#ygo fanfiction


So, there’s this Fanfiction on the big german Fanfiction archives… an actual Epos.. the first chapter was posted in 2005… and the last update in the third instalment was posted 2018…

I started reading in 2011 and it became one of my favourite ygo fanfictions… it started out as a simple story about Yugi getting sent to the shadow realm by Bakura… and becoming friends with the duel monsters there. In the second story a former side character takes over and.. honestly the world building is some of the best and strongest I’ve ever seen.

Aber those hundreds of thousands of words I feel so comfortable in the world.. it feels like an actual anime.. like an actual book series and my first impulse after reading was to look up fanfictions about it. Which… isn’t possible obviously.

And since I needed to create something for this verse… I drew because I didn’t want to write without permission. I doubt any german ygo fan will see this… but I’ll still post a link

Anyway, what I’ve tried to draw are the magicians Crimson and Soach… as well as the heart of their castle Lotusblüte, Catherine. But yeah, that was more an excuse to rant and do something productive than anything else.. oh well..,
