#you x billy


Speak No Evil - Chapter One

Pairing: Priest!Billy Russo x Reader

Summary:You think that moving to New York with your husband will help with your marital problems. However, things take a much darker turn and you are forced to find refuge in two priests.

Warnings:fluff, swearing, mentions of death, lil bit of angst, complete au, not canon in anyway!


Disclaimer: I know nothing of the priesthood apart from how it’s represented in movies and TV shows (specifically, The Exorcist TV Show) so I apologise if anything is wrong!

A/N: Again guys, sorry for the silence! I hope you guys enjoy this I feel like it’s kind of a weird concept, please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx

Chapter I - In The Beginning

The gentle movement of the car was finally lulling you to sleep as your eyelids grew heavy and you let your head fall against the glass of the window with a resounding thunk. It sounded irrational and completely ridiculous but you had been scared to sleep on the plane but while your husband, Simon was driving the car you felt a lot safer knowing he was occupied. It was a terrible feeling to be scared of your husband when you loved him so much and you knew that he loved you too.

However, you wouldn’t dwell on it if you could help it because New York was supposed to be a fresh start and an end to your marital issues. A sharp pain in your left thigh woke you up with a jolt, it felt like long finger nails were digging into your skin. Rubbing your eyes, you looked down to see Simon’s hand on your thigh but he didn’t have the nails to cause you pain, they were too short but you could still feel the lingering pain.

You looked up at Simon, who was smiling at you and it was only then that you’d realised that the car had stopped, “sorry, Y/N sweetheart. I didn’t want to wake you up but we’re here.”

You looked out of the car window at the towering apartment building, you’d feel a lot safer in an apartment complex where there were many other people residing. You felt a strong sense of relief when you saw just how busy the city was, busier than Chicago.

The apartment was as beautiful as you remembered it from the viewing, it had marble worktops with high ceilings and huge windows. Simon yawned as the both of you dragged the bags into the hallway and he made his way to the bedroom, glancing over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow when you didn’t follow him.

You arranged your face into a smile, “you go ahead, I slept in the car. I’m gonna check out the neighbourhood.”

“Fine,” he nodded carelessly, “but don’t be long,” his warning sounded ominous and it sent chills up your spine.

Once you were finally out in the cold morning air you felt free, everything had been fine, great even until you went to Egypt on vacation about 4 months ago and Simon just seemed to change. He hadn’t done anything to hurt you but he still scared you, it was like you were walking on eggshells around him. You had been together since high school and in all that time he’d never done anything to physically hurt you. You were just so worried about him, maybe it was depression.

You walked past a pretty church with cherry blossom trees in the churchyard and you quickly remembered that it was Sunday when you saw people filing out of it. You had never been religious, you’d never even gone to church apart from your wedding and the times that your grandmother had dragged you along with her.

But, now you decided you needed all the help you could get, if doctors couldn’t help Simon, then maybe God could, though you had never been a believer. You looked at the priest who was saying goodbye to everyone, expecting to see a withering old man in a priest’s collar. However, what you actually saw was an entirely different thing.

The priest was a very handsome man who looked to be a few years older than you with dark hair and dark eyes, and a beaming smile. He looked like a Hollywood star, it was easy to understand why most of his congregation were women. As everyone left, he looked at you lingering outside.

“Are you comin’ in? It’s freezin’ out here,” he gestured for you to come into the church.

You smiled at him in thanks as you followed him into the church, you might not have been religious but you were certainly awe struck at the beauty of the church.

“Coffee?” the priest asked as he loosened his collar a little.

“Sure, thank you, Father…” you trailed off with a raised eyebrow.

“Just call me Billy,” he chuckled as he took you into the rectory to make your coffee.

“You’ve got a beautiful church, Billy.”

“Thank you,” he grinned, “so, who are you?”

“Y/N,” you smiled as you sat down at the little wooden table.

Billy nodded as he glanced at you, “cream and sugar, Y/N?” he asked with a smile that made his eyes crinkle at the edges.

“Please,” there was a comfortable silence as Billy made your coffee before he turned round and handed it to you, “thank you.”

“So, what can I do for you?”

You couldn’t tell him why you were there because you had no clue, really now, what would you say? “I’m new in the city, I um was just looking for a church,” you stammered, twisting your wedding ring nervously and Billy’s eyes followed your movements. It was plain to see the slight concern in the priest’s eyes so you turned the subject in him, “you don’t seem like a priest.”

“Yeah, that’s what everyone says,” a deep voice filled with laughter came from the doorway and you turned to see a tall man standing there, along with a pretty woman and two teenagers.

“Frankie!” Billy laughed as he got to his feet and hugged the newcomer, “thought, you’d left,” he gestured at you, “this is Y/N, she’s new to the city. Y/N, this is Frank, Maria, Lisa, and little Frankie,” he smirked at the boy who pulled a tongue at him, “Frank sometimes takes the services in Brooklyn, most of the time he lectures.”

Frank nodded at you with a small smile, “nice to meet ya.”

You smiled as you got to your feet, “nice to meet you too.”

Maria smiled at you, “where have you moved from, Y/N?”

“Chicago, my husband and I needed a fresh start,” you had no idea why you were suddenly blurting out the truth to complete strangers. But, Maria had such a kind face that you couldn’t help yourself.

“I like Chicago, what do you do?” she asked as she accepted a cup from Billy.

“Well, I’m in the process of writing a screenplay but for the moment I’ll be teaching at Midtown High.”

“We go to that school!” Lisa exclaimed excitedly but her brother looked you up and down, almost as if he was sizing you up.

“What’s your screenplay about?” he mumbled.

“Uh,” you laughed, you weren’t sure whether it was an appropriate subject for the children of a priest, “kind of about the supernatural, like ghosts and witches.”

Frankie’s eyes lit up as he grinned, “cool!”

You smiled as you drank your coffee and spent a bit of time with the Castle’s and Billy, they all seemed to be good people, Frank looked real terrifying at first but beneath the gruff exterior he was a real sweetheart. Almost as if you were in a daze, you checked the time and your heart lurched in your chest, you had completely lost track of time and you quickly got to your feet.

“I should get going,” you forced a smile, gnawing on your lip, it seemed that your forced smile didn’t fool Maria because she looked at you with polite alarm on her face.

“Is everything alright, Y/N?” she asked and you nodded reassuringly but it did nothing to quell the fear in your heart.

“Of course! Everything is completely fine, just if I don’t get home soon, my husband will have burned the apartment down with his awful cooking,” you laughed but it sounded hollow to your ears.

You bade goodbye to everyone, your eyes lingering on Billy for a second, you were nearly over the church’s threshold when Maria caught up with you, a white piece of paper in her hand, “Y/N,” she laughed breathlessly, “I know we’ve just met but I think we could be friends, I want you to take my number and you can give me a call anytime.”

You smiled – a genuine one this time – as you took her number, “thank you so much, Maria,” you were grateful to at least have one friend.

Thankfully, when you got back to the apartment, Simon was still sleeping so you concentrated on making something to eat as you listened to the city that was roaring to life. You were just plating up the food when you noticed Simon lingering in the dark hallway, you were so startled that you jumped and you sloshed your hot coffee all down your front.

“Jesus, Si! You scared me,” you forced a nervous grin which dropped a second later when your husband spoke in a monotone voice, his face in shadow.

“I think this damn apartment has rats.”


“Yeah, rats! In the walls, I can hear the fucking scratching!” he sound agitated.

You seriously doubted that the apartment had rats but you held your tongue to appease him, “I’ll call a guy in the morning.”


Frank smirked over at Billy who scowled at him as he sat back in his chair as he took a swig of his beer as he pushed his food around his plate.

“So,” Frank began with a chuckle, “what did you think of Y/N?”

Billy opened his mouth to insist that he had no particular feelings about Y/N – which would have been a lie – but the words soon died in his throat.

“You like her, huh? I saw where your eyes were goin.’”

“My dad checking someone out? What a complete shocker,” Billy’s daughter, Ana laughed as she walked through the door, “sorry I’m late for dinner,” she muttered, pressing a kiss to Billy’s cheek.

Billy grinned at his daughter, 15 years old and she was already a carbon copy of her mother, “I wasn’t checking anyone out!” Billy defended himself as he held up his hands in defence, “and, even if I was, she’s married.”

Ana gasped as she stole a fry off Billy’s plate, “so unbecoming of a priest,” she smirked, making Lisa and Frankie laugh.

Billy rolled his eyes as he looked over at his daughter fondly, he was young when Ana was born, twenty to be exact. He was in his final year of university, dead set on starting his own security company, those plans took a complete nose dive when Ana’s mom died under impossible circumstances which forced him into the priesthood, everyone had been so shocked.

“If everyone has finished picking on me,” he laughed as he collected everyone’s empty plates and took them through to the kitchen.

Ana followed him through to the kitchen and pushed herself up on a kitchen counter causing Billy to raise an eyebrow at her, she knew he hated it when she did that. She smiled at him sheepishly but didn’t get down, “how was your grandmother’s?”

Ana rolled her eyes, “grandmother thinks that I need a female role model, I don’t think she approves solely of the church.”

Billy bit his lip as he glanced at his daughter, Ana’s grandmother had never really liked Billy, even less since Ana’s mom died, “we’re alright though, aren’t we? Just me and you.”

Ana smiled, “of course dad, but I think she could be right, not in the sense that I need a female role model but I think you should find someone, you haven’t dated in years. I’m sure there are plenty of women in your congregation would jump at the chance. I know that Dinah Madani only goes because she likes you,” Ava smirked.

Billy sighed as he got a can of soda from the fridge and threw it over to Ava who caught it with one hand, he tried to avoid Dinah if he could help it. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman but she was too forward with her intentions, “maybe you’re right.”

“I’m always right,” that was the air of self-confidence that she’d inherited from Billy, “so what is this married woman like?” she smirked.

Billy rolled his eyes, she really was insufferable sometimes, “she’s a new teacher at your school.”

Almost instantly, Ana’s face twisted with disgust, “it’s a good job she is married then, because you’re not dating one of my teachers.”



Speak No Evil - Masterlist

Pairing: Priest!Billy Russo x Reader

Summary: You think that moving to New York with your husband will help with your marital problems. However, things take a much darker turn and you are forced to find refuge in two priests.

Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, religious undertones, mentions of sex, mentions of death

A/N: Rach starting another fic? More likely than you think! Buuut, I was watching ‘The Exorcist’ TV show and I felt inspired! I know nothing about the priesthood - apart from how it’s represented in that show - so I apologise if I get anything very wrong! Let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx

Chapter I - In The Beginning - coming soon
