#yeah yeah ♥





the way gerard talked about laura jane grace during the hesitant tour that one time was so healing idk. hearing them speak about dysphoria and transness with identification but reverence most of all was like an emotional salve.

i’m never gonna genuinely try and label them as anything they haven’t said - i even say nonbinary with a grain of salt since all we know are their pronouns and not their identity - but hearing a celebrity we’ve grown up with get onstage and speak about their intimate struggle with gender and how learning about dysphoria helped heal them and how much they identify with transfems directly into a mic to a venue with thousands of people really shifted the axis for me. it doesn’t matter what they identify as, and we are not at liberty to know unless they choose to tell us, but seeing someone like that say ‘not only do i support you, but i understand you. i am in your corner’ means more than i can explain

gerard’s audience being trans kids largely inspired to explore their gender BY gerard himself and his fluid presentation throughout mcr getting to see gerard get onstage and say ‘i love you and i love the journey you’re taking. i feel what you feel’. like
