#ymir the founder


Chapter 137 was good, (and here’s some thoughts) :

  1. I hope someone dies, because absence of death of the mains in the final, dangerous fight is, in my opinion, a contradiction to rules of the SnK world.
  2. I’m happy that Levi killed Zeke because of duty to defend the world, not anger or revenge. Zeke knew his sacrifice was crucial and made it easier for Levi to kill him.
  3. Zeke didn’t changed his beliefs even in his final moments, but understood the importance of sacrifice. I finally started to emphathise.
  4. Kinda sad that Ymir wanted to stay connected with the world which she knew and made her suffer so much. Still, she was born into this world, just like everyone else.
  5. Return of the shifters felt kinda strange at first, but understable due to Zeke’s powers. Again, the scene with this freaking altar, where Bertholdt held them in his hands was too cheesy for me.

Still thinking about Eren and his absence in this chapter.

And what are your feeling about chapter 137?
