

I’m not enough - uncomfortable though, stiffness in your body - and it starts again, you run, searching for a medicine, only not to feel that not-enoughness. Maybe it’s worth to try new meditation, do new asanas or energy work, maybe new clothes or just spending the evening on your phone can ease the tension. Only not to hear the voice inside telling that you’re not good enough as a parent, not that good in your work or that all your labor isn’t bringing the result you actually desire. To go for a search outside - supposing that outer things can save you, other people’s approval or additional cup of coffee, new retreat, new life. But that’s a myth.

You might try to find someone\something to blame in your feeling that there is something fundamentally wrong with you. Programs instilled by society, upbringing, ancestor wounds. But finding something to put a blame on isn’t a way.

The only medicine is inside of you, nothing outside can fix your not-enoughness. Staying inside, seeing where that feeling is coming from, you start raising your awareness of it. Possibly, it’s a wound that needs your attention. Or it’s a signal that you should return to your center where you can realize that the feeling of not-enoughness is your resistance to being yourself, to tell your unique story where there will be self-validation, self-care, acceptance and understanding of your own way.

Here, on the line with the feeling of not-enoughness there are questions - who lives your life if you run from yourself? Who learns the lessons your soul is here to master, if you prefer to learn other’s lessons and bring into your life what doesn’t really resonate with you? Where are you if today you are not enough?

Art by Alexandra Levasseur
