


Hey ya’ll,

I have a couple of things to get of my chest so let’s get into it.

Someone asked me today if FIFLWM had a chance to be continued and it really had me reflect about my writing. My last update to that story was on January 23rd, 2020. It has been more than a year at this point. That’s a long ass time.

I’m not exactly sure what happened to my motivation. Maybe it was the fact that Chenry didn’t become canon or that the show is over or that a few main cast members are apparently Trump supporters. Idk, probably a combination of those things.

But I wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate everyone who has stuck with me on this journey. All the people who read and comment and reblog. Y’all are the real MVPs.

However, I know a big part of the writing culture is people only telling authors to continue or demand that they update without any additional comments. And that may seem nice to you because, “Oh I’m expressing how much I want to read another part.” Nah.

That’s not a compliment, it’s a command. And I don’t like that. You don’t run nothing over here. Though I appreciate that you want to read more from me, ya’ll don’t pay no bills of mine. This is free art.

Those comments aren’t sustainable. All it does is apply pressure to the wrong place. The right comments can be motivation and I would love to hear more from y’all about specific things that you liked about a chapter, how it made you feel, if you thought something was funny, etc. rather than you telling me to drop another part.

Regardless, I appreciate all the support I’ve received but I wanted to let y’all know that in the simplest terms possible. If all you have to say is “Update”, save it. It doesn’t make me want to open my notes and work on my story. It makes me annoyed.

Anyway, I feel like I’ve sufficiently said what needed to be said. This is my personal experience but I wouldn’t be surprised if other writers feel the same way.

Thank you for listening!

P.S. I plan to finish my WIPs. That was a promise I made to myself. No current timeline though.
