#yeah i think so too



A screenshot of the official transcript of TMA episode 142. It reads: So... Look, I’m packing up, all done and, and I just, I just sorta turn, you know, just, just to check if he’s still there and he is standing right behind—Like, like a few inches from my face. Look, it’s messed up! And I start to ask him, you know, what the hell, man, you know? Like—But he just starts talking. Slowly. But real intense. He says, he works here, at the, the Magnus Institute, and I say, what even is that and he says, he wants my story. He says he needs to hear what happened to me. And I—I want to tell him to j-j-just go away. I want to, to, to kick him and run. But I—(long sigh) I sit down. And I start to tell him everything."

I believe I said something to this affect in some tags ages ago, but I absolutely think jon giving jess tyrell the name of his workplace was a deliberate attempt at getting caught. parsing some timeline stuff, he took his first three victims in the first three weeks he was out of hospital, but then jess was his first after two months of nothing. I think he tried to stop, realized he couldn’t keep it up, so (maybe subconsciously) set a trap for himself while also making sure he’d be on a boat to norway for the immediate fallout.

IDK if any of you watch This Is Us (my weekly scheduled cathartic cry) but the finale is next week and I have to say while I’m really happy with how it’s wrapping up, the writers will never ever convince me that Kophie happened. They can pry Kevison endgame from my cold dead hands and even then I will not let go 
