#ying ze x yuki


Oh no, death by tiny family and awkward daddy and his smooth, confident bartender lover who just wants to be part of his family how dare this show be this cute about them. Yuki is just the sweetest young man and YingZe isn’t sure he can trust this but you can see how much he wants to trust this, how much he just wants to be in love and to enjoy but there’s always the fear, the worry for his daughter and for his life and for the wife he divorced and now to bring someone new into his life…

It’s so darling. This is gonna take me out. These boys.

Yuki has just declared himself part of YingZe’s family and he’s decided there’s no going back from that. He’s gonna be this man’s everything and plan trips with his daughter and be there beside him in the morning and the evening and he’s going to love him until he’s loved in return. He’s going to help him and take care of both of them until he’s just as loved as he loves.

It’s just emotionally beautiful my darlings.

And then he goes to pick up Lin Lin for him! He’s the best boy around, y'all.
