


pairing: jiang yanli/wen qing

word count:2,605


tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, mild family dynamics study, Slice of Life, Pre-Femslash, jiang yanli centric


Everything that I do is for the good of this family, Ma always tells her, and each word stacks up like a printed list of expenses. The extra fees that are accrued from school, the worn mementos that clutter their rooms, the humble house that shrinks around them all. All the myriad costs of raising another body from your own.

Jiang Yanli learns a little about loving herself.

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i-put-the-bi-in-suibian: My first piece for MDZS Reverse Big Bang 2022 right on time for Mermay Plea


My first piece for MDZS Reverse Big Bang 2022 right on time for Mermay 

Please read the companion fic A Fish Out Of Waterbyroseclaw.

Thank you so much @roseclaw for coming to my rescue and delivering such an amazing story. It was a pleasure to work with you.❤️

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i-put-the-bi-in-suibian:My first piece for MDZS Reverse Big Bang 2022 right on time for Mermay Pleas


My first piece for MDZS Reverse Big Bang 2022 right on time for Mermay 

Please read the companion fic A Fish Out Of Waterbyroseclaw.

Thank you so much @roseclaw for coming to my rescue and delivering such an amazing story. It was a pleasure to work with you.❤️

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[id: a digital drawing of jiang yanli and wen qing from the untamed. yanli has black marks on her ne

[id: a digital drawing of jiang yanli and wen qing from the untamed. yanli has black marks on her neck and blue-tinged skin, denoting her as a fierce corpse. she is dressed in white robes under a purple cloak, smiling with clasped hands and a basket of lotus pods in the crook of her arm. wen qing helps to balance the basket with one hand, the other curved around yanli’s upper arm. around them, a lotus pond blooms, the background tinged a dusty gray reminiscent of the burial mounds.]

here’s how yanqing can still win

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