


Allamorine: A term for alterhumans that love other alterhumans, exclusively or not. Can also be written as Ah4Ah, alt4alt, ahlah, altlalt, etc.

This may be used as a term for those who describe general attraction towards other alterhumans as an alterhuman individual, or it may be for those who prefer dating other alterhumans for safety, comfort, or other reasons. This term may or may not be exclusive, similar to things like sapphic, achillean, t4t, bi4bi, etc.

The symbol comes from two intersected alterhuman symbols, while the flag itself is heavily inspired by this alterhuman flag. “Allamorine” comes from the Greek word άλλα(meaning “other”) and the suffix -morine.

This term is inclusive of allalterhumans, regardless of the label(s) they use. It may be an “umbrella” for more specific terms, like kin-loving-kin or constel-loving-constel. “Alterhuman” can be replaced with something like alterbeing if you’d like.
