

Cute lil short #wakenbake #bongrips #morning #girlswhosmoke #yeaaah

#bongrips    #girlswhosmoke    #wakenbake    #yeaaah    #morning    

account inactivity notice

As some of you may or may not have noticed, I am no longer posting a lot on this blog. I haven’t been steady with uploads for a few months and I think I’ve been in denial about the fact that I don’t feel as inclined to share my writing on here as I once used to. Long story short: I just do not feel secure in posting my work without being protected by copyright laws. Tumblr has been an enlightening experience, and I genuinely appreciate everyone who supported me, reblogged my poetry, sent me nice asks or even just a message ever so often asking me how I’m doing. It means a lot to me that so many of you have found my writing inspiring, and that it’s helped you in some little form or another. The instant gratification I received from maintaining this blog however, feels counterproductive at best. Not to mention the plagiarism. I don’t want to go into the visceral nitty gritty details, but ever since I started this blog I’ve had, on more than one occasion, been informed of people stealing my writing, claiming it as their own and even going so far as to attempt to steal my creative identity—all of which, as you might imagine, left me feeling extremely bad, and at a complete and utter loss of what to do. It was extremely demotivating to find that people were taking advantage of the fact that I post my poetry here on the internet for free and reading it as a free-for-all for anyone to exploit. Other than that, I have found that tumblr is just no longer somewhere I feel confident in displaying my writing. I’m currently looking to start my own independent website/blog, publish a chapbook, and hopefully finally dip a toe into the professional world. I want to be taken seriously as a writer, and that means putting my writing out there—outside of this small corner of the internet. I’d also like to start sending a lot of my poems out to literary magazines and such, all of which consider posting my writing on tumblr as a form of publication in itself—rendering said poems incapable of being posted elsewhere. In light of all this, I have decided that I will be going on permanent hiatus from this particular blog. I will probably keep most of my old writing up, as there is nothing I can do about poems that have already been reblogged, and I do not plan on deleting this blog. That said, outside of the occasional excerpt or ‘internet rendition’ of a project I’m working on and hopefully advertising my book at some point, I do not see myself using this account anymore. I will make sure to hop on every now and again to let you know where to find me, and I might reopen applications for Bruised Peach Society (a startup poetry group where I will eventually be posting some of my works, along with the works of fellow members). I think this is the best step for both my mental health + my career, and even though I’m going to miss being active on here, I hope you understand why I’m taking this decision. It’s a difficult one to make, but I believe that it might be time to move on. Thank you again, if you’ve ever supported me and my writing. It means more than you know. (p.s I will be deleting a few poems I might want to use elsewhere, but the majority of them will probably still stay up).


the reason the forgers haven’t discovered each other’s covers yet is because they both have not idea what constitutes a regular person


For real, this scene in pokemon Diamond and Pearl was really important and was an emotional breaking point for Barry. Where Jupiter defeats Barry and calls him laughably weak, that’s when Barry learns that it’s not just about pokemon strength but he also has to be stronger, both him and his pokemon. This scene is so big but it’s so hard to actually see and portray the emotions of it with the game since it’s just pixels. But I am super excited to see what they do both in the Sinnoh Remakes and Pokemon Evolution


Very Late Happy Birthday @anisaanisa

Here’s the art to go along with the story @fawn-eyed-girl wrote for you; I Can’t See You in the Darkness Hope you enjoy it 

Anyways, You’re such a cool and awesome person and I’m so lucky to know you Thanks for everything you do, and hope you had a super fantastic birthday!!


unrequited love when Sam is the one pining is just not classy

Yeah, I simply cannot read 5000 words of Sam pining over Bucky. It’s unrealistic. It’s literally traumatizing. It’s - honestly, it’s gross lol



Made some keychains ! Here is the link if interested!

I got one a while back, can confirm boopable

Matcha Penguin - Down Time

Matcha Penguin - Down Time

Post link


Me: god I wish I had good ideas

Me: *gets a good idea* wow! Thats… a lot of work
