#yessss i need more content about laurents boots

semesadique:Third artist to thank from the Ycon7 in Paris last week-end: @ junie-junette ♥They saved


Third artist to thank from the Ycon7 in Paris last week-end: @ junie-junette ♥

They saved me from the terrible enemy of my life: the choice.

That was again so unexpected but that made my day at the very end of the convention♥ I keep this gift preciously (and admire it too much haha) Thank you so much!!

And SERIOUSLY, their art of Captive Prince is sooo perfect! Plus there are very few artists that draw this fandom and even less of them are french! (so that I can buy their art ehe)

Any Captive Prince fan here? Then go there now!! >> http://junie-junette.tumblr.com/

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