#you saw nothing


You know when you see amazing artists in the fandom… and go


I wanna collab with that amazing person right there.

But then you remember that you’re just a tiny bean writer and they’re an awesome, inspiring, super cool artist ;-; and probably are too good to collab with you, so you just secretly binge their art instead and wish you could draw too.

Character Master Post(link to all character comics)I was trying to get ME out of my system but that Character Master Post(link to all character comics)I was trying to get ME out of my system but that Character Master Post(link to all character comics)I was trying to get ME out of my system but that Character Master Post(link to all character comics)I was trying to get ME out of my system but that Character Master Post(link to all character comics)I was trying to get ME out of my system but that Character Master Post(link to all character comics)I was trying to get ME out of my system but that

Character Master Post

(link to all character comics)

I was trying to get ME out of my system but that confirmation of the Legendary Edition set me off the rails lul

the idea of a very private Shep opening up just the tiniest bit about her background and Joker being overwhelmed and forgetting unwritten social rules because he’s comfortable around her is very appealing to me

I did write a whole ass fleshed out backstory based on the little Mindoir/Colonist background info we’ve gotten but I’m in no way going to draw it. that backstory is sad af and I’d prefer to stay happy lol. but basically, my Shep was a colonist and used to have at least one brother.

aaaaand I guess I have to make a disclaimer that this is not a jab at ShepxJoker shippers. I have no grievances towards that. It doesn’t fit the version of how I see them, but I’m totally fine with others making that connection

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withatouchofsin: fell down a DEEP Ace Attorney hole over the past couple of months and I haven’t beewithatouchofsin: fell down a DEEP Ace Attorney hole over the past couple of months and I haven’t bee


fell down a DEEP Ace Attorney hole over the past couple of months and I haven’t been able to get this concept out of my brain

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