#you are all awesome


I’m back again, hopefully for good this time. I have an app on my new iPad so hopefully it’ll be easier for me to do these. I’ve had a really rough few months so it’ll definitely be good to get my mind of things by doing these. Thanks for sticking around, I really appreciate the support!!

As always, requests are welcome, although I am busy with work, I’ll see if I can do a few every now and again. If I don’t do your request, please don’t be offended! I really appreciate it

I might do request posts if I have some free time, so I’ll be tagging them as ‘request posts’ and 'fandom apparel’. Feel free to tag them on tumble saviour and my 'about me’ tag if you don’t want to see posts like this.

Sorry for the wall of text, I’ll leave you now!

I can’t believe how quickly it took to reach 1000 followers. When I started this blog a little over

I can’t believe how quickly it took to reach 1000 followers. When I started this blog a little over a month ago, I did not expect this amount of people to love what I love. Thank you all for following!!!!

Send me a message and tell me what you enjoy the most about my blog


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