

Fall In Fake Love With Me

Hey y’all! *laughs nervously* I know I haven’t updated in like a century but I’m back! This is the one story that I promised myself I would finish and I definitely wanna keep that promise. You might wanna go back and read the first three chapters to refresh your memory since it’s been so long. I hope you enjoy!

Tag List:


If you want to be removed or tagged in my future posts, let me know. Please leave me feedback as well, it really keeps me motivated to write.

Part 1Part 2Part 3 Part 4

“It sure is crowded for a kickback” Charlotte muttered as she sidestepped a large football player rushing to the front door they had just walked through. She could hear the sound of him puking fade away as they ventured further in.

Walking into the party was almost like walking into a parallel universe. Not because anything particularly crazy was happening but just because they were there. In a place they had never been welcome before. Or had even considered going during normal circumstances.

They weren’t pariahs or anything and Swellview is a smallish town, population wise so it wasn’t like they were unknown. They were just standoffish with people outside their circle. Most of their time was spent at the ManCave with Ray, Jasper and Schowz. Fighting crime took a lot of energy. There wasn’t much left over for social interaction.

“Do you want something to drink?” Henry asked Charlotte.

“Yeah sure” she responded back easily.

Henry started weaving through the crowd while Charlotte followed.

Once they made it to the kitchen they saw that it was relatively empty. Only a random couple who were making out on the island and a guy who was asleep with his body half inside of the pantry could be spotted.

“We were definitely not at dinner long enough for people to be this drunk” Charlotte muttered.

“Seriously”, Henry said while carefully stepping over the sleeping dude’s face to access the refrigerator, Charlotte following his path.

“How long till we can leave?” Charlotte groaned.

“Come on, don’t be like that Char. Let’s try to have fun.” Henry pleaded while handing her a sprite and getting a coke for himself.

She muttered her thanks while accepting the drink. “I’ll try.”

“That’s my girl.” He said encouragingly with a smirk.

“Shut up” replied Char while pushing his shoulder lightly. “Let’s go chill on the couch.”

They once again voyaged through the throng of partygoers in order to reach the living room. Spotting a large sectional, they beelined for the empty spaces at the end.

Henry sat in the corner and before Charlotte could sit next to him he grabbed her hips to redirect her onto his lap.

Letting out a surprised squeak, she tried to protest and move to the seat beside him but Henry sat up against her back and whispered in her ear “Bianca, 3 o’clock.”

Charlotte looked out the corner of her eye and saw Bianca glaring at them over the rim of her cup as she took a sip.

Char subtly raised her eyebrows in disdain and then leaned against Henry until they were both molded into the couch. Noticing that Henry still had his hands resting lightly on her hips, she pulled them around her further so they were wrapped around her midsection with her hands covering his.

Not questioning her sudden bout of confidence, Henry pulled her impossibly closer.

Rage seemed to radiate from Bianca as she downed the remainder of whatever liquid courage was in her cup and handed the hollow plastic to a confused stranger partying beside her.

Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Bianca put on a mask of indifference and started to dance in a way that was supposed to give off sensuality but was severely lacking.

Is she serious? Charlotte thought while watching her dance and obviously make eyes at Henry behind her. Feeling a sudden burst of petty energy Charlotte turned her body slightly and placed a kiss on Henry’s neck. When she looked back into the crowd she saw that Bianca had found a random football player and was now attempting to grind on him. Folding her lips inside her mouth to prevent herself from laughing, Charlotte leaned back against Henry’s chest and murmured “Check mate.”

Throughout this whole process that couldn’t have been more than three minutes, Henry was a little stunned. He may have overestimated his own skills when he was teasing Charlotte about needing to practice earlier. Now he was the one feeling like a novice.

Pulling her onto his lap had been impulsive and it seemed like a good enough idea until Charlotte did what she does best and elevated it. She always makes a plan so much better he thought absentmindedly.

Now that they were in this position, all he could really do was focus on controlling his breathing. He might’ve bit off more than he could chew. Why was he feeling tingly all of a sudden?

Thirty more minutes into the party and Henry was in hell. He didn’t fully think this whole Charlotte sitting on his lap thing through. He’s realizing that he put way too much faith in himself and that was his first mistake.

His second mistake? Not thinking about how much Charlotte would be moving. Charlotte is definitely not the type of girl to go out alone in the middle of the crowd but he’s coming to the realization that she is a chair dancer. And he’s the chair.

He isn’t even sure if she’s conscious of it but every time a song she likes comes on she sways a little to the music and she also moves her hips. Very subtly but definitely enough that he can feel it.

After a reggaeton song that was popular on TikTok ends, he needs to get her off of him. Like now. Otherwise their friendship will take a very awkward turn.

“Um, I gotta go to the bathroom real quick” Henry whispered into her ear before putting his hands on her hips to lift her off of him.

“Ok no problem.” she replies while standing up.

Practically sprinting to the bathroom, Henry gets there and discovers that there is a line.

“Ugh. This is not what I need right now.” He grumbles frustratedly under his breath with his head down.

He must’ve been louder than he thought because the girl in front of him looks over her shoulder.

It’s Bianca. But Henry is too busy glaring at his shoelaces and thinking of Schowz in one of his bean baths to help calm his racing pulse.

Dropping her clutch on the ground in front of her, Bianca reaches down to grab it and rubs up against Henry on the way up.

“Whoa, dude what are you doing?” he says while backing up with his arms raised.

“Sorry, I just dropped my bag.”

“Riggghhhhhhhtttttt” Henry replies in a disapproving tone.

“My bad.” She simpered unapologetically. “But it seems like you enjoyed it.”

“I definitely didn’t.”

“That’s not what I felt.”

“What you felt had absolutely nothing to do with you.”

“Of course not. Because you have a ‘girlfriend’” she replies boredly.

“Yes. I do have a girlfriend. No air quotes required.”

“Uh uh. Henry, why are you playing so hard to get? I know this thing with Charlene is just a ruse to make me jealous. Admit it.”

“You know what Bianca? You’re right about one thing.” He crooks a finger at her. “Come here, let me tell you something.”

She leans closer to Henry as he bends down to speak directly in her ear.

“I am hard to get. For you. For Charlotte I’m just hard. She’s the reason why you felt what you felt. It had nothing to do with your little bend and snap stunt.”

Bianca looks disgusted as she processes his vulgar words and their implications.

“But you know what you did do for me?”


“You helped me lose my boner.” Henry states while leaning back up.

He looked at her and saw nothing but affronted disapproval all over her face.

At the same time, someone was exiting the bathroom. “Oh look, it’s your turn” he casually remarked while leaving to go back to the party.

She stood there in stunned silence for a few moments.

“Yo! You gonna pee or not?!” the new person behind her exclaimed before shoving her aside when they received no response.


Hey ya’ll,

I have a couple of things to get of my chest so let’s get into it.

Someone asked me today if FIFLWM had a chance to be continued and it really had me reflect about my writing. My last update to that story was on January 23rd, 2020. It has been more than a year at this point. That’s a long ass time.

I’m not exactly sure what happened to my motivation. Maybe it was the fact that Chenry didn’t become canon or that the show is over or that a few main cast members are apparently Trump supporters. Idk, probably a combination of those things.

But I wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate everyone who has stuck with me on this journey. All the people who read and comment and reblog. Y’all are the real MVPs.

However, I know a big part of the writing culture is people only telling authors to continue or demand that they update without any additional comments. And that may seem nice to you because, “Oh I’m expressing how much I want to read another part.” Nah.

That’s not a compliment, it’s a command. And I don’t like that. You don’t run nothing over here. Though I appreciate that you want to read more from me, ya’ll don’t pay no bills of mine. This is free art.

Those comments aren’t sustainable. All it does is apply pressure to the wrong place. The right comments can be motivation and I would love to hear more from y’all about specific things that you liked about a chapter, how it made you feel, if you thought something was funny, etc. rather than you telling me to drop another part.

Regardless, I appreciate all the support I’ve received but I wanted to let y’all know that in the simplest terms possible. If all you have to say is “Update”, save it. It doesn’t make me want to open my notes and work on my story. It makes me annoyed.

Anyway, I feel like I’ve sufficiently said what needed to be said. This is my personal experience but I wouldn’t be surprised if other writers feel the same way.

Thank you for listening!

P.S. I plan to finish my WIPs. That was a promise I made to myself. No current timeline though.

Fall In Fake Love With Me

Hey everybody! I’ve been off of this story for a minute, huh? So sorry about the long time between updates on this but thanks to everyone who is still sticking around.The next chapter should definitely be up quicker than this one was. If you want to be tagged in my future posts, please let me know. Please leave feedback as well, it really keeps me motivated to write.

Tag List: @mychenrymadness@up-the-tube@heyimtavia@adorkable-blackgirl @henryhearts

Part 1Part 2 Part 3

Sitting in the car after Henry’s little door stunt was… awkward to say the least. Charlotte couldn’t stop thinking about what it meant. Or if it meant anything at all. Was Henry flirting with me just then? Or did he do that to prove a point that wedoneed to practice? Am I looking too hard into this? Ugh.

Sighing, Charlotte turned away from the window she was staring out of to glance over at her best friend. Henry was focused on the road while casually bobbing his head to the music softly playing on the radio. He was driving with his left hand while his right arm was draped over the center console.

Taking a deep breath Charlotte as casually as possible slid her hand under Henry’s, entwining their fingers. Without saying a word, he shot a glance in her direction before giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

Ok, that was natural enough. And I’m not even that uncomfortable despite the fact that Hen’s hand is kind of sweaty. See! We don’t need to practice. Or IS this considered practice since no one else is around? Am I still looking too hard into this? Ugh.

Charlotte was absentmindedly scrolling on her phone with her right hand while her left stayed comfortably nestled in Henry’s. She looked up randomly and noticed that they had passed the neighborhood where the party was being held.

“Uh, what are we doing?” Charlotte asks. “You missed your turn.”

Henry just looked over at her then smiled softly.

“That creepy smile wasn’t an answer to my question.”

Henry laughs slightly but still doesn’t answer her.

“Oh wow, it’s really happening huh? This is the night you finally kill me.”

“Yeah, all these years I’ve been lulling you into a false sense of security so that I could murder you. Even though I am LITERALLY a superhero.”


“I’m breaking up with you.”

Charlotte rolls her eyes in response but doesn’t say anything verbally. After driving for a few more minutes they arrived at their destination.

She almost forgot they were holding hands until he pulled his hand from hers when they arrived at their location.

“Chantel’s? What are we doing here?” Charlotte asks.

“WE are going on a date.”

She whips her head in his direction. “We’re doing what now?”

“I’m kidding, we’re just getting something to eat before the party. Relax.” Henry chuckles.

“You could’ve just said that.”

“Yeah but your reaction wouldn’t have been as fun” he says as he gets out of the car.

“Whatever. And we couldn’t go through a drive thru and eat in the car because…?” she counters as she also exits the vehicle.

“Well we could have but where’s the fun in that?

Charlotte rolls her eyes again but follows him towards the establishment.

“Plus I told Bianca that we already had dinner plans, remember?”

“Yeah why did you say that? I actually don’t mind Mastro’s.”

“Because” Henry opened the door to the semi-formal restaurant and gestured for her to go in. “Everyone is going to be at Mastro’s.”

“Exactly. Isn’t that what we want?”

“Not necessarily. Us being here will show exclusivity.”

“How’s that?” Charlotte wonders as they stand in line.

“We’ll be here. And although we could have hung out with everyone, we chose to be alone instead.”

“Sure…but I still don’t see the point of being here specifically, we could’ve just gone to Nacho Ball.”

“Yeah but Nacho Ball isn’t a good place to flex for the Gram.”

As he said that, they reached the hostess station. “Reservation for Hart please.”

After being seated in a booth they looked over the menu.

“Order something that will look good in photos” Henry urged.

“This isn’t like a super fancy restaurant but okay.”

“Yeah but it’s fancier than Mastro’s and that’s all that matters.”

“I guess.” Charlotte shrugged.

After ordering their meal and waiting for it to arrive, the two made small talk.

“So what’s the strategy for the party?” Charlotte inquires.

“Uhhhh? I was thinking that we could wing it.”

“Of course you were. Hmm. Why don’t we keep up this exclusivity thing? That way we don’t really have to interact with many people but they can still see us together.”

“I guess that could work. Sure.”

“Okay so when we get to the party let’s just find a corner to chill in for like an hour and then we can leave.”


At that moment, their waiter brought their food over. Charlotte picked up her silverware but Henry stopped her from taking a bite.

“Pics or it didn’t happen. Remember?”

“Oh yeah, what do you want me to do?”

“Just look at me and smile.”

“Simple enough.”

Charlotte smiled while Henry tries to make sure both her and the food were in frame.

Wow her teeth are perfect. Henry thought to himself.

“Got it.”

“Cool, let me see?”

“Yeah sure. Hold on, I’m just typing a caption.”

Charlotte takes a few bites of her dinner while she waits.

“Okay here” Henry says while passing her his phone.

On it she can see an in-progress Instagram post with the picture of her, which turned out great, and a caption that says ‘Prettiest girl in the Tri-State area’.

“Alright Doofenshmirtz, Tri-State area? Really?”

“I don’t know! I realized as I was writing it that I’ve never flexed for the Gram before.”

“Clearly. I haven’t either but saying that your “girlfriend” is pretty in only three states is definitely not it. How about this?” Charlotte asks she changes the caption on the photo and hands the phone back.

“Prettiest girl I know” Henry reads out loud. “Fax. Alright that works. And…posted.”

When Henry looks up from his phone Charlotte is staring at him incredulously.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Did you just say fax?”

“No printer. Why?”

“I’m the prettiest girl you know?”

“Objectively speaking, yes. 100%.”

“You can’t be objective about beauty. It is inherently SUBjective.”

“Suuuurrreee, Charlotte ‘PYT’ Page.”

Charlotte looked at him even more confused. “You know what? Let’s just move on. Should I post something of you?”

“Yeah but let’s not do the same type of photo. Ummmm…here” Henry says as he goes over to her side of the booth. “Scoot over.”

Charlotte obliges and then Henry throws an arm over her shoulder.

“Cheese” he says while taking her phone and snapping a photo of the two. Then he leans in and kisses her on the cheek for the second picture.

“Oh that’s perfect. We look goooooooood.”

Henry putters around for a few moments before handing her the phone back.

“My date is better than yours” Charlotte nods her head in approval. “Not bad Hart” she says while officially posting it online to her profile. When she exited out the app she notices that Henry also changed her phone screen background to the first picture they took.

“Really Henry?” She asks while turning the phone around so he could see what she was referring to.

“Yeah really. Real couples have each other on their lock screens, it’s a thing.”

“Ok well make it your lock screen too. Let me send it to you.”

“No need.”

“But you just said-“ she cuts herself off after Henry flips his phone towards her so she could see his background. It’s the picture of her upside down on the ManCave couch. The snapshot he took on the day this whole fake dating thing started.

“Okay then” she concedes.

They continued their dinner in relative silence but it was a comfortable quiet. The stifling air from earlier in the night had completely dissipated.

Once finished, Henry paid for their meal and they left Chantel’s hand in hand.

Fall In Fake Love With Me

Part 1Part 2 Part 3

As soon as they entered the courtyard with interlocked fingers, their classmates started whispering furiously.

“I knew I would regret this” Charlotte says as she and Henry walk into the school hand in hand.

Well this will be all over campus in seconds. Charlotte thought exasperatedly.

“Lighten up Char, you gotta live a little.”

“I’m as light as I can get right now Henry.” Char grumbles.

Henry picks up Charlotte unexpectedly causing her to let out a small squeal.

“I don’t know, you feel kind of heavy to me” he jokes.

Charlotte scoffs in annoyance and rolls her eyes, “Put me down.”

“What was that? Hm? Take you to your locker? Okay BABE.”

As Henry walked towards their lockers carrying Charlotte, several of their classmates congratulated them on their relationship and told them that they made a cute couple. Charlotte thinks that she even saw Dylan from yearbook snap a photo of them. 

Upon arrival, Henry places Charlotte back on her feet.

“Gosh, you are so annoying” she gripes.

Before Henry could reply Oliver and Sidney walked up to them while bickering.

“Well you owe me twenty bucks” said Oliver.

“Not until we know for sure” Sidney replies.

“You said during summer break. We are clearly back at school, which means that I won.”

“Yeah but we don’t know if they originally got together in the summer but are just now showcasing it.”

“Whatever, let’s find out.”

“Hey Charlotte, Henry. How are you guys doing today?” Sidney asks politely.

“Ugh cut to the chase dude.” Oliver turned to the couple. “So when did this happen?” he asks as he makes vague a hand gesture in front of them.

Charlotte and Henry glanced at each other and proceeded to have a conversation through eye contact and eyebrow raises.

“See! They definitely got together during summer. They’re doing the whole couple silent communication thing!” Sidney exclaims.

“They could do that before! They were weirdly close.” Oliver counters.

“Oh yeah, that’s true. What if they’ve been dating for years?”

“What if they are actually engaged and are just now deciding to let the world know?”

“Charlotte does have a band on her left ring finger.”

Charlotte twists the invisibility ring off and transfers it to her right hand.

“Why did she just move the ring? Oh. My. God. What if they are already MARRIED?”

“Why weren’t we invited to the wedding?” Sidney and Oliver ask simultaneously.

“Wow that spiraled SO fast.” Henry says.

“Guys! Guys! Calm down. Number One, you weren’t invited to the wedding because there WAS no wedding and Number Two, we started dating this summer.”

“I told ya! Pay up buddy” Sidney triumphantly exclaims to Oliver.

Oliver groaned while pulling out his wallet as they walk away.

“Wow, those guys are something else.” Henry states with a chuckle.

“Ugh I know, and class hasn’t even started yet.” Charlotte said while leaning her forehead on her locker.

“Hey, look at me.” Henry prodded while grabbing her hand to turn her in his direction and gently lifted her chin with his index finger. “We got this ok? It’s the same old me and you, just slightly more touchy feely. Easy.”

“Yeah easy for you to say, I’ve never had a real boyfriend remember? And physical touch is NOT my love language.” Char responded.

He placed both his hands on her shoulders while bending down slightly to at look from under his lashes. “That’s why you have me. Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.”

Charlotte snorted, “Well that’s new.”


“Me following your lead. You usually follow mine.”

“True, but this time I’m the expert.            

“Okay EXPERT, what are our next steps?”

“Uhhhhhhhhh…….” Henry stammers while opening his locker.

“And this is why you usually follow my lead” she mumbles under her breath.

“Walk me to class” Charlotte says while strutting away.

“Yeah, sure” he stated as he got his last book from his locker and turned around to see his friend halfway down the hall.

“Char, wait up! Babe! Babe!” Henry yells while chasing after her.

Everyone had believed their act with no problem. Jasper even told them that it was only a “matter of time” before they got back together. Several classmates had also told them that they had been “shipping it” for years.

Henry had been walking Charlotte to class all week long. Which in itself wasn’t unusual but now they were either holding hands or touching in some way.

Everthing had been going according to plan and now it was Friday night and the pair had just arrived to the football game at their school.

“Alright, so you know the plan?” Henry asks Charlotte before they get out of his car.

“Yep, we go into this football game and act like a couple directly in front of Bianca. Simple enough.”

“Perfect, let’s go.”

As they walked towards the entrance Henry slung his arm over Charlotte’s shoulder because he saw the cheerleaders headed out of the locker room.

She looked up at him curiously and he just tilted his head in their direction. Subtly looking over her shoulder she spotted Bianca who had also saw them and was making her way over.

“Hi Henry.”

“Heeyyyy Bianca, funny seeing you here.”

“I cheer now so I’m at all the games.”

“Really? I didn’t know!” Henry states in a high tone of voice.

Charlotte elbows him in the stomach and he clears his throat. “That’s cool.”

“Yeah… it is” she responds, eyeing him curiously. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Well since it’s the Regional Championship, I convinced Charlotte to come show some school spirit with me for once.”

“It’s the biggest home game we’ll have this year so I decided to support. Plus I just can’t say no to my…love muffin here” Charlotte says while internally cringing.

“How cute.” Bianca stated sarcastically. “So Henry, after the game a bunch of us are going to Mastro’s for pizza. Then after we’re gonna go to Chase’s house for a kickback. You’re welcome to come.”

“Well Char and I already have dinner plans but we might stop through Chase’s for a bit.” Henry countered.

“Oh it looks like your friends are calling you Bianca” Charlotte points out.

Bianca looks behind her to see her fellow cheerleaders gesturing for her to come on.

“Right. See you later?” she asks Henry.

“Maybe” he replies.

“Break a leg!” Charlotte says and gives her a fluttering wave in dismissal as she connects her hand with Henry’s that is still dangling over her shoulder.

Bianca tracks the movement with her eyes before giving a closed mouth smile and jogging back over to her friends.

Henry and Charlotte decided to find seats in the bleachers directly in front of where the cheerleaders were set up. They could feel Bianca’s eyes on them almost constantly. She was staring them down, so the pressure was on to be a convincing couple.

Throughout the entire football game, Charlotte was putting forth great effort to be more comfortable with the new physical aspect of their friendship. Henry would perform small gestures to keep up the act. She tried not to flinch.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, he warmed up her cold hands between his and he even whispered in her ear occasionally. He was just telling her about what was happening in the football game but Bianca didn’t know that.

Henry had his arm over Charlotte’s shoulder and she was leaning into his side pretty much all night. Although Henry wasn’t sure if it was for pretenses or if it was because it was cold outside.

When Char felt Bianca’s gaze on them for a particularly long moment towards the end of the game, she built up the confidence to give Henry a lingering kiss on the cheek. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Bianca cross her arms over her chest in response.

She makes it too easy. Charlotte thought as she snickered under her breath.

After the game they were exiting the bleachers and walking back to Henry’s car. Their football team had won the game so the two decided that going to the party later would be a good idea to get more exposure for their “relationship”.

“Wow that was great! She looked so angry after that kiss! And you said that touch wasn’t your love language” Henry bumps her shoulder with his playfully as they walk through the gate.

“It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Granted, it was still uncomfortable but I’m a fast learner. I’ll get used to it.”

Reaching Henry’s car he goes to the passenger door to open it for Charlotte. Before she could enter, he lightly grabs her hand and says, “Maybe you just need to practice?”

“Practice? How do you propose we do that?”

Dropping her hand, he steps into the enclosed space between her body and the open car door. “I just mean, maybe you need more experience with the closeness so you don’t feel so awkward.”

“I think I’m doing okay”

“Really?” Henry says while placing both his hands on either side of her head and stepping even closer. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure” Charlotte squeaks out before ducking under his arm and getting in the car. He chuckles and closes her door before walking around to his side.

This is going to be a long night. Henry thought to himself.
