#yes yes yes yes yes yes

grendel-menz:they both had a long day


they both had a long day

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marhvee:simply cannot wait to see them be so insufferably down bad for one another


simply cannot wait to see them be so insufferably down bad for one another

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I don’t care what the lore says and what the story says. I want the Kaslana sister Trio. It’s just so cute

I want Herrscher of the void to get her own body cause with The Whole thing kiana talking about how both Her and HoV are two sides of Sirin wishes, the one where she wanted to be a normal girl and feel Cecilia’s warmth again etc. and Her other wish where she wants like humanity to pay and to lay her revenge.

with the whole Kiana Versus HoV, That whole “There’s no way for us to coexist part” I want kiana going “but why don’t we exist separately?”

But Imagine Kiana Taking the Void core during her HoF transformation so HoV is incredibly weakend.

Of course when HoV gets her own body and HoF happends, HoV will have to be on Quarantine and stuff etc. she gets her own body and goes through rehabilitation or something like that of course this would be perfect for angst moments. Some rough patches won’t be fixed some of the other characters might not agree with what kiana (and maybe Theresa because she feels guilty for Sirin ) is trying to achieve, maybe bronya.

While some I could see try and help like Fu hua and Seele.

Maybe HoV tries to figure out her own name and identity maybe cuts her hair. There’s so many angst ideas too use with her. Maybe Fu hua tries To teach her some techniques or what not since her Herrscher powers are incredibly weak, Cue maybe Seele/ Dark Seele(or Veliona) wanting to show her how to use a scythe.

You know that summer battle suit HoS has where she beats the opponents with a shark plushie continuously, imagine that but with HoV and a Scythe.

Kiana and HoV slowly develop a sisterly relationship like:

Kiana: *slowly try’s to Hug HoV*

HoV: What are you doing insect?

Kiana: trying to give you sisterly affection?..

HoV: Disgusting…

Kiana: q ^ q

HoV: …Fine, but only for 4-5 seconds…

Kiana: 45 Seconds!?

HoV: What?! No!

Kiana: Too Late!!

And When Bianca Discovers she’s the Original Kiana? Oh she immediately just goes into big sister mode for these two. I mean she already kinda was I think but now it’s tripled, quadrupled if you will.

Bianca: I’ve only been Their big sister for a few hours but if anything were to happened to these two I’m causing another eruption.

Kiana: * Happy tuna*

HoV: I have literally committed several inexcusable crimes to humanity but go off

This is so unrealistic and won’t ever make sense but like let me imagine bro

sisterjude: orphan black → racebent fancastingfreema agyeman as the clone club alfie enoch as felisisterjude: orphan black → racebent fancastingfreema agyeman as the clone club alfie enoch as felisisterjude: orphan black → racebent fancastingfreema agyeman as the clone club alfie enoch as felisisterjude: orphan black → racebent fancastingfreema agyeman as the clone club alfie enoch as felisisterjude: orphan black → racebent fancastingfreema agyeman as the clone club alfie enoch as felisisterjude: orphan black → racebent fancastingfreema agyeman as the clone club alfie enoch as felisisterjude: orphan black → racebent fancastingfreema agyeman as the clone club alfie enoch as felisisterjude: orphan black → racebent fancastingfreema agyeman as the clone club alfie enoch as feli


 orphan black → racebent fancasting

freema agyeman as the clone club 
alfie enoch as felix
gina torres as mrs. s
rinko kikuchi as delphine
bob morley as paul

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a c i d r a i n



thinking about romcom break-up beats. thinking about romcom Let’s Go Get Our Damn Men Back beats. thinking about heath ledger’s marching band can’t take my eyes off of you, a big public declaration mid-film, versus buying her the guitar at the end of the film - an expression of yeah, i see you. thinking about mark darcy telling bridget jones that he likes her just as she is, buying her a fresh diary for a new start. thinking about julia roberts being just a girl standing in front of a boy, and hugh grant chasing julia roberts across london, standing up in front of a crowd to ask her forgiveness, to ask her to stay. thinking about julia roberts discovering how she likes her eggs and admitting she’s been trying to be the person everyone wants her to be, asking richard gere to love her as the person she is, turning in her running shoes. 

thinking about how these beats go, so often, as can you see me now? and fumbling for the answer.thinking about stede failing to see ed beyond the shaved beard and the folded socks, failing to see his choices as being freely made, and about ed failing to see stede’s hesitations. thinking about it’s rotten work / not if it’s you. thinking about miscommunications. thinking about fear of becoming our past. thinking about his name is ed not just as a confession but also a realization - the reconciliation of all of his various pieces and parts and how love does not tear him apart but rather takes him as a whole, unifies all these personas into one man and the same he’s always been: ed, watching over stede, reaching out to shake his hand the first time.    

thinking about these dramatic theatre kids and their fuckeries. thinking about the 1717 pirate equivalent of holding a boom box over your head. thinking about the 171 pirate equivalent of riding a horse into their wedding to stop them making a mistake. of chasing them through the airport. of meeting them at sunrise, through the fog, to try one last time. thinking about listing everything you know and love about them, and saying, when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible

i’m thinking about stede chasing ed across the sea, trying to get his damn man back. stede, putting on fuckeries, using his theatrical chops, trying to make a declaration, trying to catch ed’s attention, trying to get him to forgive him. i’m thinking about ed turning away from all this, from everything that wants too much from him, from everything that looks like it might appeal to blackbeard, to the kraken, to calico jack. i’m thinking about stede trying and failing.

and then i’m thinking about stede, learning more and more about ed as a person. about ed, as a whole. thinking about stede adjusting his approach. 

about stede being able, finally, to quietly say, i see you now. and i’m still here. 

what i’m saying is, i want to see stede do the marching band bullshit and turning around and realizing ed’s already left. i want stede with a boombox over his head and ed closing the window on him. i want stede to try and fail and then for stede to realize it’s not about the declaration itself, it’s about seeing ed for who he is and learning how best to love him for him, not for the performance of him or the persona of him. just him.

he wants to be just ed. 

stede has to learn how to love him that way. 


i forgot i can do Minecraft skins

so i did Emmet uwu


WHAT is it with Tolkien’s words and poems expressing such profound sorrow in their simplicity? Like “an end was come of the Eldar of story and of song” makes me go absolutely nuts with crying.

That gentle acknowledgement that grief and decline is natural, it’s ordained, and must be accepted… the beauty of autumn and winter is somehow encapsulated in that phrase… the beauty even in tragedy and eventuality because of all the love poured into what is fading away, and a gentle rebuke for the emptiness it is leaving behind… help…

“I will not say the day is done/ Nor bid the stars farewell”

okay this is the purest expression of courageous hope but then you have its nemesis

Into darkness fell his star/In Mordor where the shadows are”

like sir you evoked sorrow and terror like I’ve never experienced before with two lines.

Just that undercurrent of High Fantasy, of nobility and dignity that does not bend though it breaks… it’s not just because of the antiquated language used, it’s about that appeal to the best in Men’s hearts to recognise this exquisite emotion without any overly flowery words? Idk man.

I’ve taken the quotes imprinted on my mind, there are probably hundreds more that capture what I’m trying to describe, tell me your favourite ones

This is LITERALLY so well said! YES YES YES!!! It’s something about the way Tolkien uses simple language that seems to sharpen the sadness to a razor point and makes it that much more painful. It reminds me of C.S. Lewis’ description of LOTR: “Here are beauties which pierce like swords or burn like cold iron. Here is a book which will break your heart.”

Another example of this is Galadriel’s song of Eldamar:

But if of ships I now should sing, what ship would come to me,
What ship would bear me ever back across so wide a Sea?

It’s phrased in such a simple way and it utterly breaks my heart.

The Song of Durin is also full of lines like this:

The world was fair, the mountains tall,
In Elder Days before the fall
Of mighty kings in Nargothrond
And Gondolin, who now beyond
The Western Seas have passed away:
The world was fair in Durin’s Day.

The way he phrases this is literally SO POWERFUL. There’s this sense of longing for a time gone by, but also the inevitability of change and the passage of time and the fading away of older civilizations.

And this is one of the best ones:

But neither the Sun nor the Moon can recall the light that was of old, that came from the Trees before they were touched by the poison of Ungoliant. That light lives now in the Silmarils alone.

I literally get chills every time I read this! The sheer finality of that light lives now in the Silmarils alone. It breaks my heart because we know how beautiful the Sun and Moon are, but even they cannot recall the light that was of old! That’s devastating! 

This was the Noontide of the Blessed Realm, the fullness of its glory and its bliss, long in tale of years, but in memory too brief.

This is heartbreaking. And he did it again with in memory too brief being a short phrase that adds such weight and finality. 

And then there’s this quote, which gets me every time:

Long before, in the bliss of Valinor, before Melkor was unchained, or lies came between them, Fingon had been close in friendship with Maedhros; and though he knew not yet that Maedhros had not forgotten him at the burning of the ships, the thought of their ancient friendship stung his heart.

It’s such a beautiful quote and it’s been imprinted on my memory forever. 


Then in the plain of Anfauglith, on the fourth day of the war, there began Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Unnumbered Tears, for no song or tale can contain all its grief.

That’s literally SO painful to read.


Then Thorondor bore up Glorfindel’s body out of the abyss, and they buried him in a mound of stones beside the pass; and a green turf came there, and yellow flowers bloomed upon it amid the barrenness of stone, until the world was changed.


And this is one of the most painful things I have ever read:

But to Sam the evening deepened to darkness as he stood at the Haven; and as he looked at the grey sea he saw only a shadow in the waters that was soon lost in the West. There he stood far into the night, hearing only the sigh and murmur of the waves on the shores of Middle-earth, and the sound of them sank deep into his heart.


The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.
