toman and join another gang when (Y/n) somehow managed to convince him to stay.

Everyone in Toman knew who (Y/n) was and knew better than to insult or belittle or hurt her or allow her to be harmed. Chifuyu was often assigned to (Y/n) duty which was how they became best friends which at first upset the Founders but when Chifuyu made it clear that his feelings towards (Y/n) was strictly platonic and nothing more. They begrudgingly agreed to allow the two to remain best friends although they did make sure to warn him about the consequences should his feelings change from platonic to romantic or should he heaven forbid harm her.

However (Y/n) did on occasion act kind of strange and sometimes when she looked at Baji and Kazutora, it almost seemed like she was about to burst out wailing and sobbing for some reason.

She also prevented Pah from stabbing Osana, who had been responsible for hurting Pah’s friends. Chifuyu hadn’t been there when it had happened but apparently she had stood in between him and Osana and managed to calm down Pah enough to convince to let Karma deal with Osana and just escape with the others, which after some crying from both sides, he agreed to it.

Yes (Y/n) was essentially the irreplaceable princess of Toman which is why Chifuyu had been horrified to learn that she had been secretly going out on dates with a boy.

Who was this boy you may be asking? It was none other than Tetta Kisaki. Someone who Chifuyu didn’t personally know presay but something about the guy just didn’t sit right with Chifuyu. Especially with the way that he looked at (Y/n), he looked at her like she was some sort of possession of his, like he was her owner and she was his slave.

Chifuyu had found out what had been going on between the two by sheer chance. He had

decided to head to this new cafe that everyone at school had been raving about and imagine his surprise and horror when he saw Kisaki and (Y/n) sharing a drink together. He took a picture of it on his phone and immediately left the cafe and called Baji who informed Mikey who called for a meeting and told the rest of Toman.

Needless to say no one was pleased with this new development. The mere idea of Kisaki even breathing the same air as their princess sent the Founders into a rage. Mikey had to be physically restrained by Draken when he found out about that worthless shit eating maggot Kisaki dating his baby sister. He had wanted to march to the cafe and beat the ever living shit out of Kisaki and then take his baby sister home for a cleansing. But luckily Emma and Draken managed to talk him out of it.

Baji had smashed up some random person’s car when he had heard the news. Mitsuya had some of his men sent out to find out everything about Tetta Kisaki while Pah attacked a tree and murdered the poor tree which just so happens to be near him when he got the news. Draken blamed the subordinate who had been in charge of her that week and punished him accordingly. The vice Captains were all pissed as hell. Hell, even Takamitchy seemed pissed as someone like him could be. Kazutora had angrily grabbed Chifuyu asking why he hadn’t just followed the two and then when Kisaki was alone, broke every single bone in his pathetic and frankly useless body. And then he promptly tried to strangle Chifuyu, declaring that he was gonna take Chifuyu’s place as (Y/n)’s best friend.

Luckily for Chifuyu, Baji stepped in and was able to calm down Kazutora and then Mikey immediately declared Tetta Kisaki as Toman’s number one enemy.

He put Chifuyu on (Y/n) duty with Baji and ordered the two of them to find out how long the relationship had been going on and, depending on how long, would equal how many beatings that they would give Tetta Kisaki.

Which is how Chifuyu had found himself in his current predicament, eavesdropping on (Y/n)’s conversation with her classmates. They had been discussing rather trivial matters, mainly stuff that (Y/n) would never have to worry about like marriage and jobs. But then something that one of (Y/n)’s classmates said caught Chifuyu’s attention.

“So who’s the lucky guy that you have been going out with (Y/n)?”

“Yeah do tell us who it is. We’re dying to know.”

“Well it’s just this guy that I met and his name is Tetta Kisaki. We’ve been going out for a while now. He kept on asking me out until I finally caved and said yes.”

“Omg that’s so romantic.”

“Yeah totally. I would love it if a boy did that to me. Why can’t I find a guy like that?”

“Yeah and it’s been almost a month since we first started going out. We actually have a date tonight by the way. It’s gonna be at that new amusement park and we will be meeting up at 6pm.”

Chifuyu blacked out for the rest of the conversation, due to the sheer and utter rage that he felt flowing throughout his body. How dare Tetta Kisaki treat (Y/n) like that? Harassing her until she finally gave in and went out with him. Who the hell does shit like that? Especially to someone as innocent and pure as (Y/n).

He left and met up with Baji and told him everything. Baji was practically shaking with rage when he heard everything. They decided that this so-called relationship of (Y/n)’s must be brought to a swift end.

Baji called Mikey and told him what Chifuyu had told him and Mikey told them to follow (Y/n) and the son of a bitch Kisaki around on their date and then when the date was over, take Kisaki to the shrine so that Toman could teach the bastard a lesson about messing around with their princess. The two agreed with no words or thoughts of hesitation or remorse.

They waited at the amusement park which called Goodman’s rides and games for what felt like hours. And then finally they saw (Y/n) in the sea of people, she was holding hands with the piece of shit Kisaki and they seemed to be talking about something. About what? They weren’t sure but they knew that whatever it was, that it wasn’t good.

So they followed the unaware couple around the entire park, going on whatever rides they went on, playing whatever games they played and eating whatever they ate. Kisaki that scum had the audacity to spoon feed (Y/n) his food like she was his pet or something. The only person who was allowed to spoon feed (Y/n) was Chifuyu and even then it was only when she was sick and needed help to eat. Kisaki actually tried to follow her into the bathroom at several different points of the date which enraged Chifuyu to the point that he was finding himself looking forward to teaching the bastard a lesson with the rest of Toman.

At long last the torture that was called a date came to a close and Kisaki escorted (Y/n) back to the Sano residence however just as (Y/n) seemed to be thanking Kisaki for the date, he had the nerve to grab her and forcibly plant a kiss on her innocent and perfect lips.

Chifuyu almost gave them away with his scream of sheer and utter rage but luckily Baji covered his mouth as soon as he realized that the scream was coming.

(Y/n) seemed very shocked by the assault that had befallen her precious lips and Kisaki seemed to be trying to convince to let him go further than that but then Emma came outside and had (Y/n) say goodbye to Kisaki and dragged (Y/n) inside of their house.

Kisaki had the audacity to look pissed at Emma’s action and then finally walked off after standing there for ten minutes. Baji and Chifuyu took this as their chance to get closer to Kisaki and they overheard the punk ass bitch talking to himself.


Baji, unable to hold back his anger anymore, just ran up to Kisaki and knocked him out. Chifuyu gave him a look.

“Don’t even try to deny that you didn’t want to do the same thing to the bastard. He wanted to kill Emma and he was gonna kidnap (Y/n).”

“It’s not that. I just thought that we were gonna drag him kicking and screaming to the shrine. So that way we could punch him and pull his hair and stuff.”

“Awww man. I wish that we could have done that. Oh well, let’s just take him back as he is.”

“Alright Baji.”

They picked up the unconscious Kisaki and carried him all the way to the shrine where Mikey and the rest of Toman were waiting for them. Mikey dumped an entire jug of water on Kisaki’s head which woke up the bastard.

Kisaki when he realized where he was, immediately made the mistake of bragging about how he was gonna have (Y/n) all to himself and that nobody was gonna be able to stop him and that the next time he saw Emma, she was as good as dead. The second that he said that, Draken immediately let out a scream of rage and started punching Kisaki as hard as he could and Mikey started kicking him and the two just went ape shit on his ass. Chifuyu would have felt sorry for the punk ass weak bitch if he had been unaware of what he had done but knowing what he had done to deserve this, Chifuyu just smiled at the beating.

As soon as the two were done, Draken wiped his bloodied fists on Kisaki’s shirt and Mikey just smiled and gave the rest of Toman permission to beat Kisaki senselessly which they eagerly and happily did.

Chifuyu had no idea how long they beat Kisaki senselessly for but he did know that once they were done, the sun was coming up. Mikey decided to be merciful to Kisaki and told Draken to dump Kisaki at some random hospital. Draken without complaining picked up the unconscious and bruised and bloodied Kisaki and literally dumped him

at the hospital.

From what Chifuyu heard Kisaki wasn’t gonna be waking up any time soon as they beat him so badly that he was in a coma and may have permanent Brain damage which caused Toman to celebrate their victory.

(Y/n) didn’t seem particularly upset about Kisaki which was a bonus for Chifuyu and the others. For they hated the mere idea of (Y/n) crying would do almost anything to prevent her tears.

After all (Y/n) was their most precious princess.
