#you will not regret it



Continuing my trend of working on info for my characters I have their RP availability updated as well. Please enjoy!

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listening to lord huron a lot recently. rediscovered never ever.

Ok so I’m about 3 years too late to this party, especially since I’ve been in iwaoi hell for 2 of th

Ok so I’m about 3 years too late to this party, especially since I’ve been in iwaoi hell for 2 of those years, but I finally got to reading @suggestivescribe‘s fic Conquering the Great King’ and, let me tell you, if you (like me) are incredibly behind on reading this fic, you absolutely need to stop what you are doing right now and go read it because holy crap it’s amazing!

Honestly, just everything about this fic is incredible, the characterisations, the relationships, the writing, the smut(ok so obviously the smut is amazing but if that’s not your thing, believe me, you will still enjoy reading this fic)!I also now have a kink for Iwa-chan running his hands through Oikawa’s hair so thanks for that…

But anyway, this is the first time I’ve ever drawn fan art for a fic, but after reading this I couldn’t stop my hand from doodling… also this is wildly self indulgent, wow… so please accept this humble offering as appreciation for this wonderful piece of writing. 

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After many hours of hard work, Fidelity is ready for purchase! Featuring contributions from nine artists (myself, @shaolinbynature, @thesparklingblue,@biiexxx,@sheltereredturtle,@thecatsbian,@ihavethewrongglass@chromicolor, and @battenthecrosshatches​), this is a full length printed fan fiction with beautiful complementary illustrations. Plus, the Nuclear Winter special comic! And even better… all profits will go to the Transgender Law Center.

Interested?Visit the newly minted store.


Pre-Orders will close on October 20th. Questions?Reach out!

xcii-v-x:brodingershat:iforgotmytampon:thechronicleofshe:they only let us narrate yogurt com





they only let us narrate yogurt commercials. 


Click the link.


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Honestly the best concept of soulmates i’ve ever seen without some sort of magic or overused trope being involved is Diya and Min from Butterfly Soup. you know why they’re soulmates? because Min is a knuckleball pitcher, and Diya is the only one who can catch her pitches, and the chances of two childhood friends who separated for 5 years and then came back to eachother being on the same team, being able to complement eachother in a skill that is extremely rare even in major league baseball, is near nigh impossible and yet there they are. knuckleball pitcher, and knuckleball catcher. soulmates.
