



There’s something truly exquisite about stories where the real tragedy is the price you paid to stand on top of the world

Hollow victories … sacrificing your humanity on the altar of what you perceive to be the greater good … the loneliness of godhood … regret for the person you used to be … the realisation that there is no way back … *chef’s kiss*

thesiltverses:And we’re back! Season 2, Chapter 1 of The Silt Verses can now be found on all good po


And we’re back! 

Season 2, Chapter 1 of The Silt Verses can now be found on all good podcasting platforms everywhere. We can’t wait for you to listen

Content warning: This episode contains references to war, gunfire, one extended scene of mass murder including presumed infanticide, bodily transformation.

We meet Mercer and Gage - a pair of god-hunters and mercenaries, in the employ of the Peninsulan Government. Meanwhile, a young prophet unexpectedly returns home to his people.

Featuring: Daphne Nitsuga, JV Hampton Van-Sant, Sarah Griffin, Jamie Stewart, B. Narr and Daisy Bilenkin.

Episode transcript: https://www.thesiltverses.com/transcript-season-2-chapter-1

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i am rotating him in my mind like a rotisserie chicken

sunnyspeakers:wanted to draw orcaaaa .. her friends call her killer whale >:]


wanted to draw orcaaaa .. her friends call her killer whale >:]

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Lowkey miss Jensen’s bandana around the neck phase


look all i’m saying is i want to see the first order going on shore leave like in star trek, having whacky episodic adventures on beautiful, heavily saturated planets, flirting with the aliens, idk i just think it would be neat


as the world caves in

Prologue/Chapter 1 • Series Masterlist

Summary: ' , .

WC: 615 (kinda short. oh well)

Warnings:mentions of child abuse/neglect, survivors guilt, kinda angsty

Growing up, you didn’t quite understand the divide in the house. You didn’t understand why mom cried or turned you away. Why did Natsuo give Touya the cold shoulder when he got upset? Why couldn’t you play with Shoto?

Keep reading


girls don’t want sims 5 girls want remastered sims 2


Spirals in ancient cultures (part 3). From left to the right, from top to bottom: Maya, Mexico - Sedona, Arizona - Maya, Mexico - Jomon, Japan - Hohokam, Tuscon, Arizona - Jomon, Japan - Viking, Oseberg, Norway - Etruscan, Italy - Viking, Oseberg, Norway


Gal Gadot as Linnet Ridgeway is such a blatant miscasting that I struggle to comprehend how that decision was even made.

saishoguu: Happy Birthday @bug-friend !Thanks for being a cool DM and an even cooler friend! 


Happy Birthday @bug-friend!
Thanks for being a cool DM and an even cooler friend! 

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kinda tired of how yakuza characters all have like the same boring body just with slight tweaks in proportions so here are some body & eating/exercise headcanons for a few characters.

  • kiryu is probably the closest in my head to how he looks in canon, with the caveat that when he gets ‘out of shape’ in between games, he does actually lose some muscle tone. when hes in his most muscled form during the stressful main events of each game, he really does look LikeThatTM, but he doesn’t really do it on purpose. he just… drinks too many energy drinks and not enough water. kiryu youre dehydrated please take care of yourself kiryu please. also he eats stupid nonsense but somehow still has a hollywood-style body. his arms are SO good. has forgotten to eat vegetables for a whole month before. he has several gunshot-wound scars and also scars from the torture and the abdominal stabbings. [if anyone wants to go through the history and make a ‘map’ of the places on kiryu’s body where he would have scars, that would be amazing. i plan to do it myself but probaly wont have time for a few years.]
  • nishiki is a bit vain about his body. so hes the Health Conscious One [canon, y0 intro scene]. he doesnt diet exactly and hes always happy to eat a huge delicious meal while out on the town, but on his own he tries to make really balanced meals and stuff. his exercise regimen is second only to his haircare routine. he follows it strictly, but it’s nothing too intense. like kiryu, he’s pretty naturally good at being muscly and toned. hes never as bulky as kiryu though.
  • nishida is a small guy. stronger than he looks, but not shredded at all, hes just a normal pretty strong guy. loses weight in times of higher stress than usual (i.e. 100000 instead of 10000 stress, which is nishida’s daily level). tattoo is a Buddha and lotus flowers.
  • majima really freaking cares what he looks like. hes starved-shredded and hed do it on purpose if he had to, he wants to look ripped. he eats like garbage [canon, kiwami smile burger majima everywhere event] or just forgets to eat even though hes hungry. really disorganized and a mess but he looks good??? I guess????? hes passed out before possibly from eating only staminams for two weeks straight malnutrition, but it’s hard to say for sure what the cause was because he also… doesnt.. sleep. his joints are in surprisingly good shape, but his knees always crack when he stands up from his lil crouches. long legs. most impressive body part is probably his thighs and shredded abs. his butt is “the great plains”
  • its been said before but akiyama has. dad bod.
  • saejima eats a lot [canon, y5 gourmet substory with the girl] and exercises a lot, and gains weight really easily, muscle and fat. so hes super super bulky and well muscled, but not that shredded. like he often has visible abs but theyre meaty abs, not shrink-wrapped abs. he doesnt care what he looks like, but he wants to be  s t r o n g e. he doesn’t really like western food, and he refuses to even try smile burger. will pretty much eat anything else. despite his iconic eyebrow scar he doesnt really scar easily, most of his wounds heal without leaving too much of a mark. his boobies are one of the seven wonders of the world. also one of the few characters with a bodacious butt.
  • okudera is quite small, especially compared to the giant-size protagonists. maybe like 5′6″? he’s also one of those people who naturally doesnt get that hungry, and combined with his experience of starvation while dealing with trauma & guilt, the guy never eats enough. still in good shape from trekking all over the mountain day & night, skinny but really compact and sinewy. hes also mega scarred up [canon for his face]. not tattooed. his joints are in phenomenal shape for someone of his age and disregard for his personal wellbeing. gets sick pretty easily though.
  • kashiwagi. hes muscular but never shrink-wrapped like kiryu sometimes gets, but he has broad shoulders and a naturally snatched waist. his torso still looks like that no matter how many cold noodles he stress-eats. doesnt care at all what he looks like but people find it hard to believe because if they see him shirtless they think he has to be a narcissist (bc theyre jealous). has a really big tattoo (im thinkin full sleeves, etc) but idk what its of. actually only has a few scars aside from the facial scar.
  • please add your own, on new characters or where your headcanon on these characters differs from mine! i’d love to hear !!

hi this is apocalypsegay on my yakuza sideblog lmao – thank you for this i am eating it like a buffet. nishida being included… thank god :’)

i imagine saejima would look as shredded as he does in game because of prison food (and lbr? he’d be a lot skinnier), but as soon as he gets fed for real he gets that muscle fat bulk out the WAZOO as he deserves (those tits that ass thank god). im very fond of kiryu also going “"out of shape”“ when he actually gets downtime just. his body can finally function for something other than violence for 5 minutes.

for any additions i Also like thinking abt ryuji having more of a muscle fat bod. not as padded as saejima, kind of like a middle point between him and kiryu.

oh and baba would be the Wiry like a Whip but w/o bothering with something like aesthetics. he needs his body to be useful, not Pretty

AND: SHinada actually has the bubble butt he deserves










Consider this (based on a conversation I had with some friends a while ago): Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for people who actually like Pride and Prejudice.

Look–I tried to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and I got about 20 pages in before I came to the conclusion that the person who wrote it did so out of the belief that the original Pride and Prejudice was stuffy and boring. There were out of character vulgar puns. And the trailer for the movie did not convince me that I had missed anything by cutting short my reading experience.

So, what I’m talking about here is this premise: the world of Pride and Prejudice, but if you die, it’s highly likely, almost certain that your corpse will get up and try to eat people.

But no one dies in Pride and Prejudice, you might say. In fact, few or no people die in any Jane Austen novel.

This is true. But people do get sick with some regularity. Imagine the tension added to Jane getting sick after going to visit Bingley if there was the chance that she would become a zombie after she died. Becoming a zombie in an eligible bachelor’s house probably would have seriously wrecked any chances of any of the living sisters ending up with him.

Imagine Mr. Collins, as a minister, having the duty upon someone’s death of severing their head with a ceremonial plate or something that would prevent the corpse from rising. Obviously important, but this only makes him more self-important and obnoxious.

And dangerous.

For you see, in this version, Mr. Bennett, who stays in his office all the time, whose life is the only thing allowing Mrs. Bennett and her daughters to stay in the house–Mr. Bennett is definitely a zombie. He died at home, and Mrs. Bennett decided that, no way were they dealing with this, and so…just started faking it. Jane and Elizabeth know. The younger sisters don’t.

In this universe, I think we have to go with zombies that are not any faster or stronger than the humans they were, and in fact tend to get weaker as time passes because their flesh is rotting. And…hmm, okay, how about they are pretty violent upon rising, and for about a week afterward, trying to bite people and spread the infection (even though most people are carriers anyway, but getting a nasty bite from a corpse will give you other stuff that will have you die while carrying the virus). But then they calm down and basically just start sort of attempting to act like they did in life, that is, taking habitual actions with no consciousness, in a depressing and desiccated way.

So Mr. Bennett is a zombie, and Mrs. Bennett’s number one goal is to get her daughters married before anyone finds that out. And this, actually, makes Elizabeth’s refusal of Mr. Collins more frustrating for Mrs. Bennett–obviously Mr. Bennett didn’t tell Elizabeth that she could refuse Mr. Collins, because Mr. Bennett is dead, but Mrs. Bennett can’t say anything or the game would be up.

Another question in this version–does Mr. Darcy find out about Mr. Bennett being a zombie somehow? Does Elizabeth find out that he knows and didn’t say anything and this is something that helps repair his earlier actions?

Anyway, this is the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies that I was looking for.

Okay also: in the original, when Elizabeth walks through the rain all the way to bingley’s to care for Jane while she’s sick, it’s a very dramatic expression of both Elizabeth’s love for her sister and her penchant for flamboyant rebellion, but consider, if there is a chance Jane will wake up a zombie and Elizabeth knows it, how does that change the dynamic? Elizabeth might be going to help take care of Jane, or to *take care* of Jane should things take a more morbid turn…by killing her zombie sister.

This works especially well if zombieism is communicable prior to death; if mr. Bennett is a zombie and only the elder Bennetts know, that means Jane has been pre-exposed and is almost certain to wake up as a zombie should she die in the Bingleys’ care— which the Bingleys do not know. Elizabeth has to forge through the rain to be there in case things get ugly, because she knows that the Bingleys aren’t prepared.

Yeah you know what? I am 100% for this. A few additions:

*Mr. Collins self-importantly bragging to everyone thathe is the one personally responsible for decapitating  Lady Catherinede Bourgh  should she fall victim to the devil’s touch and become a zombie, and that she specifically ordered her head to be burned in the grand fireplace at Rosings. 

*The ambiguity as to whether or not Catherine’s pale, sickly daughter is in fact a zombie herself, but Mr. Darcy is expected to marry her anyway for the sake of family and keeping up appearances. 

*Wickham is a necrophiliac, ‘nuff said

This is so much better than Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which honestly just felt really lazy to me.

Lydia’s vivacity is encouraged by Mrs. Bennett in part because being having an outgoing, cheerful, lively child who socializes with a lot of people all the time helps counter the rumors about Mr. Bennett. Obviously she wouldn’t be so happy and flirtatious if her father were dead; he’s just always been a bit reclusive and Odd. Kitty is encouraged to follow her example in this for the same reason.

Mary is prone to sermonizing about zombiism and what one should or would do in the event of one’s own family members falling victim to it. 

They *have* to pretend that Mr. Bennett is still alive. If they don’t, they lose the hose and Mr. Collins gets everything. Zombies fit perfectly in with the themes Jane Austen was interested in examining: putting on a good face at all costs, the problem of idle aristocrats… it works really well. 

Also, Lady Catherine’s daughter is DEFINITELY a zombie. I can’t decide if it’s better if A) Lady C is in complete denial about this, but she’s so high ranking that no one says a Damn Thing. or B) Lady C absolutely knows her daughter is a zombie… and STILL thinks she’s better than Lizzie.

So has this been written yet? It needs to be written!

Okay but how does that affect the Lydia elopement arc? Could Mr Bennett be locked in a carriage and sent off to the Gardener’s? Or did Elizabeth confide the truth to Darcy in Lambton?


An old boruto reimagine.

Merry Christmas everyone

New music next Friday.
