#you learn something new every day



so ofmd goes into detail about lighthouses, and how they are guides but mainly signals meant to help sailors avoid the dangers of land; in historical cartography (mapmaking), kraken iconography was used to do the exact same thing. krakens on a map indicated dangerous waters (geographically, territorially, etc) that sailors were cautioned to either avoid or face the consequences, the only real difference between the two symbols being that the kraken is much more outwardly intimidating, whereas the lighthouse seems innocuous and even safe until you’ve crashed against the rocks do you see where im going with this


i see lots of new fic writers on here which is super exciting!!! but please remember to not steal gifs or use them without permission!!! it’s rude!! gif makers put a lot of work into creating them - and time, too - and they may not want their gifs attached to fics or without credit!!!






no one:

asexuals before realizing they’re ace: isn’t it weird how we call people “hot” when we just mean, like, pretty? it makes it sound like you actually feel hot when you see them. which isn’t a thing. anyway

ok i am absolutely losing it over the sheer number of people who found out what hot means from this post

Man, this is like the time my therapist explained that watching characters with “chemistry” is supposed to make you feel aroused. Who knew, right?

I’m sorry what?

I thought it was supposed to make you intrigued like any other plot device
