#yes to all

kim-beurre-lait:I wanted something different for my christmas tree, this year :) 


I wanted something different for my christmas tree, this year :) 

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  • scully becomes two whole feet taller and no explanation is offered as to why
  • the writer’s room consists of 13 women and one genderless and non-human entity plucked straight from a bog in louisiana
  • at some point within the series fox mulder must disarm some kind of highly destructive device by learning how to use the service known as venmo
  • agent doggett returns with an elderly black labrador companion who adds nothing to the plot but who becomes scully’s new friend
  • monica reyes is free and also so so gay
  • scully is or is not wearing a wig but regardlessly her hair is a light shade of lavender
  • mulder develops a liking for strange hats
  • scully purchases a prius with a built-in navigation system
  • we see at least one cooking disaster. at least one
  • mulder starts a group text with his cryptid friends but unfortunately the mothman has an android while everyone else has iphones so they can’t all just imessage
  • william is there and throughout the series he only wears salmon-colored shorts
  • chris carter makes a cameo as Old Man Yells At Cloud
  • rob bowman directs again
  • scully is given an opportunity to subdue many evil spirits but only through her singing voice, and as a result, mulder must pester her into singing while she insists that she absolutely will not
  • more bigfoot titties
  • scully gifts mulder an ugly tie for his birthday, complete with a note that says “just like old times!” and for the rest of the episode mulder weeps, as does the audience, while clutching it
  • at least once per episode mulder must call “dagOO?
  • mulder and scully have a dinner party and it goes horribly
  • an investigation is derailed by an inability to understand teen lingo
  • mulder wears the darkness falls jacket and no explanation is offered as to why, especially given that it’s summer
  • agent einstein and agent miller disappear. mulder considers deeming it an x-file but scully says don’t bother
  • we watch mulder and scully sweatily garden for no plot purpose whatsoever even though we all know that’s going to be the best part of the whole episode
  • it has an actual real ending that isn’t fake 
  • skinner decides to brighten up his office by placing a fun unicorn poster over the picture of the president



Able bodied parents I’m begging you to teach your kids about disabled people. Not just because they could become disabled themselves one day but also because even if they don’t, they have a very real chance of being rude to us if you don’t teach them.

Yes, kids just say shit. They have no filter. That doesn’t make it any less humiliating when your child sits near me on the bus and incessantly grills me on why I have a stick when I’m not old. Or laughs at us for things our disability causes. It doesn’t take away the hurt when they bully a disabled classmate. For a large part these things could be avoided if you just taught your kids to respect us. It’s really not that hard.

A yellow image with black text that reads 'ablebodied people can reblog but dont add anything'. To the left of the text is a black silhouette of a wheelchair user and to the right is a black silhouette of a person with a cane.

[Image Description: A yellow banner with the text “ablebodied people can reblog but dont add anything”. On the left there is a stick figure of a person in a wheelchair, and on the right there is a stick figure of a person holding a cane.]

astrolavas:flapjack my beloved


flapjack my beloved

Post link





My fav Saezuru scene

CW: violence , suicidal thoughts , blood ,

(Please tell me if there’s any warning i need to add)


Really want to get this out of my system and talking to myself wasn’t enough wwww so its just a messy rambling about my fav scene (so far) from the legendary series by yoneda kou sensei, saezuru tori wa habatakanai

It’s….. Actually not a happy—rather, a grim one—but somehow it stuck to me. My fav scene is when yashiro beat the shit out of hirata after he shot doumeki….. Yeah……

Okay but to my defense it’s the yashiro who lost control over his body what makes this scene so special to me. YK sensei had been portraying yashiro as someone who’s composed, cool headed, and always under control—yes even when he’s being banged and got all those treatments during sex, i feel like its still something that he has an upper hands in.

Not to mention, he was ready to die in hirata’s hands, it feels like even he has the control over his own death.

But his eyes when he saw doumeki received a bullet….

Pure horror, and just one panel ago his eyes were lifeless. It gives me goosebumps.


And finally, he lost his shit. He lost his control over his body.

It feels like his head blaring a deafening alarm of “He just shot doumeki, and i need to kill him” Over and over again. He lost his composure and just let his body and instinct took over him. There’s even no joy when he beat hirata—like the way he did with one of the hirata’s ex-cleaners—its pure hatred, anger, and horror.

And i think its… Beautiful. Because it adds layers to his character and a touch of human in him. Because it shows us how complex yashiro is. Because even the great young kashira can lose himself when the trigger is pulled. And last but not least, it shows us how important doumeki is to yashiro for him to lose himself.

Gosh i really love YK sensei, she’s a genius.


My abstract thoughts about this scene are more obscure and since English isnt my first language i cant really put it into words the way some of you did, but at least i tried lol.

Thanks for reading my nonsense rambling, do tell me if you know a way to convince YK sensei to give DouShiro a godamn happy ending they deserved.

Yashiro’s horror-struck eyes when he sees that Doumeki was shot is also one of my favorite panels. Bc it just goes to show how he wasn’t lying in chapt 23 “I’m afraid of what it will do to me if I loose you” . It’s so satisfyingly sad? He genuinely thought D had died

Reblogging this panel bc and I just read @cosmicjoke interpretations of this scene which made me and love it even more.

I love that in that moment, Yashiro found a reason to live. If for nothing more than to put that mother fucker in his grave, and to acknowledge that what Doumeki did was more than anyone ever had, and more than he ever expected from anyone.





Brad Colbert’s smirk of mild amusement. Like if you agree

Brad Colbert’s wink as he casually peers into the scope of his weapon. Like if you agree

Brad Colbert’s back tattoo. Like if you agree

Dad Colbert™️


Things I never would have guessed from fandom osmosis before actually playing the Dragon Age games:

-Alistair is actually pretty smart, and has a lot of knoweledge to share about the topics he’s interested about.

He’s also not that shy, and flirts with a warden pretty smoothly, if a bit innocently for his lack of experience and general humorous persona.

And his primary motivator is revenge which is an interesting way to take a character like him.

-Zevran is the only character who actively searches for consent even in simple flirting like calling someone beautiful. If you tell him to stop he never makes a mention again.

He’s also one of the most loyal and sentimental companions you can have. He cares a lot, want to admit it or not.

-Merrill is one of the most educated and smart characters on the series, she takes calculated risks based on her own studies and research, and the only reasons she fails is because nobody trusts her and refuses to treat her like an adult.

Part of it is also the game refusing to frame her as anything but a naive child when she’s anything but.

-Isabela has the most emotional intelligence out of all the characters in DA2, she knows exactly what they’re feeling and what they need to hear at all times. It’s clear that she’s wise and worldly, and just needs time to build confidence between her and the others because she’s been hurt a lot and her respect is gained.

-Fenris has an amazing sense of humor and you can find him consistently laughing at both Hawke’s and companions he likes silly jokes. He’s just really deadpan when delivering his own jokes.

He’s also considerably patient and doesn’t lose his temper unless confronted with people who have actively abused him.

-Anders spent SEVEN YEARS protesting peacfully, and it took the risk of genocide on his people to reach the desperation of act 3.

-Dorian is incredibly reserved. He tries to avoid talking about his life with a veil of humor and sarcasm, but he’s specially guarded around his sexuality and love life. He only comes out to the Inquisitor in a moment of fury to piss of his father and he may have not done so if not pressed.

If in a romance with Bull the only reason the others find out is because Bull exposes it in front of everyone (I wish they would have find out a better way to let the player find out than Bull ignoring Dorian’s wishes of privacy)

If romanced by the Inquisitor he’s in his first real relationship and it shows, he’s lost most of the time but tries to hide it by acting cocky. It’s really funny.

He’s also a huge nerd, I wasn’t expecting that but I was pleasantly surprised.

-The Iron Bull it’s not just smart, he’s so caring, he shows you around so you can meet the people, the ones nobody cares about, he introduces you to them.

-Sera also goes to the pile of characters who are really smart and nobody gives them credit for it. She says it herself, she’s just really bad with words, but as long as you try to understand her she makes a lot of sense.

The game just gives you no other option than to treat her horribly, which I sense a pattern of framing the neurodivergent coded characters in a certain light with Merrill and Anders.

-Vivienne is the only one (with Dorian) that asks the Inquisitor if they’re okay after Haven, and gives beautiful words of afirmation.

She’s really affable if you bother to befriend her.
