#you look stunning






Hi Sunflowerkru!It’s tuesday again and… Here I am ;-) !

Here is a surreal picture from last weekend: my cherry tree in bloom under big snowflakes. You can hear my husband playing three notes on his guitar in the background too <3.

I hope everyone is well and my thoughts go straight to those who kindly picked up the torch last week @ninappon,@roguetwelve when I wasn’t in the best of spirits. And your messages made me feel so good, girls. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !! You were absolutely right. The world can be a scary place sometimes, but we should always look ahead and think of the positives. As long as there is life there is hope.

So I won’t talk about Covid. (My husband is better.)
I won’t talk about climate change. (My cherry tree is fine.)
I won’t talk about the presidential elections in France. (let’s think about something else.)
And although I won’t talk about  war in Ukraine, I am thinking very hard about all those who are suffering and need help. Let us continue to support all those who need to be supported.

Sending much love to : @pendragaryen,@natassakar,@geekyogicheese,@immortalpramheda,@kizo2703,@lee-em-dee,@carrieeve,@ninappon@igotbellarkeforthat,@infp-with-all-the-feelings,@bookwormforalways,@kateemcintyre,@moreflowersthanweeds,@foolishnymeria,@otp-armada,@isweartobreathe,@the-suns-also-rise,@roguetwelve,@heartbellamy,@bellamyblake,@jeanie205,@broashwhat,@imaginetonprincecharmant, and a very special thought to @julibernardo

Happy BFSN Sunflowerkru!

I have been limiting my social media recently, so it’s been a while since I participated. Thank you to everyone who continued to tag me despite my absence. Special thanks to @togetherkru for keeping BFSN going week after week.

My friend has some new baby goats at her farm that I got to cuddle with last week. This is Hermione and she has two brothers who are, of course, named Harry and Ron. I hope seeing her will brighten someone’s day!

Sending so much love to you all! ❤

No pressure tags: @infp-with-all-the-feelings@bookwormforalways@natassakar@geekyogicheese@ninappon@roguetwelve@carrieeve@pendragaryen@immortalpramheda@spacebell@moreflowersthanweeds and anyone else I forgot, it’s been a while since I’ve tagged people

Hi everyone and happy BFSN!

Thank you so much for the tag my lovely girls @togetherkruand@igotbellarkeforthat!

My dearest Stef I didn’t know about your husband. I hope he is feeling better now. I wish him a quick recovery. Your video is surreal indeed. But amazing at the same time! I love cherry trees!

Kim! You are back! We ’ve missed you. Your photo is so so adorable and cute and sweet! Give a hug to baby Hermione from me, please!

Today I will share two pics from Pelio, Greece. There is no filter! I hope you like them as much as I did.

News around the world are terrible. Every day something bad happens but we must have faith and hope that we will see better days once more. Do we still have hope? We still breathing, aren’t we? So yes, I have hope! Dum spiro spero! And I am grateful for our little BFSN - Sunflowerkru bubble!

Tagging / Saying Hi / Sending Love :

@geekyogicheese@pendragaryen@immortalpramheda@kateemcintyre@lee-em-dee@jeanie205@travllingbunny@kizo2703@carrieeve@ninappon@roguetwelve@infp-with-all-the-feelings@bookwormforalways and @everyone else who wants to join!

Have a nice week and stay safe!


Happy bfsn, my lovelies!

Thanks@togetherkru@igotbellarkeforthat@natassakarand@carrieeve for the tags this week! And for those who tagged me last week but I didn’t get the chance to respond!

I got to dress up for a friend’s birthday party this weekend I’ve never worn red like this and was so nervous but also felt pretty at the same time haha. We finally had beautiful weather on Sunday so I took a nice long walk to enjoy it!

Thanks to all of you for the weekly reminders to find joy and hope, even if it’s in the little things like wearing a red dress or meeting baby goats.

All my love and hugs and prayers to you, sweet friends
